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Page 2

by Viola Grace

  Ceelie fought the urge to rest her hand on his head. His warmth was comforting as was the sheer physical presence that he wore. “So, that is why you decided to separate me from him?”

  “We separated him from you, but yes. He does not deserve to have you as an assistant or in any other capacity.”

  “I think he is frustrated because the other capacities are forbidden to him.”

  Rimeer-Hassoi turned to her and she saw a high cheekbone and chiselled lips in the last of the sunset. “That would probably explain it. Males despise being denied what they want.”

  “It has never been an option for him. Why would he bother wanting what he cannot have?”

  Rimeer-Hassoi smiled and stroked her ankle under her gown. The sensation was astonishing. Her blood started to pound in her veins and her body was awash in pleasure.

  She bit her lip and stifled a moan. “How are you doing that?”

  He smiled and the glow in his eyes became intense. Drink your water, Ceelie.

  Chapter Three

  “It is in the water?” Her hiss got the attention of the Hassoi women nearby. They looked from her to the avatar and smiled with relieved expressions.

  Rimeer-Hassoi took the cup from her and sipped it. “It isn’t in the water. It is the water. The water is from the closest spring to the heart of Hassoi and it passes through every stream and glacier on this continent before coming to a tiny stream known only to the village elders and myself. The word for the water is Hassoi Bond.”

  She didn’t know what to do. “You bonded to me without telling me?”

  He laughed, a rich sound that rustled the leaves in the trees and twisted the wind through the clearing.

  * * * *

  The Hassoi folk in the clearing smiled as one. Their planet was amused and that was a good sign. For years, he had sought a mate, a partner to call his own. The current Hassoi had evolved, but they were no longer compatible as companions for their world. It hurt that he had to seek a mate from another species, but seeing the light in his eyes as he looked at the lady, it was obvious that he had found a woman who could give him joy.

  If their avatar felt joy, the entire world would benefit.

  * * * *

  “It seemed the best course of action as I could not speak to you until we were bonded. Well, I could have spoken in Common, but it lacks a certain amount of charm when engaged in a courtship. The language of my people is so much more expressive.”

  She blinked down at him and realized that they had been conversing in the liquid words of the Hassoi.

  He handed her the cup he had just been sipping from, “Drink your water, Ceelie.”

  Absently, she took the water and sipped until she noticed that her obedience was causing the glow of his eyes to intensify.

  “Is my drinking water turning you on?”

  He blinked rapidly. “I believe it is. Rimeer is pleased that you will follow orders. His people were considerably bigger than the Hassoi of today and he is worried about the fit. The water will help with that.”

  She felt her cheeks turn scarlet. “I don’t…I mean…The Alliance…”

  “Has already given me their blessing. You are a class zero and thus your genes are ideal for this kind of gradual manipulation. Your personality is stable and a complement to Rimeer’s and he finds you exceptionally attractive. Based on your physical reactions, you are not indifferent to him, so this is a very good match.”

  She had to blink. “I have already been handed over? Was anyone going to tell me?”

  “Not before we got you here. Keeln may have gotten violent if he discovered too soon that you were no longer at his disposal.”

  His casual pose of sitting at her feet was disarming. She reached her hand out and pushed the hood away from his face, staring into the features of the avatar who had mail-ordered a bride from across the stars.

  His forehead was wide, his nose almost feline, cheekbones high and lips full. The dark brows and black hair with gold threads running through it made her smile. His expression was set in lines that sent a tremor of anticipation through her.

  “You wanted to hide this?”

  The voice was similar but different when he spoke. “My people find my appearance a little too wild for their tastes. When Hassoi and I joined, it was a different time and our people battled from coast to coast.”

  “You were a warrior?”

  “I was. I found the spring, drank and begged Hassoi to end the fighting. Too many of our folk died for nothing more than land that did not belong to them anyway. When Hassoi took me over, it gave them a focus and took away the false reasons for battle. Our fights took on ritualistic purpose and then faded all together.”

  She smiled. “Like football.”

  He gave her a puzzled look. “I can see the image in your head, but it doesn’t make sense.”

  “Ritualized combat.”

  “Ah. Well, once my folk were at peace, Hassoi and I made treaties with a number of races, travelled in our system and he realized that I needed more.”

  “A bride.”

  “Bride, mate, bond, companion, they all mean the same thing. I was lonely and I was alone. The hunt for a match began, culminating in you.”

  The tone Rimeer was using went from a deep baritone to an almost-husky growl. Ceelie bit her lip and widened her eyes as the small gesture seemed to electrify the male in front of her.

  She held still, unable to back away as he moved up her body to meet her face to face. His scent was musky and wild with a hint of pine. The kiss he pressed to her lips loosed her lower lip from her teeth and he leisurely explored over and over. A shout came from across the clearing, but Ceelie threaded her hands in the cool silk of Rimeer’s hair and returned his kiss, arching her neck to press her mouth more firmly against his.

  He backed away and pressed her hands to the arms of the tree-chair. “Hold still. That is an order.”

  She quivered and held still. His mouth took hers again and she shuddered at the effort to keep from pulling him toward her. Her senses became focussed on the pools of energy spreading under her skin. Her clit throbbed, her nipples ached and her channel was clenching rhythmically, desperate to be filled.

  Normally, this behaviour would have shocked her, but with Rimeer leaning over her, their only point of contact were lips and tongue, she heard her breath leave on a low moan. Her senses were nearing the point of no return. A light touch on any part of her body would have sent her into an orgasm, but that is not what she got.

  After pulling her to the brink of a pleasure overload, he leaned back with a satisfied smile on the slick curve of his lips. “Oh yes. This will work.”

  Ceelie wanted to shriek as frustration overloaded her senses. Her voice was a hiss. “It will work? I was so close!”

  He chuckled. “I am aware, but I thought it would be best not to take you in front of your new people. When you come, I want to be inside you, feeling every spasm, every shiver, every sigh.”

  Ceelie was still trying to breathe normally. She leaned forward and the necklace she had been given scraped across the bodice of the dress over her nipples. She held back her keen of desperation.

  Across the clearing, Ambassador Keeln was being held back by a Hassoi.

  “What is Keeln doing?”

  “He objected to my kissing you, so our people held him back. They also have informed me that he was attempting to strangle you after you arrived. That will have to be dealt with.” He crossed his arms and scowled at the Tival.

  Ceelie felt she needed to intervene. “He thought I was telling him what to do, so he put his hand on my throat. I explained and he let go.”

  “He let go because there were witnesses.” It was Hassoi speaking now.

  “Where did Rimeer go?”

  “I had to take over. He wanted to kill the Tival and that would not be a good start to your new life here.”

  She felt that the planet would give her straight answers. “So, he was not kidding. I am stuck here?

  He sighed and reached out to stroke her honey brown hair. “We have been given the honour of providing you with a mate and a home. You are too delicate for any other work in the stars.”

  “What will I do here?”

  “Learn our ways, help with negotiations when the time comes and share Rimeer’s life. You can explore the planet as much as you wish. I will always be with you to act as a guide. Nothing that you desire will be restricted to you. You merely have to ask and it will be provided.”

  She smiled. “I can’t think of anything right now.”

  He smiled in return. “If you do think of anything, tell me. I am within you now and you will never be alone.”

  Instead of fear, the idea brought her some peace. She had never liked being alone. It had always filled her with insecurity.

  Rimeer reappeared in his own body. “Hassoi has informed me that I may not kill the Tival.”

  She leaned back in her chair. “That will probably be for the best. He is annoying, but he is an ambassador and needs to be sent back where he came from in one piece.”

  A young woman of the Hassoi came toward her with another cup of water. The woman bowed and blushed as Rimeer looked at her, but she handed the cup to Ceelie and retreated swiftly.

  “Your people seem a little afraid of you.” Ceelie sipped and idly took in Rimeer’s exceptionally impressive physique.

  “They became more peaceful and ceased breeding for the warrior traits of strength and stamina. I am slightly intimidating to my own race now.”

  There was no apology in his tone. He was merely stating a fact. He returned to sitting at her feet, one arm curled under her calves, his hand idly stroking her foot. The small touch should have been negligible, but her arousal flared back into full awareness the moment that he ran his thumb along the arch of her foot.

  It was amazing that such a light caress could have her shivering, but only the scent of fresh food broke her sensual haze.

  The long table at the side of the clearing was ready and two young women loaded platters and brought them to Rimeer and Ceelie.

  Without asking him, she slithered to the ground and leaned against the base of the tree as a support. With her platter in her lap, she started to explore the roasted pieces. She paused when she realized she had an audience.

  “Why is everyone staring?”

  “As the honoured guest, you must eat first, or no one else can eat.” Rimeer took a piece of what seemed to be roasted mushroom and trailed it across her lips.

  Out of reflex, she parted her mouth slightly and he slipped the food inside, while his eyes took on a heat that was far beyond his earlier intensity.

  The flavours spread in her mouth and her body warmed with heat. Everyone else started talking at once, but she only had eyes for the male next to her. He fed her, piece by piece and when her mouth dried, he lifted the cup of water to her lips.

  By the end of the meal, her stomach was sated, but her body was on fire.

  She wanted him. She had been told she could have him and she wanted it much sooner rather than later.

  Chapter Four

  In a further example of torture, Rimeer-Hassoi lifted her into his lap as he took her previous position in the tree-chair. Pressing her thigh against the thick rod of his arousal didn’t do wonders for her equilibrium, but the feel of his chest against her gave her the strangest feeling of being protected that she could recall.

  From the moment that she had left Earth, she had felt like a nudist in a porcupine colony. She had shut down her emotions and devoted her life to making the people around her happy. With her previous assignments, it had been easy. She had only needed to do a little procuring here and there and her employers had been delighted with her. Keeln was the exception and the fly in the ointment. The instant that she met him, he showed her contempt and as they grew to know each other, it shifted to lust. Both emotions scared the hell out of her.

  Rimeer scared her, too, but in a good way. Nothing that he did would physically hurt her, but she would be emotionally pushed to her limits, she could tell. One night with him and she would never be the same. If Ceelie wanted to be honest with herself, she didn’t want to be the same. She wanted to be more, had always wanted more but had no idea how to go about it.

  Keeln was sitting on the ground with Hassoi surrounding him. Some of the Hassoi women and men danced, played music and generally provided a fine night of entertainment.

  Rimeer smiled and wrapped his arm around her hips. “I believe that we should seek out some privacy.”

  His words were whispered against her neck and she could only nod nervously. He surged to his feet and before she knew it, they had disappeared into the forest.

  The leaves and trees bent out of their way as Rimeer walked deeper into the unrelieved dark. Ceelie was glad that he knew where he was going, because she certainly had no clue.

  His hands cradled her protectively as they moved at a speed fast enough to whip her hair around them. She pressed her face into his chest and hung on as they streaked through the night.

  When he slowed, she looked up and noticed the phosphorescent glow that lit his skin. “Where are we?”

  “The spring of Hassoi. He thought it fitting that we join together fully, here.”

  She blushed at the thought. “I see.”

  He chuckled and released her legs so that she was plastered against him with one burly arm. “No, you don’t, not yet, but you will.”

  The semi-threat made her tremble. He raised his hand and a bed of vines coiled and writhed next to the spring. Rimeer narrowed his eyes and made some final adjustments before a wave of moss covered the vines.

  He set her on her feet and with a few deft tugs, removed the dress from her to puddle around her ankles. A low groan broke from his throat. “Lovely. Even better than I imagined.”

  She folded her hands in front of her and leaned her head forward. It looked demure, but she was hiding her breasts in the fall of her hair and the joint of her thighs with her hands.

  “Do not hide yourself, Ceelie.” His tone was harsh.

  She immediately moved her hands to her sides. Rimeer lifted his hands and shifted the fall of her hair so that it fell down her back.

  “Climb onto the platform, Ceelie. Place your arms above your head and part your ankles.”

  She was mortified. “But—”

  “Do it, Ceelie.” His tone didn’t allow for negotiation.

  Nervously, she climbed onto the springy and soft platform. His eyes glowed as she followed his orders and she lifted her arms above her head.

  When she parted her ankles, he groaned and she felt Hassoi’s energy spike in her.

  Vines snaked around her wrists and ankles, pulling her thighs further apart and arching her back. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but she had never felt so exposed and erotic before and it was having a riotous effect on her senses.

  Under her avid gaze, Rimeer removed his clothing swiftly before moving toward her. The glow of the moss under and around her lit his body in a fearsome outline and cast his cock in a harsh light. It seemed more weapon than masculine as he approached her and when he joined her on the platform, she quivered as it came closer.

  His kiss started on the inside of one ankle, trailing up to the joint of her thighs, parting her sex and licking inside.

  The suddenness of his mouth on her caused her to shriek, but when his tongue took up an undulating rhythm, she moaned.

  Her hips rose to meet his mouth over and over, but when she was on the edge of release, he withdrew.

  “Not until I am inside you.”

  She shivered at his words whispered against her inner thigh. He began again at her other ankle and worked his way up once again, this time, bypassing her weeping sex and working his way across her torso. Her nipples felt the sharp edges of his teeth, the slope of her breast, the curve of his lips and the swipe of his tongue.

  She whimpered as his teeth tugged gently on her neck and sighed as he sucked her ea
rlobe. Ceelie could feel his cock pressing against her opening, parting the lips of her sex and working into her inch by inch.

  Rimeer kissed her as he shifted his hips and plunged into her completely. She felt so full as he started to move that her breath came in pants, her lips pressed against his at each soft, whimpered sigh shared with her lover.

  He thrust into her in a hard beat, their bodies slapping together wetly as the spray from the spring coated them.

  Ceelie arched to meet him, the sliding friction of his flared head inside her warmed her and stroked each nerve ending that she had. Her cries took on a high, desperate pitch and finally, she froze, her body clutching at him and squeezing hard, stroking his cock from head to base.

  Rimeer groaned and his body shook against her.

  She felt the jet of heat inside and wished that her arms were free to wrap around him. As soon as she expressed the wish, her arms were free and she ran her fingers through his hair, bringing his lips to hers in a frantic kiss. She wished for her legs to be free and the moment that the vines released her, she wrapped her thighs around his, holding him inside her.

  “I didn’t say you could move your arms, Ceelie.” His growl sounded against her throat.

  “You didn’t say I couldn’t. I wanted to hold you and the vines let me go.” She stroked her fingers slowly through his hair and he moved his hips, sliding inside her once again.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and rocked back on his heels.

  She held onto his shoulders as he cupped her hips and lifted her, slowly lowering and raising her again and again. The forest glowed around them, blues joining the greens and spots of light flitting past in a lovely dance that complemented Rimeer’s movements inside her.

  She kissed at his neck, jaw and stroked his shoulders and arms as they moved together. The heat built up inside her until her fingers tingled, her feet curled and she was helpless to forward her pleasure.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “Please.” Her voice was a whimper.

  “Tell me.”

  She shook and tried to concentrate. “You. I want you, Rimeer. Hard, fast, anyway you want to take me, I want you.”


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