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After This Night

Page 18

by Lauren Blakely

  You’ve never been a tease. Except when you tease.



  date: June 8, 2:44 PM

  subject: This is not teasing.

  I miss you like crazy.



  date: June 8, 3:07 PM

  subject: Fix for that

  I have a pill you can take that cures that. It’s called come live with me.



  date: June 8, 3:49 PM

  subject: Question

  How much do you adore me?



  date: June 8, 4:02 PM

  subject: Answer

  So much I can’t measure it.



  date: June 8, 4:11 PM

  subject: And another

  How much do you love me?



  date: June 8, 4:18 PM

  subject: Hit me with another

  More than I know what to do with.



  date: June 8, 4:20 PM

  subject: One more

  How happy would you be if I said yes to your offer?



  date: June 8, 4:25 PM

  subject: One word


  Iron. He’d cloaked himself in iron. He’d resisted. He hadn’t asked for an answer. He hadn’t pressured her. He’d simply kept up the volley, letting her lead as she seemed to need at the moment. He held tight to his phone, keeping it on his lap as he worked through the latest set of papers for the Pinkertons from home.

  He’d hoped to catch a movie with Davis, since his friend was back in town after working in London for the last few months. But Chris had called him that morning, telling him he was sending a bottle of vintage scotch over as a thank you for his new contract.

  “The delivery guys said they’ll be there between four and five, so I guess you can just have the doorman sign for it if you’re out?’’

  “I don’t have a doorman, but it’s not a problem. I’ve got things I can take care of at the house, so I’ll sign for it myself.”

  “Thanks, man,” Chris had said. “It’s the least I can do. You rocked the hell out of my new deal.”

  “If you’re pleased, I’m pleased.”

  But it was four-thirty and the scotch hadn’t arrived yet. He was looking forward to it, but not as much as he was looking forward to another note from Julia. The clock was ticking, lurching towards midnight. If he were a betting man, he’d put money on Julia using up every second of her week of thinking, and giving him the verdict when the clock struck twelve. That would be fine by him. She was worth waiting for.

  He scanned the page in front of him when the message light dinged on his phone.



  date: June 8, 4:32 PM

  subject: One question

  Do you still love surprises?

  Before he could reply, his phone buzzed with a text message.


  He closed his eyes briefly, a spark racing through him with the possibility. Was she reminiscing about the things they’d done on the balcony or was there more to it? He stood up, walked to the door and slid it open. With his heart in his throat and hope winding its way through his bones, he crossed the distance to the railing, and looked down.

  His heart stopped, and then started again, thumping hard against his chest with desire, happiness, and mad love.

  She was the most beautiful sight in the world. But it wasn’t the stockings and the heels, the skirt or the little tank top. It wasn’t even her hair falling in waves along her shoulders. It was the two humongous suitcases, one on each side of her. She waved at him as his phone rang.

  “My driver left me here on the sidewalk with all my things. Don’t suppose you know a big strong man who could help me carry them upstairs to my new home?”

  He grinned like a crazy man. “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  Within seconds—okay, maybe a minute—he was downstairs, looking both ways, and sprinting across the street to her. He gathered her in his arms, and it was like coming home. Her body melted into his as she roped her arms around his neck, and they kissed, and they kissed, and they kissed.

  Finally, they pulled apart, but neither one let go. He needed to hold her. To feel her. To know she was real. He ran his hands along her bare arms. The feel of her skin was some kind of magic. He bent his head to her neck, inhaling her scent, the delicious, intoxicating smell of the woman he craved in every way. He lifted a hand to her hair, threading his fingers around her gorgeous flames. The sound of her sweet happy sigh was a shot of pure joy to his heart. She was here. She’d said yes.

  “I made sure my flight had Wi-Fi so I could surprise you. Did you think I was in San Francisco the whole day? The time on my laptop was set to Pacific until I landed.”

  He nodded. “I did, and I take it there’s no vintage scotch arriving between four and five?”

  “I’m the vintage scotch. I hope you like your surprise.”

  “You taste better than any scotch, than anything I’ve ever had to eat or drink. So you’re here to stay?” he asked, needing to hear it from her.

  She nodded. “I’m here to stay.”

  “No more running.”

  “No more running,” she repeated.

  “We’re together.”


  “Which reminds me . . . it’s been a week.”

  She wiggled her eyebrows. “Why do you think I wore a skirt?”

  A bolt of pure lust slammed through his body. “Fuck me now,” he said, pushing a hand through his hair.

  “That’s sort of the plan,” she said, tipping her forehead to the door to his building. Their building.

  “Get inside,” he growled, lifting a heavy suitcase in each hand. She grinned seductively and strutted across the street, glancing behind to watch him watching her. So perfect, so sexy, so beautiful for him. Once inside the elevator, he pressed the button for the fifth floor.

  She reached past him, and hit the stop button. “We’re not getting off ‘til we get off.”

  He shook his head appreciatively. “You are my woman. You always have been. You always will be,” he said, then reached under her skirt, pulled her panties down and slid his fingers across her. She was ready, oh so ready.

  She was eager too, judging from how quickly her nimble little fingers had unzipped his jeans. “You did miss me,” he said playfully.

  “So fucking much,” she said as she guided him between her legs.

  He lifted her thigh, hitching her leg around his hip, and sliding home. “Oh God.” She gasped, dropping her head back, and rolling her eyes in pleasure.

  “Don’t ever forget, Julia. I can always do this to you,” he said, in a hot whisper in her ear as he thrust into her.

  “I know. I want it always.”

  “We have all of Manhattan for fucking. We have restaurants and bars, and theaters and museums, and I’m going to want to take you everywhere.”

  “No pun intended,” she said, in between sexy little moans and pants.

  “Take you and take you,” he added. “Fuck you and make love to you. I’m not going to hold back. I’m going to seduce you all over this city, and make you come every single day and night.”

  “Please do,” she said, her voice rising higher, her breath coming faster.

  “All the time,” he said, gripping her thigh harder, driving deeper. She responded by running her hands up his spine, and digging her fing
ernails deep into his skin.

  “Leave marks on me,” he told her, and she dug in harder. “I want scratch marks from you.”

  “You feel so fucking good, you’re going to get them, Clay. Oh God, you’re going to get them,” she said, holding on tight and hard, dragging her nails along his muscles as she cried out, rocking her hips against his as she came, and soon, he chased her there with his own orgasm.

  He wrapped his arms around her, needing to hold her, even in the stalled elevator. He layered kisses on her neck, already hot and sweaty. “Julia, I won’t always take you hard like that, but sometimes I’m going to have to,” he whispered.

  “You better take me hard, and you better take me slow, and you better make love to me all night long,” she said, pulling back to look him in the eyes. Hers were both fierce, and full of love.

  “That’s a promise, and I keep my promises to you,” he said, running his thumb along her cheek.

  “I know you do. That’s why I’m here to stay.”

  That’s where he always wanted her.


  Two Months Later

  “What can I get for you?”

  The pair of young women in slouchy tops revealing bare shoulders had parked themselves in the burgundy bar stools at Speakeasy, where Julia was now a part-owner. They perused the cocktail menu, and then the blonde one lifted her face to Julia, the look in her eyes full of excitement. “Can you make the Purple Snow Globe? We heard this is the only bar where we can get it made fresh,” she said, emphasizing that last word like it was made of sweet sugar. “I served some at a party last week from the store and everyone loved it, but we wanted to try the real thing.”

  “And I will be delighted to make it for you. But I should let you know, this isn’t the only bar. There’s a little place in San Francisco called Cubic Z that also makes a Purple Snow Globe, so if you ever find yourself out west, you know where to go,” she said, and started mixing.

  “Our friends are going to be so jealous. Everyone is loving this drink,” the woman said.

  “I’m thrilled to hear that.”

  After she set down the drinks, she headed to the back of the bar to retrieve more napkins. Along the way, her phone buzzed in her pocket, so she grabbed it. There was a text from Kim.

  How’s business? Booming as always, like it is here?

  Julia tapped out an answer. Always. She dropped her phone back into her pocket, glad that Craig had taken over behind the bar for her. She still owned a stake in Cubic Z, but Craig had needed a job, and her move had given him the perfect chance to help his wife while she was busy with the newborn. Charlie hadn’t been heard from, and while Julia and Clay had toyed with spreading a nasty rumor on Yelp about Charlie’s chicken, they’d decided not to. Charlie was a man not to be messed with, so they’d chosen to leave him and his chicken in the past. But Julia couldn’t deny she was pleased when her sister forwarded along a few new online reviews for Mr. Pong’s that all noted the restaurant was less popular at lunch these days. Seemed that Charlie had lost a good portion of his venture capital patrons at the restaurant. Hunter with the laughing tell might have been kicked out of the poker circuit, but had managed the last word after all, telling his friends to find a new haunt for their kung pao chicken hankerings, hitting Charlie where it hurt him most.

  As for her apartment, McKenna had packed up everything for her, deciding what needed to stay and what needed to go. She trusted her sister completely with that choice, especially when the boxes had arrived with only her favorite items in them. She didn’t need her fluffy towels, though. Because she and Clay had bought new ones, with some of the $10,000 she’d won at the poker game, along with a bench, some softer pillows, and a new set of scarves. They’d considered ropes but they’d always been more DIY when it came to restraints, opting for belts, ties, panties and whatever was on hand, and that was likely to continue.

  She pictured returning home tonight after her shift behind the bar. She’d find him naked in bed, sound asleep on his stomach, his strong back on display with the sheets low around his hips. The lights would be dim, the only sound the faint rhythm of his sleeping breath. She’d strip down to nothing, and run her hands along his skin. He’d groan lightly, roll over and pull her on top of him, and they’d have slow, sleepy, middle-of-the-night sex.

  That image was burned in her brain as she returned to the bar to serve a new customer. A man in a suit had just sat down. Then she realized that man was her man. Her man in a suit, and by God, did he ever look sexy as hell in it. Maybe it was the little bit of cuff showing, or the cufflinks, or the purple tie he wore.

  She rested her elbows on the bar, and flashed him a smile. “What can I get for you there, wearing your lucky tie?”

  He ran his fingers down the fabric, and raised an eyebrow. “You noticed my lucky tie.”

  “I always notice what you’re wearing,” she said in a whisper, her words just for him. “Are you thinking you’re getting lucky tonight?”

  “I’m a lucky man every night because I have you.”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere. But you still must pay for your drink,” she said and poured him his standard scotch, placing it in front of him. He took a long swallow, then reached for her hand, threading her fingers through his.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he said softly.

  “Hey, handsome.”

  “What would you think about going to Vegas this weekend?”

  “So we can see your brother’s show, then play a little blackjack?”

  “For starters,” he said, and there was a twinkle in his brown eyes.

  A ribbon of possibility unfurled in her. “Are you going to propose to me in Vegas?”

  He laughed. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “I would like to know,” she said, as the corners of her lips curved up.

  “But I love surprises, Julia. So I guess you’ll have to wait and see if I propose, or if maybe I take you there to elope.”

  She clasped his hand tighter, her way of saying she liked that idea. Either one. Both. “So I won’t know till you take me to Vegas?”

  He shrugged playfully. “Maybe I’ll do neither. But I’ll tell you this much. We will have an excellent time, and I fully intend on marrying you someday. Someday soon.”

  “Oh you do, do you?”

  “I do.”

  “You practicing saying those words?” she said, teasing him like she’d always loved to.

  “Maybe I am. Do you like hearing them from me?” he said, and every day she found new ways to fall in love with him. This was today’s.

  “I do, Clay. I do.”


  If you’d like to receive an email when my next

  title is available, including STARS IN THEIR EYES,

  my August release, please sign up for my newsletter.

  Check out my contemporary romance novels!

  Caught Up In Us, a New York Times and

  USA Today Bestseller! (Kat and Bryan’s romance!)

  Pretending He’s Mine, a Barnes & Noble and

  iBooks Bestseller! (Reeve & Sutton’s romance)

  Trophy Husband, a New York Times and

  USA Today Bestseller! (Chris & McKenna’s romance)

  Playing With Her Heart, a

  USA Today Bestseller! (Davis and Jill’s romance)

  Far Too Tempting, an Amazon romance

  bestseller! (Matthew and Jane’s romance)

  And my USA Today Bestselling

  No Regrets series that includes

  The Thrill of It

  (Meet Harley and Trey)

  and its sequel

  Every Second With You!

  Stay tuned for NIGHTS WITH HIM, the next novel in the erotic romance Seductive Nights series, starring Michele Milo and her lover, slated for a fall 2014 release…

  Ten years.

  She’d been in love with one man for ten years.

  That was far too long for a person to suffer through unrequitedness. But
when would these feelings end? The guy she was seeing, Liam, was charming, and she’d hoped he’d blunt her love for the man she couldn’t have. But as she flipped open her laptop to check on her next appointment, Michele wasn’t sure if the spark was there with Liam – a true light-up-the-night ignition that could erase the past.

  But it would take a once-in-a-century eclipse to blot out the ache she’d felt for that man who was now so happy with another woman.

  Someday, she hoped she’d know freedom from this hurt in her heart, the way her whole chest wanted to cave in.

  She clicked open her calendar, checking on the details of her next session. At least she had her work to focus on. Her patients and their challenges fed her, made her whole in a way that only her work as a psychologist could do. She scanned her notes, though she knew very little about her next patient. That was par for the course. She rarely knew much in advance and her job was to get to know patients during their time together.

  Well, let’s see what we’ve got, she figured, and she was ready to forget her own personal woes for the next hour.

  When she heard a knock at two o’clock sharp, she opened the door to her office, and all thoughts rushed out of her brain but one.

  One word. Blaring like a neon sign.


  This man was smoldering.

  And she’d already met him last night.




  Dear Readers:

  Now that you’ve met McKenna and Chris in the Seductive Nights series, do you want to see how their love began? Be sure to check out Trophy Husband, the story of how they met and fell for each other. Trophy Husband is part of my Caught Up in Love series. You might also enjoy Playing With Her Heart, the novel where Jill and Davis fall in love, and where Clay first appears as a supporting character. A brief excerpt of both novels follows, and you can find the full novels across all major retailers.






  She raises her hands behind her head, pulling out the rubber band, shaking out her hair, and letting it fall around her face.


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