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Page 25

by Mychael Black, Jourdan Lane, Willa Okati

  Shouting and bucking, I came hard enough to see stars, hard enough for tears to burn my eyes as I squeezed them shut. Triarius slammed into me, faster now, then stiffened. The growl vibrated my entire body, from my throat to my ass, as he came deep inside me.

  Sweet fuck, I was so lost.

  It took a few minutes before either of us could even think clearly enough to move. He pulled out and I let my legs fall back down. Triarius rested his forehead to mine, his eyes closed. His hands remained on my waist, my arms draped over his shoulders. I breathed in deep, drawing him into me. It wasn't the first time I'd fallen so quickly, but I'd sworn I would never do it again. I didn't even know when I'd finally fallen in love with him, and a part of me hated myself for doing it so quickly. Yet another part found a sort of peace, strangely enough. I laughed a little at the thought.

  "What?” His eyes were still closed, but he looked more relaxed than he had when I first came in.

  "Just thinking."


  When I didn't answer right away, he opened his eyes and stared into mine. At such close proximity, it was a bit unnerving. His slight smile dissolved that, however.

  "Dai accused me of bewitching you."

  "In a sense, yes."

  "Are you sure it's not you who has bewitched me?"

  I felt one of his eyebrows lift. “Why would you say that?"

  I swallowed and looked away. Fingers cupped my chin and turned me back to face him. The compassion and knowledge in those eyes unsettled me more than any horrible thing he could ever do. Then he smiled and kissed me.

  I could've handled a hard, hungry kiss much better than the one I got. This one was soft, almost reverent. It unraveled me. Kisses like that made me say stupid things, like...

  "I love you."

  Only then did the kiss take my breath away, Triarius thrusting his tongue into my mouth and taking possession of every ounce of me. I cursed myself even as I gave in to him completely. He lifted me and put me on the edge of the pool, leaning me back. Standing between my legs, he kissed his way up one thigh, then the other, taking great care to avoid everything higher. I groaned and spread my legs.

  Triarius moved up, finally, and licked a path from the base of my cock to the tip. I slid my fingers through his hair, wanting more. He lifted my cock and circled the head with his tongue. The motion drove me insane and I growled, thrusting deep into his mouth. He moaned around my prick, sucking hard.

  "Fuck!” I pumped my cock in and out, holding his head still as I fucked his mouth. “Don't stop. Oh, fuck..."

  Hips jerking, I shot down his throat. He licked me off, kissed the tip of my cock, and sank back down into the water. I just lay there, boneless. Dear God, the man was talented.

  * * * *

  "There are things I do not speak of freely. Things that others could never understand."

  After our time in the pool, we went back up to the room overlooking the underground city. Triarius leaned out the window, hands braced on the sill as he stared down at the flurry of activity below. I sat in the chair behind him, listening.

  "You've had no one to confide in, not even all this time you've been alive?"

  He shook his head. “I do not trust easily."

  "Why trust me?"

  "A kindred spirit, perhaps? Something I can't pinpoint, but know in my soul."

  I had the feeling it was the closest I would get to any sort of admission on his part. I couldn't imagine surviving that long, without a soul in existence to talk to, even if only idle chatter. Triarius struck me as the type to avoid idle chatter, though. Still, it had to suck.

  "So what happens now?” I asked him. “If Dai didn't accept me, then what makes you think anyone else will?"

  "Dai was corrupted. Twisted."

  I bit my tongue. Those words seemed a bit ... odd, coming from a man like Triarius. “What does that have to do with the others?"

  Triarius turned to face me. “The word of the Elders is law. My word is law. With the Elders behind us, your presence will never be questioned again."

  It took a moment for what he said to sink in. When it did, my mouth dropped open and I stared at him. “Wait. You ... you're talking about me ... at your side. Not just a lover."

  "Co-ruler, if you will."

  I blinked. “Co-ruler. You're kidding.” He shook his head. “But I know nothing about ruling—anything. I don't know anything about your world, the Brotherhood. Hell, I know only a tiny bit about the Romanorum."

  "What better time to start learning?"

  I thought about it for a few minutes. I was certainly here for the long haul, so what other choice did I have but to embrace, more or less, my new-found position. I hadn't really expected him to make me co-ruler, but I couldn't deny the fact that a part of me was thrilled. It gave me a sense of power, even though it was nowhere near Triarius', or the Elders'. But still, it was power.

  "All right,” I said, nodding. “Teach me."

  Triarius smiled and walked over, extending his hand. “Come. I want to show you the world I've built."

  I took his hand and stood. “After you."

  We went out and down a set of steps I hadn't realized was there, to the left of the door. When we reached the bottom, we were on one side of the dark river I'd seen from the landing above. Several people—humans and vampires—stopped and bowed when they saw us. Triarius nodded at them in turn, leading me down the path. On our left sat a row of what looked like caves. Fires burned in many of them from central circles. Pottery stood stacked along walls, wooden furniture filling the spaces. Thin, tattered cloths covered windows, though the doors remained open. Across the water, I thought I saw a blacksmith's shop, and even a grocer. A single wooden boat floated in the river, tethered to a post.

  It amazed me how efficient, how structured everything seemed to be. Everyone had a job, and they all went about it with purpose. It really was a city beneath the mountains. Primitive, but fully functional and self-sufficient.

  Triarius pointed to the cave the river flowed through. “Just on the outside, there is a stronghold. Farmers work the land, raise livestock, and do most of the processing there. They send the products down the river on small barges."

  "Don't you worry about the farmers and those patrolling the stronghold? What if they decide to turn you into the Romanorum?"

  "The humans who stand guard and those who farm, all belong to the Brotherhood. Most of them are ghouls to other vampires here, some even to the Elders."

  "Okay, that makes sense. Put those you trust—those with something to lose—in charge of that area. So if they go to the Romanorum, they are doomed to die as well, so they've gained nothing."


  "So, what about the Elders?"

  "Well...” Triarius stepped aside when two women came down the path, carrying a large basket of fruits. He smiled and nodded at them before they stepped into one of the spaces. “The Elders already know you are my Chosen. As it is within the Romanorum, we in the Brotherhood follow the practice of co-rulership when choosing a companion."

  "Master Triairus!"

  We both looked up at the young woman calling from the landing above.

  "The others are ready, Master,” she said.

  Triarius nodded and waved toward the steps we'd come down. “Shall we?"

  I led the way back up the steps and down to the landing. The young woman was gone. “Where'd she go?"

  "Oh, probably back with her mother."

  "Mother?” I followed Triarius to the throne room.

  "Victoria. Marie is her daughter—in the vampiric sense. No familial relationship beyond Victoria having turn Marie about twenty years ago. Marie is also her assistant."

  Triarius opened the throne room door and stepped aside for me to enter. The Elders sat on benches around the room and Triarius went up to the dais. I was surprised to see a smaller throne-type chair beside his. He smiled and motioned to it. I went to him, and then sat down. It felt odd being up there, the subjec
t of all those gazes around me. Yet none of them seemed malicious. If anything, I felt like they all supported us—or at least, they supported Triarius’ decision. Whether they supported me specifically, I figured time would tell.

  "You all know why I have brought you here,” Triarius said from where he stood in front of his throne. “You all were witness to the trouble Dai brought down when he objected to my choice. Let it be said: if any man here objects to my choice of companion, then leave now."

  I looked around, but no one moved.

  "Then let me formally introduce my Chosen, Mr. Lance Shaw.” He looked back and held out a hand.

  Taking it, I stood and bowed a little. Much to my surprise, everyone clapped. It helped to ease the worry inside me. We both sat back down and the throne room doors opened. Servants appeared at our sides, offering Triarius a cup, of blood, I assumed. For once, I took the wine offered to me without question. I stared into the dark red depths, then over at Triarius.

  "You only need to ask,” he said. Then he bit down onto his own wrist and held it over my cup as the blood dripped into the wine. The cuts healed and he took a sip of his own drink.

  I closed my eyes and drank, almost moaning when I tasted him just beneath the flavor of the wine. Sharp, sweet, powerful. When I opened my eyes once again, the room filled with dancers. I smiled when I recognized the woman and man from my very first night here.

  The woman came up and made a low bow before us, then turned to her partner. As if dancing to silent music only they could hear, they began moving. Their rhythm was much like it had been before: slow, sultry, erotic as hell. She circled her partner while he stood in the center, cock hard, her fingers dancing along the length. She licked his shoulder, drifted behind him, and stopped.

  Heartbeats passed.

  Then she bit down, fangs piercing his throat. From out of nowhere, dancers surrounded them, men and women, kissing, touching, licking ... The man in the middle tipped his head back, eyes closed as another man knelt down and swallowed his cock. Women flanked them, hands sliding over the man's chest, their fingers linking when they met in the middle. The man cried out, hips jerking.

  I watched in amazement as wings unfurled from behind him. Horns emerged from his hair, teeth turned to fangs. The female dancer circled back in front of him, to face us. The discs on her body shimmered. Arms spread, she tipped her head back and dropped to her knees, body shuddering as she transformed from female into male. I was mesmerized.

  "Now you see,” Triarius whispered in my ear. “We are much different than your world."


  "You can have this,” he said, waving his hand toward the dancers. “You can learn to do these things."


  "By becoming one of us."

  I looked over at him. “What?"

  "Let me turn you."

  "I thought you wanted me to remain human, someone who could go to the outside if need be."

  "That was my intention, before...” He smiled slowly. “Will you do it?"

  I glanced back at the dancers, with their bizarre rituals, their shifting forms. Was I willing to give up my humanity, to become like them, like Triarius? Being his ghoul had its perks, namely that I was off-limits should anyone think to let jealousy take over their reason. I wanted to learn. Whether or not I ever reported another news story again, my curiosity was insatiable. Sometimes to my detriment. Then again, sometimes not.


  A tray was brought to me, and on it sat a small vial. I knew—somehow knew—what it was. Vampires couldn't turn without a formula to join the blood. I also knew that if I killed a mortal after this, my soul would forever wear the mark. A few days—a week?—or so ago, I would've fought with everything I had. Now, I only wanted to be a part of this world. If Triarius’ plan had been to draw me into the Brotherhood, then he had succeeded.

  I took the vial and the servant stepped away. When I looked up from studying the viscous liquid, Triarius was standing before me.

  "Come. Join me."

  When I stood, he pulled me close and shadows swirled, engulfing us. I clung tightly to him, too startled to ask anything. When the shadows left, we were in his room. I eased my hold and looked around.

  "Wow. Neat trick."

  "Something you will learn to do in time.” He cupped my chin and tilted my face up for a kiss. “On the bed."

  I stepped back, hit the edge, and fell backward. He came down with me and took the vial from my hand. Then his lips were back on mine, the kiss deep but unhurried. One hand ran down my side and gripped my hip, pressing us together.

  "If you change your mind, do it now."

  "No. I'm ready."

  He picked up the vial and uncapped it. Then he bit his wrist and held it over my mouth. I caught his arm and drank, prick hard as stone but my mind solely on the flavor bursting over my tongue. We both groaned, and he pushed against me, over and over, hips rocking until I cried out, the sound muffled by his arm, as I came. Triarius gasped, jerked hard against me, and I watched his eyes roll back a little, felt his cock throbbing beneath his pants.

  Then he pulled his arm away and tipped the vial over my mouth. I swallowed, ignoring the weird, almost caustic taste. When it was gone, he slit his wrist against and fed me more blood.

  The pain hit then.

  It slammed into me, twisting my insides into tight knots. I tore away from his arm and screamed, my throat closing. Clawing at my neck, my clothes, I thrashed on the bed, body seizing. I felt Triarius pin my arms down, his strength overwhelming. Still I fought. I knew I was dying, I knew it was necessary. But, oh, God...

  "Stop. Let it happen."


  I bucked, the world fading fast. I tried to get him off of me, but the deed was done. I felt my heart, my entire body, dying—and there was nothing I could do to stop it now. With a final scream, I gave in.

  * * * *

  A few days, or nights, later...

  The first sight to greet me when I woke was Triarius. He hovered over me and smiled.

  "Welcome back."

  "I'm hungry.” It was the only thing on my mind—a gnawing, piercing hunger that twisted my gut.

  Triarius helped me to sit, then made a slit in his own throat. He drew me to it and I groaned when the scent of his blood hit me. Without thought, I latched on, the sensation of my fangs sinking into his flesh diminished in the rush of blood over my tongue. I drank deep, sucking, fingers digging into his shoulders. He moaned and cupped the back of my head, pressing me tighter to him.

  All I wanted was more. Fuck, he tasted good.

  Somehow, he freed himself from me, and I growled in response, fangs bared, his blood on my lips.

  "Shh, there will be more."

  The door opened and Victoria came in, carrying a tray with several bottles. She set the tray on the bed beside me, smiled, and left again. Triarius opened one of the bottles and handed it to me.

  "Drink. It's mine. Taking any more from me will push me to feed, as well."

  I grabbed the bottle and tipped it up, nearly choking on the blood but not caring in the least. By the third bottle, the hunger had finally dissipated. I collapsed back onto the bed as Triarius set the tray on the floor. Then he stretched out beside me. I didn't question him when he wrapped me in his arms. This was where I needed to be—now, and forever.

  "Forever is a long time,” he whispered.

  "Yeah, it is."

  "Are you certain you can handle me for that long?"

  I laughed and looked up at him. Only then did I realize he wasn't wearing his mask. Come to think of it...

  "You ... you haven't worn it since the pool..."


  "Why did you wear it, honestly?"

  "People modify their bodies in many ways, for many reasons. Some do it for art, some for the pain. And some, like myself, do it to hide from themselves. Self-loathing is a strong bedfellow to self-abuse."

  "And the mask, its barbs ... They were a way for you t
o remember what happened."

  "To remind me that I am no longer beautiful."

  I smiled. “Don't you think it's time to acknowledge the fact that you are, despite appearances?"

  His brow furrowed. “I do believe you are blind,” he said dryly.

  "Nope.” I rolled us until I was on top, straddling him, looking down at a face I'd grown to love in a very short time. “While everything else might have changed in me, my eyesight is perfectly fine.” I leaned down and kissed a scarred line just below his right eye. Triarius’ hands tightened on my waist.

  "I am not perfect. I never will be."

  "I don't want perfect...” I kissed along the line, then down to his lips. “I want you."

  "You have me."

  "I want everything, Triarius."

  His hands left my waist and came up to cup my face, lifting my head until I was looking into his eyes. “You have it, Lance."

  I did. I saw it his eyes. I smiled and kissed him again, knowing full well what he left unsaid. He moaned softly, hands sliding back down to my hips, pulling me down onto him. I rocked, licking his lips, cock filling. His was hard, pressing against my ass. Triarius slipped his hands down into the loose pants I wore and pushed them over my hips and ass. Then he spread my cheeks, fingertips tapping against my hole.

  "Please,” I murmured, pushing back. “In me."

  One hand left and I attacked his neck as he shifted to reach the oil. Just as I grazed his throat with my fangs, two slick fingers slid deep into my ass. I groaned and thrust back, driving them deeper. He stroked them over my gland and sparks shot behind my closed eyelids. Then the fingers were gone and I lifted up so Triarius could shove my pants down and off. I settled back onto him and sat up, sinking down onto his cock.

  "Oh, God...” Hands on his chest, I rode him, slow and easy.

  Triarius watched me, his hold on my hips strong, every rock of his body going deeper. “Lance..."

  I sped up, leaning down as he drew his legs up. He thrust harder, faster, forcing my breath out of me. “Fuck. Triarius. Don't stop."

  "Never.” Fingers digging into my skin, Triarius pumped in and out of my body with enough force to make the world spin. “Lance."


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