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Page 8

by Chelsea Dorsette

  Landing a firm smack to her bottom he replied as he rolled her over, “Is that so?” Once again he realized how much he loved her sense of humor. She made him smile more than any other person he could remember. Curling up beside her, he tucked his arm around her and within minutes, they both fell asleep.

  When Tracy woke up Sunday morning, she could see the sun peaking through the hotel drapes and she found herself in the same position she fell asleep in, in Doug’s arms. Looking up at him, she saw that he was awake and looking at her tenderly. Giving him a sleepy smile she said softly, “Good morning, cowboy.”

  He loved the nicknames she had for him and replied with a new one of his own. “Good morning, temptress. I trust you slept well?”

  Giving him a wide grin she said, “Temptress huh? I like that!”

  Squeezing her cheek he responded, “I’m glad you do. Because it’s quite fitting!”

  Lying against his warm body, Tracy marveled at how he always made her feel cherished, like she was the most important thing to him in the world. She had read somewhere that men need to feel trusted and women needed to feel cherished. She hoped he knew how much she trusted him, because she felt incredibly cherished by him.

  After showering and getting dressed, they walked downstairs and had a wonderful breakfast in the hotel restaurant. The sun spilled in through the huge windows that faced out on Avery Street and it was fun eating and watching people walk by. After one more stroll through Boston Common, they packed their things into the car and headed back up to New Hampshire. The ride went by quickly as they talked about all of the things they had done that weekend. When they reached Doug’s driveway, Tracy’s heart sank. She hated to say goodbye. Something very deep had happened between them this weekend and they both knew it. Wanting to prolong the inevitable, she walked him to his front door. Holding each other in a tight embrace they kissed tenderly and said goodbye. As he opened his door and cast a backward glance, he could see her wiping a tear from her face as she walked away.

  Chapter Seven - Conway

  It seemed to Tracy that the fall season had flown by quicker than the bat of an eye. She and Doug had gotten together every chance they could during the last few months and did a lot of fun things together. Tracy was showing off Maine by taking him on numerous trips up and down scenic Route One which runs along the coast through many wonderful, quaint towns. Taking advantage of the beautiful fall foliage, they first travelled up north and spent a few days hiking in Acadia National Park. On the weekends that followed, they stayed a little closer to home and explored some of her favorite towns all within an hour’s drive from her house. Their second venture had been to one of her favorite mid-coast towns called Boothbay Harbor. This particular little village has all the charm and rich heritage of a maritime New England village and boasts the largest fleet of excursion boats on the coast. She had also taken him to other small towns like Bath, home of Bath Iron Works. Better known as BIW, this massive shipyard designs and builds battleships, frigates, cruisers and destroyers for the US Navy and is the area’s biggest employer. Another weekend they explored Kennebunkport and admired the family compound of the presidential Bush family from a distance. Exploring the state of Maine would not be complete without a trip to the town of Freeport, the home of LL Bean outfitters. She had noticed that Doug wore many clothes and boots from LL Bean so she wasn’t surprised by how much he bought when they visited the store. In return, Doug took Tracy on many different hikes in his area and she was beginning to know the Franconia Park trail system really well. Saying goodbye was the only sour thing they had to face every weekend when Sunday arrived. They had grown so much closer over the past few months and it seemed to get harder and harder to part ways as each weekend passed. They tried not to dwell on it because there was really nothing they could do about it. But it was still difficult for both of them.

  As much fun as she had this fall with Doug, now Christmas was upon them and Tracy couldn’t contain her excitement about what they had planned. They both had a few days off leading up to and including Christmas day, so Doug planned a skiing trip to Conway, New Hampshire. He booked them into a condo at a resort called Nordic Village, which was close to Mount Cranmore, Attitash Mountain and Intervale Mountain. Tracy was familiar with Conway because she had skied there before. She loved how the area also had some great restaurants, fun shops and many outdoor activities. The best part of Conway’s location is that it sits right next to the Maine border, making it easy for both of them to get to. As she pulled into the resort on this beautiful Wednesday afternoon, she was excited to get to the condo. Doug had given her the unit number but she had to quickly stop at the reception area to get her key. Giving the receptionist her name, she learned that Doug was already there, as he had already been by to pick up his key. She was so thrilled to see him again and to start their vacation.

  In addition to bringing all kinds of clothes from naughty negligees to outerwear and boots, she also brought her bathing suit because she knew the development had a heated indoor pool and spa on the grounds. As she pulled up to their unit, she could see Doug’s truck and parked right next to him. It was just turning 5 o’clock, so that would give them a couple of hours to unpack and hang out before venturing into town for dinner. She had made sure to bring some wine and snacks so they could just relax for a while and settle in without having to worry about grocery shopping right away.

  Snow was everywhere and the development looked like a winter wonderland. Tracy could tell the area had already gotten a lot of snow by the look of the mountainous snow banks the plows had created clearing the parking lots. They couldn’t have picked a better handful of days to be here! All of the snow would make for great skiing and she loved knowing it would be a white Christmas. Leaving her skis in the car, she grabbed her bags and locked the car door. Turning around to head for the condo she suddenly jumped back and screamed! Doug was standing two inches right in front of her! She had not heard him approach the car and was completely taken off guard when she turned around. Doug couldn’t contain his laughter as he reached for her bags. Looking annoyed, Tracy gave him a big stare down and threatened, “You understand you will have to pay for scaring me like that, right?”

  Giving her a sly wink he answered, “Yes I do. And I’m looking forward to it!”

  Taking advantage of her empty hands, she gave him a hard slap on his ass and in a bossy voice said, “Get inside, cowboy. And quit misbehaving!”

  As they entered the condo, she could see there was just a tiny foyer and a long set of stairs leading up to the second floor of the condo. The only thing in the foyer was a small closet and some hooks on the wall. She was very curious to see what the place looked like and as they climbed the stairs she asked, “Is it nice?” Doug told her that he thought she was going to be very pleased and commented that he liked it a lot.

  Once upstairs, Tracy agreed with him whole heartedly. It had a nice open floor plan, big windows and a sliding glass door leading out to a balcony. Pine and Birch trees were the only thing they could see from the windows and it made for a beautiful view. The kitchen was large and Tracy looked forward to cooking in it when they didn’t want to go out. Grabbing her hand Doug said, “Come with me. You will love this!” As he pulled her toward another set of stairs, she gasped in delight when she saw it was a spiral staircase leading up to a third floor! Following him slowly as they wound their way up the stairs, she let out an excited cry when she saw the master suite. The room was huge with gigantic windows that let in tons of light. There was a four-poster king size bed, a large flat screen TV and the bathroom had a spa tub and sky lights! Wrapping her arms around his neck, Tracy gave Doug a long, tender kiss and thanked him for finding such a perfect place. She could tell already that it was going to be a great Christmas and she never felt happier in her life.

  Before it got too dark, they decided to take a quick walk around the development to get a lay of the land. Tracy was anxious to see the spa and after traveling in the car, she was thri
lled to get some fresh air and move about. Putting their coats and gloves back on, they strolled hand in hand looking at the other condo buildings until they reached the spa. When they opened the glass door and stepped in, they were greeted with a blast of comforting warm air and the faint smell of chlorine. It appeared that nobody else was in there and they loved exploring it all by themselves! Sure enough, there was a workout room with lots of equipment and a living room lounge area with comfortable looking couches and chairs with a fireplace and big TV as the focal point. As they explored downstairs, they found a small but lovely heated pool with ferns placed all around it, a big bubbling hot tub throwing steam into the air and a mens and ladies bathroom complete with showers, towels and dressing stalls. It was the perfect retreat and Tracy hoped she would have enough time in the next few days to take advantage of it.

  They were both excited and fired up as they returned to the condo. As Tracy put out the appetizers, Doug poured the wine. Dusk was settling in and because the temperature had dropped quite a bit in the past hour they turned on the gas fireplace, clicked on some lights and put on the 6 o’clock news. As they listened to the weather forecast, they were thrilled at what they heard. The weather man was calling for bright sunshine and temps in the low to mid-30s. As Tracy clapped her hands in delight, Doug felt a surge of love for her. Her positive attitude and lust for life consistently amazed him and he always felt better when she was around. She didn’t seem to have one negative bone in her body and she always saw the best in every situation. As he looked at her and watched her enthusiasm, he knew down to his very core that if this week had ended up with poor weather, it wouldn’t have gotten her down. She would have just found other fun things for them to do. As every day went by, Doug admired her more and more. Because of his deep feelings for her, he had taken a lot of care choosing her Christmas present. He could hardly wait to give it to her Christmas Eve.

  While they sat on the couch watching TV, Tracy noticed that there were some tourist magazines sitting on the coffee table. As Doug watched the sports report, she flicked through them and perused all of the restaurant ads. Because it was their first night on vacation, they both wanted to go out and celebrate! Reading out a few choices that were close by, they decided on Mexican food and made plans to hit a place called El Acapulco. Just for fun, she went online to see if she could find a restaurant review of the place. Luckily she was able to find a review site and the restaurant got rave reviews!

  Climbing into his truck, they headed off for their first night out and Tracy was ready for it to start and end with ice cold margaritas! An hour later, they stumbled back into the condo laughing and in high spirits. Dinner had been excellent and the margaritas definitely had a kick to them. As she took off her coat and dropped her purse onto the kitchen counter, Doug swept her up in his arms and gave her a long, lustful kiss. Reaching up under his T-shirt she caressed his chest and ran her hands along his warm back. He felt glorious in her arms and feeling spunky, she ripped off his T-shirt and laughed at his surprised expression. As she started to undo his jeans she stated in a seductive tone, “I hope you brought toys with you, mountain boy. After all, we’re in the mountains!”

  Chuckling at her silly drunken banter he teased, “Toys? I’m sorry but I don’t know what you’re talking about. The only things I brought are clothes.” Knowing he was egging her on, she decided it was time to play and she had just the game in mind. There was a specific sexual scenario that she had always wanted to explore but had not done so yet. Feeling the carefree effects from the tequila, she decided it was now or never. Pushing his pants down to his ankles she instructed him to kick off his boots and get rid of his pants. Giving her a silly look like he was too shy to do so, she continued to laugh and replied, “Do it, cowboy. Your ass is mine!”

  Earlier in the week she had gone to one of the local sex paraphernalia stores in anticipation of their trip. Although she hadn’t gone looking for this item in particular, when she saw it she knew instantly that she wanted it. It was a paddle used for spanking and had leather on one side and soft fabric on the other. Just thinking of him holding it in his hands and bringing it down on her tender flesh aroused her so completely that she couldn’t resist and bought it. But right now she had another idea. She wanted to try it out on him to see if he liked being spanked. Telling him to stay put, she raced up the spiral staircase as fast as the tequila would allow her to. Ripping off her clothes she donned a sexy black negligee, took the paddle from her bag and gave her hair a quick brush. She would have slapped on some sexy high heels but she didn’t trust herself on those spiral stairs after the drinks she had consumed. The heels would have to wait for another night. Descending carefully back down the winding staircase, she hid the paddle behind her back so he wouldn’t see it. When she reached the bottom, she sauntered over to him trying to look every bit the innocent. His eyes devoured her in her naughty black negligee and he was more than curious as to what she was hiding behind her back. As she brought it around slowly for him to see, she reminded him, “Remember I told you that you were going to have to pay for scaring me when I arrived?”

  As a smile started to slowly spread across his face he replied, “Yes I do. Are you going to punish me now?”

  She could tell from the twinkle in his eyes that this was something he was going to enjoy. Continuing she said, “Yes I am going to punish you now. And I’m going to punish you soundly.” Seeing the erect state of his penis, it was clear to both of them that he was more than ready for what she had in mind. Taking one of his hands in hers, she walked him over to the back of the couch. Stepping aside she instructed in a stern tone, “Bend over the couch, mountain boy. It’s time you pay for your misdeeds.”

  Doug had never been spanked before and his body was on fire with anticipation. This was new ground between them and he was more than ready to see where it would lead. He knew how much it turned him on to spank her beautiful lush ass and he wondered if it would turn her on to do the same to him. Obeying her orders he mumbled, “Yes ma’am. I misbehaved and I deserve to be paddled.” Without another word Tracy grasped the paddle tighter in her hand, made sure the leather side was facing down and landed it with a resounding smack on his beautiful muscular mounds. She could hear him grunt each time she spanked him, but she could tell it was from enjoyment, not from pain. She didn’t think she was strong enough to hurt him anyway, even if she wanted to. What she found surprising was as she spanked him over and over again, she found herself getting wildly aroused. She could see her nipples were tight and erect, she could feel her lower lips throbbing and she knew she was getting wetter by the minute. Feeling so completely turned on by the sound of the paddle slapping against his vulnerable bare skin, she couldn’t wait any longer and knew she had to have him do the same thing to her immediately.

  Placing her hand on his back, she leaned toward him and said in sexy and teasing way, “I think you’ve sufficiently learned your lesson, for now. However, if there’s anything you’d like to use the paddle for, please be my guest!” Doug couldn’t have heard anything better than what she just said because he was feeling exactly the same way. He was rock hard and needed her desperately but wanted to prolong things just a bit longer.

  Standing back up he turned around, grabbed the paddle from her and commanded in a quiet voice, “Turn around, bend over and hold onto your ankles.” Doing as he told her, she bent over and placed herself in the prone position with her tender bottom vulnerable to his every desire. Quickly moving himself into position, he began by gently rubbing his free hand around both of her mounds. His warm hands felt beautiful against her soft skin. After a moment or two of just rubbing her, he began to spank her firmly with just his hand. One, two, three slaps against her creamy white flesh. Stepping up the ass play, he then incorporated the paddle. The sting of the leather coming down again and again only made her hotter for him. She loved it when he was in control and asserting dominance over her. Giving her body freely to him, she let him spank her hard as she cr
ied out in pleasure each time the paddle came down. Hearing her need getting louder and more desperate and feeling that his cock was about to explode, he threw down the paddle, grabbed her hips and pushed his manhood deep inside her soaking entryway. Careful to hold her steady so she wouldn’t fall over, Doug pumped into her with complete abandon. It didn’t take more than a few moments until they both came harder than they ever had before.

  Doug and Tracy spent the whole next day skiing at Attitash Mountain. They were both strong skiers but for their first day out, they stayed on the intermediate trails to get their ski legs. By the end of the afternoon they were ready to go back to the condo to warm up and have a nice big dinner. Tracy was going to make chili and she was also cooking up a plan on how to seduce Doug as she prepared it. While he was in the shower, Tracy stripped off all her clothes, put on her sexy high heels and went back down to the kitchen naked. She had hatched this idea earlier when she noticed an apron hanging in the kitchen closet. Putting on the skimpy apron, she smiled thinking about Doug’s reaction to her cooking naked in high heels wearing only an apron. After turning on some music she poured them both a glass of wine and then busied herself around the kitchen preparing dinner. Ten minutes later she heard Doug start to come down the stairs and she had to work really hard to keep a straight face. She wondered how long it would take him to see what she was up to. Assuming an expression like nothing was amiss she kept her eyes on the counter and continued making the salad. As she heard him reach the bottom stair, she glanced up briefly and couldn’t contain her laughter seeing the look on his face. She should have known he would notice right away.


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