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Dark Whispers Sheridan and Cain 2009

Page 22

by Unknown

“I want it!”

  The smirk faded from Sakurai’s handsome face. “I won’t abide a companion who hasn’t the stomach to kill, to properly pay the price for the strengths we have.”

  Dai clenched his jaw. “So what do you want from me then?” he demanded. “My life? Then fine—take it. After I make sure the bastards who killed my brother pay, you can do whatever the hell you want to me.”

  Sakurai leaned over and just barely touched his lips to Dai’s chin.

  “I can do whatever I wantnow, can’t I?” the vampire whispered. It was more a statement than a question. “But what I don’t want is for you to change.”

  “That’s the whole point, isn’t it?” As angry and scared as he was, Dai still turned his face toward Sakurai so their lips met.

  “To change your body, yes.” Sakurai pulled back and cocked his head to one side. He studied Dai for a long time before speaking again. “But not your soul, not who and what you are within.”

  Dai closed his eyes. “I don’t care.”

  “But I do.”

  An involuntary moan made its way out of Dai’s throat as Sakurai traced his cool fingers over the hot skin of Dai’s cock. “Why?”

  “Because I think I’m in love.”

  Dai opened his eyes and stared.

  Sakurai grimaced. “Yes, it is rather a distasteful thing to admit. But to use a phrase that lingers in the far reaches of your mind—it is what it is.”

  “I don’t have time for this,” Dai said.

  Sakurai’s expression hardened. “You can’t conceal your thoughts from me—yet. But I have no desire to speak what we both know is there for whatever reason.”

  He skimmed his fingers along Dai’s thighs, his eyebrow quirking when Dai involuntarily spread his legs wider. “My standards and expectations are strict and the thought that my efforts this night might be wasted quite frankly sickens me.”

  Daisuke strained against his bonds, tried to sit up, eager to lash out with his body as well as his tongue. “Then what the fuck do you want? Do you want me to promise to slaughter old ladies and cripples so I can live forever?”

  Sakurai sneered and stepped away from the bed, his arms folded across his chest. “I want to see you retain the vestiges of humanity I was so quick to discard when Kuro turned me. I don’t want to see you deny what you are and live as some guiltriddled specter as my Kiyoshi did for too long.”

  Dai gritted his teeth and fought as best he could his growing desire for the man —thecreature—before him. “I want to avenge my brother. I want you to help me. I’ll deal with the rest after.”

  In an instant, Sakurai leapt on the bed and grabbed Dai’s hair, forcing him to look straight up into his eyes. “Keeping with the modern mentality--buy now, pay later, right?”

  Dai growled and snapped his head out of Sakurai’s grip.

  “I’m not going to spend eternity regretting this or wishing for something different, goddamn it.” He met Sakurai’s stare and held it. “And I’m fucking serious-you can kill me afterwards, if I end up being such a ‘waste’ of your time.” Dai’s voice cracked.

  “That thought disappoints you.” Sakurai slipped a hand under Dai’s neck, drawing Dai as far up as the restraints allowed. “It hurts you to think I’d stop feeling for you.”

  “You don’t know shit,” Dai lied viciously. “I don’t care what you think you know about me.”

  “It is what it is, Daisuke,” Sakurai whispered before flicking his tongue across Dai’s lips.

  Dai shuddered, hating himself for it, yet savoring every second as Sakurai’s tongue flicked over his lips again then slid down along the sensitive skin of his throat then further to the center of his chest. The vampire nipped at his taut nipple and Dai gasped as he felt blood ooze. He groaned when Sakurai lapped it up then climbed onto the bed to straddle his waist.

  He squirmed against the restraints as Sakurai reached to squeeze his cock. “It’s a pity things weren’t able to progress more slowly as I had hoped. Your mentor had a great many interesting toys in his chest. So many things to use on you, to watch that passion flare in your eyes and flush your skin, as it is now.”

  Dai’s gaze slid from Sakurai’s intense stare down to the vampire’s erect cock, so close yet so inaccessible. He licked his lips, regretting his actions when the vampire answered with that fucking smirk of his.

  “Regret nothing, Daisuke. Never regret.” Sakurai leaned forward, captured his mouth in a hard kiss, invaded his mouth with his experienced tongue, and Dai found himself waiting to taste the blood again as he had the other day.

  I knew you liked it, despite your protests. You’ll need to crave it and you will. Wait until you are able to discern the different taste from different people from different situations you find them in. But the sweetest blood, pet, is that tinged with lust. And your lust is most delicious.

  Sakurai pulled back, sat upright and grazed his fingernails the length of Dai’s chest. Dai squirmed as he felt his skin open, the blood seeping. He clenched his jaw to contain the whimper as Sakurai leaned in again and began to lick the blood, stroking each long, shallow gash with his tongue, back and forth, again and again.

  He didn’t expect a kiss but when it came he eagerly drew the vampire’s tongue into his mouth and sucked at his own blood. A muffled cry of protest escaped him when Sakurai pulled back, tossing his mane of damp hair in the process.

  Grinning, Sakurai caressed Dai’s lips with his fingertips. “There are other things for you to do with that lovely mouth.”

  Dai didn’t really start to hate the ties holding him back until now. He tugged at them, desperate to wrap his arms around Sakurai’s neck, to draw him back into an embrace. He wanted to take that hard, teasing cock rubbing against his belly into his mouth, to drink up the thick spurts that were sure to follow.

  “Shit!” He cried out in frustration and desire, knowing that his wrists were being cut into only by the slick, hot streaks of blood that trailed down his forearms. Dipping low, barely brushing his lips over Dai’s, the strands of his hair tickling the sides of Dai’s face, Sakurai taunted him. “How badly do you want this?”

  Jerking and pulling at the leather restraints, Dai let out another primal cry. His shoulders ached from the force he exerted as he tried to break the bonds. One of them actually snapped and Sakurai stared down at him in surprise as Dai reached up to grab the back of the vampire’s neck. Dai pulled Sakurai down halfway to meet his sloppy, desperately hungry kiss, and he didn’t let go until Sakurai gave his cock a painful squeeze.

  With a whimper, Dai dropped back down to the mattress. Sakurai crouched over him, his crimson eyes glittering.

  “Now you’ll have to keep yourself from touching me without the straps to help.” He smiled, but Dai noticed he didn’t seem quite as self-assured as before. Sakurai arched a brow. “Are you strong enough for that?”

  Dai gritted his teeth and nodded. He grabbed the bedrail overhead and closed his eyes. He groaned as Sakurai fondled his balls, then stroked his aching cock, but didn’t let go. Sakurai’s free hand raked across Dai’s chest, leaving more sharp cuts in their wake and this time he didn’t bother to soothe the pain with his tongue.

  Instead, he smeared the blood onto his palm. “Look at me.”

  Dai complied and watched Sakurai lick the blood from his hand. His eyes shone with a light that spoke of ruthlessness and an unnatural hunger that paled in comparison to the countless horror movies Dai had seen.

  “When you take your revenge, Daisuke, I want you to savor every drop spilled. Their heads will be your prize; take them without remorse.”

  “I will.”

  “You’d better.”

  Without another word, Sakurai shifted to straddle Dai’s upper chest. He swiped his hand behind him to pick up more blood then stroked himself before jutting his hips forward to brush against Dai’s waiting lips. “Suck it. But don’t touch.”

  Dai gripped the rail so hard he thought he’d either crack the wood or break his hand

  He raised his head to wrap his lips around Sakurai’s cock. The engorged flesh filled his mouth as he eagerly sucked as much of it in as he could without gagging himself. The bitter taste of Sakurai’s skin sent a shudder of pleasure through his body, the precum burning on his tongue the way it had each time Dai had sampled the vampire’s semen. He moved his lips harder, his jaw aching as he opened wider to take more of it in, his appetite growing with every passing moment.

  Sakurai grabbed both sides of Dai’s head and readjusted himself, rising up to align himself with Dai’s open mouth and throat. He pushed in.

  Dai almost choked and then Sakurai’s voice drifted through his mind, telling him not to force it, but to invite it. Sakurai’s cock slipped in deeper with each of his short, gentle strokes. He fucked Dai’s face, and Dai took it deeper into his throat than he would’ve thought he could manage.

  Sakurai stiffened then a series of gushing spurts poured forth. Dai couldn’t even try to swallow—he just let the liquid run down his throat and sink into his belly, burning the entire way.

  Sakurai pulled out long before Dai was ready to release him, but Sakurai offered a deep kiss in return. “You’ve only just begun, Daisuke. Don’t fail me now.”

  “I won’t. Do it! Do what it takes!”

  Sakurai stroked his cheek, drew blood with razor like nails and licked it away. “I will, but first a small reward for your obedience thus far.”

  The vampire shifted, turned his back to Dai while still straddling him, and began to stroke his aching cock with maddeningly slow strokes. Dai writhed and held on to the desire to reach out and touch Sakurai. He wanted to feel the muscles of his back, to grab his long, black hair and tug the vampire down on top of him.

  “Ah ah ah. Stay those impulses, Daisuke, unless I instruct otherwise.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Sakurai replied with a laugh before taking his fingernails and cutting into Dai’s cock on his next upward stroke. Dai cried out in a mix of agony and ecstasy, the ecstasy winning out when Sakurai covered him with his hot mouth, licking and sucking him with a methodic pace that made Dai snap the other leather tie binding his wrist. He gripped at the sheets, bucked his hips up, straining to have Sakurai take him fast and deep.

  When the vampire finally heightened the pace, Dai went with it, his breath quickening, his body sweating, growing more tense as the pressure built.

  “I thought you never sucked,” he managed to gasp out. Sakurai’s throaty laugh vibrated Dai to the very core.

  I don’t, pet. I bite.

  Dai’s come exploded. Sakurai pulled free and tore into his groin with nails and teeth. Dai felt his blood flow as his climax spiraled to its conclusion and a weird dizzying euphoria gripped him. He felt weak, about to pass out. Oh fuck, was he dying?

  Sakurai sucked hard, drained him until he danced along the edge of unconsciousness, and then the vampire pulled away. He covered Dai’s body with his, dug his nails into the side of his own throat until the blood spilled forth.

  “Drink it now! Drink until you can’t swallow any more!”

  Dai grabbed Sakurai’s shoulder when the vampire snatched him into an embrace. The blood was thick, hot as liquid fire and it made him gag but he wanted it. He needed it and he swallowed it like a man rescued from the desert and placed before a rushing stream.

  How long he drank, Dai couldn’t begin to guess. He pressed his lips to Sakurai’s throat and prayed the flow would never stop. Everything else had been pushed completely from his mind.


  No-it wasn’t enough! Dai gripped Sakurai’s shoulder tighter, dug his nails into his skin. He guzzled deeper, pushed his tongue into the wound to draw out more of the delicious fluid.

  “Enough!” Sakurai shouted. The sound of his voice echoed in Dai’s ear, shattering the thrall.

  Sakurai sat back on his knees, still straddling Dai. Breathing heavily, he clutched at the wound on his neck with a trembling hand. Dai tried to reach up to caress Sakurai’s beautiful face but couldn’t raise his arm. He could barely even keep his eyes open.

  “What’s happening?” he whispered. Sakurai swayed unsteadily on top of him, the blood still oozing through his fingers.

  “Fuck,” Sakurai breathed before collapsing off to the side, half on top of Dai, half on the mattress. “We’re going to have one hell of a hang-over.”

  Dark Whispers Sheridan and Cain 2009

  Chapter Twenty

  What happened?”

  Yun surveyed the main hall under the small club,Night Life, his arms folded across his chest. Mikail paced the only spot on the floor not drenched in the blood or flesh of the young vampires slaughtered throughout the room.

  “His mark is everywhere.” Mikail knotted his hands together in a fretful gesture, his gaze darting wildly around the room at the many bloody Chinese characters scrawled on the walls and other flat surfaces. “Sakurai did this in retaliation.”

  Yun laughed. “He murdered a few children—big deal. I bet he meant this to serve as a ‘warning’, but it’s only a joke.”

  “What if he summons the rest of thechiang shih? Jung Kai has followers outside the city who’ll hear of this and want blood for blood!” Mikail muttered under his breath. “And the Mistress won’t be pleased; some of these young ones were her favorites.”

  That only made Yun snort louder and more disdainfully. “By the time they come for vengeance, Sakurai will be dead and with his blood in us we’ll be too powerful to be stopped by anyone.”

  * * * * *

  Groaning, Sakurai rolled on to his side. The light from the lamp on the nightstand burned his eyes—a bad sign that he was weaker than he’d thought he’d be. He reached over and clicked it off, sighing at the pleasant darkness that enveloped the room. According to the alarm clock, it was a quarter to four in the morning. He’d slept only an hour and a half, at the most.

  And he felt like total shit.

  Underneath him, Daisuke lay still. Too still. Sakurai forced himself up into a sitting position, shaking off the lightheaded wave of nausea. He touched the man’s cheeks with both hands and found him cool to the touch, but not cold enough to be dead. Dai’s heart continued to beat—much slower than it had in his mortal life, but with a regular, steady rhythm.

  The change had worked—Dai had survived. But the next hour before dawn was critical for them both.

  Sakurai smiled and kissed Dai on the mouth, stealing the faint breath that passed over the newbornchiang shih’s lips.

  Wake up. He caressed Dai’s throat and traced his fingers over the raw cuts on the young man’s chest and abdomen. When he got no response, he reached lower and squeezed Dai’s balls. Immediately, Dai’s cock jerked to life, pulling the young man out of sleep.

  Get up, dai-dai. Sakurai laughed weakly.

  “I think I’m still dying,” Dai murmured drowsily. He tried to sit up without opening his eyes and collapsed back to the mattress with a whimper. “What did you do to me?”

  “You lost a lot of blood.” Sakurai touched the superficially healed gash on Dai’s thigh. “We both did and we’re both very weak right now. We need to hunt.”

  “I don’t think I can take those fuckers on just now.”

  Frowning, Sakurai breathed a disgusted sigh.

  “We need to feed, to heal and regain our strength. We’re vulnerable like this.”

  Daisuke opened his eyes and stared but said nothing.

  If you’re having a stroke of conscious, I’ll kill you now and be done with it. I’m not.

  Why am I doubting that?

  “I don’t know,” Dai said softly.

  Uttering a Mandarin curse, Sakurai got out of the bed and grabbed his leather pants from the bathroom then took a button-front shirt from Dai’s closet.Fucking useless mortal heart. He laughed when Dai shot out of the bed and grabbed a handful of his hair to spin him around.

  “I am not useless.” He released him, and then threw on black jeans, a dark gray sweater and his boots
. He waited while Sakurai put on his own boots then followed his new mentor out.

  As soon as they stepped out of the building, the city assaulted Dai’s newly heightened senses. He shrank back against the doorway and covered his ears with his hands in a futile attempt to block out sounds he wasn’t ‘hearing’ in the true sense of the word. “Holy shit,” he gasped and squeezed his eyes shut. “So many people . . . talking at once . . . .”

  Sakurai turned back and took him by the wrist, pulling his hands away from his ears. “It’s your psychic power growing faster than you can adjust for it. You’re picking up the thoughts of the thousands of people living close by. In time you’ll learn to block it. For now you’ll have to get used to it.” He guided Dai away from the building’s entrance and a bit further down the street until Dai gasped in pain and stopped to lean against the counter of a closed newspaper stand.

  “I’m impressed.” Sakurai touched his temple and hissed. “I can feel your psychic energy. It can take a chiang shih years to focus that ability.”

  “Great,” Dai whispered shakily.

  “I warned you my blood is strong.” Sakurai chuckled.

  Dai’s vision blurred a bit as his control on the new found power wavered. “Is there some way to get all the other noises to stop pounding in my head?”

  Sakurai drew Dai’s hand close and placed it over his heart. “Concentrate on me,” he said softly. Listen to the beat of my heart. Feel it.

  Listen to his heart. Right. That was good. That helped a lot actually. But the way it felt . . . . The feeling was not so good. Itwas good, but in all the wrong ways for right now.

  Sakurai’s silent laughed echoed in Dai’s mind.


  Yes, you can feel it there, too, can’t you?

  Shit, he couldn’t counter that because hecould feel it. He could feel that steady

  sensual pulsing all through is own body and he wondered if he’d be sporting a hard-on non-stop throughout all eternity.

  We can think of ways to alleviate it when it’s gets to be too trying.

  Smart shit . . . .


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