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Forgiving Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Victoria Johns

  The door opens.

  Oh my.

  Ross is dripping wet with a towel precariously gripped in his fist round his waist. My eyes take in the sight before me and my mind goes blank until I hear him clearing his throat. I’m such a fool and I’m totally embarrassed but I quickly get started and power through so I can head back to my place and cringe. “Hey, sorry did I catch you in the middle of a shower?”

  Yep. That is what I said. Lame.

  I’m such an idiot and he looks down and at himself and nods. Yep. A total idiot who is normally clever but has a brain that switches off and fails to cogitate when presented with a wet, male, near naked body.

  “What can I do for you?” He throws back at me. His innuendo causes a complete wiring failure in my head and I really want him to tell me what he can do for me.

  “Um, well, my girls and some of the guys from the BBQ are heading over to Purps for a few drinks later, I just thought with you being new in town you might like to join us?”

  “Sure,” he replies.

  Well that was easier than expected. “Great! We’re meeting at around nine and will be loitering at one of the bars. Just come find us when you get there.”

  “OK,” he says around a smile. He has a great smile. “Anything else?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.

  “Um, no. I’ll let you get back to your shower.” I say and leave before I do something else to make me blush and tongue tied, but before I turn away I can’t help but give him another once over. His full sleeve tattoos are matched by intricate designs that swirl over his shoulder and on his back. My eyes leave the tattoos and head back to his trim waist and six pack, but not before they take in the absolute piece of pure heaven that is the V of muscles that run from his waist and lead down to what can only be treasures that any woman would be begging to discover.

  “See you later then Neely,” he says shaking his head and I can hear him chuckling as the door shuts.

  That’s when the embarrassment really kicks in and with a shake of my own head, complete with reddening cheeks I let myself into my apartment and give myself a pep talk. I berate myself for a bit and then think fuck it! There are worse things than being caught checking out a very hot guy and then I remind myself that he’s an inside man at the Van’s ranch and if I’m considering using my feminine lures then I’ve probably just laid excellent ground work.

  Game on!

  At around 9.20pm I wander into Purps. I’ve gone a little bit sexy for the gathering I’ve described as “drinks” but I’m sticking to my motto of if you’re going to do something, really do it. In reality I need to make this work, I know I don't have an unlimited time available to me and I can’t fob Steven off for long.

  My outfit for the night is what I call classic Neely. I’m wearing a black and turquoise body con dress and it fits like a second skin. It has simple one inch shoulder straps and a classic sweetheart neckline. It makes my breasts look great and gives me amazing cleavage. The waist area is where the turquoise panel is and it emphasizes my small waist by using my ample breasts and shapely hips to give me an hourglass figure. The length of the dress is super short which means it stops about two inches below my bum cheeks and gives me what I call epic booty. I’ve decided to go all black with the accessories which are lots of sparkly bangles and a chunky ring on my left hand. A large pendant on a chain around my neck which hangs centrally in my cleavage finishes off the jewelery. My simple black purse is teamed with killer shoes that are also black, pointy and look sharp and dangerous.

  My make-up screams drama and mystery and is teamed with a simple flesh colored lip gloss which makes my very kissable looking lips the focus of my face. I’m hoping the sheen on them makes them irresistible. I’ve curled my hair with my curling wand and it looks tousled and bouncy yet is begging to have someone run their fingers through it.

  As soon as I spot the gang, I strut my stuff over to the bar they’re all gathered around and make my presence known.

  “Hells bells Neels. You’re looking foxy tonight. There is only one thing that outfit says and it’s man eater,” announces Flo.

  Lottie hears this and turns round to give me a full appraisal. “Oh yes sister. We are gonna kill it tonight.”

  Oli hears the intent in her statement and then looks at me and gives me a wink, he appreciates a girl who makes an effort. He also then reminds Lottie that they are there together and she’ll have to kill it whilst remembering she’s dating him. I have no idea how these two do this fake dating thing and I also don’t understand how it keeps the peace in the elite circles that they frequent with their parents.

  “Yes yes. Eyes only for you my darling,” she tells him sarcastically and leans in to give him a fake squeeze and a peck on the cheek.

  My next embrace comes from Dolly who whispers “Wow, are you a pretty girl on the pull tonight?” in my ear whilst Jonas hands me a glass of something sparkly from a bottle that is sitting on the bar in an ice bucket. As soon as he’s given it to me he turns back to the bar and grabs his bottle of beer.

  “Oh look who’s here!” announces Flo and I spin round whilst making sure my face says come hither and ravage me expecting to see Ross, but only to be greeted with Chris.

  “Oh. It’s you.” I say not even attempting to hide my disappointment from him. Chris’s face falls and I know my comment has upset him. He looks good tonight, his natural footballer’s physique means he’s a big guy. He’s wearing a tight fitting long sleeved t-shirt and it’s tucked into jeans that enhance his waist and shape his ass. They hide his man package but give you a hint of what’s inside. He’s styled his hair with his fingers and he looks mean and moody. It’s a good look on him.

  Stop! I berate myself. Stop thinking about him.

  “Expecting someone else were you?” He asks.

  “Um. Yes. I’ve invited my new neighbor Ross.” I tell him and the rest of the group. His head drops and he shakes it a little in frustration. “I need a beer,” he declares.

  “Neely,” says Jonas “I didn’t know you were friends with him?”

  “I’m not. Yet. I am totally planning on changing that tonight though,” I reply with a lot of eyebrow waggling.

  Just like Chris, Jonas’s eye’s flash with something I’ve not seen before and then he turns to join Chris at the bar.

  “So has anyone seen him yet? He’d better not stand me up.” I ask no one in particular. I get a variety of answers back that tell me no one has seen him so far. At first I sigh in disappointment and then shrug my shoulders, what will be, will be and if I have to switch up my plan and hunt the guy down, then so be it.

  I have a few more glasses of the bubbly stuff, our guys are gentlemen for the most part and know the importance of keeping a girl’s glass topped up. Dolly declares it’s time to dance and off we go. As a group of four girls who have been casting our female spells wide for some time, we know the allure we hold and little has changed in that respect. When we hit the dance floor we attract attention and love every minute of it, although Dolly is more careful about it otherwise Jonas would end up killing some poor fool and Lottie switches her game up depending on whether she is on a fake date or not. Flo is a great mover, but keeps it confined because she has a reputation as a high school teacher and although she’s hot she comes across as shy and demure. She doesn’t understand that this shyness attracts as many guys as my outgoing boldness.

  Me on the other hand, I just let go and feel the music. I rarely dance to the beat and have found this works. Going off beat makes me more intriguing and I love it.

  The music continues and I get into my groove. I may look like I’m in my own world but I’m completely aware that I am being watched and knowing this only adds to my ego. It boosts my confidence and means only the bravest guys will make an approach. As I begin to get into one of the summer’s best dance tunes I feel a body behind me.

  It’s a strong body.

  A body that is big and strong enough for me to feel the zipper of his jeans in th
e middle of my back. Huge hands hold my hips and move in synch with me, so we’re both now dancing out of beat with the tune. It’s been a long time since someone has been bold enough to just take hold of me. In my usual state of awareness I can sense the guys who are debating whether to try, but this one took me completely by surprise. I take a deep breath and raise my arms so I can move deeper into his body and in doing so I hear him hum his approval. He leans into me and runs his nose down the side of my face, past my ear to my neck and I hear him whisper, “Beautiful.” I reach back and feel his thick hair and when I run my hand down the side of his face I feel facial hair.



  It’s Ross.

  I turn around in surprise and grin at him, he returns that smile and says “I see you started to have fun without me.”

  I fake a sad face, “I didn’t think you were coming out to play.”

  “I wasn’t but my plans changed and I am now realizing just how pleased I am that they did.” He pins me with a look that leaves me under no illusion that he’s interested in me.

  Before I can answer him Dolly leans into me and shouts “Drinks at the bar!” When we get there the boys have got us a new bottle of bubbles to go at and Jonas is holding a bottle of beer ready for Ross. I snap out of the little lusty trance I was under and then make my way off the dance floor, Ross follows placing a possessive hand at my back. When I get to the bar Jonas looks unimpressed and makes this clear by the forceful way he shoves the bottle of beer at Ross. Some kind of silent communication passes between them and the next thing my eyes find is a very broody looking Chris, his bad mood is rolling off him in waves and it’s stifling. The glare he’s giving me confirms that he’s not best pleased with my new friend.

  “Hey Jonas, I forgot to ask how you two know each other?” I enquire and Ross looks at Jonas giving him the chance to answer.

  “Ex forces Neely. Same as me.” He answers but doesn’t take his eyes off Ross as he says it. That’s not a good sign. Jonas is usually a good judge of character.

  “Oh. OK. How did you end up at the Vans Ranch?” I ask Ross.

  “Just had a friend of a friend who knew I was after some work. We connected and here I am,” a simple response.

  “Yes and here you are,” says Chris with an icy edge to his voice.

  “Chris,” he nods at him, “Thanks for the invite to the BBQ. I didn’t get the chance to introduce myself.”

  “I didn’t invite you, but Henry’s staff are always welcome.” I begin to wonder what is wrong with him but it doesn’t last long, this is the chance I need.

  “How are things over at the Vans ranch?” I ask him and his eyes spark something before he answers.

  “So far so good. Just getting the lay of the land and the people who work there.”

  “Chris!” God her voice grates on me and seriously, she’s like a homing pigeon. Polly turns up, bustles through everyone to stand in front of him like she is part of this group. “I heard you were out, why didn’t you tell me you were going out?”

  “I didn’t realize I needed to check in with you Polly,” he utters most irritated.

  “Oh silly. It’s not checking, but I would have loved an invite,” she says casually brushing off his dismissal.

  “I also didn’t realize I had to invite you or take you with me every time I left the ranch land.”

  “You don't it would just be nice to spend some time away from work together that’s all. Oh. Hey Ross, how are you? I didn’t know you were pals with this lot?” She’s now directing her attention to Ross who can clearly see how the rest of us feel about her.

  “Hi Polly, I’m just getting to know them. Neely was kind enough to include me in her plans for the evening.” He says trying to make light of the Chris conversation and subsequent atmosphere. It makes me laugh out loud because it’s loaded with hidden meaning. It’s a territory statement for Chris, telling him that I invited him along. It’s a subtle one that tells Polly that she didn’t get an invite at all and one for me - that means he appreciates my invitation.

  “Ross you’re welcome.” I reply and my hidden meaning doesn’t get missed by either Chris or Polly. “Fancy another dance?” At my request Polly smiles and Chris’s face gets tight again.

  “Not right now Neely, I think I need to cool off after the last experience,” and this time his meaning is loud and clear. “Jonas, have you got a moment for a beer and catch up?”

  “Sure,” he replies and they both grab beer bottles and head off further down the bar, out of ear shot of the rest of us.


  “Neely, can I talk to you for a minute?” Chris asks and although I’d love to tell him to go fuck himself I can’t bring myself to court that kind of drama in front of an audience.

  “Chris, don’t you want to get me a drink?” asks Polly hopefully.



  “Jesus Christ Polly. Give it a rest. You want a drink, get one, you’re stood at the fucking bar.” When he’s finished his mini rant he looks and me and jerks his head to the side indicating he wants me to follow him to one of the more private alcoves. I don’t want a scene so I follow him and when we get there he steps aside and waits for me to take my seat first. I don’t. I stand in the entrance

  “What the fuck Chris! That is not a nice way to treat your girlfriend.”

  “She’s not my fucking girlfriend Neely,” he barks back at me.

  “Oh sorry, I forgot, you don’t do girlfriends. You just do girls.”

  “We need to talk about what happened. I’m ready to talk about this and I’m sick of you throwing it back in my face but refusing to let me apologize. That is shit.”


  He’s ready to talk about it.


  He’s had fucking eons of opportunity and he’s only just decided to start wanting forgiveness now.

  I don’t think so.

  “Fine!” I snap, “You’re sorry. Feel all better now?” I lean in and ask.

  “Come on that’s not fair.”

  “Not fair... OK. Let’s talk about not fair. Not fair is using your lifelong friend in a barn for a quick fuck and then leaving her still undressed and dripping your cum all over the place whilst he strolls off with another fucking girl.”


  “No. You see you’ve had plenty of time and opportunities to get your apology in and you didn’t take them. So after a while I realized where I stood and how much our friendship actually meant. So fuck you. You don’t get to feel better about making me feel like a whore.”

  “Look. I wasn’t thinking straight.”

  “And I’ve already said I don't give a fuck.” I turn to walk away and he grabs my upper arm to stop me.

  “Neely. Please. Wait,” he tries.

  “Take your fuckin’ hands off her.” Shit. Where did Ross come from?

  “Stay the fuck out of this, it doesn’t concern you,” says Chris, who steps around me and leans into Ross. Chris isn’t as big as Ross, but he’s angry enough that it doesn’t matter to him, at all.

  “Look Chris, I got no quarrel with you, but Neely didn’t look like she wanted to stay and listen to you any longer. I think you should leave her alone.” Ross is trying to placate Chris and defuse the situation.

  “And I’ve told you to stay the fuck out of this and whilst you’re at it, stay the fuck away from her.”

  “Chris,” I say, “You don’t get to do that, I am not your business.” I am starting to get really pissed off with this now and I notice Jonas and Dolly advancing in our direction, closely followed by the rest of the group. Jonas looked pissed off and Dolly looks confused.

  “Chris, man, maybe it’s you who should stay away from her.” That’s the moment Chris explodes and swings a punch in Ross’s direction and because I’m a silly cow, I choose the wrong moment to step in the middle of them and play peace keeper. The fist that Chris is determined will deal with Ross ends
up connecting with my jaw and sends me flying to the floor.

  God it hurts.

  I scramble onto my bum and hold my face. Tears spring to my eyes as everyone moves towards me.

  Apart from Chris.

  Ross pushes him aside and gets in my space, “Neely honey, you OK? Can you move your jaw?”

  I try this and although it hurts and feels stiff, I can move it. I don’t think there is any damage. “I’m OK. I just need to get out of here,” I whisper. My fight or flight mechanism is kicking in and it’s choosing flight. Dolly muscles in and bundles me up in her arms, helping me get off the floor. She turns me towards the doors of Purps and I can see Jonas having words with Ross and then pointing his finger in Chris’s face.

  Chris looks like he’s in shock and is just taking his verbal beating from Jonas. Polly is right behind him with a reassuring hand on his shoulder, but I don't think he even knows she’s there. If he does, he doesn’t remove her hand from where it sits. It hurts a bit to see them together, even after our argument, but what hurts more is that he still hasn’t said anything or come near me. Not even to check if I’m OK.

  The last time he did something ugly and wrong it took him a year to realize he had hurt me and needed to make an apology. If it takes him this long again we are going to have a problem and it will be hard to forgive him for this anyway. Realizing this makes the tears that were threatening to escape finally fall.

  I’m no longer sure what the future of our little group of friends is after this, but I have a feeling it is about to be split wide open. It’s been fractured for a while but I’ve tried my best to hide that.

  The cracks that have appeared tonight are now evident for all to see.



  “Jesus Fucking Christ Chris! What is the matter with you?” shouts Jonas.

  Everyone is just looking at me. Disgust and derision is written all over their faces and Ross is clearly pissed off, but he is the least of my worries.

  “Chris honey, what’s going on?” Polly. Fucking Polly. Hearing her voice again sends me back to a dark violent place. I don’t get there often, but clearly twice in one night is not unthinkable for me. I’ve had just about enough of her.


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