Book Read Free

Right Kind of Wrong

Page 1

by K. Renee




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Epilogue

  About the Author



  Right Kind of Wrong

  © 2016 K. Renee

  Published by K. Renee

  1st Edition

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to others. If you would like to share this book, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Published: K. Renee - 2016

  Cover Design: KLa Boutique - Swag

  Formatting: K. Renee

  Cover Photo: © dollarphotoclub

  Editor: TCB Editing Services

  ISBN-13: 978-1523700011

  ISBN-10: 1523700017

  To the awesome group of ladies that took part in the Getting Lucky Anthology. Thank you for letting me take part in an awesome anthology for an amazing cause!

  Pounding on my door at 3 a.m., is not what I was expecting when I went to bed last night. Stumbling through my apartment, I check the peek hole and I see a hot guy standing on the other side of the door. He looks pissed, and I’m afraid to open it.

  Who the hell knows who this guy is? When he starts to bang on the door again causing me to jump and squeak out. “Dannicka Grady, open the damn door.” Putting my hand over my mouth, I can’t believe that this stranger knows my name. Oh my God, what do I do now?

  “Dannicka!” he yells this time. He bangs on the door again, I run to grab my phone out of my room along with the softball bat from my high school playing days.

  Before I can even get 911 dialed, he’s coming into my apartment and heading straight for me. I drop the phone and hold up the bat.

  “Trust me Dannicka, if I wanted to kill you I wouldn’t have been banging on your door.” My heart is racing what seems like a hundred miles per hour. He comes closer to me so I hold the bat up like I’m going to take a swing.

  “Sage sent me. You’re in danger.” Sage? Why the hell would my sister send some lunatic to my apartment in the middle of the night?

  “How do you know Sage?” My voice gives away how scared I am.

  “I’ve known your sister for a few years. She told me to get you out of here. We need to move.” I don’t lower the bat, and I can tell I’m starting to get on his nerves.

  “Why? She would have called if you were really coming for me because she told you to.” He eyes me, but doesn’t say anything. He pulls a phone out of his pocket and dials a number before putting it to his ear.

  “Yeah, I’m here, but she doesn’t believe me. Talk to her.” He grunts out a response to whatever the person on the phone says.

  He hands the phone over to me and I hold the bat up like I’ll hit him if he tries to come closer. He shakes his head at me and hands me the phone, grabbing the bat out of my hand with little effort.

  Without taking my eyes off of him, I put the phone to my ear. “Hello?”

  “Danni, I need you to listen to everything he says. Please go with him now.” My sister sounds scared and it’s starting to freak me out. She’s the toughest woman I know. Knowing that she’s scared makes me think twice about not listening to this man.

  “Sage? Why what’s going on?” My voice breaks and he walks into my room. I turn watching him grab a duffle bag off my closet floor, and He starts to stuff clothes into it. I don’t even know what to make out of what is happening right now.

  “Please Dannicka just do as he says. You’re in danger and I can’t tell you any more than that. I love you. He will keep you safe.”

  “Okay. I love you too. Will he bring me to you?” I hear her deep sigh and I know I won’t be seeing her.

  “No sis. Please just grab what you need and go.” She hangs up without another word. I look down at the phone in shock; she’s never not given me the information that I needed. She’s always been my protector since we were kids and now she won’t tell me what’s going on.

  He comes back over to me, grabs the phone out of my hand before grabbing my wrist, pulling me out the room and into the living room.

  “Shoes.” I look at him and he motions down to my bare feet.

  Running into my room, I slip my tennis shoes on and go back to where he’s standing. He grabs my hand and leads me to my front door. He barely opens it, looks out into the hall before he opens it the rest of the way, walking me out into the hallway.

  “Stay with me at all times. The people that are after her are bad dudes. If you do as I say you’ll be safe.” I can’t even get any words out. I don’t even know that to think. How can someone be after Sage? Why would someone want to hurt her?

  “Come on,” he grates out. I follow behind him as he leads me out of my building and to a bike. He shoves my bag into a compartment on the bike and gets on.

  I’m stuck in place, when I look down at my sleep shorts; I can’t help but get nervous about being on the bike. What if he wrecks? Oh God, I’m going to be killed because I wear shorts to bed. He starts the engine and it scares the crap out of me. I jump; he looks back at me and motions for me to come on.

  Slowly, I walk over to his bike and stare at it trying to figure out the best way to get on it.

  “Just throw your leg over the bike.” He reaches his hand out to me and practically pulls me onto it.

  “Please don’t crash.” My voice is no more than a whisper over the sound of the bike.

  “Baby, I don’t crash. Hold on tight. Lean with me through turns.” He hands me a helmet, I put it on quickly. Wrapping my arms around him, I can’t help but think about how hard his body is. Every inch feels like rock hard muscle and I hold on tight.

  He takes off into the night, and I remember that I never grabbed my phone off the floor of my apartment. I know that there is no way that I’ll be able to get him to hear me right now, so I just bury my face into his back and hold on as we get on the freeway.

  I don’t bother paying attention to the signs the whole way. We spend almost an hour on the road. All I know right now is that my body hurts from being in this position and I have to pee. When we come to a stop, I tap his shoulder.

  “Yeah?” He puts his feet on the pavement and looks over his shoulder at me.

  “I have to pee.” He grumbles something under his breath and he takes off again. Watching the building fly by, I can’t help but think that all these building would be a good place to let me off to pee. He doesn’t stop for another ten minutes when we park. As He helps me off the bike and then gets off.

  When I finally look around, I see that we are at some warehouse like building. A door opens and a few people start
to come out of the building. I hide behind him, he starts to chuckle.

  He turns around and undoes the helmet and pulls it off of my head. I watch him as he puts it on his bike and grabs my duffle out of the bag on his bike. He grabs my hand, pretty much dragging me towards the men that are now standing there waiting for us.

  “This her?” One of the men asks.

  “Yeah, guys this is Dannicka. Dannicka these are the guys.” My eyes widen as I take them in. They are all dressed in blue jeans, tee shirts, and leather vests. They all have words on them, but I can’t make them out from where I’m standing.

  One of them lets out a wolfish whistle, while the others are eyeing me like I’m their next meal. What did my sister get me involved in?

  “This is Sage’s sister?” They are practically undressing me with their eyes and I try to hide behind him. He wraps his arm around my shorter frame and he pulls me closer to him.

  “She’s off limits,” he growls.

  “Oh come on Saw. No fuckin’ way. She’s fucking hot. Why do you get all the fine pieces of ass?” One of them groans.

  I try to pull my sleep shirt down to cover my legs, but it’s no use. It only pulls my shirt down, showing more cleavage to them. I start to shiver and he runs his hands up and down my arms to try and warm me up.

  He leans down to whisper in my ear, “Come on, let’s get you inside to warm up.” I nod my head eagerly and I pretty much drag him inside. My legs feel like ice cubes, and I wish I were wearing a little bit more than what I currently am, but I didn’t seem to have a choice when we were leaving.

  He all but drags me past a bunch of women that are barely in any clothes, I can feel their stares as we walk by. “Who the fuck is she?” One of them says while pushing her boobs up higher.

  Saw or whatever his name is doesn’t slow down; he just keeps us going towards a bunch of doors in a long hallway. When we come to a stop, he opens the door and pushes me inside. He shuts it behind him and I start to feel claustrophobic. The way his eyes look over my body makes me squirm, but I try to not even think about that.

  Men typically don’t look at me the way these guys have since I got here. Before I can even say anything to him, he turns around and walks right back out the door without a word.

  Looking around the room, I see a bunch of dirty clothes on the side of the bed and some of them are women’s clothes. Gross. Whose room is this? Taking a seat on the bed, I’m almost afraid of what I might find just sitting here.

  Grabbing my bag from next to the bed, I search through it to see what he packed for me. When I find a pair of sweats I swear I could kiss him. Standing up, I pull them on quickly and see if I can find a sweatshirt or something too.

  When I finally find a long sleeved shirt, I pull off my sleep shirt and the door opens, causing me to shriek and cover myself with my hands. I fall back onto the bed and end up covered in dirty clothes. “Sorry,” he chuckles, “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

  He walks over to me and reaches a hand out to help me up. Looking down at myself, I’m sure he can see my boobs. I cover chest with one arm and stick my other hand out. He grabs ahold of me and pulls me up.

  A pair of woman’s panties ends up stuck in my hair, causing him to laugh harder. I try to bat them away but it is no use. He reaches out and grabs them. He holds them out in front of me and grins. “Pinky must have left these in here the other night.” He winks at me and I get grossed out. He’s a man whore.

  I grab my shirt, pull it over my head quickly and cover myself the best I can. “Is this your room Saw?” I ask. His eyebrows raise and he gets a frown on his handsome face. I never really looked at him until now, but my God is he handsome. Sure I thought he was hot when he was banging on my door, but looking at him now takes my breath away.

  “Sawyer, call me Sawyer.” He starts to come closer to me and I’m sure that my face gives away my scared expression. Before he can get too close to me, he stops and stares into my eyes, “Don’t worry I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Nodding my head, I swallow the lump in my throat and try to say something; anything but nothing comes out.

  A knock at the door turns his attention away from me and I’m actually thankful for it. I don’t know why he was staring at me that way, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know.

  When the door opens, I see one of the men from this morning. He motions for Sawyer to walk out with him, but never says a word. I watch as Sawyer looks back at me before making his way out of the room with the guy.

  I don’t even know what the hell I’m doing here. I want to call Sage to find out, but I have no way of calling her. She has to know what’s going on. I wonder how she even knows Sawyer and these men. She isn’t the type of girl to hang out with bikers. Maybe she’s undercover or something? Sage is a detective, and I’ve known her to do undercover work before, but I haven’t actually spoken to her in a few months which isn’t abnormal.

  She’s always been my protector, my confidant, but now I’m worried about her. Growing up I thought that nothing would ever hurt her, now I’m not so sure. What if something happens to her?

  When the door opens, I see a frown on Sawyers face. He looks like he has something to say, but he doesn’t say a word. Instead, he takes a seat on the bed and runs his hands through his hair.

  “How do you know Sage?” I take a seat next to him and put my hands in my lap while I wait for his answer.

  “Met her a few years ago and we’ve always been cool. She called and asked for a favor. Couldn’t turn the girl down.” He looks over at me, reaches out and grabs my hand. His larger hand covers mine completely and it’s actually comforting.

  “How did you meet?” I look into his eyes, trying to find the answer. He looks like he wants to tell me something, but he doesn’t. He just keeps quiet and pulls my hand into his lap.

  “It’s not important. What’s important is that you’re safe.” He reaches forward and moves the hair off my face. Part of me wants to move closer, and press my lips to his, but I don’t. I’ve had my fair share of the wrong men in my life. I know for sure that a biker will definitely be the wrong choice for me too. Men like him don’t like innocent women like me.

  He’s use to women who probably throw themselves at him. I am not that girl at all. Never have been and never will be.

  “I already made it clear that you’re off limits to the others. They might give you a hard time and shit, but they won’t cross that line. I claimed you.”

  I feel my mouth drop open; I’m at a loss for words. He claimed me? What in the hell does that even mean? “You claimed me?” I squeak out.

  He grins and releases my hand. I watch as he stands up, and I have no clue what he means. I kind of want an answer. “Sawyer?”

  “It’s like saying you’re my woman. No one else from the club can touch you. If another man even thinks about trying, I’ll kill him.” I gasp and my hand covers my mouth. He comes closer to me and I start to back up on the bed until I come in contact with the wall.

  He crawls on the bed and stops when he’s about three inches from my face. His arms are caging me in and looking at his face, I’m almost afraid. Something in his eyes makes me nervous, but I can’t help but stare into them.

  It’s like he’s hypnotizing me.

  “I don’t do well with people touching what’s mine.” I can feel his breath on my face. After a few seconds, I finally get my brain working again.

  “But I’m not yours. You’re just protecting me.” I barely get the words out. I’m partly afraid of what he’s going to say back to that, but I need him to know that all this talk about claiming me is freaking me the hell out.

  “Yeah you are. Unless you’d rather go fend for yourself? Hope you can fight back.” He raises an eyebrow at me and I start to freak out. What did my sister get me into?

  “I want to talk to Sage.” I demand. My voice isn’t really all that intimidating. I’m sure if he really wanted to, he could kill me without much effort.

  He sighs and grabs his phone out of his pocket, dials a number before handing it over to me. I put the phone to my ear, listening as it rings and rings with no response. When the voicemail clicks on, I can’t help but get this sick feeling in my stomach. What if something happened to her?

  “Sage please call me. I really need to talk to you. I love you.” Once I hit the end call button, I hand Sawyer the phone back and he pockets it.

  “What if something happened to her?” I know I’m on the verge of tears. Maybe it’s because of everything that’s going on.

  “She’s a tough girl. I’m sure she’s fine.” He gets closer to me and when his lips are only a fraction away his phone starts to ring. He closes his eyes for a second, almost like he’s pissed that someone is interrupting what he wants to happen.

  I for one am happy that his phone started ringing. I don’t know what I would have done if his lips actually pressed against mine.

  “Yeah?” He pauses for a second before he looks at me and pulls away from me completely. He gets off the bed and practically runs to the door.

  “Don’t leave this room.” He barks out before opening the door and rushing through the door like the building is on fire.

  Pulling myself off the wall, I look around the room and take note about the kind of man Sawyer is. Dirty clothes all around the room, trash covering the small desk pushed into the corner of the room, bottles of Jack and other alcohol everywhere, and women’s clothing mixed in with his.

  Wrinkling my nose, I slide off the bed and start to pick up the clothes. I put them all into one pile and I go looking for a trash can. There is no way that I’ll be able to sit in this room any longer with it this dirty. It’s driving my neat freak side out, I have to clean.

  At least this way I can keep my mind off everything and wait for Sawyer to come back in here. Maybe when he comes back, I can try calling my sister again. I need her advice, something that only she can give me because she actually knows me and what I like. She wouldn’t steer me wrong.

  I pick up a tee shirt of his and I can’t help but smell it. Yeah I know it probably sounds weird, but I have a thing for smelling the guys that I date. Especially if they work with their hands and get sweaty and dirty, something about that calls to me.


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