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My Dirty Janitor Book 5: Flush For Business: An Oral Sex Adventure

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by Toni Mozzie

  “It’s called having good taste,” Tom said. “But that isn’t the reason you are being exiled. No one is permitted to break the number one rule: you don’t fuck our girls.”

  Ginny struggled to comprehend what was happening. She didn’t want to be on Lewis’s side. She wanted to stay. She wanted to be with Jason or with Tom or with Abe. She felt in her heart that these men knew how to treat a woman.

  Sure, Lewis was awesome, and he had a long tongue, but he wasn’t the greatest oral lover she ever had. That would be Jason, but she suspected both Abe and Tom, for sure, would be much better, even though she didn’t understand what that might mean. Jason had been perfect, and she had never felt more intense pleasure than she had when Jason’s tongue was inside her, sucking her clit, lapping up her juices, bombarding her with burning heat that engulfed her whole body, yet she sensed that both Abe and Tom would be superior. The thought terrified her as much as it aroused her.

  “I’m not trash,” Ginny blurted out in exasperation.

  “Sorry, honey,” Tom said, “but I like my women like I like my food, without bite marks.”

  Lewis grinned. “I have my regulars and am not afraid to get a little dirty. I’m a real janitor. Come, Ginny, let’s go. You are about to be blown up into tiny pieces of ecstasy.”

  Ginny hesitated and Tom looked at her with some amusement on his face. She remembered what he had said: if Lewis entered she would leave with him.

  She could feel herself being drawn toward him and the promise of a pleasure that she was now addicted to, as if some erotic dimension had been opened up deep inside her and was pulsating.

  “Come!” Lewis blurted out.

  Tae and Ginny both jumped. Tae nestled into Lewis’s arm, as he stared at Ginny.

  This was a test. She was sure that she had blown whatever chance she may have had with Tom, but she still wanted to see Jason to explain, and perhaps this would go a long way in showing him and Tom and Abe, that she was her own person and could belong to one man or however many men at this hotel wanted her, but on her own goddamn terms.

  She was already used to the idea that she would never get a chance of being exclusive with these janitors. That didn’t seem to matter; not sharing was as ridiculous as not sharing a warm space with another human being.

  She moved toward Tom. “I’m staying here,” she said, then looking at Tom and Abe. “At least until they throw me out.”

  Her heart was pounding. She knew that she could end up with nothing.

  Lewis stared at her, with a little amazement mixed with anger. Tae also looked surprised.

  “You should leave,” Abe said. “Pack your things and leave. I’m sure you can find a place to stay.”

  Lewis scoffed. “You think this is my home? I have my own place with my own stash of tail.” He turned to Ginny. “I will haunt you. No matter who is between your legs, you will always think of me.”

  With that, Lewis turned and taking Tae’s hand left.

  Ginny wanted Tae to stay, but Lewis had ushered her out before she could say anything.

  There was nothing she could say. Tae was under Lewis’s spell.

  The moment they were gone, Ginny felt a thickness in her stomach. Had she just made the biggest mistake of her entire sex life?

  Chapter Six

  After Lewis and Tae had gone, Tom nodded to Abe and he took Ginny to the door.

  “Impressive,” Abe said.

  “What?” Ginny asked.

  “Resisting Lewis. There was a rumor about the hotel that he kidnapped a woman and then ate her pussy until she didn’t want to leave when he offered her her freedom. That’s why Tom asked you if your encounter with him was consensual. We have our suspicions.

  “Generally, we do not like our employees picking up fresh eats without Tom’s approval. There is the disease issue, but it’s an aesthetic thing. Lewis disrespects the women he pleases, as if he is taking pleasure away from the woman rather than giving it to her. I think you are the first to resist him, but the night is still young and you never know where you will end up in the end.”

  “You think I’m going to go running to him after?”

  “Let’s see. Suppose you aren’t chosen tonight; who knows what you might do. We have less control than we wish we had when it comes to our bodies and sex.”

  “I know, but I feel this is the place for me.”

  Abe nodded. “At the moment there is no place for you, but you are free to stay and mingle. You might find a willing consumer. If worse comes to worse, I’ve seen girls go down on one another, just to relieve some of the tension that builds up through the course of a neglected night. It’s unfortunate, and I pity the poor creatures, but there are just not enough of us to go around.”

  “Will that damage my chances with Tom or Jason?” she asked.

  “If I were you, I would consider those bridges burned. But if you want to believe you have a second chance, you should find Martha. She can give you tips to get a taste, a scent, a look that Tom could never refuse.”

  “I don’t think Tom likes me.”

  Abe laughed. “He was playing with you; your scent is addictive. Anyone who’s been around as many women as Tom has knows this. Look, you can stay for this evening. No one is going to throw you out. But after tonight, you mustn’t come back without an invitation. You can leave your details downstairs, and you will be in our system.”

  “In your system?” Ginny stared at him. She wasn’t sure whether she wanted to slap him or kiss him. She wondered if it were possible to do both.

  Wait a second. In your system? Was she just blown off in epically prosaic fashion?

  “It is not as heartless as it sounds. Perhaps if I’d said in my little black book—that would have sounded more flattering or romantic?”

  “Yeah, that doesn’t flatter me either.”

  Abe laughed. “Well, maybe I will be able to make it up to you some time—uh, but not tonight. That is what you were going to ask, wasn’t it?”

  Ginny shook her head. It had crossed her mind though. “Where do I find Martha?”

  “She is head of housekeeping for the hotel. She is around. You can ask at the front desk and he will point you in the right direction. Now, if you will excuse me, Tom and I have some important business we must discuss.”

  “Just one question. Where did you all learn to eat pussy?”

  “We learned from Tom.”

  “Where did he learn? I mean, you guys know things I don’t think most women are aware of. I know I certainly wasn’t.”

  “He won’t tell us,” Abe said. “But we believe he traveled to Asia to learn. That is the theory, but he won’t say. I think he likes to keep us guessing. Now run along. Have a drink, make friends with some of the girls.”

  When Ginny left Tom’s room, the women dancing stared longingly at her, their eyes filled with jealousy and lust, a combination no one was comfortable with.

  She picked Jason out of the crowd almost instantly. He was at the bar with Andrew.

  Jason was built with jet-black hair and dark eyes that looked like inky shadows under his eyelids. He was in his late twenties. He worked out; his arms were muscular, solid, refined.

  She rushed over before he could get away.

  “Hey,” she said.

  Jason looked at her with surprise then grinned. “Hey yourself. What brings you here?”

  “I was invited.”

  “Really? How did Tom come to know you?”

  “Actually, there was a bit of a problem there. Lewis invited me and Tae, who just left with Lewis.”

  “You mean the Asian girl?” Andrew asked. “She’s waiting over there.”

  Ginny looked over and Tae was sitting by herself in a chair off to the side. She wanted to go over and persuade Tae not to go with Lewis when it occurred to her that maybe Tae had rejected him.

  “Did she dump him?” Ginny asked.

  Andrew laughed. “No, she’s waiting for him. He said he was kicked out.”

; “Look, can I talk to you for a minute?” Ginny asked Jason.


  “I really like you,” Ginny said. She sounded like a schoolgirl. “But I wouldn’t mind if my friend there stayed. If one of you were to choose her tonight, she would stay and Lewis would leave empty handed.”

  “Lewis never leaves empty handed,” Jason said. “There will be several who will go with him, the ones who know they will never have a chance with Tom again.”

  “But it will still piss him off if he doesn’t walk out of here with Tae. He really liked her, and even Tom wanted her until he saw Lewis’s bite mark on her. He said she tasted fine.”

  Andrew and Jason looked at one another.

  “Go ahead,” Jason said. “I’m not interested in anything that’s had Lewis’s mucus on it.”

  Ginny grimaced. “She’s clean. Except for Tom’s finger and mine in her, she hasn’t been kissed down there yet.”

  “Still not for me,” Jason said.

  Andrew studied Tae. “I’m mildly interested, more for the pleasure of fucking with Lewis. Where’s she from?”

  “Korea. So you guys should have something in common.”

  Andrew looked annoyed. “Why’s that?”

  “Well, you guys are both Asian.”

  “So you’re saying white people should fuck each other because they have whiteness in common?”

  “Huh?” Ginny looked at Andrew and then at Jason, who was grinning. “I just thought you were Korean.”

  “Vietnamese with some Japanese.”

  “Doesn’t Japan hate Korea?” Jason asked, in mock seriousness.

  Andrew stared at Jason. “I wouldn’t know. “

  “It probably depends on what Korea you’re talking about,” Ginny said.

  “Well,” Andrew began, “despite the fascinatingly ignorant conversation…”

  Jason laughed hard.

  “…I think I will give your friend a taste. Excuse me, Milady. Jason, man the bar.”

  Andrew walked over to Tae and took her hand and led her to a sofa in a darkened corner. He sat her down, and then spread her legs.

  A moment later, Ginny could see the ecstasy on Tae’s face and that she wasn’t going anywhere. Just like she’d hoped, Andrew was better than Lewis. Once Tae realized that, she would stay.

  “So what will you have?” Jason asked, stepping behind the bar.

  “You,” Ginny muttered, with a nervous giggle.

  “I am not on the menu. If anything, you are.”

  “Am I on the menu?” she asked, looking hopefully into his eyes.

  “Of course, or you wouldn’t be here. That, however, doesn’t mean you will be picked. So what will you have to drink? I can make a mean Moon River. You like gin?”

  “Sure, thanks.”

  Ginny watched him as he prepared her drink. “So are you saying that you will never have anything to do with me ever again?”

  Jason smiled. “I never said any such thing. I simply don’t have the time, and now that Lewis is gone, I will probably have to take more shifts to cover his locations, and before you get any ideas, no—you can’t stalk me.”

  “So I rejected Lewis for no reason?”

  Jason laughed. “You dumped Lewis?”

  Ginny grinned.

  Jason sighed. “I’m glad he’s gone. There has been some talk of him leaving for some time. He is dark.”

  “What do you mean: dark? He’s into dark magic or something?”

  “Here you go.” Jason slid her drink to her.

  She took a taste and was stunned by the explosion of flavor and alcohol poured down her throat.

  “You like it?”

  She nodded her head up and down rapidly. “So how’s he dark?” she asked, after taking another sip.

  “He’s a menstrual junkie.”

  “What? Really? I heard there were guys like that.”

  “Well, he says he doesn’t do that but we all know he likes pussy just before or after a woman’s had her period.”

  “He sounds like a fucked up psychotic vampire fan boy into weird shit.”

  “Nothing so romantic as that, I’m afraid. Most important though, he disrespects Tom and he disrespects women. To consume someone so entirely that that person transforms you—this is how I approach oral sex.”

  “Abe said I should talk to Martha about getting Tom interested in me again.”

  “Well, good luck with that. It’s unlikely Tom will be interested in you ever, unless you go into solitary here at the hotel for one year. There are a few girls going through the purification process to become virginal again, just to be of the right flavor for Tom. He likes to call it virginesque.”

  “Well, what about you? There must be something I can do to get back into your good book.”

  Jason looked at her with some bemusement. “I don’t have a good book. Look, go talk to Martha. If you listen to her, it will improve your ranking here. Don’t worry, it’s not a scientific thing, just we know when a certain girl drives us to a frenzy. There are a few girls here that are always in demand. Martha is one of them. She decides who she wants and when she wants it. Of course, every man here would drop everything to taste Martha. She controls us. Except Tom. She would be insane to deny Tom.”

  Ginny’s jaw dropped. There was a woman who controlled these men?

  Now Ginny was determined to find Martha and learn everything she could. If she could become even half as alluring, she could live happily ever after here in this hotel.

  She wondered how much it would cost to rent a room by the month.

  “Where did Tom learn how to do these things?”

  “You have no idea. I have seen women weep when he was kissing their pussies. I often wondered what it must feel like to be a woman and to have Tom eating my pussy.”

  Jason laughed. “Believe it or not, I wouldn’t mind being a woman for a day, just to feel what I can only imagine as absolute ecstasy that swallows you up into a nothingness that is pure bliss. I don’t know. Maybe you are lucky you have never experienced Tom. Nothing would ever come close. Every sexual experience and fantasy you had after Tom would seem dull and bland. It could be a nightmare.”

  Chapter Seven

  Ginny had a second drink with Jason but did not have much more time to talk with him as he was working the bar and other girls wanted drinks from him. Most were ordering Moon Rivers.

  When Lewis came back, he was carrying a duffel bag and had three girls with him.

  When he saw Ginny, he grinned. “So you changed your mind?”


  When he saw Tae was not in her seat, he said, “Where the fuck’s my girl that was sitting there.”

  Jason smiled. “Busy,” and pointed to the back corner.

  Andrew was still working Tae over, and Ginny suspected she must have come three times already. Tae was trying to be quiet but wasn’t succeeding. Several girls kept glancing over, eyes filled with envy.

  Lewis marched over and said, “What the hell, man? I never played with your girls.”

  Andrew didn’t respond, his tongue probing the inside of Tae’s pussy.

  Tae tilted her head toward Lewis. “I am so sorry,” she moaned, “but I can’t make him stop.” They turned her attention to Andrew, desperately trying to focus her eyes, glazed over with lust and longing.

  Lewis exhaled. “For fuck sake’s. If you can’t pull yourself away from him now, then you will never feel my tongue on you again.”

  Tae moaned and her hips moved rhythmically to Andrew’s thrusting and eager tongue.

  Lewis disgusted, turned around and said, “Girls, I’m leaving this group and starting my own. The men in my coven will be twice as dirty as the guys here have been allowed to be and none of you will be ignored like you are here. Come with me if you want special attention.”

  Lewis left.

  Ginny watched to see how many girls would leave. She prayed they all would. But only one girl left, and later she came back, having only gone to
the washroom.

  Jason grinned. “Lewis is a hack. Girls know his true worth and he can’t hold his tongue next to Tom’s. He thinks that turning to the dark and dirty he will turn on and thrill girls all over, but he’s missing something, that yearning to consume as sustenance. No one will join Lewis, or anyone else for that matter, not as long as they have a chance to be with Tom, even if it is once a month or once a year; it is better than three times a day with Lewis drooling over your crotch.”

  Ginny smiled. “It isn’t as bad as that.”

  “But you’ve had better?” Jason asked shyly.

  “Yeah, I guess I have,” Ginny said. “You were way better. That’s why I stayed here.”

  “And I am nothing compared to Abe, who is nothing compared to Tom. You need to sit in quiet contemplation and meditate upon that.”

  “Thanks, um, where’s the ladies’ room?”

  Jason laughed. “There is no ladies’ room, just the restroom; it’s out the door and to the left--can’t miss it.”

  Ginny’s heart raced. Would he follow her? Would there be another janitor in the restroom now, waiting to service her? Could it have been that simple all along? No, because if it were that simple, there’d be a line-up at the restroom.

  She left Jason against her better judgment and went in search of the restroom. She would then find Martha and see what this divine pussy would have to say to her.

  The restroom was empty and sadly an anti-climactic end to the evening.

  When she came out of the stall, Tae was standing in front of the mirror.

  “Well, how was he? Better than Lewis, right?”

  Tae smiled shyly and nodded. “I love American men.”

  Ginny smiled. “Let’s go talk to the front desk. Apparently, there’s a lady who works here who will help us attract Tom’s attention, and from what I understand, we want Tom’s attention. He’s supposed to be the best, a thousand times better than Lewis, if I have the math right.”

  Tae nodded and said, “Let’s go. I want to learn.”

  As they walked down to the front lobby they passed a girl here and there, who nodded politely at them, but Ginny didn’t think anyone female wanted to be friends.


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