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Robin Hood Visits Brazil

Page 20

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "Originally I'm from the west coast near Lima. My family is still there. I met a guy who knew another guy that told me about a get rich deal in Bolivian cocaine was to be had. A guy by the name of Valzez was who I contacted. We agreed and went into business together. Worst mistake of my life. What money I did make went up in flames over in Brazil. I was hoping to peddle this stash, but it seems that is just a dream as all the rest of them are."

  "Go home and see your family. Don't look back, look to the west. The days of drug lords is fast becoming out of vogue," said Mike.

  "So as not to destroy the warehouse, find us a truck where we can load up this poison and destroy in front of the whole town. Send out your boys to have everyone in town enjoy the destruction and hopefully, the rebirth of a new way of life; and one last thing, my name is Robin Hood and these are my merry men. Never let it be known that Robin wasn't a man for the people," said Tony.

  As it turned out, it seemed like a mixed bag of people who showed up. Some were happy and others sad. However, when the mayor took charge of distributing the money for each family for hardship, smiles were evident. How long those smile would last, remained to be seen in the future.

  They flew home happy that part of the drug lords business was shut down for at least the time being. As usual, evil rears its ugly head when we least expect it.

  Chapter 33

  Brad had spent the time while the team was gone, doing a recon of Valzez's residence. He and Rocky began just after the plane left late at night. Brad spent the time in the darkness watching everything until almost 4 am. After that he went back to the hotel.

  While Brad was watching the Valzez residence, inside Ramon wasn't sitting on his hands doing nothing. From what he knew, this Robin guy could infiltrate with ease and catch him unaware. Also, as the pipeline had shut down, he was the only thing left for clean up. Well, he'd go down fighting, that's for sure.

  First he'd made a few strange requests of his staff. One request was for a store mannequin. His idea was to change bedrooms. He'd use the mannequin for showing a sleeping person in his bed. The next thing he did was have some expert security come in and place the latest in security technology in every room of the house.

  His new bedroom would be just across the hallway. That way he'd know if someone was entering his former bedroom. Another security idea was having a trip wire to sound off an alarm. Ramon smiled thinking he had a backup generator incase the invaders cut his power disabling his security.

  The last thing he did, after he told his security captain outside was to have two of his best men inside the house at the top of the stairs to prevent anyone from reaching the top floor, was to arm himself with a 9mm Glock. He wasn't a neophyte with a hand gun. Over the last twenty plus years he practiced regularly out in the rural area. He might not be the best, but he felt comfortable knowing he could hit a grown man in the small space of a bedroom.

  Brad received the word the Bolivia mission went well and all was secure without any causalities. He congratulated all and said he'd see them when they arrived back at base.

  While waiting, he informed the Master that they would pay a visit to a drug lord. He wasn't to be killed unless absolutely necessary. Brad wanted him to join Lord Perez in the mine in Africa where they could share old times together while they toiled with a sledge breaking rocks.

  Later he took a four hour nap to be fresh for the night's work. Rocky was pacing realizing action would be forthcoming. Brad slept well. When he woke up, Mike was pounding on his hotel door. Brad, rather sleepy, opened it up hearing a too loud Mike boasting their work in Bolivia. Rocky jumped up on his chest with two legs for a neck rub. Mike obliged, while Brad told him it was wake up time in the shower.

  When he came out, Tony was with him. Together they told the story. "We arrived very early in the morning even before the chickens, well, that's not true as I heard a few roosters crowing in the distance. Anyway, we had a nice breakfast at an early morning café, thanks to Tony's spotters. At daylight, we all met back a medium sized warehouse. I'll let Tony tell you from here as I've call to make. Agent Jones has been trying to reach me." Mike went off into the corner to call Jones.

  "We talked to the manager and he agreed to abandon the operation and go home to Lima. He's family there. I think he'll do well in the tourist trade. We gathered the townspeople with the major present. We torched the product and gave each family there around $200 Bolivian currency. I made it clear that farmers should produce crops for eating and any excess sold in the market place. We flew home. That's about it Brad," said Tony feeling quite pleased with the way things were going.

  "Good news and I hear from Angie and Nancy you've new digs in San Paulo where you can set up a very workable site for all things necessary to keep the bad guys out of South America.

  Tonight, with the Master and Rocky, we're going to pay a call on Ramon Valzez. Basically this is his last hours of freedom. No I'll not end his days on earth, but we've a special place for guys like him. It'll be like old home week when he joins up with Lord Perez to exchange tales of Robin Hood and his merry men."

  Mike came back and when he saw a lull he said, "Agent Jones and Wendy are having the time of their lives. They love the plantation and its life there. They asked me if it was okay with you if they hung around until Wendy was due to hatch. I told him I was sure it was fine with you. I hope I didn't cross the line?"

  "Heavens no Mike. If they're happy so be it. In the meantime, when we return home, Billy and Nancy can house sit. Okay guys, I need to get ready to visit the drug lord to ask him politely to leave the country. Let's all meet for breakfast at around 7 am. We should be back by then."

  Brad watched them leave and said to Rocky, "Rocky, let's get ready to rock and roll. We'll pay a visit to a residence that really doesn't want to see us at all."

  Chapter 34

  At just after two am, Brad, Master and Rocky were in the shadows looking at the residence. Brad could see new security had been visiting Valzez as more cameras and motion lights were seen on the wall that surrounded the residence and the motion lights on the house itself. Brad was looking through night vision goggles while the Master never moved. He saw three men at the front gate. All were armed. The Master would take care of them without any trouble.

  Brad's job was to disable the security that was powered by electricity? He guessed that Valzez had a backup generator in case power was cut. After the guards were put to sleep, he'd locate the generator, disable it, and then cut the power to the house.

  With that plan he whispered into the Master's ear. Then he told the Master to find the safe for any gold inside it. Meanwhile he'd go upstairs and take care of the owner. To acknowledge the Master silently and unseen by anybody but Brad was out of the dark, across the street in literally twenty heart beats. In another twenty beats, three guards lay sleeping on the sidewalk.

  Even with active motion detectors, the Master was in the house before Brad entered the gate. Brad was good, but still not at the level of motion that the Master exhibited. With Rocky at his side, Brad, with his silencer equipped hand gun shot out the motion detectors in front. Then he moved to the back of the residence hugging the side of the house. While he was slowly moving down the side of the house, Rocky froze. Brad stopped and waited. They were about twenty feet from the corner to the back of the house. Suddenly a guard came around and stopped at the corner peering down the side of the property towards the front gate.

  Brad had squatted down and with his light weight black camo outfit with his face in all black, nudged Rocky to attack. Rocky ran and jumped while Brad was right behind him. He didn't want the guard to yell out and when Rocky landed on the guard his jaws were attached to his throat preventing any sound form escaping. Seconds later Brad had the guard sleeping and Rocky released his jaws. Brad let out a deep breath. He rubbed Rocky's back and then moved around the corner where a small shed housed the backup generator.

  It didn't take him long to disable the generator by severing the li
ne from the sending unit that it was time to start up making electricity. To make sure, Brad took a small crescent wrench and disconnected the fuel line.

  At the back door the power meter rested against the wall. Brad quickly cut the power to the house. What few lights that were on inside were now off. With all the security, the back door was very easily opened. It didn't even have a dead bolt!

  With the silence and movement Brad was at the bottom of the stairs looking up. Rocky went on point and Brad felt the vibration of guards on the second floor. He could hear the guards whispering as they saw the lights go out. There'd been a light near the front door and one back in the kitchen. Both were out and the house was completely in darkness.

  With Rocky in front and Brad directly behind him with his hand on the backside of Rocky, they went slowly up the side of the stairs not making a sound. The whispering continued, but they didn't move. When they were about two thirds the ways up, Brad caught a image of both guards. Their whitish faces gave them away. Brad really didn't like to take a man's life if need be. However, in this case, an end to a means set precedent. He slowly raised his weapon and shot both guards in the head. They were knocked back making some noise falling to the wooden floor.

  Brad wondered if Valzez heard the noise. He waited a full two minutes. Then he moved down the hall to his bedroom. Strangely his bedroom door wasn't locked. Brad immediately when on full alert. Rocky wouldn't move and when Brad looked down, saw a trip wire. He smiled as he looked into the bedroom seeing a lump in the bed. Brad raised his weapon and shot the lump in the approximate area of the buttocks. He smiled when it didn't move.

  Turning around seeing a door across the wide hallway, Brad realized behind that door was Ramon Valzez. Rocky had his hair up telling Brad there was a guard behind the door. Brad suspected and Rocky confirmed at least one guard was behind the door. The question was how to get the guard to open the door. Rocky sat down waiting for his master to do something or give some order to him. Brad absently scratched his neck. Then it occurred to him a simple knock might do. The guard might think it was his fellow guard down the hall at the head of the stairs. Or would Valzez shake his head no to answering the door.

  Another way would be to shoot the lock and rush in or jump to the side and see what happened. Brad finally decided to knock first and then shoot second. He knocked twice and then waited alongside the door. About twenty seconds went by and Brad saw the door knob slowly turn. He took Rocky and made himself and Rocky as small as could be squatted down perhaps ten feet from the door. The guard would become curious when nobody was at the door. He'd probably open the door wide and gander around. When he did his gandering, Brad would take no chances and shoot the guard. There could very well be another guard or two in the room.

  It was hard to see in the almost totally dark hallway, but Brad could see the door slightly open. In another twenty seconds, curiosity killed the cat when the guard looked both ways up and down the hallway. Brad shot him in the head. He fell out the door landing alongside the wall. Brad and Rocky moved to the opposite wall and waited to see what developed. After waiting a few minutes, he sent Rocky to stick his nose in the doorway. Rocky crawled to the open door next to the wall. He sniffed and backed off. Then he came back and made a single paw mark on the floor. Brad went to the door confident knowing Ramon was now alone in his temporary bedroom.

  Brad sat on the floor with his back to the hall wall next to his bedroom. Brad said, "Valzez, give it up. You're no match for me and my team. If you decided to shoot it out, you'll die. If you throw out your weapon, you live, but you'll live a life of daily struggle. Your choice."

  Brad could almost hear the wheels turning in Valzez head. He didn't think Ramon would give up so easily and that was the case about to unfold. "Your voice is pure American. What are American assassins doing in our country," asked Valzez.

  "I'll answer it this way. How many friends do you have Ramon? Ah, by your silence I take it not many. Well America has lots of friends and when a friend calls for help, we oblige. We teamed together to rid this country and other countries of drug lords like you. Now do you understand the reason we're here?"

  Just as Ramon started to speak, Brad sent Rocky in undetected. "I don't suppose we could make a deal American," asked Ramon.

  Brad laughed out loud and said, "I already cleaned you out of over five billion dollars; why would I want more. Oh, if you've some gold, we can discuss some benefits."

  "I've gold in the basement. If you promise me good prison time, I'll confess where it is."

  Just as he said that, Valzez also with a silenced pistol shot through the open door. When he raised his arm and shot, Rocky sprang onto Valzez crushing the wrist of the drug lord. Brad with a Maglite peeked around the doorway seeing nobody but Valzez on the bed with Rocky still holding onto his wrist.

  After Brad did a look around he had Rocky release Valzez. When Brad looked at the wrist, he saw it was broken rather badly. "I guess you'll get some good time due to your injured hand Ramon. Now let's go downstairs and I'd like to introduce you to the Master."

  "I need a doctor and a hospital. I demand you take care of me. That damn dog nearly killed me. How the hell did you get past all my security," as he stepped over more than one body going down the stairs.

  "When Robin Hood gets onto the scent to save the poor from the rich guys like you, nothing stands in the way. But, I'm not Robin – I'm only one of his merry men," said Brad with a smile as the Master appeared out of nowhere in front on them.

  "Master let me introduce you to one of Brazil's last drug lords, Mr. Ramon Valzez. He's going to be so kind as to show us where he's stashed his gold."

  The Master looked up into the eyes that Brad pointed his Maglite at. The Master stepped back and Ramon led the way. They went into the kitchen and into the pantry where a door was not so cleverly hidden behind some potatoes.

  The lock was hanging open on the hasp. "What the hell," Ramon said, "I always keep this locked." He was still holding onto his wrist as they ducked down through the open door. The wooden stairs descended to a cement floor that was kept clean. The room was really a wine cellar, but behind a wine rack stood a six foot high safe. Valzez sucked in a lung full and said, "Who's been into my safe?"

  The Master touched his wrist and Valzez gave a small yelp. Brad shined the light on him. "I'd say the Master found your hidden hoard of gold Valzez. I'll be right back as I'll turn some lights back on. Oh, don't even think about leaving. You wouldn't get far."

  A few minutes later the power came on and Brad turned the lights on in the wine cellar as he came back down. Brad looked inside the safe and estimated around one hundred bars of gold. "You know what the Master does with his gold Ramon, well he has a number of schools in western China that provide an education for people who wouldn't be able to go the long distance to a city school. He also has retreats where he trains students in the ways of Eastern Religion. Don't scoff Ramon. How do you think we got in here without your guards even knowing we were here?"

  "That and some other things you can mull over on the long flight to your new home. Now if you'll excuse me for a minute I need to make a phone call." The call went to Robert onboard the carrier telling him to pick up a passenger for his new room in the ships brig. All the pilot had to do was to follow Brad's cell phone signal as it broadcast his GP. Next he called Mike to bring a van to transport some heavy bars. "Have Tony bring a couple of men as we don't want to hang around this neighborhood all night long."

  He turned back to Valzez and said, "The downside of taking you and Lord Perez out of business is the cost of product rises dramatically. The user on the other end struggles to feed his habit. Consequently crime increases and chaos results. Even the rich will sacrifice buying goods to purchase the white rock. Nothing good comes from this drug, but only hardship results eventually. Speaking of hardship let me tell you where you're going so it won't be a big surprise when you get there. You're going to work for a living, like most people of the world. I don'
t mean sitting behind a desk work; what I mean is good old fashion labor. I've not been there, but they tell me that after a period of time, most lose their minds from lack of most things we take for granted: sun, fresh air, good food, comfortable homes and work place.

  You'll not want for anything like food and water. They tell me all eat well and water is plentiful. Oh, and one more thing, I hope you're not claustrophobic as they tell me space is minimal. Now as I hear my team coming, perhaps you can go upstairs and sit in your library. My dog will go with you. Don't be stupid as he'll tear your throat out if you make a wrong move."

  Mike and Tony came with a two vans. Into each van they split the gold up. After that they went through his wall safe finding cash and jewelry. The cash and jewelry was boxed up for Robin Hood to do as he pleased.

  The stealth helicopter arrived and Ramon Valzez was hoisted aboard and whisked off to his new accommodations. Phil Addie would pick Ramon up later at a military air base.

  Back at the hotel with the gold being transported to San Paulo where Tony's new warehouse and office was located, Brad took a hot shower to wash away the nights work. After a phone call to Miguel, a team of his men cleaned up the mess at the residence.

  As promised a sit down breakfast with all team members was in progress by 7 am. After breakfast was over, Tony banged a glass with a spoon. He stood up and said, "We did what was asked of us. We never lost a team member. I personally want to thank Brad and his team for giving me and Angie a new lease on life. We're going to celebrate the success by announcing our engagement to be married." A standing ovation occurred bringing a red faced Tony almost to his knees. He had to sit down after that emotional speech.

  Brad said, "We got lucky again team. I don't know the final numbers, but billions of dollars will go back to the people in various ways. Most will never see or feel it, but with the drug dealers being history, the stock markets and the currency of Brazil is stronger than ever. We've left a trail of hope along the Amazon River providing an honest market for products produced. I also should add a fair price for product too. Anyway, well done my friends and team members. Robin will become a legend down here. After a nap later on this morning, I think we can leave Brazil in Tony's good hands. The president has asked for a meeting with Tony and I later this evening.


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