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Page 11

by Mychael Black, Jourdan Lane, Willa Okati

  Some of the confidence left Katerina and she just sort of wilted like a picked flower. “Jonas’ history is a ... touchy subject."

  I looked to Death—or Jonas—as he was passing himself off as now. “You left me with nothing."

  "I did not choose those that I—” He looked at Katerina. “I was only doing as I was ordered. If your loved ones were taken from you, then it was their time. If it wasn't me, it would have been someone else."

  "You have already been wrong,” I said to Lucien. “This is not a surprise I'm enjoying, to say the least."

  "Katerina, Jonas? Can we have a few minutes alone, please?” They both nodded and left, and then Lucien led me to a chair and sat me down. “I give you my word, Sabaan. I knew nothing of this."

  "No reason you should have,” I said after a few moments of silence. “Hey, this is Jonas, but he's really a retired angel of Death ... Nah, not really dinner conversation."

  "I think we should go."

  "Why did you bring me here? What was the purpose of all this?"

  "I wanted you marked as mine."

  "So others would know that I'm your servant? Your possession?"

  Lucien nodded. “As well as my friend, my confidant, the one I trust when I can trust no one else."

  "And Jonas?"

  "Is a tattoo artist."

  And Death.

  The one who took my family that horrid, horrid night when I'd accidentally set fire to the compound. If that wasn't bad enough, I'd sworn that I'd never live with any other beings—that I'd never risk anyone else's life ever again.

  Oh, God. What had I done? Sold my property and agreed to live in Lucien's mansion, putting hundreds of lives at stake if I fucked up again.

  I shook my head and stood, feeling sick. “I can't do this, Lucien."

  "What do you mean? We are bonded!” Lucien followed me across the room. “This can't be undone!"

  "I know that. I just ... I can't live with you."

  "That's nonsense. Why do you—"

  He broke off abruptly and all of a sudden I could feel him in my head, sorting through images and memories and emotions that I couldn't lock up quickly enough. I pushed him away and tried to throw up my shields, but it was too late. I knew he'd seen all of my deep, dark secrets and fears and that there was no way to lie my way out of anything.

  "Oh, Sabaan.” He hugged me, even as I attempted to shrug him off. “You were just a baby, a youngling."

  "But I still killed them.” I shook my head. “Do you think I've lived surrounded by concrete and steel because I liked it?"

  "I knew why you lived where you did."

  "So what am I doing now? Endangering the very people I've come to think of as family by living under the same roof?” The thought of anything happening to anyone in the house made me nauseous. “I can't do it, Lucien. I can't."

  "You can and you will. You are an expert now at controlling your gift—"

  "My gift? Is that what you call this thing?"

  "If it makes you feel better, we will take steps to fireproof your room. If a fire starts, it will not leave your chambers.” He kissed the back of my neck, holding me tight. “I need you with us, Sabaan. I will do whatever it takes to make it so."

  A throat cleared across the room. “I'm sorry to interrupt, Lucien. But Jonas and I have a flight to catch in a couple of hours. Do we need to reschedule?"

  I closed my eyes and relaxed, finding the bond between me and Lucien. "Do you trust Jonas now? Even though he's kept his true identity from you?"

  "Everyone has a secret, Sabaan. I'm a lot more forgiving than I used to be."

  Maybe I should take a lesson in that. “Then let's do this."

  "No, Kat. If Jonas is able, we'd like to go ahead and do this."

  "He is,” Katerina said. Her tone was somber now, not a trace of that happy, confident woman that had greeted us at the door. “If you'll both come with me, Jonas is already set up."

  * * * *

  The next room looked like any other room at a tattoo parlor, flash covering the walls, scrapbooks that I assumed were filled with more flash and past tattoos the artist had done lining the shelves, and really, really bright lighting. On the far side of the room there was an adjustable chair that was already reclined back. Jonas sat on a stool next to the chair, waiting.

  It took everything I had to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. No one I ever knew willingly walked toward Death. Jonas looked up as I neared him.

  "If you would give me your true form and remove your shirt, we'll get started."

  "I would have your word that you mean no harm, Jonas,” Lucien said. I hadn't realized he was right behind me. “You know that I don't like secrets."

  "I guess that's fair.” Jonas put down a spray bottle of water that he'd been holding. “I didn't choose my vocation back then, it was chosen for me. A position I was born into, if you will. I knew nothing else. But know one thing: every death, every person that I carried over into the afterlife—the burden still weighs heavy within me."

  Katerina came to stand behind Jonas, lying her hands on his shoulders. “He speaks the truth."

  I heard the truth in his words, along with a heavy dose of sorrow. What I didn't understand was that if he truly didn't like what he'd done in the past, why wear the tattoo as a constant reminder of that?

  "Why the tattoo?” I pointed to my own face. “Why would you want to see that every time you look in the mirror?"

  "I didn't choose to be marked this way."

  "I'm sorry,” I said quickly. “I didn't know."

  "No harm.” He patted the chair. “Let's get started."

  I took off my shirt and handed it to Lucien before dropping my illusions. As I sat in the chair and tried to get comfortable, Jonas leaned on the arm, watching me. Finally, I shrugged.


  "You came into your powers and there was a fire."

  I nodded slowly.

  "I am sorry for your loss.” He laid a hand over mine and it was warm, not at all cold as I'd expected it to be. He looked back at Lucien. “Neck, right?"

  Lucien pulled a chair over and sat at my feet. “What do you say, Sabaan? Neck, hand, arm?"

  "What will it be?"

  "Depends on where it is,” Lucien answered. “If it's on the hand, it'll be a sigil. Arm, it'll be more like a line of symbols. On the neck, well, we'll just call it an ink necklace with DLX in the center."

  "For Delacroix?"

  Lucien nodded.

  It could be hidden on the arm, and even the hand, but the neck was a little more difficult to cover up. I wanted people to know who I was, where I stood, and even more—who I belonged to.

  "Let's do this right, then,” I said with a smile all for Lucien. “The neck would be perfect."

  "I was hoping you'd say that,” Jonas said.

  I looked at Lucien and Lucien just shook his head for me to ignore Jonas. Which was going to be very hard. It wasn't every day that you had a tattoo appointment with Death.

  Jonas arranged me how he wanted me and it wasn't long before the buzz of the tattoo gun drowned out everything. The initial burn and sting was pleasant and I soon just closed my eyes, and let him work, enjoying the rush of adrenaline coursing through me. After a while, Jonas tapped me on the shoulder.

  "If you'll sit up and lean forward with your head to your chest, Lucien will finish the back."

  Lucien was already behind me and he placed a hand between my shoulder blades. “Just my name to link the lines together."

  He was a little more heavy-handed than Jonas had been, but I realized that he wasn't just putting his name on me, he was signing his name to me. As if it was the very last step in binding us together.

  Jonas came toward us with a dagger in his hand and offered it to Lucien. “He's still open, do you want to seal him this way?"

  "That's a very good idea. Thank you, Jonas."

  Lucien took the dagger, but before I could panic, I heard a groan come from
Lucien behind me and then felt his warm, wet hand sliding over and around my neck. The scent of his blood invaded my senses, his blood invading my body to heal the tattoo before my own body had the chance to.

  He nipped at my ear. “My turn."

  "What?” I got up and looked at him. “What do you mean?"

  "You think it goes one way?” Lucien laughed and settled in the chair. Jonas sat beside him and took Lucien's right arm and arranged it. When Jonas went to change the needle, Lucien stopped him. “Same needle."

  Jonas looked to Katerina, who shrugged. “They're not human, Jonas."

  "Okay, then."

  He fired up the tattoo gun and went to work on Lucien's wrist, fashioning an intricate vine all the way around it. The design was stunning and I happened to catch a glimpse of myself in one of the mirrors. My heart caught in my throat. The design on Lucien's wrist was the exact same as the one now around my neck.

  I touched at the DLX in the center, smiling. Katerina held a mirror up and smiled. “His signature is beautiful, no?"

  I could only nod. Lucien's gaze met mine as I handed the mirror back to Katerina and I smiled, walking over to stand beside him. He gave me the dagger and took my free hand with his, squeezing it tight.

  "Do me the honor of giving me your blood?"


  * * * *

  "My God, Lucien! I can't believe you didn't tell me we'd be announcing this so soon!"

  I was in the backseat of the car, tugging on some decent clothes, fighting with boots and pants that he'd bought for me to wear. A coven meeting on my first night as his servant. Just my fucking luck.

  "The meeting slipped my mind."

  "Slipped your mind?” I rolled my eyes. “You need to get your head in the game, honey."

  "It's there now.” He glanced at me in the rearview mirror. “Almost dressed?"

  "Please tell me I don't have to wear this stuff all the time."

  "This? No. We'll have your clothes tailored to fit you. They don't sell off the rack to people with tails, I'm afraid."

  "Pity.” I smirked. “I look like a first-class manwhore."

  "Better than second-class,” Lucien laughed. “Come up front with me and let me see you."

  I climbed over the seat and sat down, adjusting and readjusting my pants. The waist-line was low enough so that my tail wasn't covered, but when I shifted, it rubbed just the right spot beneath the base. I clutched the door and the seat, gasping.

  "Oh, shit, Lucien. This is going to be so bad."

  "What's wrong?"

  "Wrong?” I shifted again and groaned. “Not really wrong so much as ... Right, but in a bad way. The pants ... they rub a little."

  Lucien laughed and slid his hand across the seat. He rubbed the exact spot the pants did and by his reaction, I knew he'd known that they would.

  "You bastard. You knew they'd rub!"

  "I had hoped.” He pulled his hand away. “I like seeing you hover on the edge, mad with desire."

  "You're really going to love it when I bend you over your throne and fuck some sense into you."

  "Promises, promises.” We pulled into the front drive and Lucien turned off the car. “On a more serious note: this is a short meeting and all I'm going to do is introduce you as my servant. I'll have people who want to talk to me, but you're not obliged to stick around for that this go around."

  "I don't know if I can do this, Lucien.” I pulled down the visor in front of me, staring at my reflection. “I usually clear rooms when I look like this."

  "Not anymore.” He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. “Ready?"

  "No,” I whined. “Not ready.” But he was already getting out of the car and someone else was opening my door. I looked up to see Simon, who looked at me in shock. “Hey, Simon."

  "When I said play hard to get, this wasn't exactly what I'd imagined.” He gave me a quick hug. “Everything okay?"

  "It's good.” He looked at me as if he didn't believe me. “Real good, I promise."

  Simon smiled, and then looked over at Lucien who'd made his way around the car. “You're late."

  "I know. We got a little busy and I kind of forgot about the meeting. Did you take care of everyone?"

  "Don't I always?” Simon said with a grin. “I don't think they're too bothered since they have food and blood to keep them entertained. Too much longer though, and I think you might have a riot on your hands."

  Lucien held his arm out for me. “Shall we?"

  "No, no. We shan't.” I took his arm anyway, though, and walked with him. When he turned down the hallway leading to the hidden entrance, I balked. “You've got to be kidding me! I will bust my ass on those stairs and look like a complete fool."

  "I've got you, Sabaan.” He took my face in his hands, forcing me to look up at him. “I promise, everything's going to be fine. Trust me?"

  "Yes, but—"

  "No buts."

  He opened the panel and pulled me inside and for a moment, I just stood there frozen. The room was absolutely packed with vampires and Lycans, so much so that there were people standing along the outer walls because there were no other places to sit.

  Everyone was talking and laughing amongst themselves and then suddenly, everything went silent and every face in the room turned to me and Lucien. I clutched his arm and he patted my hand as if to ease my nervousness.

  "Stand tall and proud. You're doing just fine."

  "I want to puke."

  "You puke and I'll make you come in front of all of them." I growled and Lucien smiled. "And now we walk to the front. You will sit on my left or at my feet."


  Lucien held his head high as he walked, just owning the room and everyone in it. I admired him so much for being able to run a coven this long, especially considering the fact that he'd never wanted it in the first place. He'd truly become a leader through it all.

  And he'd chosen me to be at his side.

  For him, I would suck it up and deal. I pushed my nervousness to the back of my mind and held my head high, feigning a confidence I didn't quite feel.

  Once we made it down the stairs and to the front, Lucien turned me to face the crowd of people.

  "This is Sabaan, my chosen servant. His word is as good as my own and I expect that you will treat him with the utmost respect."

  Someone stood, then went to one knee, head bowed.

  "Yes, Ian?"

  "If I may be so bold,” Ian started, “many of the coven aren't aware of what a Master's servant's position entails."

  "It will take some time for everyone to get used to it and we will cover it at length at the next coven meeting. For now, all of your questions for me will go through him. In short time, there will be some rearranging here at the mansion and Sabaan will be hiring an assistant for his office. Any more questions?"

  "Not from me, Sire."

  "Anyone else?"

  There was a collective no from the crowd and Lucien nodded, gesturing for me to sit. It wasn't until that moment that I noticed Peter in the chair to the right of Lucien's. He was trying to appear casual and indifferent, but the truth was in his eyes. He wasn't just pissed, he was furious.

  I inclined my head, smiling as I sat on the other side of Lucien. His anger flared and I realized that Lucien had yet to even look at Peter. Man, this was definitely going to be a long night for the both of them and I only hoped they wouldn't bring the mansion down around them.

  Steeling myself, I turned and faced the crowd, but when I did, I wished I hadn't. Nikolas stood a few feet away, staring back and forth between me and Lucien. If I thought Peter was pissed, then Nikolas was close to nuclear meltdown. His eyes finally settled on me and he shook his head.

  He threw the glass that had been in his hands and it hit a wall, shattering into pieces. I wanted to go to him, but Lucien reached over and touched my leg, I guess to remind me not to go anywhere. Nikolas stalked to a side door and jerked it open, then let it slam behind him.

he echo of the door slamming seemed to go on forever, and then, it was so quiet that you could have heard a pin drop. After a few moments, Lucien looked over at me.

  "That went better than I expected."

  I shook my head. “I have a feeling you won't be saying that later."

  "So very true."

  "Okay, then. Let us get started,” Lucien said.

  Lucien started what had initially been planned for the coven meeting and I sat back and listened, occasionally smiling back at someone who smiled at me from the crowd. The one who'd asked the question earlier—Ian—was watching me closely and when I finally acknowledged him, he blushed.

  It wasn't just him, either. The same thing happened time after time until I had a mental list of people I definitely wanted to get to know better. Nikolas’ jealousy aside, this might very well end up being classified as the best job ever.

  After Lucien closed the meeting, quite a few people mingled and talked, waiting to talk with Lucien himself. Ian introduced himself and said he and his partner would love to have me for dinner one night soon and it was only after he walked away that I realized they wanted to have me for dinner.

  Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, yes, yes.

  Someone touched my shoulder a short time later and when I turned around, I wanted nothing more than to dematerialize the hell out of the room.

  "Hello, Sabaan."


  "I didn't know you'd be joining us."

  "Well, it was one of those things, you know? Quick, unexpected.” I shrugged. “I do hope you're okay with it."

  "Not really.” Peter shook his head. “How could you do this?"

  "What do you mean how could I? It was Lucien's idea, not mine."

  "I can't believe he'd do this without telling me,” Peter growled.

  "Well, maybe ... If you were around for Lucien more, then you would have known."

  "What the hell do you mean by that?"

  "Take it the way you want. Nothing I say or do will make a difference anyway."

  "I thought we were friends, Sabaan."

  "Oh, we are. But you know what? Sometimes we just have to do what feels right, you know? Kind of what you do with Nikolas because it feels good to you, even though you've known all along that I'm in love with him, yet you keep doing it anyway.” It felt good to finally say that to his face. I gave him a wink and a smile. “Luckily, I'm not here to steal Lucien away from you."


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