Robin Hood Visits Brazil

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Robin Hood Visits Brazil Page 18

by Waggoner, Robert C.

After closing out the conversation, Ceazar felt something funny was going on. Word had reached him and all over the eastern portion of Bolivia and Brazil that Lord Perez was taken out of business by some gang led by Robin Hood. Now with this new development with his planes and pilots, Ceazar felt a cold chill run up and down his spine.

  He'd a big investment in aircraft and the pilots didn't come cheap. Valzez wasn't known for his generosity. As a matter of fact, he was downright stingy. Ever since he'd heard the word on Lord Perez, he thought it about time to find another source that needed airfreight hauled. Also there'd been some talk about a new hotel coming to the region and that should bring some tourist money into the desperate pockets of the people; including his own.

  The captain of security was downright nervous as the plane touched down and taxied to the old wood building. He was the first one out, but waited until all his men had deplaned before he followed to the three planes sitting there looking forlorn without a pilot. All the men looked around finding nothing but empty planes without a sign of a warm body anywhere.

  The captain made a call he so dreaded. After informing his boss that the planes were empty of product, he heard, "Send those planes back home with the new pilots. Check the area for any evidence and find the guy who does the refueling to see what he has to say. After that meet me in Campo Grande."


  Billy had completed his background checks on five bankers. All were about the same: semi-corrupt. All had skeletons in their closets that were easily used to persuade each of them to endorse the new man when the time came.

  Mike had called Robert, who was in route to Rio aboard the carrier, that a team would be needed in about a weeks' time. Robert said they'd be ready to rumble anytime they were called upon.

  Nancy and Wade had a hard time disposing of a half ton of cocaine. They'd found a side road off BA 163 that led to a small clearing. There they made a giant white place that probably contaminated the area for years to come. Nancy asked the environmental gods to forgive them. After disposal they motored to Camp Grande.

  James T. with a delivery of tracking devices from the CIA via Brad, flew to Bolivia to deliver the units to Tony's men. While this was in progress, the two spotters in Bolivia had romanced a thirsty producer of cocaine. With a gift of a about $100 USD in local currency, he agreed to stick a unit onto the wall of the plane. He'd put his sacks of product against the units to hide it.


  Valzez answered the phone seeing it was his captain calling. He listened and told him he was on the way to Campo Grande. Ramon sat back in his chair and thought about what had transpired lately. He was beginning to feel what Perez might have felt with the initial discovery of losing product. Regardless of the fact he was a billionaire and his legitimate business was very profitable, he couldn't give up his first love of coca, which gave him what was necessary to begin in the agribusiness first and then manufacturing.

  The idea that nine hundred kilos of cocaine was missing and his profit was net ten grand USD per kilo; a cool nine million would give even a billionaire a money headache. It was definitely time to tighten the loose ends of the white product transportation system. He flew to Camp Grande to see what he could do.


  No matter where in the world you are, workers hear rumors. Some are just rumors and others have strings of truth dangling off the stories. Felix was in the lunch room having a snack when he heard some of the more senior workers saying Valzez had flown out to Campo in his jet. Felix walked out slowly and then sent a text to Tony what he'd heard. Tony in turn told Brad who in turn alerted Wade and Nancy to see what they could learn at the airport when he flew in.

  While he was off on business, Brad thought it an appropriate time to transfer a few hundreds of millions into three different government bank accounts. At the same time, he had Billy put into the Batt Team account a hundred million.

  After that he contacted Miguel to inform him of the transaction. Also to see if a person had been located to replace Valzez. "Brad, we've a couple guys who fit the requirements. I'll bring both by your hotel tomorrow morning as they're flying in from the capitol. I'd say noon would be a good time. Are you okay with noon?"

  "Fine Miguel. I'm thinking we can wind this up in a week or two. We seem to have the momentum on our side. We'll stop the flow out of Bolivia and Peru, but that will probably be temporary as somebody always finds another alternative. However, with Tony and his team on the prowl the drug lords will eventually get the message."


  Valzez was met by his captain of security at the airport. From there they flew to Rinion Del Tigre airport in Bolivia to meet the manager of the product depot. He was also the owner of the three small cargo planes that we're on the way back with hired pilots out of Campo Grande. Valzez had doubled the pilot's wages for the trip back and for the next round of product transportation.

  On the way to Bolivia, Valzez said, "Captain, hire ten good men to protect the refueling on the next delivery. Also another ten at the second refueling stop. We can't afford to have another loss like the last one. You've just this one chance captain and if something happens out of the ordinary, you best make funeral arrangements very quickly. Now, when we get to Tigre airport, make sure our product is guarded well. It might be best if you hired some extra guards for a month or so. Let's look closely at the operation and see if the manager is doing his job."

  Chapter 29

  The support carrier arrived in Rio de Janerio. It was advertised that the United States carrier was on Latin American tour of good will. Local politicians were invited aboard; schools were also invited for a tour. However, in reality, the carrier was the supply ship for Brad and Tony to support the removal of the drug lords.

  Mike went to Rio to see Robert and to make a plan for the upcoming confrontation at the airport. "Robert, my guess is they'll have about ten men around protecting the refueling of the aircraft. I'm think five Seals plus me and Tony with his merry men should suffice. I'm sure Wade will be there as well. He's had a taste of action and now is looking for more," Mike said laughing.

  "It's your call Mike. We're ready at the drop of a hat. Let's take a run up and look the battlefield over before they get there; providing you know where it is," said Robert with about ten other Seals standing around listening.

  "I'll find a location where you can pick me up and we can fly to where we think the refueling will take place. These small airports are remote so we can probably shuffle two helicopters near the refueling site. It's a long haul from Rio to the refueling site. I'm guessing a thousand miles or so. Wait a minute, I just thought of something. There's an international airport in Campo Grande. We could transport two stealth choppers via an Air Force cargo plane from Rio to Grande. What do you think Robert?"

  "Let's look at a map and see what we're up against. What airport are you thinking they'll refuel at," asked Robert. A map was laid out on a table. Everyone crowded around looking. Mike pointed his finger at Camapua airport.

  "That looks like about a hundred miles north. Let's ferry the choppers by transport. Either Brazilian Air Force or our planes," said Robert.

  "I'll check with Brad and you check with the captain. Regardless, let's get the team and choppers there soonest we can. Also find an area to camp out in while we wait. We're supposed to have advance noticed with a tracking device. Let's hope all of this works out to our satisfaction," said Mike.

  At ten am Brad with Miguel sat in his hotel conference room talking to one of two possible replacements for CEO of Valzez's business enterprises. Two hours later, one was chosen and Mr. Diaz from Brasilia fit the bill to perfection. The answer as to why he wanted the job was a good one: he wanted some more challenge in his life, he told Brad.

  "If that's the case, Mr. Diaz, you're our choice. Be ready to take over in about two week's time. I warn you again to not discuss this with anyone including your wife."


  After landing in Bolivia, Valzez held a meeting with his manag
er. There were few men who could stand up to Valzez and this manager was no exception. The three planes had arrived and after a thorough check up, were deemed fit to fly. The three pilots were happy with the increase in pay. They went to the local bar to spend some money while they waited for cargo.

  "Mr. Valzez, we'll be ready to ship in about five days time. We've an increase in product from Peru with more coming."

  "Here is the destination and don't give it to the pilots until they're ready to fly. Trust the destination to memory. Make sure those pilots are sober before they leave. I'm leaving two men here for security. Be watchful and alert. Now the airport is:" he whispered Camapua into his ear. "Arrival time early afternoon if possible."

  The manager, and all the security guards breathed a sigh of relief seeing Valzez's private jet soar into the sky leaving behind a group of men with pounding hearts.


  As the approximate date of product arrival at the refueling airport, it was time for both Felix and Whymare to quit their jobs. They'd go with Tony to take on the security guards at the refueling airport.

  At the hotel both Billy and Alice were watching the monitor. They did as ordered and were transferring hundreds of millions of dollars to various accounts.

  In Singapore the president of a bank said to his manager when he was told of the major withdrawal of Valzez accounts. I need to alert him as by our banking rules. I'll send him a fax immediately. The same action was going on in the Cayman Islands. However, Valzez was in Campo Grande completely out of touch with his office. Nobody from his office would inform him of any banking correspondence. That was none of their business. The fax number went directly to his office where the fax machine was within arm's reach.

  The fax hard copies went untouched or unread. Valzez was determined to keep watch over his next shipment of product. His calls went to the office where he was told all was usual for the day. Little did he know he was personally being bled dry of funds. The company would prosper no problem, but Valzez's days were numbered.

  In the meantime, Brad set to work going over the details of the upcoming plan. He thought correctly Valzez would stay with the product rather than fly back for a day or two. He would keep an eye on things and also see that the security force was up to his expectations. Another thing was the results after the second loss of product. This time they'd destroy the planes as well as product. Send the message that no more transferring of cocaine from west to the port of Santos.

  Overall it looked like as was well for the next greeting at the airport. Brad smiled thinking that maybe Valzez would be circling the airfield in his personal jet while a firefight was going on down below. Chances are he would mess his pants when he realized millions of dollars was going up in flames below him.

  There'd be nothing he could do but fly home and sulk. That's exactly when Brad and the Master would visit. Brad thought it might be the appropriate time for Tony to reveal himself as Robin Hood.


  In Campos Grande Valzez sat in a hotel room with his captain of security. "Mr. Valzez we've recruited ten good men from a friend of mine who handles just such soldiers for this kind of job. We'll take a military truck from here to Camapua. For now, as they arrive, I rented a bunch of rooms at a middle level hotel with food provided. We must keep them happy. Also I had to spend a fortune on arms. Our soldiers will be armed with machine pistols, pistols, and assault rifles. I can't imagine being in any danger from outsiders trying to steal our product sir."

  "Let me tell you a story captain. The word I got from what happened in Belem with Lord Perez was shocking. A person calling himself Robin Hood and his merry men after overwhelming his own security guards, took on a group of mercenaries hired by Pedro Sanchez. He even went to Africa to find these bad guys. Well, from one end of the Amazon River to the other, Robin Hood took out all of his regional centers including the mercenaries. However, it was also rumored that Pedro and a dozen or so escaped to fight another day. The last thing I'll tell you is this: Lord Perez was kidnapped and had a tattoo on his chest that said: Robin was Here. A doctor and others swear they saw it for real. A short time later he disappears with what I assume was American government agents. Now how to you like that captain?"

  "I'll admit we're in for a fight sir. But we've a good well trained men coming to our aid. I went out on a limb offering a bounty for the man who calls himself Robin Hood. I hope that's alright with you. I'm promised that we'll be set and ready to in three days time. That will give us a couple of days to get ready and be set up when and if they arrive."

  What the captain didn't know was the merry men were already there two days before they arrived. However, let it not be said the captain didn't do his best. When the action started, he'd no choice but either fight or die. He fought and fought bravely.

  Chapter 30

  Mike and Tony were waiting for Robert and the Seals to arrive in Campo Grande by commercial air. They could've rode in a military C5 Galaxy that transported the two stealth choppers, but instead took the comfortable flight. That would it look like a group of male tourists were visiting.

  Robert and Mike felt fortunate that a Galaxy was in the area. That night the two stealth helicopters were unloaded. They silently lifted off flying north to Camapua where both Wade and Nancy were waiting. The other members of the team followed in two vans. Wade and Nancy had scouted the area and found a remote place for a camp and large enough for two helicopters to land. On board the two helicopters camping gear was packed up for both pilots The vans had enough other gear to make camp adequate for a few days time.

  Mike and Tony rode in the stealth choppers. They wanted a bird's eye view of the battle field coming. The airport was isolated from the small community a mile or so away. An old structure sat at one end which probably housed the barrels of gas. However, as this airport hadn't been used for refueling before and there wasn't any sign of a fuel truck, maybe Valzez had ordered a gas truck to motor up from the city. The team would soon find out. After a cursory look the avoided town and flew east to a spot where Nancy and Wade had discovered.

  On the off notion that somebody might have seen the helicopters flying over, wouldn't say anything to the rich folks in the airplanes that they didn't know were coming.

  It wasn't hard to see the landing zone as Wade had laid out some orange roadside triangles from the van noting a breakdown up ahead. After landing Wade asked, "Any word when they're coming?"

  "Nothing yet Wade. Valzez is still in the city so it can't or won't be long until they arrive. Also we've the receiving end of the tracking device and nothing yet. I do expect to hear from our two guys in Tigre news about the plane, but alas nothing there either. I guess we plan cards and tell lies," said Mike.

  Two hours later the two vans with Seals and other Tony team members arrived. It was waiting time now.


  Valzez wasn't a man of patience. Ever since he was a young man it was doing one thing after another. He didn't get where he was at sitting on his backside. He decided to push the Bolivia guy's button just a little. He opened his cell and called Ceazor. When Ceazor saw who was calling he went to a quiet corner of the warehouse. "I was about to call you Mr. Valzez. We'll be ready to send out the first plane around 2 am tonight. The second one about two hours after that. The third one will soon follow. We were fortunate that Peru came through with more product than usual."

  "Good news Ceazor. We've an armed team at the airport so no worries there. We need to make up product so increase the price by 10%. Okay, I've got to go now. If anything changes, call me."

  Valzez was feeling a little better. The first plane would be leaving soon and now he had to make sure the captain and his team of security guards was in place when the product arrived for refueling. He called the captain. "What's your position captain?"

  "We're almost to the airport sir. We'll look it over carefully and set up a position to protect the planes. I'll stop in the small town to see if anyone has seen or heard anything unusual. Also,
the fuel truck will be here at 6 am. I've a man with him to make sure he arrives on time," said the captain.

  At the warehouse in Tigre, the two merry men of Tony's had a cold beer with their new friend who'd successfully planted two tracking devices inside the plane covering both up with product. "It was simple," said their new friend. "My family thanks you for the money. As promised we didn’t flash it around. My younger brother took some money and went to distant market for some much needed goods for both our families."

  "We can see the need of future work for you and others who would consider growing other crops other than coca plants. Meanwhile, we'll send some money every month and you send us news about the white drug and what people are doing with it," said Felpi who was the oldest of the two merry men.

  After their inside man left, Felpi called Tony to report that all was fine and device was in place. He went on to say the plane was loaded ready for takeoff. "I'll monitor all night long Tony. I'll call as soon as it's in the air."

  Back at camp, a relaxed card game was in progress. It was agreed that it was a penny ante game and no IOUs allowed. Wooden waterproof matches were used for money. Wade came away smiling with 200 matches as the big winner. Nancy went away faking a pouting face. She went to the van and took a four hour nap. She was woken at 2 am by Wade saying the plane should be here in four hours. He said that a guard at the airport reported about fifteen men fully armed stationed around the old wooden shack.


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