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Forgiving Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 2)

Page 7

by Victoria Johns

  “That was a misunderstanding Lottie. It’s all been cleared up and Chris and I are back on track no thanks to others trying to get involved with him when he doesn’t want them to.”

  “Once again, thanks for the explanation but you’re welcome to him. You’ve been playing that game and putting in the ground work for long enough, you deserve him. He’s all yours,” I sneer.

  “Well Neely it’s worth putting in the effort you know, holding something back and not completing all bases in less than thirty minutes. An easy sure thing loses its shine and appeal real quick in my experience.”

  She did not just say that. She did not just insult me to my fucking face. The glare I am giving her should be melting her skin right now. “Do you want to repeat that Polly?”

  “No, I think you got the intent in my message. Now if you could leave Chris alone we’d both appreciate it, throwing yourself at him is shameful. He’s had you once and decided it wasn’t memorable enough to come back for more.”

  I fly up out of my chair and lean across the table, for the first time since I was at high school I am considering getting into a bitch smack down in public. Unfortunately I realize she is further away than my short arms will reach and throwing a punch that won’t connect will be just as embarrassing as what she’s telling everyone around us. Dolly is also mimicking my movements in an effort to stop me getting arrested for assault like she did. I do the only thing I can which is reach for something to chuck at her, this happens to a glass of some berry type smoothie that the guy at the table next to us is drinking.

  I grab it and snarl at him, “Well if you were drinking it and not watching us, I wouldn’t have got my hands on it now would I?” The guy doesn’t argue with me and it’s probably for the best because he is in punching distance.

  Polly doesn’t move quickly enough and the smirk on her face tells me she doesn’t think I will do it.

  She is wrong. I hurl the contents of a three quarter full glass straight at her. Mudjoes goes quiet and the only thing to be heard is my laughing and the drip of smoothie falling off Polly and hitting the floor.

  She looks ridiculous.

  “Neely you fucking bitch. I came here to make peace with you. It’s clear you don’t want it. Stay away from me and stay away from my ranch. You’re not welcome and you’ve just made an enemy out of me. That was a big mistake.” She turns on her grand statement finale and squelches off.

  Jo has already delivered another smoothie to the guy who lost his, “Jo, I’ll pay for that and clean this up.”

  “You’ll do no such thing,” she says, “My takings will be through the roof for the next two weeks whilst people come in hoping for a rematch.”

  All of my soul sisters move stuff to help her clean it up and no one says anything. Flo is a bit horrified and Lottie keeps chuckling to herself. Dolly just seems relieved that she managed to restrain me from actually getting to her.

  Realization sets in and embarrassment swallows me, “Fuck. I need to go home.” Dolly nods at me, she understands where my head is at and looks set to help me make my escape. “What was she thinking coming up here and mouthing off?”

  “Hell if I know, but she’s right isn’t she? He had me and never came back again. Unlike her, who he’s still with,” my voice delivers the statement with the sadness I feel inside.

  “Honey...,” says Dolly.

  “No. Not now. I’ll see you later,” and I just leave the coffee shop without saying anymore. I’ve just made a total jerk out of myself and achieved nothing, apart from letting Polly know she got to me.

  I have a date tomorrow with another man, I should not be getting upset by the things she saying because it’s in the past. This shit should not be getting to me.

  Once outside I haul my ass back to my car parked at the back of the office, on my approach I take out my car keys and start pressing the beeper to get the doors unlocked. After taking some deep breaths, I climb in and drive home.

  I’m going home to start work, I need the distraction and losing myself in a mysterious case is just the thing I need, even if it does involve the Hales and the Vans.

  After I’ve parked my car I head to the trunk to retrieve the information files, only to find that the files I put in there earlier are missing.

  Gone. All of them.

  Someone has been in my car and stolen them.


  I grab my phone and call Steven immediately. To say he is unimpressed is a huge understatement, but his response is even odder.

  He tells me to forget about them for now, but not to report the theft or break in of my car to the police until “he’s spoken to some people.”

  What the fuck is going on?

  Chapter Eight

  The day of my date with Ross arrives and I will admit after the drama of dealing with Polly and the files going missing, I am looking forward to having something positive to distract me.

  A chance to get away from all things Chris Hales.

  I’m working every day on a case that involves him, it means that I’m not getting the luxury of escaping him like I could if I was involved in something different. In fact I’m so up in his shit at the moment that I probably know more about the terms and conditions of his ranch, land and business than he does. All the weirdness that surrounds it, all the whispering and intrigue means that it’s constantly been on my mind.

  So I am going to embrace my Chris free day with a handsome guy who seems to like me. I’m even going to forget I was supposed to be getting to know him to get information on the Vans and Hales.

  My cell phone rings and it’s Dolly asking me whether I’m sure starting something with Ross is a good thing right now. I tell her in no uncertain terms that I’m sure about spending some time with Ross and that I’ll call her afterwards. We discuss what time we’re heading out and what I’ve prepared for the picnic and I hope that I’m convincing her to back off and let me get on with it.

  The picnic I’ve gone for is more like luxury finger food. I’ve brought some different breads, cheese and meats. Some chopped fruit, pickles and nuts. I’ve added some chips and dips. A few cans of pop, some water and a chilled bottle of Prosecco, along with a cute table cloth and matching napkins, some silverware , cutlery and glasses. I check it all again to be sure I have enough of everything that I need for it to be a success. It’s all packed up in a back pack that should be easy for my hunky companion to carry.

  My plan is to walk far enough up the mountain trail and disappear into the woodland to a spot where I’ve picnicked in the past. It’s shaded with a bit of natural light, hidden from the main trail and flat enough to lay out and relax. I’m hoping that the location plus the finger food will mean we can chat and get to know each other whilst eating.

  The weather forecast is ideal, it’s going to be mainly sunny, mid temperature with not much wind. Perfect. My preparation also includes a bit of personal grooming, which means an eyebrow shape, leg shave and a change of finger and toe nail polish. I do all this whilst listening to a bit of chill out music, it’s definitely helping me relax and put me in the right mood.

  My outfit is simple outdoor chic. I’ve decided on shortie shorts that are camo green, they’re not tight and come just below my bum cheeks and have a cute turn up hem on them that says “functional safari.” I’ve teamed it with a cream vest top that has the Guns ‘n’ Roses logo in the middle of it and it’s one of my favorite’s. I’m also going to take a black shrug with me in case it gets chilly in the woods. My trusty black converse low riders will be adorning my feet because hiking trail sneakers are just a step too far for me and would definitely not work with this outfit. I’m still going to accessorize by having lots of silver bangles on that will jingle when my arms move.

  Also in keeping with an age old soul sister tradition I have matching underwear on. It’s simple clean lace. The bra is full cupped so it supports my breasts whilst on the move and the matching short panties are cute and comfy. Against my dark natural skin it look
s alluring and innocent even though I am anything but.

  I’ve been nervously checking the parking lot out of my apartment window to make sure Ross’s car is there. It’s around 1.30pm and I can’t put it off any longer, throwing my nerves to one side I decide it’s time to knock and see if he’s ready.

  I knock lightly on his door and once again he opens it in what appears to be a half dressed state. I assume this because he only opens his door a few inches and shoves a head around it.

  “Hey Ross, I’m about ready, you?” I ask tentatively giving him an out or some opportunity to make an excuse if he needs it, for some reason he looks a bit bothered and I hope he’s not about to take me up on calling it off.

  “Yeah, give me fifteen minutes, I’ll drive if you like and I’ll meet you at my jeep. Do you need a hand carrying any stuff?”

  “No, I’ll manage it down there, see you in a mo.” I leave and head back to my room, checking everything again to use up the ten minutes so I don’t nervously pace. That doesn’t take ten minutes though so I start randomly cleaning up items which are strewn about my kitchen.

  I don’t have to wait long by his jeep before he turns up, it’s a simple black Chrysler Jeep and it looks like it’s been cleaned recently. There’s no candy wrappers hanging around and his trunk is empty when he opens it to put the back pack in. I love a clean car. “Wow, this is one clear car for a rancher. A clean car equals a clean mind and all that hey? The locals could learn a thing or two from you.”

  His eyes flash in what I guess is annoyance as I say this but it happens so quickly I manage to convince myself I didn’t really see it. I shouldn’t be this edgy or nervous, I am going to kill the girls if their stupid mind games ruin this for me.

  “It’s not usually this clean, but I did think you wouldn’t appreciate travelling in a dirt and mud bucket full of my smelly work gear so I left my stuff at the Vans ranch,” he replies.

  Once we climb in and seat ourselves in the jeep I give him the directions of where we’re heading. Our end location is easier reached from a short walk that’s accessible from one of the main highways alongside the mountain. There is a rest stop not far from it where we can park. Whilst he’s driving I get the chance to take in the raw male deliciousness that is sat beside me. We almost match, he’s wearing a fitted black v-neck t-shirt which looks too small for him, in reality it isn’t, it’s just his biceps are screaming to be released. The cut of his top and its design lets you see more of his tattoos and he oozes danger. He’s wearing long cargo shorts that are also black and have multiple pockets, even though they are functional, he still looks hot. They expose his calves which hold more art work, he really is like a human canvas. Lastly he’s wearing black Nike’s.

  I have to admit he looks great. His arm muscles move as he handles the steering and he smells freshly showered, his goatee is clipped and his hair has a rough look about it that tells me it was towel dried and he’s used minimal product on it.

  “Good God Neely, are you cataloguing me right now?” He says smiling at me, snapping me out of my daze.

  “Sorry, but you are a lot to look at Ross, anyway are you complaining?”

  “Nope, you take your fill, I’ll be sure to return the gesture when I haven’t got to concentrate on roads,” he tells me smiling.

  “Hey! Being a pervert is not gentlemanly.”

  He winks at me and says, “Who said I was going to be a gentleman?”

  We pull up at the rest stop I directed him to, the journey seemed to be super quick, but I did spend most of it staring at him so I’m not surprised I’ve missed most of it including the turn off and our parking. “OK maybe I was staring. A lot.” I concede through a mumble. “It’s not far to walk, I know this great spot where we can have a bite to eat and just relax, which is what Sundays should be all about.”

  “Lead the way then,” he instructs as he adjusts the straps on the back pack for his massive shoulders and arms and then swings it on his back with ease.

  As we walk I try and make conversation telling him a bit about Hawkstown and how popular Chesters Mountain is as a tourist attraction. He however, seems intent on getting to know me. “So were you born here Neely?”

  “No, my folks and I moved here when I was nine. My mom is a country girl at heart and my dad was a city slicker. He fell in love with her and then realized that nature holds a calming beauty and a different pace of life. He got a job here and we moved.”

  “Sounds like you're close with your folks?”

  “I am.”

  “You've also got some good friends by the look of it and I’m not just referring to your girl gang.” He asks it in such a way that I know there is a question in there, although it’s not an obvious one. I choose to go with it as I move along the path, he’ll make his point and ask what ever he’s getting at.

  “Yeah, we’ve all been friends for a long time and with Jonas and Dolly growing up together it kind of made for a natural group of friends when the girls and guys joined forces.”

  “I would never have picked Jonas for being married with kids.” He laughs as he says it, “Seeing him, well, less intense is certainly different.”

  “I bet. How did you two meet again?”

  “Our paths crossed a few times during our military service. Jonas was navy and I was army and sometimes we ended up stationed near the same base,” his reply is casual and plausible.

  “It’s a coincidence that you’ve ended up taking a job in his home town. Did you know that he was a local?” I’m trying not to pry, but turnabout is fair.

  “No. I didn’t.” I feel his simple response comes across as abrupt, I know I am right that there is more to it and it’s a closed topic when he swiftly changes the subject. “So I know you don’t want to talk about Chris, and it’s not really about him, but how well do the Vans and Hales get on?”

  This is a question I don't want to answer, because I don’t like to lie. I don’t like lying at all. It takes effort to keep on top of lies. I’d much rather go with an omission of the ugly details than tell a lie, so I try and do my best to deliver factual information that’s relevant. “They’re the two farming dynasty’s around here, they employ a lot of people and our community relies on having them as employers and contributors as businesses. They helped each other out for decades and for two complete separate business entities they operate in synch as one. It’s remarkable really. For this reason alone it means the families are close on a personal level, I suppose having a mutual end game will do that for you.”

  “Mutual end game?” he asks

  “Cattle, organic crops, you know, growing stuff and the distribution of it.”

  “Yeah, true. Chris seems really young to be running a farm of that size and to have a friendship with an old soul like Henry.”

  “Not really, it’s in his blood. He’s always done it. Chris could have gone into pro football but he’s a local and a rancher at heart. His family are still involved, they just live elsewhere or are retired. He’s good at what he does and works hard.”

  Ross looks at me oddly and I know it’s because the speech I’ve given could be considered either defensive or like I care too much. I scramble to try and put this right, “Hey you asked, any way it’s a ranch, office and total business free day. Tell me about you.”

  “Not much to tell. I grew up a military brat in lots of different army bases. Moving around a lot before I decide to carry on with the family tradition and join up. I’ve done a few tours in some ass backwards places on this planet and then decided to get out and try something different. So here I am.”

  I may be female, good looking and act like an air head at times, but I am not to be underestimated. I am an educated law professional and my brain is telling me that he isn’t sharing much at all. Just the necessary basics to keep the conversation moving until he can swing it back to me. I can’t force him to tell me anything and I wonder if he’s running from something. I have to trust that he will tell me in his own time if our frien
dship is to progress. I then chastise myself for thinking too deep. Lighten up Neely!

  “So fancy playing a game?” I ask.

  “Game? Sounds dubious, so I guess it depends on what’s involved?”

  “It’s easy. We can play it whilst we’re eating. You take it in turns to ask the other person a question. The questionee can either answer truthfully, pass but a pass means it has to be answered at some point in the future or you can request the questioner answer it on your behalf. If you answer it must be the truth, a pass and the reason why you passed isn’t to be questioned but be aware, passing breeds doubt so you should use them wisely. Get it? We also take it in turns to ask questions.”

  “OK, sounds intriguing, let’s get the food stuff sorted and then make the most of this mad idea you’ve had.”

  We lay the blanket out and I start opening food tubs and getting plates and napkins ready, whilst Ross pours the Prosecco.

  “I’ll go first,” I say, “Do you think being a ranch foreman is the best use of all the skills you learned in the Army?”

  He laughs a bit round a mouthful of food, “Ouch, not sure how to take that.”

  “Sorry, but you know what I mean.” I realize my question is a bit harsh and does make me sound bitchy.

  “Well being a ranch foreman does use my skills. I’m dealing with people who behave like animals because they’re surrounded by them. I’m using organizational skills to get tasks completed. So, for now I’m happy. My turn, for someone who is obviously as clever as you are don’t you think you could be progressing further with your career in the city?”

  “Alright, I deserve that and the answer is yes. I could have more of everything, money, progression and career opportunities if I lived and worked in the city.” I cut my answer off, answering only his immediate question, after all it is a game.

  “Oh, I see what you did there. An answer was provided but I see I need to be more specific. OK Neely, this shit just got intense.”

  Laughing at him, “You’re catching on. My turn, how long have you been single, unattached and girl free for?”


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