Robin Hood Visits Brazil

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Robin Hood Visits Brazil Page 19

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "We'd best get ready Nanc," Wade said. "We're to leave here at 4 am to slowly make our way to the airport."

  It had been decided that Tony and Mike would use stealth to sneak up on a few of the guards and silence them quietly. Also knowing full well that Valzez would be flying around in circles above the airport, a stealth chopper would fire a warning rocket over the jet's cockpit scaring hell out of the pilots.

  The second helicopter would circle around and once the action started, rocket the truck that brought the soldiers. That should light up the area. It'd been decided to not torch the fuel truck as it was probably an innocent supplier of fuel.

  By Robert's estimate, 6 am would be the landing time of the first plane. They'd decided that the action would begin as soon as the plane had shut down for refueling. They didn't want the pilot taking off for another airfield.

  Down in Grande airport, at 5 am Valzez gave orders to take off north. He'd told the pilots ten times what they already knew, but said it one more time. The small plane was to turn on his wing lights for ID so all could see what was coming in. Valzez wanted to keep an eye on his product.

  Mike, Tony and Robert split up with Tony circling around to the far side; Robert would be in the middle with team members flanking both sides; and Mike on the near end with Wade and Nancy alongside him.

  The first thing heard was not a plane, but the fuel truck coming in just as daylight cast an iron grey color to the east. No sooner had the truck came to a stop, a single engine plane was heard and seen some distance off. Nobody heard the two stealth helicopters above the airport, nor did they see anything.

  The small plane came in for a landing. Valzez saw the plane land and a smile broke across his thin long face that was lined like an old shriveled pear. He saw the plane taxi and he also saw the lights go out on the wings of the plane. He sat back just a little until he saw a blazing fireball light up the sky down at the end of the airport just where the plane was parked. No sooner had he seen that phenomena, when a rocket went flashing by the front of the plane. The pilot reacted by turning hard to the east. Valzez screamed to the pilots trying to find out what was going on.

  Both pilots considered themselves under attack and shoved the throttles forward to maximum with a course set for east and home. Valzez tried to see behind the plane but all was dark. He realized it would do any good to go back and look. He'd just have to take a chance the captain would win the skirmish.

  Meanwhile, before the rocket attack on the truck, Tony was first to sneak up on two guards without them having any idea he was behind them. With a quick twist of the neck on one and a swipe of a sharp blade across the throat of another, two men were taken out of action. Robert managed one and two Seals scored one each. Mike had a field day with two guards hugging the ground and another quickly trussed up by Wade and Nancy, went looking for some more.

  It was then the rocket hit the truck resulting in a nice fireball that did some fine distraction work. Robin and his merry men went to work and with the Seals help, in less than five minutes the area was secure. The fuel truck driver sat on the ground with his hands over his ears. The pilot had disappeared into the slowly emerging grey light rather than the black night just a little while ago.

  When it was all said and done; only the captain and three men were alive to tell the story of Robin Hood. The truck had almost stopped burning by 7:30.

  They'd pushed the plane into the old shed and all waited for the next visitor to arrive. High fives were seen and when the stealth choppers landed, more celebrations were seen. To Mike seeing his fellow Seals perform and to witness a fine performance by Tony and his men brought a tear to his middle age eyes.

  Smoke was still drifting skyward when the second plane was heard off in the distance. The pilot did say later he saw the trail of black smoke, but thought all was as it should be. He said he could see the fuel truck waiting so he landed. When he taxied to the truck, he was greeted, not by the gas hose, but by Robin's band of merry men sporting assault rifles. He surrendered quietly to his fate he knew not what.

  All that was left was number three. This pilot was a bit more leery than the other two. The smoke from the transport truck had been stopped pretty much with a tarp over the smoking tires when the plane arrived. Mike and Tony not taking any chances had both helicopters in the air in case the third plane got any ideas of changing course.

  The pilot came in low and did a circle around the airport taking a hard look at the field. At that time both stealth choppers made their presence known. A rocket warning quickly convinced the pilot to land. With all three product planes secured it was time for a video. It wouldn't be super quality, but good enough for Valzez to witness the destruction of almost a ton or nine hundred kilos of the purest cocaine money could buy.

  The three planes were lined up with the pilots, well two pilots, as the first one was probably hiding in the little town, standing in front of their respective planes. Then they were told to move. The gasoline truck driver was instructed to soak the three planes and then go home taking the two pilots with him.

  Tony did the honors with a flare gun while Nancy and Wade both used their smart phones to video the destruction. All of the merry men, including the Seals watched as the flare gun shot off creating a loud varoom sound spreading across the mostly barren land. Mike wondered for a few seconds if the locals thought a war was perhaps beginning in their area.

  The captain and three of his surviving men watched in horror thinking that it might have been better to have died in battle than to face the wrath of Valzez. However, they really had nothing to fear from him, but the fear of finding work to feed their families was another story.

  Room was made for the three captives in a van. Some of the Seals elected to ride back in the helicopters. Mike made sure that a party was held on the carrier, albeit with the captain's permission, sponsored by Robin Hood and his band of merry men. A local band was hired and barrels of cold drinks with ice sure made a lot of happy sailors aboard.

  Brad and his Batt Team flew in on a rented helicopter with James T. at the controls. Brad thought it might be a little early to celebrate, but for most of the folks involved, their jobs were finished for the time being. However, there was one more job to do before they could wrap up the mission.

  Chapter 31

  After returning home, Valzez was totally worn out. All the flying around, visiting people, worrying about everything, possessing an abnormal amount of stress, he slept the clock around. In his dreams he saw a fireball of planes and products go up in flame. He woke up in a ball of sweat with the a/c running. Trying to shake the evil thoughts form his brain, he went to the shower for a refreshing time; he wished.

  After dressing and trying to call his captain, with no luck, he went downstairs to find something to relive his hunger pangs in his stomach. He found the cook in the kitchen making a giant pot of something he couldn't recognize the smell of. He left orders for something to eat and to bring it to his office in the library.

  In his home office he sat contemplating his next move concerning product being exported. By now, he thought wholesale prices would have doubled or even more than that. He realized full well his buyers were in a panic. This reminded him to call his office. He reached for the phone when his cook came in with a tray of fine looking and smelling food.

  Of course he never even looked up at her, but made room to gobble down the late afternoon lunch. Once he finished he rang for a servant to take away the tray. Then he called his office requesting all of his messages and his fax documents be transferred to his house. He'd decided it was too risky being in his office without his captain of security around. Here he had long time guards that were totally trustworthy. He'd decided to work out of his home until such time he made a plan for movement of product. After witnessing the total destruction of planes and upwards of a ton of cocaine, he felt like he'd been punched in the gut. In today's market that ton of product was worth about a hundred million USD. It almost made him cry thinking a
bout it.

  He tried calling his captain of security again. He feared all was lost including the captain. Next he called Ceazar in Bolivia Tigre Airport. It was a long time before an answer came to him. "Well, Mr. Valzez I've lost my planes and you've lost your product. I'm out of business unless you decided to finance me. However, after two times I've learned my lesson. I've an old Cessna 150 that is in fine working order. I'm for hire to the highest bidder. Product is pouring in and I'm stock piling it in my warehouse. I'd a little cash saved up and now I'm using it till it's gone. Let me know what you intend to do Mr. Valzez."

  While he thought about that development, his office staff came delivering his messages and all of the recent fax documents. Without saying thanks he went to work first reading his personal fax documents. The one on the bottom, which would be the first one that came in while his was away, was from his banker in Singapore.

  To say it was an eye opener would be correct. He came straight up to his feet holding a document in front of his nose telling him that his bank account in Singapore had been transferred out leaving a zero balance. "This can't be right," he screamed at the walls. A servant just outside the door sweeping the floor paid no attention to his ranting. She kept on sweeping hoping he didn't come out the door and fire her.

  Valzez had the personal phone number of the president of the bank in Singapore. He ignored the time difference and rang up the president. A sleepy voice answered asking how he could help the late night caller.

  "I want to know where my money went Mr. President," asked Valzez not remembering what the presidents name was. As a matter fact, he didn't care what his name was.

  "Your funds were transferred to a number account in the Islands as per your request. We sent a fax to make sure that is what you desired," said a now awake president sitting on the side of his bed. "We don't know whose account it is and as far as we're concerned, it's a private matter for you and the account holder."

  Valzez was sitting down now trying to assimilate what the hell was going on. "Okay, let me see what my accountants have to say. Sorry to have woken you." He hung up thinking it's best to not piss off a banker who can spread the word about a client being difficult.

  Next he called his head accountant. He told him to bring the ledgers concerning his banking all over the world. His accountant, nervously, told him he'd be there in thirty minutes or less. Mr. Rio Corrents was expecting his call or summons. Some strange things were going on in Ramon Valzez bank accounts in various locations.

  When he arrived, along with a junior accountant, which was really not needed, but Rio thought some moral support would be good. Valzez said, "Summarize what is going on Rio. I see by this fax," he showed by waving it around, "That my Singapore account is empty. That account had close to or about one billion US in it. The banker told me it was transferred to an Island account. Now is that Island account ours?"

  Rio was fidgeting and squirming around like he'd ants in his pants. "I don't know sir whose bank account that is. It's not one of ours. And furthermore, let me show you," he passed the ledger to his boss and with a long shaky finger pointed at three Cayman Island accounts that had a zero balance. "I left messages on your phone and on your desk via your secretary Mr. Valzez concerning these accounts. Also your European accounts are showing a zero balance. The total is over five billion US dollars transferred somewhere. I can assume your accounts have been hacked by a real professional to get by the security and firewalls that are in place these days."

  Valzez sat there petrified completely tongue tied. He tried to swallow but his throat was too dry. He literally felt a warm sensation between his legs. The smell of urine reached the accounts and they decided leaving was the best thing to do right now. They left the ledgers and said their formal goodbyes to a human that never moved.

  When Ramon came to his senses, he let out a moaning scream that scared the hell out any and all within hearing distance. He started pacing around his desk with his head down and arms behind his back. His disbelief that he was personally broke was just too much for him to fathom. To make sure, he stopped by his desk and looked again at the number 0 at the side and bottom of each and every bank account. He took a deep breath and wondered what that smell was. Then he felt a cold area between his legs. It dawned upon him he'd pissed his pants.

  Ramon slowly walked up his stairs to his bedroom to change and shower. His thoughts were now on his business where he'd controlling interest in all his companies. From that standpoint, he was still a very wealthy man. While in the shower soaping his unit he decided he could sell off some stock and begin again.

  Chapter 32

  It was decided that a raid on Bolivia would be a good idea. The two spotters were still holding vigilance at the airport. They'd reported product was still coming in and the manager was buying with cash. It was being stock piled in a warehouse. They also reported that a small plane had been pulled out of another warehouse and cleaned up.

  Brad said to Mike and Tony, "You best go over there and put that guy out of business. Tell the locals coca buying has ceased. Give each farmer or family two hundred local currency equivalent. After that come back for a plan to storm the residence of Ramon Valzez."

  Tony took his team consisting of Felix and Whymare with him and Mike had Wade. Nancy stayed back to take a rest from the action. Besides she had a few things to discuss with Angie.

  She found Angie very busy with finding and then setting up a satellite office in San Paulo. After a lot of hours searching and looking, Angie wanted Nancy to see what she thought of a possible location she'd found. It was a two story warehouse with a complete top floor for other segments of a business. Angie thought an office portion and a training area for new recruits.

  "Nancy. I'm happy to have time to see what I think might be a good location for our branch office/warehouse. I've a driver waiting if you've a few hours," she asked with hopeful eyes.

  "I've lots of time Angie. I'm off action duty as of today. I'm either too old or just can't see the need for roughing it when we can have running water, toilets and showers. Not to mention refrigerators and the list goes on. Anyway, lead on and I'm right behind you."

  Upon first sight, Nancy loved it. It was perfect and not so far away restaurants were available. Also, as things worked out, San Paulo was a perfect location for future work. Nancy had been in San Paulo to see to some banking and had spent the night in the same hotel as Angie and Tony. Now Tony was gone up to Ribeirao Preto to fly out with Mike aboard James T.s twin.

  "Angie, this has some real possibilities such as enough room to practice martial arts, a classroom for study and more than enough room for a computer center. I'd grab it quick and get phone, internet and whatever else you might need."

  "Nancy, both Tony want to thank you and all the Batt Team members for your wonderful help. You know it could have been a disaster if Brad had killed Tony in that warehouse at the sub base. The world needs more people like you guys. Now having said that, how about we try out some real Asian food I discovered not five minutes from here."


  James T. was ready to go as his twin was fueled and stocked with soft drinks and a ton of snacks. By the time all were onboard, the equipment needed for the operation, he was at max weight. Flying time would be around seven hours. They'd land at Tigre around 4 am. Tony had alerted his two spotters to make sure all was as it should be when they landed. Of course a cool twin engine aircraft would draw some attention, but when all onboard were outfitted in tourists clothing, with expertly canceled weapons, nobody would be overly curious.

  The cabin was quiet as most slept except for Tony who didn't want to make any mistakes on this mission. On the surface it appeared simple and straight forward. However, that's when shit happened you weren't expecting. Anyway he did cat nap and when the cabin lights came on, everybody woke up ready to go.

  After landing James T. taxied to a holding area. When the doors opened a blast of cool mountain air greeted the short sleeved tourist men. Mike s
ucked in a lung full and pounded his chest like Tarzan. The two spotters had told a restaurant owner that some friends were coming and would be in need of some nourishment. The hundred dollars in Bolivian currency made the restaurant owner scurrying to the market for some fresh food.

  Tony was speaking to the two spotters in low tones. Mike and his team were relaxed letting it develop while eating some good local chow. An hour later Tony had all he needed to hear. Essentially at 6 am when the manager Ceazar came to work, they'd take over the warehouse and eliminate any security that might be around.

  Tony passed the word to Mike who passed to Robert. Wade had heard the report. They left the restaurant and slowly walked to the town which was just a stone's throw away. The early market folks were setting up their wares while last night's drunks were sleeping it off here and there against the buildings. All wandered around trying not to look so conspicuous, but they really didn't care one way or the other. At 6 am all were converging on the warehouse of Manager Ceazar. It was a quarter full of cocaine product. Mike guessed maybe a half ton or so. The rest of the warehouse was office and God knows what lay scattered here and there.

  Ceazar was just opening his office when Mike and Tony walked up saying good morning. Tony stuck the barrel of his silenced Glock into his side. "Just pretend we're old friends Ceazar. No don't raise your hands. Just walk in a sit down as usual. We're not here to kill you or anybody else for that matter. We really don't like drugs and drug dealer; or even wholesalers like you. Here's what were going to do Ceazar, you're out of business as of this morning. I see you've a 150 sitting out there being prepared for a flight. We're going to let you fly out and don't come back. Somewhere on your plane is a tracking device, don't try and find it and take it off. If you tamper with it, well, it's small but powerful. Let me ask where are you from," asked Tony.


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