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Dominating Victoria

Page 7

by Kitty DuCane

  The thought of Hayden and three women at one time affected her emotional balance and threatened to plunge her into a despondent hell. Jealousy sat thick in her throat.

  Victoria swallowed hard and managed to say, “Trust me. I don't want the ride of my life. I want to get the hell out of this car with you.” Especially now.

  Wayne shook his head. “I'm getting out of this car and pretending that this day didn't happen.”

  Hayden nodded to him and smiled in agreement.

  Victoria sat back and pouted. “Just remember when my body turns up in two or three days with a broken neck that I begged you to book me.”

  “Doll, that will never happen. You're safe with Hayden.” Wayne exited the car door and left without glancing back.

  Hayden backed up and sped out of the parking lot. “You shouldn't try to turn my men against me. That's a major offense.”

  “Oh, shut the fuck up, Hayden. I am sick and tired of you bullying me. I wish you would leave me the fuck alone or lock my ass up and leave me the fuck alone.”

  He glanced up into the rearview mirror, but she quickly looked away, not wanting him to see inside her. “You don't get it, sugar. I'm never going to leave you alone, not until I figure out why you want to kill. I may not leave you alone even then if I don't feel like it.”

  But Hayden knew his last statement was false. He needed her, all of her. Her body, her mind, her soul. She was beautiful, smart, and irritating as hell.

  “Tell me. What did it feel like to tease Manuel's cock?”

  She met Hayden's eyes in the rearview mirror, pools of dark, violent rage. Oh boy, she'd really pissed him off. Revolting, but she was not telling him that. It was like an acid burn, enough to make her extremely ill. She hated herself, she really did. She craved Hayden. His touch was soothing, peaceful, even when she wanted to bite his head off. She hated that she was weak where he was concerned.

  “I don't know, Hayden. It felt as good as the trio you fucked.”

  She watched his brow arch in the mirror. “You're lying, sugar.”

  “Well, if you already know the damn answer, then don't ask me.” She turned and gazed out the window again. Why couldn't she shake this guy? He was tenacious, like a bulldog with a bone, and she was the bone.

  “You have some anger-management issues.”

  “No. I have Hayden-management issues. He can't leave me the fuck alone or stay out of my way.”

  “I'll tie you to the spanking bench if you're not careful.”

  Her belly flipped, her womb quivered, and she cursed. “You do like my ass in the air.”

  “I like your ass any which way. I told you that you were mine. Mine means that I don't want you touching—much less fucking—anybody else.

  “Hayden, you're going to have to get over this mine shit. I belong to no one, especially you. Never have and never will.”

  Her goals in life were simple. Complete her mission and…be with Hayden at night. When the mission was over, then everything else would be over, but at least she would have known true pleasure.

  * * * * *

  Hayden pulled into the driveway of his house and scanned the area for threats. His senses didn't register any alarm, but around her his lust overrode his instincts and common sense. He pulled her from the car and removed the handcuffs. Neighbors probably didn't want to see a female walking into his house in handcuffs. He slammed the truck door and maneuvered her toward the house. She rolled her ankle and stopped to remove both shoes.

  Before she straightened back up, she took off running at a crouch and darted across the yard, screaming bloody murder. He stood there like an idiot and watched her disappear behind his neighbor's house. Fuck. He should have seen that one coming. With his excellent hearing, he heard her bang on their back door. Lucky for him, his neighbors wouldn't be home for another hour. He headed toward the back in a carefully maintained gait. Running would only call more attention to this whole blasted mess.

  He rounded the corner. He knew she'd already fled. He followed her scent toward the back, where she had climbed a low fence. His beast clawed to get out and hunt, but a wolf in the burbs was never a good idea. He scaled the fence with ease and followed her behind another house, across the alley, through some more yards, and then on to 79th Street, the street where all the hookers and johns hung out. Damn it.

  * * * * *

  Victoria slowed her walk. Running was good for escape, but she didn't want to draw too much attention to herself until she figured out her next move.

  She slipped on her shoes and wobbled down the street. Her feet were shredded, and she knew she had at least one big gash on her left heel. Broken bottles, dark, no shoes—bad combination.

  Fear crept along her skin as she limped along. Not fear from the two men across the street or the hooker one hundred yards up. No. Her fear was being caught by the dominating Hayden. She couldn't handle him anymore. A tear pushed at the corner of her eye, and she balled it impatiently. Damn him. He had to meet her halfway. She liked his kinky sex games and liked feeling…a little…protected, but blast it all, she needed some space. Some independence.

  The two men who'd been eyeing her crossed the street and headed in her direction. She retrieved her knife from the lining of her purse and palmed it. Damn, it felt good. At least Hayden hadn't taken that one.

  The two stopped in front of her, too close for their own good. They were within arm's reach, which was deadly for them, and they didn't even know it.

  “You looking for some action?” one of them asked.

  That would be a big hell no.

  “No. Just out for a bit of fresh air.” She kept her eyes trained on them. They might outweigh her by a hundred pounds, and there were two of them, but she'd have no trouble handling two untrained men.

  “How much, lady?”

  “I don't want your money. There'll be no tango between us three, okay? Just walk away.” She could have told them that her six-feet-four-inch boyfriend was looking for her, but decided against it.

  * * * * *

  Hayden stepped from the bushes to the sidewalk in time to see one man fly out into the street and the other drop to the ground, screaming about his gonads. He smiled. Damn, that woman could get into some trouble.

  “Nice move, sugar.”

  “Don't 'nice move' me. I was wishing the whole time that it was your ass I was kicking.”

  “You're welcome to try to kick my ass anytime.”

  The man in the street attempted to stand, but Hayden put a foot in his face. “Stay down.” The thought of either of these two touching her sent his beast prowling. His beast wanted them to pay.

  She snatched her purse from the pavement, adjusted a heel strap, and then turned and strode away.

  He turned and got into step beside her. “You're hurt.”

  “Yeah. So what?”

  He glanced at her arm—no blood on her sleeve. He noticed her limp. “You should know better than running barefoot in the dark.”

  “Once again, it's your fault. If you'd leave me alone, then I wouldn't have to run from you.”

  Leave her alone. Like he could ever do that.

  “Who taught you to fight?”

  He noted the glitch in her step and immediately sensed an outpouring of sadness.

  “Someone very special,” she finally said.

  Hayden's insides clenched. A lover? If it was a lover, it was a long time ago. When he'd taken her down at Julio's, she didn't have the smell of another man on her.

  They turned right at the corner. The smell of her blood gnawed at him. She was hurt because she was pigheaded. “Do you want me to carry you?” he asked.

  She glared at him. “Hell no. I want you to keep your hands to yourself.”

  “Why? Are you afraid you can't resist me when I start stoking that fire of yours?”

  * * * * *

  She rolled her eyes but said nothing. Lying didn't come easy to her, but she intended to work on that, especially where Hayden was concerned

  A car rounded the corner in front of them. Bar light on top. Yay, me! She waited until the cruiser was twenty feet away and then dashed in front of it. The officer slammed on his brakes, stopping inches from her. He quickly exited the car.

  “Are you crazy, lady? I almost hit you.”

  “Thank you, Officer, for stopping. It's your lucky day. You get to book me for solicitation.” She turned, put her hands behind her back, and offered them to the officer.

  Hayden strolled up to them, hands in his pockets “Hey, Davey. How's it going?”

  Her heart sank.

  “It was going great until this broad about gave me a heart attack. What's the deal?”

  “The deal,” Victoria said, breaking in on their little chitchat, “is that you need to take me to jail. That's the only solution.”

  Davey's gaze flitted from hers to Hayden's. “You want to tell me what's going on, Hayden?”

  “Yes, Hayden, why don't you enlighten us all?”

  * * * * *

  The challenge was unmistakable. He should let them book her ass, and she could spend the night in jail. Hell, he still didn't know her name.

  “She's with me. She's had too much to drink, and I'm trying to get her home and in bed.”

  She cut her eyes at him. “Yes. I've had too much to drink, so you can add public drunkenness to my solicitation charges. And I beat up two men on the other street not more than ten minutes ago. I'm sure they'll press charges for assault and battery.”

  Hayden flinched. She could twist anything. “Listen, Davey, let me take her home.”

  Victoria threw herself into Davey's arms. “Please, Officer Davey. Do not let him take me. I don't want to go with him. I want to go to the women's shelter.”

  Davey blinked and attempted to untwine her from his neck, but she held on like her life depended on it.

  “Hayden. I think she needs to go for a psych eval.”

  “Yes, Officer Davey. That's exactly what I need. Just don't leave me with him.”

  She was some actress, thought Hayden. She had poor Davey so confused that he wouldn't even think of letting her leave with Hayden. No, she'd snowed Davey, sucked him into her melodramatic scene. He'd laugh, if he weren't so pissed.

  “Listen, Davey,” said Hayden. “Take her downtown for a cool-down period. I'll follow you there.”

  Victoria huddled closer to Davey. “Please. Take me downtown,” she shrieked.

  It was Hayden's turn to roll his eyes.

  She let Davey handcuff her and put her in the backseat. Hayden bared his teeth when Davey reached over and buckled her in.

  Davey shut her door, nodded to Hayden, and then got in the driver's seat. She leaned into the window, grinned at Hayden, and mouthed, I won.

  He snarled.

  Hayden sprinted for his truck. Knowing her, she'd have Davey stopping to let her pee, and then she'd be gone again, and poor Davey would be wondering what the hell happened. How a mere slip of a thing could cause so much chaos. Hayden snorted. She was no “mere slip of a thing.” She could teach the men at Quantico a thing or two. His truck tires squealed in reverse and squealed again going forward.

  Three blocks down, he found Davey's cruiser pulled over to the side of the road. His gut tightened. He couldn't wait to hear this story. He found Davey handcuffed to the steering wheel.

  Hayden opened the police-cruiser door and retrieved the cuff key from the floorboard. “What happened?”

  “Damn it, Hayden. She's a damn schizoid. One moment, she's babbling about abuse; then she's crying, and then she's claiming she has to puke. I pull over, open the door, and damn if she's not out of the cuffs and twisting me into a choke hold. Tells me to cuff myself to the steering wheel or she'll rupture my brain.”

  Hayden nodded. That sounded like her.

  “How the fuck did she escape the handcuffs? Who is she?”

  He released Davey's hands and shook his head. “I don't know who she is. She won't tell me her name, her prints aren't in any database, she's trying to knock off a cartel leader, and she's driving me insane.”

  Davey rubbed his wrists. “She's dangerous, Hayden. You should watch your back.”

  “She's not that dangerous. She could have ruptured your brain, but she didn't.”

  Davey blanched. “It's a matter of time before she kills.”

  He had to give Davey that point.

  “You want me to put an APB out on her?”

  “No. I'll track her myself.”

  Davey frowned. “Are you sure?”

  Hayden nodded. The sun hadn't set yet, so he'd have to do it in man-form not wolf-form. Wolf was so much faster. He watched Davey drive off before he turned toward her scent.

  Hayden tracked her for an hour, and she ended up leading him straight back to his place. He shook his head. He couldn't wait to hear this explanation. He found her curled in his bed, asleep. Blood dotted the floor where she'd stepped. She had piled her wig on the bedside chair. She'd showered, bandaged her foot, and fallen asleep in his bed. That must have been the fastest shower in history. Hayden searched her face. At least that red lipstick was gone.

  He took a shower himself and failed to get his lust under control. Her scent was everywhere in his bathroom, enticing him, tormenting him, driving him fucking insane with desire. She had to be punished. Punished for touching another man. Punished for not trusting him. Punished for driving him crazy.

  He stepped from the bathroom, and his breath caught in his chest at the sight of her in his bed. She looked peaceful, docile, and sweet, and he knew that was so far from the truth as to be almost laughable. She was unpredictable, irrational, and erratic. He slipped into bed behind her and spooned her to him. She was warm, soft, and almost irresistible. He'd let her sleep for a while, but then he was going to fuck her until they both couldn't move.

  * * * * *

  She woke up blindfolded with her hands bound behind her back. “What is it with you?” she asked. “Can't we have normal sex?”

  “This is normal, sugar.” He pressed a sweet kiss on her lips as he pulled her to the edge of the bed.

  “You want to tell me why you came back here after you ran all over my neighborhood, trying to get away from me?”

  She smiled. “It's a couple of things. First, I want to come here on my terms, not yours. And secondly, I love to play these games with you. You're good, but I'm…better.”

  He laughed that wonderful laugh she loved.

  “I don't think so. You're good, but not the best. And tomorrow night, I want to see that black corset you were tempting Manuel with.”

  Before she could reply, he stood her up, turned her around to face the bed, and then he pushed her to her knees on the floor. Her belly tingled with anticipation.

  He sat on the edge and grabbed her head. “Suck me, sugar, until I can't stand it anymore.” He pressed her lips against his engorged cock. She smiled before her tongue snaked out and licked him, enticing a moan from him. She took the head in her mouth and swirled her tongue on the sensitive underside. She thrust the tip of her tongue in the slit, and then she sucked hard.

  “Oh God. Your mouth is so sweet and warm.”

  She swirled and sucked some more, and when she used her teeth to scrape across the sensitive head, he stiffened.

  “I bet your pussy's weeping for me.”

  It was. Her sex was swollen, and her breasts were heavy, aching for his touch. She squeezed her legs together, trying to create pressure against her clit, but it didn't work. She sucked him hard again, imagining his cock filling her pussy.

  He held her head and started thrusting. “Finish me, sugar.” Sensitive flesh scraped against her teeth as he pumped into her mouth. She imagined how his leg muscles were straining with each thrust, how his abdomen would clench.

  He abruptly broke it off with a growl, pulled her up, and kissed her swollen lips, before bending her over the bed and spreading her legs. He buried himself up to his balls with one swift stroke. She cried out, not f
rom pain but from the pleasure of being taking so forcefully. He leaned over her and pressed his chest against her bound hands, smothering her with his warmth. He pulled partway out and pushed in hard.

  “You're mine. That means no one else can touch you. And you damn sure can't touch another man.” He stood and pulled out and pushed in again, raising her hips off the bed. “Do you understand? I'll kill any man who touches you. Your sweet pussy was made for me, and my cock for you.”

  He pulled her blindfold off and slung it on the floor. “Turn your head to the right, sugar, and watch me make you mine.”

  She did and blinked at the row of mirrors lined up at the foot of the bed. The sight of Hayden buried in her sweet depths caused her womb to ripple. He moved with the grace of a wild animal, towering above her, arms bulging as he anchored her. His long leg corded as he pumped in and out, his ass hollowed as he plunged.

  Watching him take her—so forceful and powerful— set her pleasure spiking.

  “Faster, Hayden,” she said and pushed back against his thrusts.

  When Hayden bent over her and locked her in place with his teeth, lights exploded behind her eyes, and the swirling sensations rocked her body, catapulting her into the hardest orgasm she'd ever had. She managed to open her eyes and saw Hayden stand and throw his head back as his semen spurted into the deep recesses of her body. His body convulsed, and when he turned and locked eyes with her in the mirror, they were glowing.

  She snapped her eyes closed and slowly opened them. She looked again. This time, his eyelids were at half-mast, and the glow was gone.

  Chapter Eleven

  She sat in the SubPain sex club and studied the crowd. Julio and Manuel had gotten on a plane two days ago and flown to New York, which left her bored out of her ever-loving mind. The waiting part of a mission always drove her crazy. So she'd decided to do some tracking, and she was tracking Hayden.

  It irked her that he was in a sex club, but she reminded herself that he was a free man and she was a free woman. They'd only had a few one-night stands. Oh, and one date. Which meant that all these men—who were staring at her like she was a juicy steak and they hadn't eaten in a month—were fair game.


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