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Vengeance (SSU Trilogy Book 1)

Page 20

by Kier, Vanessa

  Now she could see the flattened bullet still lodged in the Kevlar mesh, inches from Niko’s heart.

  The room spun and she closed her eyes. He’d come too close to death. She couldn’t…she wouldn’t…

  This is why she didn’t want to care about Niko. There was too much to fear. Too much that could happen to a person.

  “Hey.” Niko tipped up her chin with the tip of his finger. “I’m okay. I’ll have a bruise, and breathing will be uncomfortable for a while, but the vest did its job.”

  She didn’t want to think about why the vest was necessary in the first place. So she shoved all her concern down into her internal lock box, and focused on unfastening the heavy vest.

  She lifted the Kevlar away from Niko’s body. And just stared at his bare skin.

  Oh, God, he was just as magnificent as she remembered. A strange mix of lust and tenderness burst inside her. She wanted to run her hands over him, both to soothe and arouse.

  Focus on the job.

  She set the heavy vest on the lid of the toilet, then took hold of the other side of his shirt. But some of the blood was starting to harden over his knife wound.

  She bit her lip. “I don’t want to hurt you,” she said, gesturing to the bloody shirt.

  “I trust you.”

  Three simple words, but they cut her to the bone. Her throat tightened around a lump of emotion and she swallowed hastily. She nodded, then slowly began to peel his shirt away, occasionally pausing to wet the fabric with water dribbled from a plastic cup.

  It wasn’t as stuck as she’d feared and Niko didn’t make a sound throughout. Finally she tossed the shirt in the trash, then took a good, long look at his arm.

  She sucked in a breath. The slice was deep enough to expose muscle.

  Niko glanced down and cursed. “This needs to be stitched, dammit. Hand me my cell phone. I need to call a doctor.”

  “I’ll dial for you.”

  He nodded and rattled off a string of numbers. As she punched in the last digit, she handed the phone to him. To give him some privacy, she stepped into the hallway, but she stayed within earshot so she could reach him quickly if he needed her. She knew she was being foolish. He was no stranger to pain.

  Yet, foolish or not, she couldn’t stop herself from hovering. She felt an urgent need to help him. Because it was her fault he’d been hurt. She should have been more careful trailing Kai. She’d just been so excited to find him so quickly, she hadn’t thought about the danger. She’d acted on impulse.

  Just like she’d done too often as a kid.

  “Hello, little Miss Impetuous.” Kai’s head appeared first, emerging from the leaves of the tree branches below her like a God rising from a pond. “What have you gotten yourself into this time?”

  “I climbed the tree to get Missy, but she jumped to the ground. And now my ankle’s stuck in this stupid crack.”

  “Well, today’s your lucky day, Jen-shine. Your kitten is safe on the ground and I’m here to rescue you.”

  Jenna shook her head, forcing the memory away. She didn’t want to think about that, or all the other times Kai had rescued her while growing up.

  Her heart skipped in panic. Kai had been shot tonight, but she refused to believe he was dead. Couldn’t bear it if her revenge was snatched away from her. Instead, she held onto the grim hope that Kai was alive and a prisoner of Alvarez. If so, she’d do whatever was necessary to reach him.

  Absolutely anything. Because failure was unacceptable.

  “Gracias,” Niko told the person on the other end of the phone line. He put the phone down on the counter, then leaned sideways to rest his head on the wall.

  She let him be for a moment, then asked, “Do you want me to clean your cut?”

  He swiveled his head so he could look at his injured arm. “No. There might be bits of shirt embedded in the wound. Let Dr. Perez clean it.”

  “Can I get you anything? Ibuprofen? Something to drink?”

  “I’m good, thanks.” He raised his eyebrows and his eyes drilled into her. “What the fuck were you thinking? Didn’t you learn anything from Moscow? It’s not safe for you to run around the streets alone.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry. I didn’t think. I just reacted.”

  “Yeah, well, sorry doesn’t cut it. Next time you might not be so lucky.” His last words were slurred and his eyes drifted closed, as if that small outburst had sapped his remaining energy.

  Jenna resisted the urge to smooth his hair back. Instead, she contented herself with watching him.

  A loud knock at the suite’s door made her jump. She hurried over to the peephole and saw Rafe and a stranger. She opened the door and nodded to Rafe. The other man was tall and muscularly bulky. A doctor’s kit was in his left hand. “Hola, señorita, yo soy Dr. Perez.”

  Jenna shook his hand. “Tengo mucho gusto en conocerle,” she answered. “Me llamo Jenna.”

  “So where’s my lazy brother?”

  She stiffened, even though she knew Rafe was teasing. She turned and pointed to the bathroom.

  The men walked down the hall and crowded into the small space in front of Niko.

  “Ah, Jesus Christ, bro.” Rafe’s words, soft as they were, roused Niko and he gave Rafe a wan smile.

  Dr. Perez set his bag down and lifted Niko’s injured arm. “This will need to be stitched. Where else are you hurt?”

  “Chest. Nothing’s cracked, just sore. Vest took a bullet. Head,” Niko said. “Hit the pavement.”

  “Ah.” The doctor turned Niko’s head toward him and flashed a penlight in his eyes. “Is there dizziness? Double vision? Nausea?”

  Niko shrugged. “Some.”

  Jenna saw what she’d missed before. The hair on the back of Niko’s head was sticky with blood. As if he’d felt her gaze on him, Niko met her eyes. “Out.”

  “No,” she said.

  Rafe raised his eyebrows and glanced between her and his brother. His mouth turned up at the corners, but he didn’t say anything.

  Niko glared at her, trying to force her by sheer will to back down. But she needed to stay.

  Dr. Perez started swabbing Niko’s arm with antiseptic, but Niko’s eyes didn’t leave Jenna.

  She couldn’t keep her gaze from flickering back and forth from the wound to Niko’s eyes. The sight of the blood, of the doctor’s latex covered hands, of the needle puncturing Niko’s skin as the doctor stitched up the wound, everything combined into a dark, greasy mass sliding through her stomach. Threatening to bring up her dinner and cut off her air.

  She dug her fingernails into her palms and concentrated on breathing. Whenever she started to remember her mother’s blood-stained face, she’d look into Niko’s eyes. And although she knew she ought to be sending him messages of warmth and comfort, instead she took strength from him.

  Finally, the doctor gave Niko two shots and it was done. “You shouldn’t use this arm for several days,” the doctor warned as he placed his trash in a portable biohazard bag. “But I have little doubt my recommendation will be ignored, as usual.” He shook several pills out of a bottle and placed them in a plastic baggie.

  “For the pain,” he explained. He handed two to Niko and waited patiently until Niko obediently swallowed them with a glass of water.

  “You must keep the wound clean and watch for infection. Also, you have a slight concussion. Someone needs to wake you every hour while you sleep and check your pupils.”

  Both Jenna and Rafe nodded and the doctor smiled in satisfaction. Then the men assisted Niko into bed.

  “Now, señorita, let me take a look at you.”

  “What?” Niko struggled to sit up. “Jenna’s hurt?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  Dr. Perez pointed at her hand. “Your hands are badly scraped, my dear.” He nodded toward her feet, “and you’re limping.”

  She blinked and looked down to see dried blood on her palms and knuckles. As if someone had removed a veil, she suddenly felt the pain.

  “Jenna, goddammit, why didn’t you say something?” Niko started to swing his legs to the floor, but Jenna rushed over and pushed on his shoulders so he couldn’t get out of bed. She kept pushing until he leaned back against the pillows.

  “Stay here,” she ordered. She turned away, but he grabbed her wrist, turning her hand over so he could examine the scrapes on her palm.

  He scowled. “Dammit, you are hurt. Go with Dr. Perez and let him fix you up.”

  She rolled her eyes and walked into the bathroom. Then it was her turn to scowl when Rafe arrived at the door with Niko propped against him.

  At her glare, Rafe gave her an apologetic smile. “Sorry. He invoked big brother status. I have to do what he wants.” He helped Niko sit on the toilet seat cover. “Besides, he’s stubborn enough to try and walk in here on his own.”

  The doctor finished cleaning the dirt and gravel out of her hands and poured antiseptic on them. Jenna sucked in a pained breath. Shaking her hands at the sting, she marveled that Niko hadn’t so much as grimaced when the doctor poured the same horrible stuff over his much deeper wound.

  Her feet were worse, though. They weren’t scraped so much as bruised, but she had two deep cuts where she must have stepped on a piece of glass or metal. She hoped she hadn’t bled on the carpet.

  When the antiseptic hit the cuts, she bit her lip so hard she tasted blood. Then the doctor smoothed cream over the cuts, bathing them in cool relief. Ah, much better.

  “When was the last time you had a tetanus shot, señorita?”

  “Uh…two years.”

  Dr. Perez nodded. “Good. Then I won’t have to give you a shot.” He smiled gently at her. “I’ll give you a similar warning, and I hope you are more obedient than our friend here. You should avoid walking until the cuts have started to heal.”

  Jenna glanced over at Niko. How well she obeyed the doctor depended on what they could learn about where Kai had been taken. If Alvarez had him, then they’d have to arrange an immediate rescue.

  She saw from Niko’s slight nod that he understood the direction of her thoughts. “We’ll do our best to obey you, doctor,” he promised.

  “Hmm.” The doctor’s eyes twinkled as he handed Jenna her own set of pills.

  “No, don’t bother to get up,” he told Niko. “Let your brother show me to the door and then help the two of you to bed.” He carefully touched the uninjured tips of Jenna’s fingers in place of a handshake, then spoke quietly to Niko. Niko nodded, clasped the man on the shoulder and said good-bye.

  Jenna was afraid to meet Niko’s eyes, but the silence in the bathroom wore her down. To her surprise, his expression was a mix of exasperation and…pride? She felt her cheeks heat and looked away. He didn’t say anything, for which she was extremely thankful. But he did reach out and take her hand, raising it to his lips so he could kiss her bandaged knuckles. The simple act of tenderness sent a curl of warmth through her.

  “Okay, who’s first?” Rafe asked from the doorway.

  Jenna pointed at Niko, who was pointing at her. Rafe laughed. “Ladies first, then.” He swung her up into his arms, startling a small growl out of Niko.

  “Relax, bro. I’m not hurting her or honing in on your territory. I promise to be a perfect gentleman.” He carried her into the bedroom and left her sitting on the edge of the bed. It took him considerably longer to help Niko into the room.

  “I’m staying the night,” Rafe announced once Niko was settled on the bed. “I’ll bunk on the sofa bed and check in on Niko every hour.”

  “I can—” Jenna started, but Rafe shook his head.

  “No, Jenna. I don’t want you waking up to check on him. You’re also hurt. You need to sleep.”

  “Damn straight,” Niko muttered.

  “Besides.” Rafe’s grin was wicked. “Those pills the doc gave you should knock you out shortly. I don’t think you’ll be in any shape to check on him, even if you wanted to.”

  Which, of course was the problem. She did want to be the one caring for Niko. Yet already she could feel the effects of the pills, like a soft blanket being pulled over her mind. So she nodded her agreement.

  “Right. Sleep well.”

  Jenna helped Niko get settled under the covers, noticing that his belt was gone and the button of his pants was undone so he’d be more comfortable. It made her realize she didn’t want to sleep in her bra. So once the lights were out, she reached underneath her top and behind her, struggling to undo the fastening with hands made clumsy by bandages.

  “Here, let me.” Niko’s breath was warm on the back of her neck, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine. He nudged her hands aside and deftly undid the hooks.

  Her breath caught as the rough pads of his thumbs smoothed over her skin, rubbing away the marks left by the snug elastic.

  Her body stilled, poised on the verge of something she barely remembered. As if she were waiting with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation to welcome back a friend after years apart.

  What if she couldn’t feel desire when actually touched by a man? What if this low hum was all that was left to her after the attack?

  But then Niko nuzzled against her neck, and the heat of his mouth burned all the way to her belly.

  He removed her shirt and bra and tossed them away, leaving her vulnerable to the chill of the air conditioner. She started to reach for the blanket, when he ran his hands across her bare skin from shoulder to wrist, along her waist and up her back. Everywhere he touched, he called nerve endings to tingling life, turning chill into inferno.

  Her breath exited on a shuddering sigh.

  Dear God, she’d forgotten what it felt like to be caressed by a man. But her body remembered and was greedy for more. She shifted restlessly on the bed, wanting his hands on her breasts.

  Niko smoothed away the fringe of hair at the back of her neck and placed a kiss on her nape. His tongue licked her neck, savoring her skin as if it was the finest ice cream cone. Suckling her.

  She closed her eyes as pressure built inside her.

  Niko’s lips were suddenly gone. His hand slid onto the bed. His breath came slow and steady against her ear.

  Damn those pills of Dr. Perez’s! Niko was asleep.

  With her blood hot with arousal, she thought she’d never fall asleep. But in no time at all, the effects of the pills took over and she was out.

  Chapter 20

  Niko awoke before Jenna the next morning, despite the fact that Rafe had done his promised duty and woken him every hour to check his pupil response. Each time, Jenna had stirred in her sleep and then snuggled back against him when Rafe left.

  It had been a very long time since he’d slept in the same bed with a woman without making love to her. He had a vague memory of touching Jenna last night. Of putting his mouth on her neck. The sweet smell of woman and the taste of peaches.

  Dammit. He had no business starting down that road with Jenna.

  He was using her. She was using him. Period. The end.

  It didn’t matter if he liked her. If he wanted her so much, his insides were tangled up tighter than a Boy Scout’s knot.

  He was here because of Aunt Madalena. Because this time, Alvarez wasn’t going to walk away free.

  And with Paterson kidnapped, Jenna’s role was now over.

  As he looked down at her, watching her sleep, he wondered what she was going to do with her life after her brother was rescued. She’d spent the past two years at the SSU compound learning skills only an agent would need. He still didn’t think she had the ruthlessness to be an agent. So, what would this former art conservation student do once she left the protection of the SSU?

  Why do you care? You’re not going to see her again after this is over.

  Problem was, he wanted to.

  Stop dreaming. She’ll go on to live a normal life. Get married. Have kids. She deserves better than a man with questionable honor who lives in the shadows.

  Of course, he might not survive the coming fight wit
h Alvarez. Which was another reason not to get any closer to Jenna.

  So he eased himself into a seated position. The cut on his arm was a hot pulse of pain, and he tried not to put any weight on it.

  Jenna must have felt him move, because she stirred, stretched, then blinked sleepily up at him.

  On its own accord, his good hand reached out and smoothed over her short, spiky hair. His finger traced a line from her forehead down her cheek to her chin. “Good morning.” Dammit, his voice gave him away, so husky he might as well hang a sign around his neck that said, Horny Male.

  Jenna turned her face into his hand and ran her tongue along the pad at the base of his thumb.

  He sucked in his breath and jumped out of bed before his body took complete control and he found himself inside her.

  Easy, boy.

  Jenna frowned at him in confusion chased by embarrassment. Then her expression settled into her usual stony mask.

  Shit. He’d hurt her.

  “Jenna—” He shook his head. Cleared his throat. Shuffled his feet. Then sighed. “Never mind.” Whatever he said would only make the situation worse. So he turned his back on her and headed for the bathroom.

  But somehow he found words coming out of his mouth, anyway. “We’ve no time for games, querida. Alvarez is skilled at torture. If your brother is still alive, I have to find him fast, or there won’t be anything left to find.”

  He caught her stricken expression in the mirror over the chest of drawers and wanted to kick himself.

  Way to go. Try a little tact next time, why don’t you?

  Too bad it was the truth.

  Jenna scrambled out of bed, tucking the sheet around her. “What do you mean, if ‘you’ don’t find Kai fast. You mean ‘we’ don’t you?”

  Oh yeah, he was just batting a thousand in tact this morning. “No. I’m going to look for your brother. I’m sending you to Ryker.”


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