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Forgiving Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 2)

Page 24

by Victoria Johns

  The force of the bullet hits Henry’s chest and knocks him backwards in his chair, until he’s sprawled on the floor, dead and bleeding out everywhere.

  Polly comes to life and is screaming like a banshee, whilst I’m fairly sure I’m going to puke on the table.

  All hell reigns down on the dining room then, the windows explode and men dressed like commandos come in firing bullets. I hear Ross shout “Duck and run!” in the middle of it and before I know it I am out the chair, I do not need to be told twice.

  Dickhead is being hustled out by Marco and his criminal army arrive to do battle with whoever just stormed the place.

  As I’m kicking off my pretty shoes, Ross is throwing a sobbing Polly over his shoulder and leading me to God knows where.

  “Neely, keep up and stop when I say OK?”

  “Yes yes! Just get me out of here!” I shout and we continue ducking and weaving until we get to the court yard where he stops at a modified Jeep. Ross hurls Polly in the back where I follow in after her. She’s having a total mental breakdown, mumbling all kinds of shit and pulling handfuls of hair out of her head. I try and take her hands to stop her from scalping herself as Ross launches the vehicle into action.

  As soon as I hear the noise of the engine, I know what we’re sitting in and where we’re going.

  The tunnel.

  As we get to the entrance Ross hits a button on the dash and the mechanical doors kick into action and swing open. “Hold on Neely, this will be bumpy,” he tells me.

  We zoom down the ramp into the tunnel and the lighting network that Chris described flickers to life and illuminates our way. Ross stops about forty yards in, leans out of the side of the jeep and pushes a wall button to close the doors. Taking a two way radio from under the driver’s seat, he switches it on and starts barking into it. “Big bounty heading for chopper. Arms deactivated. Casualty in main house. Precious stone and Polly secure as cargo. Over.”

  “Ross who did you just speak to?”

  “Jonas, I’m hoping he’s going to be at the mid point to take you and Polly off my hands.”

  “Mid point?” I ask.

  “Chris’s ranch access. Now shut up and let me concentrate, if something comes from the other direction we’re fucked.” Right now I was prepared to do anything he asked of me. He’d said the magic words and was taking me back to Chris.

  The tunnel was a little wider than the jeep we were in with enough room to drive a single truck down it and open the doors either side. There were various stop points, like mini rest stops that had been dug out and created but after a while, the light bulbs became a blur and I had no idea how far we’d gone or got to go.

  After a while, I lost all sense of time, Polly settled and before I knew what was happening Ross brought the jeep to a screeching stop and shouted “NOW!” into the radio.

  Silence greeted us and no reply came until a loud explosion and a blinding flash of light engulfed the tunnel. Once again Ross catapulted us forward and as we hit the exit ramp we took off, landing with a thud outside.

  There were police cars and ambulances everywhere, but the only thing I could focus on was my guy, running round the cordon of officers to get to me.

  I was desperate to feel him around me, surrounding my body in his safety so I jumped out of the jeep and ran at him, full speed. When I got within reaching distance I jumped at him and wrapped my limbs around him sobbing and shaking with relief.

  I was home, my nightmare was over and I never wanted to be away from him again.

  Chapter Thirty

  “What the fuck are you wearing? Neely, are you hurt? Did he do... anything to you?” he asks me tentatively because I know he’s afraid of the answer.

  “Ignore this dress, nothing happened to me, I’m safe now but Polly is not in good shape and Henry is dead.”

  Chris lowers me to the ground in time to see Polly being assisted by an emergency services doctor. That poor girl was going to need some serious therapy after her ordeal, unfortunately I had a feeling she’d get that courtesy of the state, in Jail.

  Ross didn’t hang around, he got back in the jeep and raced into the tunnel. It would appear his role for the night wasn’t over. Sheriff Roberts came to check I was OK and he told Chris to take me home.

  “Come on baby, I need to get you home, I need to burn that fucking dress and I need to hold you.”

  I could feel that Chris had been through hell, I know how it felt and I also knew he needed to look after me, to give him reassurance and solace like he did for me. I knew it would be sometime before he'd let me out of his sight again.

  A short jeep ride across his fields and we arrived at the ranch. I’d never been so glad to see the place. Chris carried me out of the jeep and refused to let the Dior dress inside the house. I discarded it and the thong on the back decking and let him carry me upstairs to the bathroom, where he sat me on the side of the tub whilst it filled. “I’ll be right back,” he says and as good as his word is, he returns with a glass a, bottle of bourbon and some pills for me to take.

  “I don’t need them Chris, I’m not hurt.”

  “Humor me, please, they’ll help you sleep.” I took them with no further argument.

  When the tub was finally full, he undressed and climbed in first, holding his hand out for me to join him. I lowered my exhausted body against his and burst into tears. Chris did nothing apart from hold me and let me get my tears and sadness out. It was everything I needed at that moment.

  It wasn’t long before I drifted off to sleep, the pills did the trick and I settled feeling cocooned in warm water and shielded in the arms of the man I love.

  I vowed before sleep took me completely, that tomorrow would be the start of our new life together. Not realizing I’d said those words out loud, Chris replied with “Yes baby, we will.”

  I awoke in Chris’s bed and because I was so overwhelmed by yesterday’s events I didn’t even wake up as he got me out of the bath tub, dried me off and put me in bed. My body and mind clearly needed to deal with what it had seen.

  Dolly , Jonas and their twins came over first thing and while I didn’t want reminding of what I’d been through and seen, I needed closure, to know how it had ended and that Ross and Polly were OK.

  A and B were a great distraction for a while until Jonas asked Dolly to take them outside to play, it was time to get down to business.

  “Is Polly OK?” was my first question.

  “No. She’s in a medical facility, under sedation and in police custody. She’s being treated for her injuries, but will be charged for her part in this shit storm,” he replies truthfully.

  “What’s happened to Henry’s...body?”

  “It was recovered last night and will be cremated as per the instructions in his will, they’re hoping Polly is well enough to attend a service.”

  “Is Ross OK?”

  “Yes, Mr Cortez was apprehended before he boarded his helicopter and Ross went back to the warehouse to bag up all the evidence and account for all the guns and members of Cortez’s organization.” Jonas is being totally professional as he delivers his information. His eyes don't leave mine as he answers my questions, both he and Chris are waiting for signs I may breakdown again.

  “Did anyone else... die last night?”

  “Yes, but only people of no consequence, the criminals. All federal officers involved in last night’s operation are fine.”

  “OK and...”

  “What is it Neely?”

  I’m nervous about the answer to this but I need closure. “Can you tell me about dickhead? Is this over for Chris?”

  “Dickhead?” Jonas replies with a furrowed brow and then catches on. “Mr Cortez is a mean son of a bitch, he is a third generation leader in his family cartel who are the largest importer of arms on this side of the world. Most of their arms find their way into street gangs and small military factions in lawless countries. You should also know that they have big hooks into drugs and trafficking girls.”r />
  My eyes are starting to tear up again and Chris comes to comfort me.

  “It’s clear that the tunnel was going to make their job easier and it’s given the feds cause to look at similar historical tunnels for further operations, they had no idea about any of this. The tunnel entrances at both ends will be blocked and filled with rubble and concrete.”

  “So we haven’t completely shut them down, this Nolefax thing?”

  “Yes, you have. Nolefax is wrapped under a ton of shit right now and your ill advised investigation opened up more avenues than the feds could have hoped for, you’ve tied this up quicker for them. However, cut the head off the snake and another one grows back, just not here, where we are.”

  “Why Henry and Polly?”

  “Henry had a gambling problem Neely. He owed some ugly people money. Ross understands he paid off a large debt by allowing these people to use his tunnel and by overseeing some operations. They also wanted Polly, but she was kept out the deal for a long time because she promised them she could deliver something else of value. Ross made his play early because he knew she was about to be sold as part of the trafficking business. He couldn’t let that happen.”


  “Yes. She promised them Chris,” he confirms.

  “The body in the fire?” I ask.

  “The guy we expected it to be, a low level runner in the organization, planted on the ranch to keep tabs on Henry.”

  “So everything just goes back to normal here?”

  “For you and Chris yes, although Steven may have other ideas after your free lancing,” Jonas says smiling and because he is I’m not expecting too much of an issue to be made of it.

  “What happens to Henry’s ranch?”

  “It’s Polly’s under the terms of the will, but if she is committed to a medical institution the state could make a case to take if off her. We’ll have to wait and see.”

  “OK. So that’s it?” I say deflated.

  “Neely, sit down for me,” he says and comes to sit next to me. “What you’ve seen and been through, don’t under estimate it, don’t let it live in your head. There are people who can help you put this whole fucking mess in its rightful place.”

  “But I’m...”

  “I know you’re OK, for now. Take it from me, I’ve seen some ugly stuff and being alone with that kind of darkness in your head is uglier than you can imagine. If it starts to become too much, talk to someone, anyone and if it’s dragging you under with it I can recommend someone who can help.”

  “OK, thanks,” It’s the most I’ve ever heard about what Jonas has lived through and I have a new found respect for this man.

  “Now it’s time for me to get my family and head home, you need to rest,” he moves towards the back deck.

  “No, can you stay for lunch or something, I need people, I need normal. I need my sister and her girls. Please?”

  “Sure, Dolly will be pleased, I wasn’t sure how I was actually going to get her to leave, she’s not ready to let you out of her sight yet.”

  “I’m thinking you should take a shower and get freshened up though whilst I organize some food,” Chris says.

  “Yeah, Ok. Sounds good to me,” I lean in and kiss him gently and then head upstairs.

  I get out of the spaceship shower and get dressed. Most of my clothes are now hanging in the closet here, thanks to my mom and dad. I can hear the odd voice from downstairs and a chuckle every now and then from the twins. The happy sound of voices is exactly what this house is all about. It’s a family ranch and I can’t wait to turn it into one. Chris hasn’t mentioned his proposal and I’m praying like hell he’s not changed his mind. When I’m brave enough I’ll talk to him about it but for now we need to get on with our lives. We need to learn what our version of normal really is.

  “Baby, are you ready? Your mom and dad are here, they need to see you’re OK too,” Chris says as he pokes his head round the bedroom door.

  “I’m ready, let’s go eat!”

  “Don’t I get a kiss from my woman?”

  “No, I’ve just applied fresh lip gloss, you’ll smudge it, later hot stuff.”

  “OK, that’s a promise,” he replies and takes me downstairs.

  “SURPRISE!” shouts a room full of people when I hit the living room. The place is packed with all the people I love, my mom and dad, my soul sisters, the guys, Dolly’s mom and dad and Chris’s parents. I take in the room around me and it’s covered in balloons and banners saying Congratulations On Your Engagement.

  I’m absolutely stunned into silence, my feet are glued in situ and I have no idea how to react. Just a moment ago I thought Chris may want to back out of it. I was getting round to convincing myself it was a spur of the moment thing and he was building up to run again.

  “Son, you have already asked haven’t you?”

  “Yeah Dad,” Chris replies quietly, “Give her a minute.”

  Chris approaches me cautiously, “Is this too much?”

  “No, it’s unbelievable, I’m just shocked is all.”

  “Sure?” I nod in response to his question and he blows out a large breath nervously, “Good that means I can do this.”

  He bends down on one knee and looks up at me until I have no choice but to gaze into his eyes.

  “Aneelia Prince, you saved me from myself and loved me when I didn’t deserve it. You’ve forgiven me for all my mistakes and faults. I want to grow old and grey with you, will you be my wife and grow old and grey with me?” Chris produces a stunning ornate diamond ring from his pocket.

  I smile in happiness and scream, “YES!” and then throw myself at him. We end up in a pile on the floor where we hug and kiss like it’s going to be our last.

  “Shall we throw water on them?” I hear Oli suggest.

  Laughter rings out as two small voices shout, “Nee Nee,” and join in our mini pile up on the living room floor.

  “No water, getting those girls into clothes is like executing a military operation,” says Jonas to cause more laughter.

  I release Chris and grab Dolly’s girls and start tickling them, cute girly chuckles join the sounds of adult laughter and after a minute Chris helps me up and finally places the ring on my finger. I turn to look at my mom who is crying buckets of happy tears whilst being cuddled by dad.

  Chris and I break away from each other and are engulfed by our friends who he invited to share our joy.

  It’s the perfect proposal and I couldn’t be happier that I got to share it with the people I love the most.


  Everything about becoming Mrs Christopher Hales feels right. My mom said it was my destiny to live and support a man who made a living off mother earth and gave back to his community. There were days when she seemed more excited about my future than me.

  Chris’s relationship with his parents didn’t take long to repair, once they’d got over the shock of what he’d been dealing with. His dad felt like he’d failed Chris because he wasn’t around to resolve any of it, but he felt more of a failure that his long standing friend, Henry, had been troubled enough to turn to a life of crime. He blamed himself because Henry didn’t ask him for help. I had a feeling it would take him a long time to come to terms with that. This also meant that he was keen to make it up to Chris and trust me when I say there really is a fine line between support and smother.

  Our moms decided there was no need to wait to start our new life, when something is right you should seize the moment and live it. I agreed with them and allowed them to plan a wedding for us that would take place three months after Chris proposed. Chris, however, thought three months was too long and if he could have bundled me off to Vegas sooner, I’m sure he would have done so.

  We gave them complete freedom over creativity of our day, I had two stipulations, first was that I chose my own dress and that of Dolly, Lottie, Flo and the twins. Second was that we were to be married at the ranch. I already considered it my home and I wanted our old and g
rey life to begin where it would ultimately end.

  Whilst our parents busied themselves with my dream wedding, I dragged Chris out shopping to make good on his pre-wedding present idea. I wanted the pre-Neely stuff replaced. I chose a fabulous new kick ass sofa and dining table and a huge new hot tub. We argued about who was paying for them, until Chris went all alpha male and slapped his credit card into the cashier’s hand. That was apparently an indication our argument was over.

  Apparently I tried his patience that day and boy, did he teach me a lesson that night.

  My apartment was sub-let and it was the end of an era. The first homes Dolly and I had lived in were now occupied by strangers, signalling an end to the past we’d cherished and the days of being single soul sisters.

  A few days before Chris and I were due to get married he received a visiting order from the hospital where Polly was being held. Her recovery road was long thanks to how she suffered at the hands of Mr. Milo Cortez, not to mention watching her dad being murdered. Even though the sentence for her crimes was just and called for, it was obvious to anyone who knew her, serving that sentence in a hospital with therapy was the right thing.

  Chris was not happy that the visiting order came at all, he was trying to close his old life down, this was threatening our happily ever after and new start. We talked, argued and shouted at each other over it, but after a while he agreed with me, this could be the actual closure he was still trying to find.

  We made the two hour drive to the hospital at a time when we should have been organizing, preparing and celebrating our upcoming wedding, but he needed to do this. I waited in the car and after an hour or so, Chris returned looking drained. Polly wanted to say sorry and needed to in order to continue with her therapy and Chris also laid his demons to rest by apologizing for how he treated her over the years.

  This wasn’t the real reason for the visit though. The state had declared Polly of sane mind and granted her the inheritance in Henry’s will. This meant she was now the owner of the Vans ranch, a place she never wanted to see again in a town she never wanted to return to. She’d had Steven draw up sale papers offering Chris first refusal. The sale price was ridiculously low and within our combined reach, thanks to my dad and his investment brain. It was a total no-brainer and Chris signed the papers a day later.


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