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Forgiving Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 2)

Page 20

by Victoria Johns

  I spin to face Chris, “Really, you had to make sex references in front of my dad?”

  “I guess I thought it would be funny.”

  “Well it wasn’t and my Mom would have skinned you alive.”

  “Oh I’m well aware of that, why do you think I only did it with your dad?”

  “You and I have a lot to learn about each other, but it is becoming more obvious that you really are shit at this dating thing.”

  “Dating thing? What do you mean dating thing?”

  “You and me,” I tell him, “Dating.”

  “The fuck we are,” he shouts back.

  “So now we’re not even dating, I’m back to being a fuck buddy?”

  “No. I’m a grown up and so are you. I’m your guy and you are my woman. No one else’s. No dating. Me and You. Long haul baby, get used to it.” A knock appears at the front door and Chris kisses my forehead on his way past me to answer it.

  I still haven’t moved.

  I am his woman.

  It was probably the shittest declaration of us becoming a couple, but I fucking loved it. I didn’t have to drag it out of him, he meant what he’s said and I was secretly doing my happy dance and high fiving myself all over the place.

  “Neely, visitors. They won’t be staying long.”

  “What? Who? Oh... You.” Polly enters the room, shortly followed by Henry Vans and Ross. Chris comes and takes his place by my side, it’s a show for Polly and an indication to Henry and Ross not to get comfortable.

  “What can we do for you?”

  “Chris,” Henry begins, “Firstly, how are you son? I want to tell you that if you need anything all you have to do is shout and it’s yours.”

  Polly is glaring at my close proximity with Chris and Ross is stationed behind them both playing the dutiful servant.

  “Thank you Henry, but I think we can manage, after all we did yesterday, which is when your offer of help and support would have been useful.”

  “Son. I was...”

  “I’m not your son Henry,” Chris interrupts him. Oh boy this is going downhill fast.

  “Chris, there is no need to talk to daddy like that,” and how Polly thinks that could possibly make this situation any better is beyond me.

  “Polly, you and I have had our discussion. I’ve told you my thoughts on needing your kind of help and where I stand on us. So I’d appreciate it if you stayed out of this.”

  “It seems to me young Christopher that things are running away from you. Perhaps it would be best for your family if I stepped in and gave you a break. All you have to do is ask. In fact, I’ve been meaning to talk to you. I’d like to make an offer to buy you out son, it’s a good offer and you’ll be a rich young man.”

  “Let me get this straight, my business and home nearly burned to the ground yesterday. None of you, or your crew are anywhere in sight to offer a hand and today you want to buy me out?”

  Oh boy. Here it comes.

  “Look it’s no secret things aren’t thriving like they used to when your father was here. Your parents are worried about the Hales heritage in our agricultural community.”

  “You’ve spoken to my parents about this?” Chris is calm, but speaking with a quiet voice that is clearly only expressing about a tenth of the rage he’s feeling. Polly is looking smug and Ross no longer looks indifferent about the whole situation. This is what Ross wanted, this is the signal that the game is changing.

  “I haven’t yet Chris, out of respect for you, I thought I’d approach you first.”

  “Out of respect,” Chris whispers, shaking his head and then roars, “OUT OF FUCKING RESPECT. There is no fucking respect in leaving your neighbor to fight fires alone and there is no respect in that fucking ridiculous idea that you’ve had. I would rather sell this land to developers than let you have it. Now get the fuck out of my house and off my land. Do it immediately and I’ll show you some respect by not kicking your ass as it passes through the door. Go on. Get the fuck out.”

  “Sir,” Ross prompts Henry, “I think we should leave Chris to think your proposal over.” Henry nods in agreement and heads through the door, with Ross in tow. For some unknown reason Polly remains.

  “Polly, I think you should go with your father,” I advise.

  “So Chris when you gave me that speech about not getting my feet comfy under your kitchen table, what you really meant was me, not to get comfy?”

  “Polly,” Chris whispers, “I swear to God, I have never hit a woman before, but if you don’t fucking leave I may rethink my decision on the subject.”

  “Did you ever want me?” she pushes.


  “Just give me a fucking answer Chris.”

  “Did you ever want me or was I the prize all along and part of your father’s plan to get my ranch?” he counters.

  “Yes. I love you Chris. I have since we were teenagers.” Polly looks a little lost, like she realizes this really is the end for him and her.

  “I’ve never loved you, now please leave.” Chris did not spare her feelings a second thought as he delivered that final blow. I don’t even think he saw her take a step back like she’d been physically punched. Being witness to this is really unpleasant but I hope she finally gets the message so we can all move on.

  With tears streaming down her face, she turns on her heels and heads out to join Ross and her dad.


  “Not now Neely, I need to nip somewhere. Stay put. I’ll be back,” he tells me grabbing the keys to his truck.

  “Please don’t run from me, let’s talk about this.”

  “I’m done talking for now. Stay here, don’t leave on your own. I’ll be back later.” And he walks out, leaving me stood in his kitchen.



  The anger that’s been slowly burning in my gut about this whole ranch business is growing bigger inside me every day. I’m worried that if I lose it in front of Neely she won’t like the person she sees. I know I’m heading for my breaking point and if Ross hadn’t been with Henry I think I would have killed him.

  What’s going to happen if he does what he’s threatening and calls my parents? Every doubt they’ve ever had about me will be realized in a matter of minutes. I can’t let that happen. I can’t let any of them take what I’ve worked my fingers to the bone for.

  Who am I kidding? My biggest fear is that my dad will agree with Henry and pressure me to make the deal. I’d lose my ranch and my parents respect instantly and I know I’d never be able to forgive my dad for that.

  This shit happens over my dead fucking body.

  I pull up an hour later outside an old haunt of mine, Solo’s. It’s a dive a couple of towns over and it’s where I go to drink and pick up fuck buddies.

  Fuck. I didn’t mean go, I meant used to go.

  I’m with Neely now. I can’t do this shit to distract me from my real problems anymore.

  I can’t go back either until I’ve worked this rage out of my system and come up with a plan. Just one drink.

  I head inside, take a seat at the bar and the bartender gets me a bottle of bud. It’s not going down easily, like it usually does. However, it’s the only plan I have in mind at the moment, so I keep going.

  “So this is where you ran off to?” Oli pulls out the stool next to me and waves to the bartender for a drink.

  “How did you find me?”

  “Neely called Jonas, he’s busy on something dodgy or secret, or both and he told me to get my ass down here and sort you out.”

  “What the fuck is going on with my life right now Oli?”

  “Same thing as was going on yesterday. You have a ranch, you run a business and you’re good at it,” he tells me.

  “No, not the same thing as yesterday. I have a ranch that some fucker is trying to take, I have a burning, smoking pile of embers that I need to sort out and I also have a woman. I did not have one of those yesterday.”

  Oli starts laughin
g at me, “She was yours yesterday and for a while before that, you’ve just had your head up your ass.”

  “Nice reminder that I was a fuck up.”

  “Everyone’s a fuck up Chris to some scale, just deal with it.”

  “You’re not a fuck up,” I remind him.

  “Chris man, you have no fucking idea what I am. Listen, keep your head together and let the others deal with Henry and his illegal shit. Neely’s proved she’s with you, stop running out on her and let her show you and everyone else that she’s the right woman to be at your side.”

  “I hear you.”

  “One other thing, you do feel like bringing an investor into your ranch, hell, you even want to buy Henry out, you tell me. I know people.”

  “Shit Oli, I don't want or need your money,” I snap at him.

  “I didn’t say it was my money you stubborn ass hole. I just said shout and I’ll point you in the right direction.”


  We quietly finish our beers, no more conversation is shared but he has given me food for thought.

  What if I was to turn the tables and take Henry’s ranch from him.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  I knew Chris needed some time, the problem was I had no idea where he would go, who he would go to and what he’d do with them. The longer I pondered, the more my brain created crazy scenarios. Jonas was the first call I made, I figured if anyone could stop Chris from undoing himself it would be him. I had to trust he had my back on this.

  That unfortunately left me nothing to do. The fire chief had knocked on the door and confirmed that they were on site and investigating. This made me nervous too, shit, everything was making me jumpy.

  Maybe Chris had the right idea in getting away from here. I needed a distraction, so I decided to rally my sisters for coffee. I sent a text demanding a rendezvous at Mudjoes in an hour. All replies came back in the affirmative. Whilst waiting and trying to pass the time I did some laundry from my case and then got ready to go into town.

  I was the first one at Mudjoes and I was already half way through a mug of coffee and a slice of lemon drizzle cake before Dolly arrived. Next in was Lottie, with Flo closely on her heels. Jo came and took our orders and realizing I’d skipped breakfast I had a second slice of my mom’s fattening goodness.

  “Neely,” Lottie says, “How are things? I couldn’t believe it when I heard what happened yesterday.”

  “I’m not going to lie, things are a mess, the ranch is a smoldering pile of shit and Chris is barely hanging on,” I tell her.

  “We know about the ranch,” Flo mumbles around cake, “We meant how are you?”

  “Oh you know, same old me.” I look over at Dolly who is keeping quiet, I have to remember that Lottie and Flo don’t know about the trouble Chris is swimming in with Henry. So while I don’t want to go into detail, it’s probably safer to keep them focussing on my relationship with Chris.

  “You certainly seem better, have you and Chris come to an understanding?” asks Flo.

  “Well you could call it that, apparently, and I quote, I’m your guy, you’re my woman. No dating and no one else. So you could say he’s dealing with his nervousness about moving forward.”

  Flo instantly takes on that dreamy look, the one you associate with a Disney movie, where the air shimmers and hearts levitate in the background. “Wow, blunt, but romantic, I knew he was right for you,” she answers with positivity. “It has to happen for you and me soon Lottie, I know it. It’s like a spell is being cast to get us all our happily ever after.”

  “Shit, wake up Flo. My happily ever after consists of lying to my parents about dating a man that doesn’t really want to date anyone, especially me and fucks everyone. Have you any idea of the nightmare I have trying to get some action? No. Let me tell you it’s ridiculous.” Lottie blabs out in a staccato fashion, “And no, don’t turn your princess fairy story bullshit my way either. You get your own love life moving before you start delving into mine.”

  “Christ Lottie, maybe we should be asking if you’re OK?” asks Dolly.

  “I’ll be fine. No drama here. Back to Neely, so all is good?” she says, throwing me the conversational football. It’s a good move for her because she’s frustrated and her tirade has just exposed her feelings. This is a weakness in her eyes.

  “I think we’ve got a lot to learn about each other, a few trust issues on my part, but we’ve agreed to see where it goes.”

  “Trust issues? You mean Polly being firmly attached to his hip?” asks Dolly.

  “Oh no,” I confirm, “As of this morning, that lost puppy was decisively put down and I’m not afraid to admit it was harsh. If she doesn’t get the message this time, then heads will roll.”

  “Nice, so he’s cleaning out the trash and sweeping through with a new broom. The man has style, finally.”

  My cell phone starts to ring in my purse, taking it out I see Jonas’s name in the display. “Aren’t you ringing the wrong woman?” I joke.

  “Yes, because my fuckin’ wife has left her cell on the kitchen top. She knows I worry. Anyway, I need you and her back at the house straightaway. Keep it simple for Lottie and Flo, but just get here.”

  “What about Chris did you find him?”

  “Yeah, he wasn’t missing as such and he’s on his way too.”

  “Is he ok?”

  “Neely, I don’t have time for this. Just get the fuck over here please,” and he hangs up.

  “Dolly, seems you’ve left you’re cell phone at home. Your guy wants you home and Chris is looking for me, I’ve arranged to meet him at yours. We need to hustle sister.”

  “Wait a minute,” says Lottie, “You didn’t know where Chris was?”

  “Long story, he needed some time after the fire and I wasn’t going to stand in his way,” I tell her.

  “Ah, OK, see you both soon. Purps? This weekend?” she suggests.

  “Sure. Bye.” We all kiss and Dolly and I get in our separate vehicles and I follow her to the house.

  Once we arrive I discover it’s another meeting about the investigation, pretty soon we’re going to need code names and key chains as members. The sheriff, Ross, Steve and Chris are already with Jonas. I walk straight to Chris and kiss him, I want him to see I understand he needed to take off and that I’m glad he’s back. I’m more than pleased that he kisses me back and whispers, “Sorry,” and we get down to business.

  “Chris,” says Sheriff Roberts, “There is no easy way to tell you this, but the fire investigation team made a discovery this morning.” We all look at him expecting him to confirm foul play in the ranch fire when he continues with, “A body was discovered in the remains of the outbuilding.”

  “WHAT! Fuck no, please, someone tell me this is a mistake,” Chris pleads.

  Ross then takes over the conversation, “Sorry man, it isn’t, for now the fire chief is keeping it quiet, at the request of some government officials, but your ranch just became one big fucking crime scene. They’re going to stop your normal business activities until the investigation team are happy that you can resume work.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ. Tell me this is a joke. It’s the busiest time of the season. If my ranch isn’t fucking working then I’ll have to let men go and they may not come back. I may not recover from this.” Chris looks distraught, this is just another blow that the guy did not need. It’s also a business challenge he may not be able to turn around.

  It all sinks in.

  “This was it, wasn’t it?” I say as the room falls quiet, “They cause something like a major crime to nearly put Chris out of business, the workers will turn to Henry for jobs, Chris will all but fold and his ranch and business devalues so that Henry can sweep in and buy it.”

  “Totally Neely, you are bang on the money.” Ross agrees with me.

  “Fucking hell,” Chris is starting to panic, “This can’t happen, how can I stop it?” My heart is breaking for my guy, he was an innocent party in all this but it looks
like he is about to be the worst affected, the biggest loser. I have to do something and my fight instinct comes to the forefront.

  “Right. Listen. Firstly do we know who they found?”

  “No.” Ross answers me, “It’s going to be down to forensics at this point, but if Chris confirms his staff are accounted for and it’s not been a horrific accident, then that would be useful.”

  “My staff are all accounted for. I did it yesterday for the fire department.”

  “Well that narrows the list of potentials down a lot,” says Jonas, “It’s either the man we had tagged as the car thief or an unknown. My money is on the car guy. He does the car job, then tosses Neely’s apartment and is put to use in another way which also solves their problem of him being a loose end.”

  “I’ll wager you’re right Jonas, Sheriff, if you can get hold of the car guy’s dental records then that would speed up the identification.”

  “OK,” I cut in, “Steven how do you feel about some creative litigation?”

  “Depends on what you want and how creative?” he replies.

  “I’m thinking if we create some bogus sales condition that would slow Henry down and give you reason to pretend that you are waiting on other searches and information. Like some kind of historical clause that’s been put in both ranch deeds that demands any sale of either property must be passed with approval of the town council.”

  “Neely, what are you getting at?” asks Ross.

  “No, she’s right, it’s brilliant and a great stalling tactic. I’ll put some society historical data out there that dates back to the state owning the natural resources of the land. A technicality of this magnitude will put the wind up Henry, because he will have to report this back to whoever is really pulling the strings. I’m betting they wouldn’t want Nolefax Distributions to be presented as the purchaser in a town council meeting. It will go one way or the other, force them to make their move quicker or give us some more time.”

  “It doesn’t help me though,” says Chris, “I’m still closed and am about to have my workforce defect to the fucking enemy.”

  “So, all of Chris’s land is a crime scene?” I ask Sheriff Roberts for clarity.


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