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Dominating Victoria

Page 5

by Kitty DuCane

  His fear turned to anger. Nobody assaulted his woman in his house. He used the doorway as cover as he surveyed the outside. He caught movement from behind a truck and the powder flash from a muzzle. He chambered a bullet in his rifle, shouldered it, and fired. He heard the hot metal tear through flesh, followed by a thud as the body hit the ground. He stood still for a few seconds, waiting for any other threats.

  But he couldn't wait forever. Hayden walked to where his woman lay on the floor. She was alive, that much he knew, because her physical pain permeated the air. And she was pissed.

  He rolled her over, and her eyes narrowed, spitting daggers at him. Her wrath he could take. Losing her, he couldn't.

  “You know, Hayden, I have no weapon to protect myself. You've taken them all.”

  He grinned. “I know, sugar. I'll get them back to you today.”

  “And now I've been shot.”

  “I know.”

  “And it hurts like hell.”

  He nodded. “Why didn't you get up off the floor and get your pretty little ass out of here?”

  “I was waiting.”

  He frowned. “For what?”

  “I hoped the bastard would come inside to see his handiwork, because it would have given me a chance to kill him.”

  He wanted to strangle her. Her safety meant nothing to her, and that pissed him off.

  “And you've got a leak in your department.”

  He'd heard that before.

  Her arm wound wasn't bad, but he clenched his teeth at the sight of it. With the amount of rounds lodged in his walls and furniture, she should be dead. And he'd have been lost forever. He used his knife to cut her T-shirt off and used it to apply pressure to her wound.

  “Maybe. Maybe not. Anyone could have followed us here.”

  “Then I blame you for this mess. If you'd left me alone, I could have completed my mission, and no one would have known who I was until it was time.”

  Her pale face contorted with pain. Yeah, getting shot was a bitch.

  “That's the problem, sugar. I'm not going to let you kill anybody. I'll just have to figure out how to return your playthings and keep you from using them on Julio and Manuel.”

  Chapter Eight

  Julio tossed a photo on Manuel's oversize mahogany desk. Manuel picked it up and gazed upon the beautiful creature.

  “So this is the woman you have been unable to kill—twice now, isn't it?”

  Julio nodded and glanced at the floor.

  “Tell me again why a little thing like her is so hard to kill?”

  Julio stammered. “She's very well trained, with all that ninja fighting shit, and she drugged my patrol. At the hospital, she disappeared into thin air, and she had help at Hayden's house.”

  Manuel glared at this nephew. “Yes. That was pretty stupid of you to try to kill her at Hayden's.” Manuel admired Hayden. He was efficient, resourceful, and loyal—just loyal to the wrong party. What he wouldn't give to have Hayden under his thumb.

  Of course, the snitch he had in the DEA was working out quite well. Everybody had a weakness, and this snitch was no different. The weakness of others was a very handy tool. Fear was always 100 percent effective. The DEA couldn't individually fart without Manuel knowing about it. He looked at the picture again. Unfortunately, the DEA had no clue who she was either.

  So this woman wanted to kill him, and she would have probably succeeded in killing Julio if the DEA hadn't intervened. Surreal—Julio saved by the DEA.

  She was Hayden's latest fuck; he sure couldn't blame Hayden for that. Her long red hair was gorgeous, but it was her eyes that captivated Manuel. They were haunted, something he could use against her, if only he knew who she was and what was haunting her.

  His next thought was brilliant, so brilliant that he couldn't believe the solution was so simple. He smiled.

  “Instead of killing her, or at least attempting to kill her, I want her captured. Quickly.”

  “Captured? Are you sure? She's loca.”

  “That's where you're wrong. She's not loca, only driven by something we don't understand. But if Hayden's fucking her, I think he'll cooperate nicely on the next shipment. That's why you only have a few days to find her. Besides”—he rubbed his hands together in anticipation—“it will be a pleasure to make her mine.”

  He pinned Julio with a glare. “And I don't want a scratch on her, so get the doctor to provide you with a sedative. If there's one hair out of place, Julio, you will answer to me. Do you understand?”

  The fear in Julio's face pleased him. It was a myth, one that he carefully cultivated, that Julio was his favorite nephew. Julio didn't have the mind for this business, but for his beloved sister's sake, Manuel tolerated him. Too bad this mystery woman hadn't been successful in killing Julio. That would have solved his problem.

  Manuel leaned back in his leather chair to strategize his plan. A man driven by his heart or his dick was always easy to manipulate, and Hayden had just moved to the top of that list.

  After the shipment went through, maybe, just maybe, he'd let Hayden watch as he fucked the little redhead. Manuel chuckled. That might be worth more than the shipment.

  Chapter Nine

  It had been five days since she'd slipped out of the hospital again. The DEA should contract with her so she could teach them her tactics. She was good.

  Hayden drove home from the Big Cypress National Preserve. He'd let his beast run tonight, and they both were in a better mood. There was nothing like running wild, hunting like the predator that he was. Sometimes he wanted to stay as the wolf. Life was less complicated as the wolf. Right now, life sucked for the man.

  He still had no fucking idea who she was, but he was sure of one thing. When he found her, he'd tie her up and never let her go.

  He'd called in some favors and staked out both Julio's and Manuel's estates in case she decided to skip the appetizer and head straight for the entrée, but so far, no such luck.

  His mind had begun to play tricks on him. He wondered if she was okay or if she was passed out in a ditch somewhere with a raging fever because of her wound. He missed her. Hayden hated that he missed her.

  The good thing was, he had all her weapons, but knowing her, she had an arsenal stashed somewhere. Even if she didn't, she was resourceful.

  The little shit who had shot at her was known to be one of Julio's men, but there was not enough evidence to prove that Julio gave the order. Besides, a dead man could only say so much.

  * * * * *

  Hayden arrived home and opened the door to his house. His spirits immediately soared. She was here; his nose brought him the sensually euphoric scent that was hers. He went directly to his bedroom, turning off the lights as he went. Her arousal grew stronger, and his cock got harder with each step. Opening his bedroom door, he stopped on the threshold. His nose picked up her arousal, strong, sweet, saucy. She reclined in his bed, pillows stuffed behind her back, her knees bent and legs spread wide, just like he wanted them.

  “I've been waiting for you,” she said as her middle finger disappeared inside her warm channel.

  “Had I known you were here, I would have skipped standing in the rain outside Manuel's estates waiting for you.”

  “That's not my fault.” She eased her finger out and parted her labia, showing him her distended nub.

  He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorjamb, trying to relieve the binding of his cock against his jeans, which threatened to burst at any moment.

  “How's your arm?”

  She glanced at the bandage and shrugged.

  His gut tightened, hating that she experienced pain. “Why are you here?”

  “Isn't that obvious? I'm…in need.”

  Need. Hell, she didn't understand need.

  She reached behind her back, pulled a pistol, and aimed it at him.

  He didn't flinch but was somewhat pissed off. “It's not a good thing to point a gun at someone you want to fuck you.”

  Her finger t
raveled down and disappeared into her pussy. Her eyes drifted shut. “I have one condition.”

  “I'm listening, but not for long.”

  “Actually, I have two. First, unbutton your pants, unzip them, and pull out your cock so that I can see it.”

  “I think that's three.”

  “Actually, that was one…really long condition.”

  He took one hand, popped his button, and slid his zipper down. Her eyes grew wide as his cock sprang free. He was fully erect, and she licked her lips.

  “Very nice. Now for the second condition. You have to promise to let me leave here in the morning. You can't keep me.”

  He frowned because he'd already planned to never let her out of his sight ever again. He took his cock in his hand and gave it a long, hard stroke.

  “That's a hard promise to make, sugar.” He saw her pussy clench around her finger. His nostrils flared, and his beast pushed, trying to free itself, trying to claim her, claim what was rightfully his. “Because I don't want to let you run loose, don't want you running around, trying to kill someone. That thought leaves a terrible taste in my mouth.”

  The gun was steady. “It's the only way. If not, I'll finish myself…later…with someone else.”

  His eyes narrowed as rage burned through him. Another man touching her? That wasn't going to happen, and that was exactly why he couldn't let her go this time.

  “You're bluffing. No one can make you feel like I do.”

  Her finger slipped out again and started slow, lazy circles on her clit. “You're right, but…I know of a little bar downtown, and I was thinking I would pick up two men and maybe, between the two of them, they could…finish me.”

  Two men? Definitely never happening.

  “Sugar, you keep talking like that and you'll find yourself back on the spanking bench.”

  “Tell me, Hayden. Tell me you'll let me leave in the morning.”

  He knew he had lost. He couldn't take her free will. He couldn't lock her up and throw away the key. He couldn't keep her. She had to stay because she wanted to, not because he removed her choice. A pain sliced through his heart.

  “I'll let you leave, sugar, but you're gonna pay for even thinking about another man, much less two. And for pointing a gun at me.”

  “You promise?”

  “To make you pay? I do.” His lips turned to a wicked smile.

  “No. Do you promise to let me leave?”

  “I promise that too.”

  She bent her arm, pointed the gun at the ceiling, and eased the hammer down. Then she laid it on the bedside table without ever taking her gaze off him. “Sorry, but I had to be sure that you'd let me go.”

  * * * * *

  She started the slow swirl against her clit again. “Remove your shirt,” she said.

  “Oh I am, sugar, but I get to call the shots, not you.”

  She smiled. “You really are a dominating character. Do you ever try to meet halfway?”

  “No. It's my turn. It was your turn last time.”

  “Okay, but hurry.”

  “No. You have to go slow before you can go fast.”

  He shucked his shirt, his muscles bulging and rippling, and her breath caught. Anticipation skated around her, making her want him, no, need him. She was addicted to him. He made her forget about the mission. Forget about the pain. He made her body sing. He freed her soul on some level that she didn't quite understand.

  He removed his shoes, and his jeans followed. He crawled up the bed and stopped before her. “Tell me what you want, sugar.”

  “I want you…everywhere,” she managed to say.

  He knelt between her legs. “How about if I start right here?”

  She quivered as his tongue grazed her swollen nub. She'd had others do this to her before, but never had it felt like…this. She pushed against his tongue, and he retreated.

  He lifted his head. She saw his passion. He wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  “Either lie perfectly still, or I'll restrain you.”

  She lowered her hips and waited, cursing him for making her wait. He licked again, and then he blew on her heated skin. Chills raced across her skin, and she resisted squirming. He swirled his tongue on her nub before he took it fully into his mouth and sucked. He nipped, swirled, and sucked until she was mad with desire.

  When she couldn't stand it anymore, she grabbed his head and shoved herself against his mouth. She didn't care if he punished her; she needed this.

  He lifted his head, his yellow eyes raw with desire. “Roll over, sugar, and I'll give you what you need.”

  Her womb clenched at his promise. She did as he asked.

  “Pull your knees up.”

  She did, and before she knew what he was doing, he cuffed her ankles to a bondage spreader bar. Then he pulled both of her hands under her, mindful of her wound, and secured them to the bar anchored between her ankles. With her secured, he pulled her to the side of the bed so that her ankles hung over the side.

  “You do have a mighty fine ass, sugar,” he said as he fondled her ass. He slipped his finger down her cleft and into her pussy. “Tell me. What do you want?”

  “I want you to fuck me. Now.”

  He kissed her ass. “You've been a wicked girl. You must be punished.”

  He pushed away from the bed and headed to the bathroom.

  She heard him retreating. “Where are you going?”

  “To take a shower.”

  She blinked slowly as she processed what he said.

  “Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back.”

  As if she could! She heard him laugh through the bathroom door. The bastard. She hated his control. Control over himself and control over her. She'd craved his touch, his heat, for the last five days. It was the only thing she thought about, constantly. The only reason why she came back.

  But to get her all worked up and then walk away. What kind of man could do that? She hated herself, hated that she needed him, hated that she'd come here tonight.

  She tugged against the bondage bar as she ground her teeth together. She realized that he wasn't going to let her go; she'd have to escape like last time. And this time, she wouldn't be coming back.

  She heard the water stop, and that infuriated her even more. She hoped he had a ball-busting case of the blue balls.

  The door opened, and she felt him behind her.

  “Let me go, Hayden. I don't want to play anymore.”

  “Sugar, we haven't started yet.”

  “Let me go, Hayden,” she said, turning her head to get a glimpse of him. “Chastity. I'm invoking the safety word.”

  “The safety word is for when you feel threatened or the pain is too much. Not because you don't get your way.”

  “Do you ever not get your way, Hayden?”

  “All the time, sugar.” His hand fondled her ass. “For instance, I want to know your name, who you are, and why you want to kill Julio and Manuel. I want you to trust me, so I can help you with your mission. I also want you not to leave in the morning, but that's not going to happen, is it?”

  He bent and kissed her hip bone on his way to her nape. “Ah, sugar. You smell so good and taste so sweet, like candy. You're driving me fucking crazy.”

  “I must not be driving you too fucking crazy if you can tie me up and walk away.”

  His cock rested against her backside, thick and heavy. “Hardest thing I've ever done, but you had to pay for pointing a damn gun at me. Never point a gun unless you plan on using it.”

  She knew that rule. “Oh, I was going to use it if you hadn't promised to let me go. I wish I had shot you anyway.”

  His laugh rumbled in his chest and vibrated against her back. She liked his laugh…when he wasn't laughing at her.

  He whispered in her ear. “I'm not letting you up, sugar, but if you don't have an orgasm, I'll know that you really wanted to get up, and that I was wrong.”

  “Let me get his straight, Hayden. If I don't have an orgasm, that prove
s you were wrong?”

  “Yeah. It's funny how my mind works.”

  “Hayden. Sometimes your mind doesn't work at all.”

  “Don't worry, sugar, you'll have an orgasm. Now, no talking.” He nipped her neck and laughed when she cried out.

  She heard a cap pop, and her body hummed with promise. “Since you want to be fucked by two, that's what I'm going to do.”

  The cool tip of something pressed against her anus. He pushed it in, and she immediately clenched at the wicked sensation.

  “Relax, sugar.” He pushed it all the way in past her tight ring, and she gasped. “That's right. Take it all.”

  The violation felt so wicked, so sinful. It burned, a little bite of pain from the stretching of sensitive tissue. It was bigger than the anal beads.

  She heard the foil rip. “Don't,” she said. “Don't use a condom. I'm clean, and I'm on the pill.”

  “I'm clean too, but are you sure?”

  “Yes. I want to feel only you.”

  “And I only want to feel you.”

  He applied a generous amount of lube to his cock.

  “Now tell me what this feels like.” He grabbed her hips and eased his hard member into her tight pussy, inch by inch. His slide against the butt plug sent fire rushing through her womb. Flesh on flesh made her squirm, and she tried to push back.

  “What's wrong, sugar? Not fast enough?”

  She said nothing but pushed to increase the rhythm. Her body was on fire, building from her core out. Hayden stopped pushing, and she whimpered.

  Sensations radiated from the plug. Her muscles clenched as the vibrations competed with the burn. Hayden eased in and out, slowly at first—too slowly for her. He gripped her hips tighter as his speed increased. She needed it hard and fast.

  He pounded into her, rocking her forward even though he held her. Her orgasm, when it hit, was wave after wave of pleasure, all but threatening to render her unconscious. Her whole body convulsed, and she cried out his name, her womb pulsing around his massive cock.


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