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Alpha's Baby: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 18

by Lauren Landish

  I squeezed the shaft of his cock and waited expectantly. Sure enough, a large drop of precum came out of the eye, and I rubbed it all over his head and down his shaft, lubricating him.

  “Bella . . .” Stefan was moaning now. I knew I had him.

  Disregarding his feeble protests, I began jerking him off, stroking from the top of his head down to the bottom of his shaft. While I stroked him, images from my dream assailed me. Gripped by fear, this only made me stroke him harder.

  “Fuck,” Stefan cursed as I paused stroking to squeeze his cock to get more precum to come out. He’d gone slightly dry.

  This time, I was rewarded with even more fluid, and I relished spreading his juices all over his fat dick. I added a little saliva and resumed jerking him off, pumping his big cock as fast as I could.

  The sound of fleshy friction filled the room as I jacked him furiously. I gripped his head as tightly as I could every time I stroked to the top, adding a slight twist to it and making sure to stimulate the most sensitive part of his head.

  “Fuck, if you keep doing that, I’m gonna come,” Stefan moaned. He lifted his ass off the bed, arching his back a little. Satisfaction rolled through me as I noted the expression on his face, his features twisted in effort as if he was trying to lift a mountain, sweat rolling down his jaw.

  This only made me feel more powerful. I was in control of this strong male specimen who had been a thorn in my side for years because of my attraction to him.

  I pumped as furiously as I could, angrily jerking his huge dick up and down. “Come for me,” I commanded him, looking straight up at him. “Give it to me,” I repeated.

  “Ah, fuck!” Stefan gasped, his face twisted as if he was in agony, his forehead covered in sweat.

  Powerful jolts went through my hands as his dick contracted rapidly, sending squirts of hot liquid all over the place. Stefan must've had a build-up, because it went everywhere—on the bed, my gown, and his dress pants.

  I felt hot liquid roll down my wrist as his cock continued erupting like a volcano. I held on and squeezed, getting every last drop until his dick stopped contracting.

  Stefan let out a huge sigh and lowered his ass back onto the bed when it was over.

  “Fuck, are you happy now?” he demanded as I let go of his dick. He seemed to know that my actions were some sort of power play meant to exert some control over him, but at the same time, it seemed he didn’t want to press the issue, as if he was scared of what my reaction might be.

  He got up from the bed and grabbed tissue from the box of Kleenex sitting on my nightstand and began wiping at his dick and then furiously at his pants. “I hope this washes out. These pants cost 300 bucks.” When he was done, he pulled his pants back up, zipping them closed. Even in the dark, I could see the stains all over them.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll wash them out for you,” I apologized, though I wasn’t really sorry. For some reason, I was in no hurry to wipe his mess from my hands and arm. I wanted to feel a part of him on me.

  Stefan sighed and dropped the tissues in the wastebasket next to the night stand. I would have to empty that before the next morning. I wouldn’t want Mom to come nosing in and wonder why come-encrusted tissue was sitting in my trash bin. “I'm sure it will. But I’m going to need all the nice clothes that I’ve got since I'll probably have to start looking for a job.”

  I stared at him. “So we're really moving out?”

  Stefan nodded and grabbed more tissue. Then he walked over to my bed and began wiping at the mess he’d made on my bedspread. It being dark, I knew he would miss a few spots. But it was okay. I would get them later. “Yes. We’re not staying here.”

  “Why don't we just stay and help Terry?”

  Stefan stopped wiping and turned to look at me. “Look at it this way—even if Evelyn does decide to stay with Dad, what do you think is going to happen when you start to show? I just don't see them happily cheering you on, Bella. And that's assuming they don't know that the baby is mine.” He shook his head. “No way. If you think it’s bad here now, I would hate to see what it would be like then.”

  As much as I hated to admit it, Stefan was right. We couldn't stay here. I had about another month before I would really start to show. Of course, I could just wear big clothing, but even that would only last so long.

  “We have to think about the baby first right now. Besides, they'll have plenty of time to sort it out without us around. We'll just get in the way.” His voice had a note of stone in it.

  “My mom is a very proud woman,” I said flatly. “Even though it was only some online thing, from what your dad said, I don't see her forgiving him easily. I can't just tell her to forgive him without giving her a good reason. She'll just think I’m being sympathetic to him and taking his side.”

  “Just let them deal with it. Maybe we can try to smooth things over later if things aren't looking good. But look at the bright side—we'll have all the time in the world alone.”

  While being alone with him sounded amazing, I also wanted to do everything I could to keep our parents together. I didn't want their split to be any fault of mine, but I was just going to go along with Stefan. “All right. I just won’t say anything then.”

  “Good.” He finished wiping away at the wet spots and then got up and threw the tissues in the waste basket. “Do you want me to . . .?” He nodded at me, and I instantly understood what he meant. “You’ll have to be very quiet, though. No screaming when I get into it.” He grinned mischievously.

  I should have been jumping at the offer, but Stefan hadn’t exactly asked for me to get him off, so why should I expect anything in return? On top of that, I hadn’t really been in the mood before I did it, and I definitely wasn’t in the mood now after discussing our parents.

  Besides, it seemed more like he just felt obligated, and not because he really wanted to. And I didn’t want him to do it if he felt that way.

  I shook my head and surprise showed in his eyes.

  “You sure?”

  He scratched at the back of his neck when I didn’t reply and said, “We’ll go look at some apartments tomorrow.”

  I shifted in the bed, careful to keep my semen-covered hand away from my sheets. “How are we going to afford moving out, Stefan? You said Terry wasn’t going to let you work for him if you leave.”

  “I have money saved up, just enough for us to get a place and to give me time to look for a job.”

  “Stefan . . . I’m scared.”

  He gave me a Stefan grin, but while it helped, it didn’t take away all my worry. “Have a little confidence in me, okay? I told you. I’m going take care of you no matter what, okay?”

  “Okay,” I said finally.

  He walked over to the bed and planted a soft kiss on my lips and then nodded at my arm. “Now go clean up and get some sleep. We have a long week ahead of us.” He playfully ruffled my hair and then walked out of the room, quietly closing the door behind him.

  Chapter 30


  “Mom?” I asked delicately.

  My mother half-turned from where she was sitting at the vanity as I closed her bedroom door behind me. I sucked in a breath as I surveyed her appearance. Dressed in one of her favorite gowns that looked mightily rumpled, with no makeup on, she looked awful, and had obviously been sulking before I’d walked into the room. Her eyes were red and puffy looking.

  I’d decided to pay her a visit after avoiding her most of the week. Between the constant arguments with Terry, and me and Stefan scouting around for an apartment to move into, I hadn’t found the time to speak with her for more than a few minutes.

  But since Stefan abruptly left today to go looking at apartments without me, I decided I would break down and have a little talk with Mother, though I wasn’t sure what I was going to say.

  On one hand, I wanted to tell her that divorcing Terry would be a big mistake, and on the other, I wanted to tell her the truth and just end all this madness.

warned me repeatedly not to get involved in our parents’ relationship woes, but I found myself unable to resist trying. I felt that I owed her at least that much.

  I just didn’t know if I was going to be able to get her listen to me, or only succeed in pissing her off.

  “Yes, Bella?” my mother’s voice was scratchy.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  She peered at me while wiping at her cheek with the back of her hand, causing the right strap of her gown to fall off her shoulder. “What do you mean?”

  “Are you going to leave Terry?”

  My mom stared at me for a long moment and then tugged the strap of her gown back onto her shoulder. “I don’t know yet.”

  “Maybe after you calm down, you guys should just attend marriage counseling like Terry said. It might do some good.”

  Mother scowled at me. “Well, that’s nice of you to suggest such a thing, as if it’s just so easy to do when you weren't the one hurt by what he did, Bella,” she said acidly.

  Oh boy, I thought. She’s got the acid tongue out. Careful, Bella.

  “I’m sure that it meant nothing to him. Besides, it was only an online thing. It wasn’t really cheating . . . was it?”

  I knew I was really pressing the issue, but I had to get my mother to see a little reason. I didn’t know exactly how far Terry had gone with Veronica, but it couldn’t have been that far.

  “It isn’t? It's a different form, but it's still cheating, and that's taking his word for it that it never progressed further. I'm having a hard time believing that. And God knows what your stepfather did every time he saw all that stuff.” She stared at me, rage burning in her eyes. “Did you see the girl?”

  Of course I had seen the bitch. She was one of the reasons Stefan and I were in so much of a mess.

  “My God, Bella,” my mother continued. “She is so young, she's your age, for crying out loud.” There was a bitterness in my mother’s words that left a sour taste in my mouth.

  “Yeah, I saw her,” I said in a casual way that would not reveal that I knew Veronica. “She looked like a slut with no class. She’s nothing compared to you.” I walked over beside my mom and gently stroked her hair, trying to console her as she'd done for me so many times before.

  My mom looked up at me, and I saw a flash of gratitude in her eyes. “Thank you, Bella, for coming to talk to me.”

  After a few moments of silence, I spoke up and said, “I think you should remind him of what he’s missing. I know what he did has hurt you and made you angry, but you shouldn’t let all those years of happiness go to waste.”

  A scowl twisted my mother’s features. “Whose side are you on, anyway? Mine or Terry’s?”

  "Yours, Mom. You know that. I just want to see you happy again."

  I sucked in a deep breath. I knew she wasn’t going to like what I had to say next. “I also wanted to say that Stefan and I will be moving out.”

  My mom reared back with surprise. “What? Moving out? Are you two going back to school?” she asked, sounding hopeful.

  “No, we’re moving into an apartment.”

  If Mom looked surprised before, she was absolutely floored now. “What?” she exclaimed.

  My hands began to feel clammy as my pulse began to race. “Didn’t Terry tell you? Stefan talked with him the other day about moving out.”

  My mother scowled darkly. “Please, I haven’t listened to a word that man has said since he revealed what a rat bastard he is.” She shook her head. “Just make me understand here. Why the hell are you and Stefan moving into your own place together? You should be concerned about going back to school.”

  I licked my lips. I didn't have adequate answers to her question. I could only avoid them. “You and Terry need your space.”

  “If I divorced your stepfather, this house will most likely be mine. I’ve already spoken with my divorce lawyer. Terry will want to retain his business, and I don't care about taking that from him, but the house and a generous percentage of other assets would be mine. Terry would no longer be here. You don't need to go anywhere, Bella.”

  And where would Stefan be? I wanted to ask. For some reason, I knew that Stefan would no longer be allowed here if she went through with it, at least not until she had time to get over her anger.

  “And with the money from the settlement, I can send you to whatever school you want.”

  I froze, my mouth going dry. “I can’t go to another school, Mom.”

  She stared at me. “Why the hell not?”

  I couldn’t answer. How could I? The truth would end me . . . and maybe even end her. So I kept my lips closed.

  “Don’t you have goals?” my mom demanded when I didn’t answer. “Dreams? Aspirations? Just because a bunch of boys gave you a hard time at college, doesn’t mean you have to give up on life.”

  “I know, Mom.”

  “So help me understand what is going on, Bella. Since you’ve been back, you and Stefan seemed to be stuck together like glue. Had he not gotten the job working for Terry, I don’t know what we would've done to separate you two.”

  “Let's not talk about this right now, Mom. I don't want to argue with you.” I’d come to offer her support. Now I wish I’d never stepped in her room. Stefan was right—I was only asking for more trouble.

  My mom glared at me. “Why does it seem like everyone in this damn house is hiding secrets from me, huh?”

  “I’m going to go, Mom,” I said softly. “I have some packing to do.”

  “Bella, I’m not done talking with you, young woman!”


  Hardening my heart, I walked out of the bedroom.

  Chapter 31


  “Open your eyes,” Stefan said, removing his hands from in front of my shades.

  “Oh my God, it’s beautiful!” I exclaimed to Stefan, stepping through the doorway.

  Tears filled my eyes at the sight before me.

  It was a beautiful one-bedroom, one-bath studio with cream-colored walls and matching carpet, and a small kitchen and stove. It wouldn’t have taken much to make me happy, but it really was a nice place.

  The fresh smell of paint filled my nostrils as I looked over at Stefan. “I love it!”

  Stefan stuck his hands into his pockets and grinned as he surveyed the room with me. He looked quite handsome, as usual, dressed in blue jeans and a freshly ironed, white South State University t-shirt. He had an SSU hat on, turned backward. “I knew you would. The first and last was cheap enough on this place that I have just enough for us to survive until I find a job.”

  I ran into his arms. “I’m so happy!” I crowed. For a moment, I almost forgot about all the issues facing us, basking in joy at having our first place together.

  Stefan squeezed me lightly, peering down at me. “Didn’t I tell you I would come through for us?”

  “Yes, you sure did.”

  He kissed me hard on the lips, leaving me breathless. “And I’m going to continue to do so, no matter what happens. Don’t ever doubt me.”

  “I won’t,” I said, flashing him a hopeful smile.

  “I got a job!” announced Stefan. He was in our small living room, sitting on the cream-colored couch, one we had purchased with a newly opened credit account at a nearby furniture store, his laptop perched on the coffee table in front of him.

  “That’s wonderful, Stefan!” I called over the sizzle of bacon. I was in the kitchen, cooking Stefan a breakfast consisting of sausage, bacon, and eggs. It was a morning routine I’d taken up as soon as we had moved in, and I found that it filled me with a sense of domesticated joy.

  It had been nearly two weeks since we moved in, and I couldn’t have been happier. That wasn’t to say the transition had been all roses, but it was truly a joy being able to wake up next to him. The best, though, was that we made love every night without worry of anyone walking in on us.

  Back when we moved in, Stefan rented a moving truck and hired someone to help him
move some of our furniture from back home into our new place. When I tried to come along, he told me to stay at the apartment because he expected trouble from our parents. Instead, he told me to give him a list of things that I wanted from the house and he’d get it.

  Sure enough, when he got there, Terry had been waiting for him. The two had an exchange of words, but apparently, it hadn't gotten too bad. Even still, since then, we’d tried to keep our distance from our parents as best we could.

  The only thing that bothered me was deserting my mom when she was having marital problems. But I would no doubt start to show soon, and even if I didn't, she may pick up on it some other way.

  “What kind of job is it?” I asked as I turned the burner off and piled the bacon and sausage along with the eggs onto a plate.

  “Modeling,” Stefan replied.

  My heart fell in my throat as I poured a glass of orange juice. “Modeling?”

  “Yeah. I’ll be modeling for a company that sells their apparel from fashion magazines and catalogues.”

  “What kind of modeling?”

  Stefan cleared his throat. “Clothing and underwear.”

  I guess I should feel proud that he was mine, but I couldn't help but feel a little jealousy too. If Stefan was going to be taking sexy pictures for some magazine, there was no telling how many girls would end up ogling his body.

  “How in the world did you manage to get a modeling job? Don’t you have to have an agent for that?” As far as I knew, Stefan hadn’t said anything about modeling since we’d been at our new apartment. The jobs he’d applied for so far had all been typical nine-to-five jobs that only required a high school diploma.

  “I saw an ad online looking for professional models. The requirements were that you have to be good-looking and be physically fit. I said fuck it and sent in a few pictures and said I was representing myself. That was yesterday, and there is already a response today.”

  “They must have really liked you,” I remarked.


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