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Alpha's Baby: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 9

by Lauren Landish

  “I want all of it,” I told him, gazing into his eyes. "Give it to me."

  Stefan knew exactly what I meant as he picked up his pace, furiously slamming into me, his big balls smacking against me.

  “Fuck,” he croaked, several thrusts later. “I’m coming.”

  He gave one last thrust and then I felt his huge cock expanding and contracting inside me as squirt after squirt of his hot seed filled me. When he was done, he pulled out of me with a sigh.

  As I sat up, I felt a dull ache up my side and knew I would be sore for days after the brutal pounding Stefan had given me, but it was well worth it.

  A sheen of sweat covered Stefan’s powerful chest as he breathed in and out, recovering from his exertion.

  “That was naughty,” I said, glancing down at the sticky mess sliding down my leg. I don’t know why, but I suddenly had one of my urges, and I scooped up a fingerful of it, sticking it in my mouth and sucking it totally clean. Sure, normally, I’d realize just how gross I was being, but dammit, it was Stefan’s, and I was pregnant!

  Stefan grinned, both at my comment and my lewd display. “Yeah, it was. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up and home. And don’t worry about the frat. I’ll make sure none of them ever disrespects you again.”

  Chapter 15


  I avoided Jace for the next week, despite his numerous attempts to contact me. My parading with Jace had done little good to stave off the rumors surrounding the night of the Sacrifice anyway. People still continued to talk shit and make up stories.

  Plus, I was done with all the harassment and misogynistic attitudes of the males of Alpha Gamma. If someone wanted me to hang out with them, I demanded respect. I should have never subjected myself to it in the first place.

  Whatever. Fuck them all.

  They had no idea what Stefan was to me.

  In fact, our bond could only grow stronger.

  I was eating at NSU’S food court with Sara between one of my classes, enjoying a beautiful, bright, and sunny day when trouble came knocking.

  To go along with the beautiful day, I had on a pretty white and yellow sunflower dress and matching yellow earrings. To top it off, my makeup was cute, my hair was freshly flat-ironed and styled, and I felt good, confident.

  Sitting across from me at a two-seat table, Sara, God bless her soul, was dressed in an unflattering black number that made her look like the Queen of Darkness sitting in the light, but I wasn’t friends with her because of her fashion sense.

  We both were currently enjoying a juicy cheeseburger with fries and a soft drink. Normally, I avoided fast food, but I think I was starting cravings early. I was absolutely filled with dread that this fast-food eating would soon become a normal occurrence and I would be shopping in the plus-sized aisles of Walmart.

  Since finding out I was pregnant, I’d been devouring any and all the information I could find online and at the local library. It sucked that I couldn’t talk to anyone about it. It sucked even more that I couldn't talk to my mom about it.

  But how could I have gone about asking her? “Oh, hey, Mom. I’m pregnant with Stefan’s baby and I need a little more info about all the ups and downs. Can you fill me in?”

  I could only imagine the ensuing thud when my mother fainted and hit the floor.

  “It looks like you have a lot on your mind,” Sara remarked, breaking me out of my reverie.

  A soft breeze ran through the area, ruffling my hair as I took a big bite out of the juicy burger. I let out a moan of satiation as the flavors of meat, cheese, lettuce, onion, mayo, and tomato merged inside my mouth.

  “I’m just happy to be eating,” I replied after I had chewed down the bite.

  “You know, I’ve never seen you eat so much,” Sara said, looking at me with concern while she fingered the straw of her drink. “You sure that all this stress isn’t setting you on the path to binge-eating?”

  Sara’s concern for me amazed me. We hadn’t really known each other when I came to NSU. Our friendship had been one of convenience, really, yet she had taken up for me after the night of the Sacrifice as if she’d been a childhood best friend.

  “You know, you might be right,” I said. While I’m sure the stress was causing me to crave food a little, the theory did not totally convince me. In my mind, it was more likely pregnancy cravings. But of course, Sara didn’t need to know that. “Kappa had a lot of nerve for making me pretend to go out with that asshole, Jace.”

  Sara took a sip of her drink. “Oh, yeah. Whatever happened with that? You were complaining about him every day and then suddenly, you stopped.”

  “I stopped pretending to be his girl,” I replied, fingering my burger. “I couldn’t take it anymore. I figured that the investigation was almost through, and I didn’t think it was going to influence the final decision one way or the other, so I told Jace to fuck off.”

  Sara reached across the table and gave me a high-five. “Right on, sister!”

  We both shared a good laugh and then Sara asked, “What about Stefan? What has he had to say about all of this?”

  I froze. After our steamy sex session in the janitor closet, Stefan and I had agreed to cool our relationship again until we were away from here.

  “He just wants me to be happy,” I replied quietly, taking a sip of my drink.

  Sara was staring at me. “That’s cool, but uh . . . hey, I’ve been thinking. Do you think you could get Stefan to go out with me?”

  I nearly spit my drink into her face.

  “Are you okay?” Sara asked when I began hacking and coughing. “I’m just saying, your stepbrother’s really hot, and if he’s single . . .”

  I held up a finger. “Hold that thought,” I gasped. “I’ve got to go to the restroom.”

  I got up and left the table. To be honest, I was partly evading Sara’s question, but I really did have to pee.

  The nearest bathroom was closed, so I had to go to another one, down a corridor behind the food court.

  The area was deserted and no one was in the bathroom. After relieving my bladder from what seemed like a gallon of fluid, I washed my hands, checked my makeup in the mirror, and then walked back outside.

  I only got two steps before I heard a deep voice growl, “Why have you been hiding from me, Bella?”

  I turned around to see Jace Randall staring at me, standing near the women’s bathroom door. He had dark circles under his eyes and looked like he hadn’t slept for days. Dressed in a dark hoodie and sweats, he looked like he was dressed for a foggy day and a jog, not a bright, sunny one.

  My body went cold all over as I realized Jace must have been stalking me.

  “I tried to be nice and give you a chance,” Jace continued, not giving me a chance to respond. “But you didn’t want me. All because you're in love with your stepbrother.”

  I glanced around. No one was nearby. “I’m not in love with my stepbrother,” I refuted.

  Jace sneered. “Save it. We know that you are. I can see it in your eyes whenever his name is mentioned.” Slowly, Jace began to advance on me and I began to tremble. I debated on running away, but I knew Jace was going to catch me.

  I’m sure someone is around here somewhere, I thought. I mean, it's not THAT far from the food court, for crying out loud. He can’t be trying to harm me in such a public place.

  I tried to calm my nerves, thinking that Jace was only here to rant and rave his displeasure at my rejection. I’d let him say his piece and then go on about my way.

  “First your brother comes here and takes over the top Alpha spot, and even when he screws you, his own stepsister, he becomes even more popular.” Jace scowled at me as he advanced. “How is that even possible? Can you tell me that, Bella?”

  My mouth was dry and I had no reply. Nothing I could say would make him stop hating Stefan, so why bother?

  “And can you also tell me why you rejected me over him?”

  “I didn’t reject you because of him,” I said tersely. “I
rejected you because you are an asshole and I’m not attracted to you.”

  Jace stopped directly in front of me, his eyes burning. “I’m afraid that’s not the correct answer, Bella.”

  Looking into his eyes, I was hit with the sudden realization that Jace had come after me with an agenda, and if I didn’t act, I’d be in serious trouble.

  Not giving him a chance to show me what it was that he was going to do, I surprised him by clawing him across the face with my long fingernails, drawing blood and some of his skin.

  Jace let out a surprised cry of pain and grabbed at his face. “Ow, you bitch! The fuck you do that for?”

  Not wasting any time, I ran away, my heart pounding in my chest, hoping to reach the food court before Jace gave chase.

  I counted several seconds before I heard his footsteps pounding behind me. He was closing in on me fast.

  “Help!” I yelled desperately, but I was too far away from the food court for anyone to hear me and no one was nearby to help. There was too much noise in the food court for anyone to hear either.

  Jace was so close now that I could hear him breathing as he quickly closed the distance.

  “Shit,” I gasped, feeling as if my lungs were about to burst. I was running as fast as I could, but I was wearing sandals and Jace was a powerful athlete. There was no way I was getting away.

  I cried out as he grabbed me from behind, his arms encircling my waist.

  “Where do you think you’re going, bitch?” He growled into my ear, his breath hot on my neck. “You’re going to fucking pay for scratching me.”

  I struggled against him briefly and then opened my mouth to scream, but he quickly clamped his hand over my mouth.

  “Shut the fuck up,” he snarled, bearing down hard on my jaw, preventing me from parting my lips to bite him. “No one is going to help you.”

  He began dragging me away from the food court and away from salvation.

  “This is all your fault,” Jace hissed angrily as he pulled me away in the opposite direction. I couldn't believe there was no one walking nearby to witness him, but that’s my luck for you. “For thinking you were too good to sleep with me. You walk around in those sexy clothes, flaunting your tight body and being a major cock tease, and then act surprised when a guy wants to fuck you. But not just any guy. No, you have the most popular guy in the school thirsty for it. And what do you do? You turn me down. No girl has ever turned me down. Ever. I mean, any girl who turns me down must have some serious issues. And then I realized that you do have serious issues. You slept with your brother, for Christ’s sake. What girl in her right mind does that?”

  I struggled against Jace’s grip and tried to swear at him, but all that came out was a garbled mess. He was one to talk. Jace was obviously obsessed with getting revenge on Stefan and having sex with me.

  “And sometimes, sick people need medicine,” Jace said into my ear, his words sending a chill down my spine. “And I have just the medicine you need.” He pressed his body into me as he made me walk forward, and I could feel his hard cock rubbing up against my ass.

  I began to tremble within his grasp as I realized what he was going to do to me.

  “Yeah,” he whispered in my ear, aware of my fear and probably getting even more of a kick out of it. “I’m going to show you just exactly what you’re missing.”

  I tried to look around for help, someone, anyone, but Jace kept my head in one position as we continued to move forward. Still, I couldn’t see anyone in the vicinity.

  Surely, someone had to see what was going on.

  Feelings of despair overwhelmed me as the desire to scream, yell, bite, and kick faded away. Even if I could somehow manage to fight back, Jace was too strong. He had absolute control in this situation, and he was going to have his way with me whether I liked it or not.

  We were just about to round a corner and probably disappear from any last chance of help when a deep, familiar voice said, “Let her go.”

  My heart sang with joy and relief.

  Jace whirled around clumsily with me in his arms. “Fuck off, Livingston.”

  “I warned you not to lay a finger on Bella,” he said darkly, “and I told you what would happen if you did.” His eyes strayed to me briefly before going back to Jace. For a moment, I wondered how he had miraculously appeared right at that moment, but then I realized that even though we were supposed to keep our distance, Stefan had been watching me from afar this whole time to make sure I was safe.

  I loved Stefan even more in that moment.

  “I’m warning you one last time,” Stefan said in an even tone, ignoring Jace’s bait. “Let her go.”

  Stefan's eyes strayed back to me again and then back to Jace. Slowly, it dawned on me that he was sending me a subtle message. If he rushed Jace, who knew what he would do to me before Stefan reached him? He needed my help.

  Jace shook his head. “Not going to happen. You’ve been a thorn in my side ever since you transferred to NSU.”

  Stefan’s eyes flickered one last time to mine, and I almost felt a shared connection between the both of us. I knew what he wanted me to do.

  Stefan’s voice cracked like a whip. “Now, Bella!”

  Jace had gotten distracted by Stefan’s appearance and had relaxed his grip on my jaw, just enough to allow me to open my mouth.

  I bit into his palm as hard as I could, breaking skin, the taste of blood and sweat flooding into my mouth. Jace let out a pained cry and let go of me, and I rushed away just as Stefan rushed forward.

  I spat Jace’s blood from my mouth just as Stefan collided into Jace’s body with a loud grunt. The two went down on the ground, rolling over each other, each one grappling for domination.

  Injured, Jace was at the disadvantage, only managing to score a couple of blows to Stefan’s back, which did little to stop him. After a brief struggle, Stefan overpowered Jace and straddled his midsection.

  Then, he began sending powerful punches into Jace’s face. “I told you not to lay a fucking hand on her!” Stefan roared, landing punch after punch.

  Nearby, people were coming out of the woodwork, gathering to see the fight. I stared at them in disbelief. Where were these people when Jace was dragging me away?

  I turned my attention back to the fight. As much as I felt Jace deserved the beatdown he was getting, I knew I had to stop Stefan before Jace was severely injured, or worse, dead.

  I rushed forward and grabbed Stefan’s arms before he could deliver another punch. “Stefan, stop!” I cried. “You’re going to kill him.”

  Stefan turned on me, his face twisted in fury. I took several involuntary steps back, my blood chilled. Stefan looked truly frightening. He had a small cut on his lip and his nose was bleeding from the scuffle, but it was his eyes that horrified me.

  They were filled with pure, unbridled hatred and rage.

  “Please,” I pleaded. “Look at him. I think he’s learned his lesson now.”

  Jace lay there, moaning and groaning, his eyes rolling around in his head, eyes almost swollen shut. I should have felt a small sense of satisfaction at his current condition, but all I felt was sick to my stomach.

  “We have to leave,” I told Stefan, who looked like he wanted to finish the job. I glanced at all the people who were showing up. “Now, before more people show up.”

  This had been the very thing I feared since the beginning—Stefan’s anger being unleashed on someone and causing trouble. Given the circumstances, I suppose he had no other choice, but this probably would have never happened had I not been forced into pretending to be Jace’s girlfriend in the first place.

  Stefan turned around and stared at Jace. For a moment, I feared he was going to fly back into a rage and finish the job, but then he climbed to his feet and stepped over Jace’s prone form.

  By this time, a small crowd had gathered, and people were whispering amongst each other. Several of Stefan’s frat brothers and Jace’s buddies came running up.

man, what the fuck?” one of them demanded as the others quickly knelt on the ground and began trying to revive Jace.

  Stefan ignored him and reached out his hand to me. “Come on, Bella, let’s go.”

  With one last look at Jace’s battered face, I took Stefan’s hand and let him lead me away.

  “Where are we going?” I asked Stefan as we made our way across the campus.

  I had no idea what in the world was going to happen now. Stefan had beat the shit out of Jace. Who knows what lies Jace would make up? All any of the bystanders saw was Stefan beating his ass.

  The thought frightened me more than just a little.

  But the answer Stefan gave me was one that I had least expected.

  He looked over at me and replied, “Home.”

  Chapter 16


  “You think they bought it?” I asked as I watched Stefan dump his duffle bag on his bedroom floor.

  We were back at home and I was helping Stefan unpack his things. When we got back home from NSU, both of our parents had been relieved and perplexed to see us back mid-semester.

  Of course, they had immediately inundated us with questions about why we hadn’t answered their phone calls for weeks and bitched about how worried sick they were.

  Any longer, my mom said, and she was going to have called the sheriff to come look for us. It was only the carefully designed messages that Stefan left on his father’s voicemail that had stayed her hand.

  Stefan, being the devious devil that he is, made up a story that there had been several assaults on NSU campus and that he wanted to bring me back home because he feared for my safety.

  He made up some story about me receiving threats from several athletes for speaking out against a sexual assault that had taken place on campus. These athletes, he explained to my parents, would probably not be punished because of their valuable status to the school and would likely be able to carry out their threats against me and be able to get away with it free and clear.


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