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Escorts and Thieves

Page 16

by Folsom, Tina

  As she went to the second page, she suddenly jumped up from her chair. “Oh God!” came another incredulous exclamation. The shock at his proposal was evident, even though he couldn’t see her face. It was killing him, since her expressions didn’t tell him whether she was inclined to accept or reject. He needed to know. He couldn’t stand the suspense any longer.


  With a low shriek that got stuck in her throat, she spun on her heels. The sheets of paper landed on the floor, involuntarily released by her trembling hands. She was more beautiful that he’d ever seen her.

  “You …” Her voice was shaky and finally broke off.

  He took two steps toward her when he saw her steady herself against the desk behind her and stopped. He didn’t want to scare her.

  “This is what you want?” She pointed at the contract at her feet.

  Daniel nodded. “Yes.”


  “Because at this point I’ll take whatever I can get.”

  He came closer and bent to pick up the pages, pressing them back into her hands. Being this close to her after not seeing her in five days, made him want to reach out and touch her.

  Her eyes locked with his. “You want me to be your escort?”

  “That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? Just sex. You said so yourself.”

  Sabrina held the pages up with her hand. “This is not just about sex.” She pointed at a spot on the page. “Paragraph nine: Children. Care to explain what this paragraph is doing in this contract?”

  “Any children resulting from this contract shall be my legal heirs,” he recited a portion of the contract. “So, it’s all about sex. I guarantee you’ll become pregnant when you share my bed every night.”

  “Paragraph six: Living Arrangements. The employee will live with the employer, sharing his bed,” she read.

  “You know as well as I do what happens when we share a bed. Do you want me to remind you?” He inched closer to her, and he noticed her hold her breath.

  “Paragraph seventeen: Compensation,” Daniel stated.

  “I haven’t read that far,” she said hastily.

  “Let me paraphrase. The employee is entitled to half the net worth of the employer.”

  Sabrina gasped in shock. “You can’t be serious.”

  He nodded slowly. “Read for yourself.”

  She searched for the place on the page and found it. Her eyes danced over the page like a ping pong ball at a competition until her mouth fell open then quickly closed again. Instead of looking back at him, she continued reading.

  “I need a moment,” she requested.

  He stepped out of her way, moving away from her enticing scent. Sabrina rounded the desk and sat down in Merriweather’s chair.

  Several minutes ticked by as she read the contract to the end. He still didn’t know any more than when he’d entered the office. Was she going to reject him outright? Was she going to toy with him?

  When she finally looked up, her face was unreadable.

  “Let me clarify this. You want to hire me as your escort, to share your bed and your home, to live with you, to travel with you, to attend every family function with you. I’m to be exclusively yours, no other lovers. And you won’t have any other lovers either. Any children I might bear will be recognized as your legal heirs and will grow up as your children. In exchange I’ll be entitled to half your wealth. And then the termination clause.” She paused. “You should fire Merriweather as your attorney. I don’t think he has your best interest in mind. The termination clause doesn’t give you an out.”

  “That’s how it’s meant to be. No out for me. I’m not looking for an out, I’m looking for an in. It’ll all be in your hands, just like you wanted it all along. You call the shots when it comes to termination of the contract. I’m ready whenever you are.”

  Sabrina shook her head. “I hope you don’t mind if I make changes to this contract? Nobody ever signs a contract the way it’s presented, least of all a lawyer.”

  She didn’t wait for his approval but started making annotations. Did this mean she was willing to accept this crazy proposal? Would she really do it? He knew he wanted her to be his forever, and while he would have rather asked her to marry him, he was willing to start with what he thought she’d be more comfortable with.

  She’d said it bluntly at the cottage. She couldn’t be more than his whore. Fine, he’d take her and then show her what she really was: the woman he loved.

  When Daniel saw her sign the contract, his heart was beating up into his throat. She was his.

  “Here. I’ve accepted. You need to initial Paragraph seventeen. I’ve made changes.”

  Paragraph seventeen? He frantically tried to recall what the paragraph was about, when it hit him: compensation.

  She nodded when she saw the realization on his face. “It’s not nearly enough for what you want. I need more.”

  More? His heart sank. Sabrina was taking him to her cleaners. He couldn’t have misjudged her like this. She’d never shown any interest in his money, but now that she had him where she wanted him, had her true side come out? God, he hoped not.

  She shoved the contract into his direction. “Don’t you want to read it?”

  He felt as if his legs were filled with lead when he took a step toward the desk. Had she played him like a fiddle, pushed all his buttons, intoxicated him and then hung him out to dry?

  “Daniel, read it,” she urged him. The way she said his name made him look at her and connect with her eyes. There was nothing cold in her eyes. Instead, they were full of warmth. Her actions didn’t compute with the way she looked at him.

  She lowered her eyes toward the contract, begging him again to read the change she’d made. He finally did. What he saw made his heart jump. She’d crossed out the entire paragraph and written in the margin. There it was in blue ink: Compensation – Daniel will give Sabrina his love and respect, every day, every night.

  That’s all she wanted, nothing else. She’d signed the contract. He had to contain himself.

  “May I borrow your pen?” Daniel was choked up when he reached for her pen.

  A second later, the ink on the paper dried, his signature next to hers.

  She looked at him and smiled. When she’d read the first few paragraphs of the contract, she’d thought he’d gone crazy. She’d even felt slightly insulted about what he was offering her, but when she’d read the termination clause, she’d realized what he was truly offering her was himself.

  There was no way for him to terminate their contract. And the only way out for her? Marrying him. He would only release her from the contract if she agreed to become his wife. She understood now.

  With steady steps, she walked toward him, stopping only inches away from him. She felt the heat from his body ignite the air between them.

  “So you think you can pay my price?” she asked.

  “I don’t think so. I know so. Want a taste of it?” His look was searing, adding to the scorching heat in the room.

  She licked her lips to cool them as she watched his mouth come closer. “I need more than a taste,” she mumbled before his lips met hers.

  His arm went around her waist as he pulled her into the curve of his body, crushing her breasts against his chest. With his other hand, he caressed the nape of her neck, angling her head to allow for a deeper kiss.

  Her lips parted with a deep sigh and invited him in. He explored the deep caverns of her mouth, dueling with her waiting tongue. Everything in his kiss screamed of passion, love, and possession.

  Her hands tugged on his shirt to pull it out of his pants. She needed to feel his skin. As soon as she slid her hands underneath his shirt, he moaned.

  “Sabrina, I missed you. No more separations, not for a single night.” His eyes locked with hers.

  “I signed the contract, didn’t I?”

  Daniel smiled. “Yes, you did.”

  “How did you know I would accept?”

“I didn’t. Frankly, at some point I thought you’d throw the contract at me and tell me to get lost.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “And then?”

  “I would have gone to plan B.”

  “What’s plan B?”

  He smirked and shook his head. “Since you’ve accepted plan A, I guess you’ll never find out.”

  “I suppose I’ll just have to make the most out of plan A then.” She laughed and removed her hand from his chest only to place it onto the familiar bulge in his pants. Sabrina could clearly feel the heat underneath her hand.

  “What are you doing?” Daniel asked slowly.

  “Collecting on paragraph eleven.”

  “Paragraph eleven?” he asked and moaned when she stroked his growing erection through the fabric.

  “Daniel, do you even know what’s in the contract?”

  “Remind me since my body is busy with other things right now.”

  She laughed. “Paragraph eleven, and I paraphrase: the employer is required to sexually satisfy the employee at all times.”

  “At all times?”

  She nodded. “At all times. And I believe that includes now.”

  “Here?” He gazed around the office.

  “Here. Now.” She felt for the desk behind her. “Feels pretty sturdy to me,” she commented on Merriweather’s desk.

  “Good thing Merriweather is neat and keeps his desk uncluttered,” Daniel responded with a sparkle in his eyes as he hitched up her tight skirt. “How about you lose those panties?”

  “I don’t remember getting my other ones back from you.”

  “I’m starting a collection. Care to make a contribution?”

  Sabrina stepped out of her panties and handed them to him.

  “What do I get in return?”

  He lifted her onto the desk and spread her legs as he stepped into her center and held her close. “You choose.” His voice was low, and she felt his breath on her face as his lips descended on hers for a tender kiss.

  Slowly, her hands went to his pants, first opening the button then pulling down the zipper. She heard his appreciative sigh when she pushed them over his hips and let them fall to the floor. As soon as she’d done the same to his boxers, her hand reached for his erection which jutted out proudly.

  “Perfect,” she admired him and stroked her soft hand over his shaft.

  “It’s been so long, baby.” His eyes looked at her with unconcealed desire. Just the way she loved it. Pulling him closer by his shirt, she brought him flush against her body, his erection nudging at her warm and moist entrance.

  “I want you, Daniel, all of you.” She was full of the love she couldn’t speak of yet. She couldn’t say the words yet, but she knew he would wait until she was ready. In the meantime she’d be his escort, exclusively his.

  “Please take me,” she begged him and pressed her lips on his, kissing him passionately.

  Sabrina let out a deep moan when she felt the head of his cock breach the tight entrance to her core. Seconds later, Daniel severed his lips from hers and looked into her eyes.

  “Now you belong to me, and I belong to you. Per sempre.”

  And then he sliced into her, ramming his eight inches of hard flesh into her wet and warm center, claiming her as she claimed him.





  * * * * *

  Steal Me

  Copyright © 2010 by Tina Folsom

  An erotic short story

  When London art collector Marcus Moncrieff meets the mysterious Olivia at an auction where he buys a seemingly magic gold armband said to have belonged to one of the Vestal Virgins, he realizes quickly that taking her to bed comes at a high price.


  The auction was almost over, and Marcus Moncrieff had acquired what he’d come to Christie’s for.

  He was satisfied for the first time in weeks. The priceless artifact, a gold armband said to have belonged to one of the Vestal Virgins of Rome, would be delivered to his home under heavy security the next day. Priceless? Not quite. He’d paid a high price for the item since he’d had to bid against another avid collector of Roman art.

  The armband was said to hold certain powers. However, Marcus didn’t believe in legends or magic. Rather, he was fascinated with everything Roman and even more so with anything connected to the story of the Vestal Virgins, the keepers of the fire of Vesta. No amount of money was too much to add to his growing collection.

  “Good grief, Marcus, don’t buy the whole lot!”

  At the sound of the familiar voice behind him, he turned and stared at his old friend. Thomas Fairfax stretched out his hand and grabbed Marcus’s in a fierce shake.

  Marcus gave a surprised laugh. “Fancy seeing you here.”

  He hadn’t seen Thomas since his friend had left for Peru a couple of weeks earlier. He hadn’t expected him back so soon.

  “When did you get back to London?” Marcus asked.

  They shifted to the rear of the packed auction hall where their chatter wouldn’t disturb the remaining patrons still bidding on the last three items.

  “Got into Heathrow last night. Can’t say I enjoyed the flight—first class was booked solid, so I had to slum it in business class. Dreadful,” Thomas complained.

  Spoiled upper class twit.

  Marcus smirked and let his gaze drift past his friend. Before he could make a comment, something caught his attention.

  Or rather, someone.

  A woman.

  She stood off to the side, her torso bent down. Her elegant hands smoothed over her pantyhose as she twisted its black seam back into place so it centered at the back of her calf. Inch by inch she adjusted the garment until she reached the edge of her black skirt.

  Her face was shielded by long hair the color of the ravens guarding the Tower of London.

  Marcus’s eyes burned as he watched her. He wondered what her shapely legs would feel like wrapped around his hips, and his balls tightened when he saw her continue her movement. As he witnessed her hitching up her skirt by a couple of inches to correct the seam of her pantyhose, his brain begged for a correction: she wasn’t wearing pantyhose. They were stockings!

  Silk stockings with lace tops, held up by a black garter belt.

  Bloody hell!

  His breath came out in a hitched huff at the same time as heated blood surged to his cock. Suddenly his trousers felt too snug. Not that he minded the feeling.

  “Anything wrong?” his friend asked and turned his head to follow Marcus’s gawk.

  As if the woman noticed the two of them staring at her, she pulled upright and turned her head toward them, finally revealing her face. Exquisite, just as Marcus had thought.

  If he’d imagined she would be embarrassed about being caught in her intimate action, he was proven wrong.

  Instead of looking away, her eyes held his gaze, ignoring Thomas as if he didn’t even exist, at fact that pleased him immensely.

  Her eyes were as dark as chocolate. Did her skin feel as smooth as it looked from a distance? Would her red lips taste as sweet as strawberry jam?

  Her sensual mouth opened but a sliver, enough of a temptation for any man with a pulse and even more so for one with a bulging erection. In slow motion, she smoothed her skirt over her hips then broke eye contact.

  When Marcus felt Thomas move beside him, he stopped his friend with a hand on his arm.

  “Don’t even think about introducing yourself,” Marcus murmured under his breath, before giving Thomas a scolding look.

  “Nothing wrong with a little competition,” Thomas countered and grinned unashamedly.

  Suddenly the arrival of his old friend was not quite as welcome an event as he’d thought only minutes earlier. Maybe it would be better if Thomas jumped onto the next plane to God-knows-where, coach class for all Marcus cared. He needed no interference from a womanizer like Thomas right now.

  “Don’t you have some unpack
ing to do?”

  His friend smirked. “That can wait.”

  “Keep your paws to yourself. She’s mine,” Marcus claimed and turned back to the mystery woman.

  But she was gone.


  Leaving Thomas without another word, Marcus stalked out of the hall and into the almost deserted corridors of the auction house. The sounds of his footsteps were absorbed by the luxurious rugs underneath his feet as he hurried along trying to find her.

  It had been a considerable while since he’d met a woman who truly excited him. And this woman excited him. Whether it was her soulful eyes, her graceful figure, or her seductive movements, he didn’t know. Most certainly it was many things. But what had definitely set him off to go after her was the lure of her lips, the way they had parted when she’d looked at him, directly, without embarrassment, provoking him.

  He felt his cock twitch at the thought of what those lips could do to him. Quickening his steps, he reached the door to the exit seconds later. As he peered outside into the night, there was nothing. Light traffic, several waiting limousines, a few pedestrians, but no sight of her.

  A limo driver was leaning against the hood of his car and straightened up when he saw him approach.

  “Have you seen a woman exit from here in the last couple of minutes? Dark hair, petite, black skirt.”

  The man shook his head. “Auction isn’t over yet. Nobody’s come out in a while.”

  Marcus turned and went back inside, muttering a curse under his breath as he reached the lobby.

  “Looking for somebody?” a female voice addressed him softly.

  He jerked to his left and discovered her standing in an alcove near the main foyer. Her face was in the shadows, but he recognized her legs and her skirt.

  Had she been waiting for him?

  Only one way to find out.

  He took the few steps to bridge the distance between them, stopping only inches from her. Too close for a stranger, but she didn’t back away. She couldn’t; the wall was at her back.

  He bent his head toward her. “I’ve just found what I was looking for,” he breathed into her ear.


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