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Naked In School - The Pretend Exhibitionist

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by Penelope Poole

  “Would Victoria Abbott please attend the Principal’s Office immediately.”

  Victoria sighed at the message crackling over the intercom, and got up from her English Poetry class. It was one of her favourites, and she would only be in trouble with Principal Johnson. She gave an apologetic smile to Mr Jones, her teacher, and placed her books into her bag before heading out into the corridor.

  She strolled leisurely through the halls, in no hurry. Templeton, one of New England’s most prestigious boarding schools, and certainly the most prestigious coeducational one, had some architecturally fascinating corridors. The building was almost as old as the good old US of A, and had inspired Victoria’s wish to be an architect.

  Not long now. Halfway through her senior year, and with a place at Yale practically guaranteed thanks to her famous school. She had always found it a bit repressive here, and she couldn’t wait to move on, study for her dream career, and let her hair down a bit.

  Well, a bit more at least. She passed Gérard in the hall and they gave each other a flirtatious glance. Goofy Gérard, she had certainly brought him out of his shell under the bleachers on the lacrosse pitch. And he had had a good body from what she could remember. That could have been the beer goggles, of course. But he still made me cum a few times. And I returned the favour.

  She grinned at the memory as she passed the paintings of previous principals. Principal Johnson probably can’t wait to have his up there. Not until he’s retired, though. She wondered again how old the Principal was. Surely not past 40. Quite young, and handsome in a strange way.

  That thought had got her as far as the office. She walked in and saw old Mrs Towns, the secretary, tapping away on her keyboard. Like a sparrow pecking at crumbs. Victoria stifled a snigger, and Mrs Towns looked up.

  “Ah, yes, Victoria. He’s waiting for you.”

  “Thanks Mrs T. Any idea what I’m in for this time?”

  The older woman pursed her lips. She hated that nickname. “I really couldn’t say, Miss Abbott.” She went back to her typing. Fair enough. She’ll be there a while, after all, better get to it. Victoria gave a sarcastic curtsey in her school miniskirt and walked up to the main office door.

  She walked through and dumped herself in the chair in front of Principal Johnson. He didn’t look up from a sheaf of papers he was studying. “Ah, Miss Abbott. Take a seat, by all means.”

  “Way ahead of you, Sir. What’s the word?” She flicked her dark, shoulder-length curls nonchalantly.

  Principal Johnson finally put his papers down and looked up at her. “The word, Miss Abbott? The... word concerns the behavior expected of you as a Templeton student. When your parents enrolled you in our institution, you agreed to a certain code of conduct and to carry yourself with a certain decorum. However, this was recently brought to my attention.” He pushed the sheaf of papers across the desk. Victoria leaned forward and picked them up.

  She recognised the pictures immediately. There she was in her cute little school uniform – Templeton tartan on the miniskirt and Templeton badge on the blazer – leaning back on the bed, legs akimbo, revealing what she thought was a very pretty pair of red silk panties. She flicked through to the next photo. Kneeling up this time, but with the blazer open, showing that she was naked underneath. And the next exposed a dark pink nipple, at the tip of a creamy, perky breast.

  The pictures got worse. Or better, depending on your point of view. Eventually she was lying back, wearing only the blazer, panties around her ankles, shaven slit exposed and a finger delicately rubbing her clit. Victoria flushed slightly at the last few. She would have preferred that Principal Johnson not see her like that.

  Brad, that little shit. He said he’d deleted them. They had had a hook-up a few months ago, after school. Ostensibly during a study session, hence the uniform. Although she had admitted to herself at the time that it made things a bit kinkier. Of course, Brad had wanted more after that, but Victoria had always been a “fuck ‘em and chuck ‘em” kind of girl.

  He hadn’t been happy. Was this his revenge?

  “Where did you get these, Sir?”

  “Not that it matters, Miss Abbott, but they were mailed to me anonymously. Someone wants to protect this school’s reputation. Now, I know you are eighteen, an adult, and this is perfectly legal thank goodness, but you are still a senior at Templeton. These pictures could have an extremely detrimental effect on our fine establishment’s perceived integrity. I must therefore treat this case with the utmost severity. I have no choice but to expel you from Templeton. We will help you find another school to graduate from, but it cannot be here.”

  Victoria felt her heart collapse. Her dreams of being an architect were predicated on getting into the finest college, and that would be impossible if she had been expelled from Templeton.

  “Sir. Please. I wasn’t thinking. I love this school. I was just letting my hair down. I’m so sorry. I’ll show more restraint in future. Please, please give me another chance!”

  “Miss Abbott, I have no choice. The board would not accept this. Restraint? Miss Abbott, who needs restraint to not remove their clothes? You are supposed to be a future leader of America. What could have made you feel this was appropriate? Why would you want to do this?”

  Victoria was at a loss for words. She saw her goals crashing around her. Then, a voice whispered a suggestion to her. One that came from her Law class. It seemed mad, but she was desperate. She stood, just as she had been taught in Political Science.

  “Principal Johnson. It is my personal belief system that the naked body is a beautiful thing to be shared with the world. I can’t restrain myself from acting upon that belief. Asking me to do so would be a violation of my constitutional rights, and expelling me for being myself would be discrimination, pure and simple. I must take a stand.”

  The principal looked at her blankly. He was silent for a moment. “I need to make a call.” He went into the next phone on his cell.

  Victoria stayed standing, breathing heavily, chest rising and falling. Would that do it? It was a gamble, but hey. What did she have to lose.

  Principal Johnson returned, scratched his head and looked at her. “Miss Abbott, you have clearly been paying attention in class. That was our school lawyer who told me you may have a point. I will need to put this to our legal advice team and to our board. Are you willing to back that position up in front of a wider audience?”

  Her heart leapt. “Yes Sir. Anything. Please, just get them to see my point of view.”

  “I will see what I can do, Miss Abbott. You may return to class.” Victoria smiled at him and turned to go. “But wait, one moment.” She turned back, trying to look nonchalant. She really wanted to get out of there, to get away with it.

  The Principal was holding out a cardboard box, the kind used to tidy up desks. “Your clothes please, Miss Abbott.”

  Victoria looked up at him. It was her turn to be shocked this time. Is he asking me to undress for him, the pervert? Then, suddenly, the inevitable realisation dawned.

  “Miss Abbott, our lawyer told me that I cannot legally force you to cover yourself when nakedness is such a key part of your identity. It opens us up to legal action. Therefore, shocking as this may seem, for the duration of the review, you may attend school unclothed.”

  Victoria gulped. “Sir. That’s... that’s very kind and accommodating. But, um, I... I wouldn’t want to make others uncomfortable...”

  “Miss Abbott, if this is your belief system, we must respect it. In fact, I’m surprised you aren’t leaping at the chance to finally be yourself. Are you sure you were being honest with me just now? You know, of course, that hone
sty is one of Templeton’s most prized qualities.”

  Victoria stared back at him. He was impossible to read. Is he for real? Does he believe me and is he covering himself legally, or is he bluffing, hoping I’ll break and admit it was a lie? Well, either way – if I back down now, it’s over. She took a deep breath. “Sir, I’m just so... relieved, so happy to let my true feelings show. I can’t... I can’t quite believe it.” She paused. “Shall I... well, m-m-may I undress now?”

  “Of course, Miss Abbott. I’m sure this will be a special moment for you.”

  You’ve got that right. Her heart was pounding. She hadn’t been lying, she really could not believe what was happening. She slowly shrugged out of her blazer and placed it in the box before reaching for her blouse buttons. One by one, she slowly undid them and let her blouse fall open, revealing a white, lacy bra. It wasn’t her best one, but then she hadn’t been planning on doing this today.

  She slipped her arms out of her sleeves and dropped the blouse in the box. She took a moment to glance at Principal Johnson. He was watching her intently, arms folded, sitting back on his desk, holding the box out in front of him. She still could not read his expression.

  Sneakers next. Just as she was bending down, Principal Johnson cleared his throat. Victoria’s breath caught in hers. Is he about to tell me to stop being silly? To put my top back on? That this was all a joke and he thinks I’ve learned my lesson? That he can see right down my cleavage at this angle? She looked up at him.

  “Miss Abbott, I think you should leave your sneakers on. It may not be safe to walk around school barefoot. I would hate for you to hurt yourself. I hope you understand and that this does not interfere with your beliefs.”

  Victoria lowered her head, trying to ensure she could hide her crushing disappointment. There was no way out of this. She looked up at him and nodded before straightening up. She had a decision to make now. Skirt, or bra?

  She went skirt. She unzipped the short zipper at the side, before slowly sliding it down, over her ass. She couldn’t look Principal Johnson in the eye, and watched her skirt get lower, slowly revealing her little white thong. Again, not one of her best – a bit old. At least I’m matching. She looked back up at the principal. Surely this is it? He met her gaze, and they stared at each other for a moment. Victoria started to feel hey cheeks reddening. No, please don’t! I can’t let him think I’m embarrassed!

  “Miss Abbott, are you alright?”

  “Yes Sir, I’m fine. Shall... shall I continue?” Please say no..!

  Principal Johnson suddenly started, as if realising he had one of his most attractive students in her underwear in front of him. “Miss Abbott, I am so sorry. You said that you believe your body should be shared with the world. You must be wondering why I have not commented on it yet. I’m sorry – I need to show sensitivity to your value system. It is a new one for Templeton – please bear with us.”

  He took a step back. “Yes, you have an excellent figure, Miss Abbott. A toned, flat stomach. From what I can see, pert breasts. Um... is that what you were looking for?”

  That was quite enough for Victoria. She felt herself blushing furiously. “Yes Sir. Thank you, Sir. If you don’t mind, I’ll... carry on?” She reached back to unclasp her bra. Let’s get this over with.

  “Of course, please do, this is your... Oh...”

  The principal seemed lost for words as Victoria released her tits from their linen prison and dropped it quickly in the box. She had always known her boobs were great from seeing the other girls in the locker room and the dorms, but the effect they had on men always pleased her. She smiled, sheepishly, but it took all her strength to stand tall and proud, to not cover herself up from his gaze.

  Principal Johnson shifted uncomfortably. Victoria wondered if he was hiding an erection behind that box. “Miss Abbott, your breasts are truly spectacular. Is that OK to say? Is this the attention you want?”

  Victoria had no choice but to nod. It was cold in the office, and she noticed her nipples hardening. Will he think I’m getting turned on? Maybe I am. Everyone loves a compliment.

  The principal suddenly checked his watch. “I’m actually starting to run late, Miss Abbott. Can we finish, please?” He shifted again.

  Well, this is it. Let’s get it over with, V. Victoria hooked her thumbs into the elastic of her thong and pulled down. A fresh wave of shame washed over her as she reached them down to her ankles and stepped out. It was a bit fiddly with her sneakers still on but she managed it. She straightened and dropped the small piece of fabric into the box. So small, but it was my last piece of dignity. She realised her eyes were shut tight, and she forced herself to open them and look at the principal.

  He spluttered slightly. “Miss Abbott, your... vagina... Um, it’s very nice. Perfectly shaved. It looks very tight. You’ll have to bear with me and the rest of the faculty, I’m sure they will all agree with my assessment of your nubile body.” He put the box down. There was definitely a bulge in his pants. Victoria stared down at it. She was sure now that her nipples weren’t hard due to the cold. She felt a familiar moisture starting to build between her legs as she suffered the humiliating assessment of her physical charms.

  But she was still naked in school, and in front of her principal. Then she remembered what was next. He was sending her back to class, naked. In front of all the boys, most of whom she had turned down or rejected at some point over the last four years. They would love this. She suddenly felt sick.

  “Well, Miss Abbott, you are free to head back to class. Oh, one more thing. Does your belief system have a name?”

  Victoria was too busy forcing her hands to stay at her sides and not cover her crotch to hear at first. “Um, no Sir. I hadn’t thought about it. Nudism?”

  “It’s not really that as it’s about sharing your body rather than being natural. Total Exhibitionism? May we call it that, for the official application?”

  “Yeah, sure. Whatever, I guess.” She didn’t see why it mattered. It doesn’t change my situation in the slightest.

  “Okay. Now, wait there. I need to make an announcement.” Principal Johnson reached over and flicked on the school PA system, broadcasting his voice throughout the school. “Students and staff of Templeton, this is an important announcement. You all know Victoria Abbott of the Senior class. She has just made a formal application for exemption from certain rules due to her personal belief in Total Nudism. We are in the process of considering it and in the meantime she will enjoy these exemptions. She has formally requested to go without clothes in order to share her body with us. She welcomes compliments and viewing of her body. Please can we all make her feel comfortable and respect her wishes in the true spirit of Templeton inclusiveness.” He turned back to Victoria, flicking off the mic. “Just so that no teachers stop you. Well, off you go – I’m sure you’re excited!” He smiled encouragingly.

  Victoria’s head was spinning. He’s really going through with this. And he’s made sure everyone knows. Is he still acting? Still bluffing? He must really want me to break.

  Well, not happening. She smiled, nodded, turned, and walked out of his office, much more confidently than she felt. Here we go.

  Victoria rushed past Mrs Towns without looking at her. She could just imagine the pursed lips and the judgemental look that would greet her. She pushed out into the corridor, trying not to think about how many people might be out there.

  The corridor was empty. Class was still in, of course. As is mine. Time to get back there. She broke into a quick walk, careful to keep her arms swinging freely. Had to keep up appearances, otherwise that humiliation in front of Principal Johnson was all for nothing.

  As she approached the next corner, she heard footsteps approaching from the other side. Her heart sank but she stiffened her resolve. She was going to reach the corner at the same time. Who was it?

  The two practically bumped into each other, and Victoria forgot her nakedness for a moment in her rage. Brad Miller. The photographe
r of those pictures that got me in this situation. That stupid poser ponytail. That smarmy grin. She had fallen for his charms and, while it had been a fun night, it hadn’t been worth this. She stared at him, speechless with rage. He grinned back, looking her up and down.

  “Well, Vick, I’d given up all fucking hope of seeing this sight again! The announcement was right? You’re going naked permanently? Haha, let me be the first to thank you, on behalf every guy in school, for sharing those great tits, that tight ass, that cute pussy with us. We really appreciate it. What the fuck, girl? What brought this on? Always thought you were easy, but damn! It’s making my cock hard just looking at you!”

  Victoria gritted her teeth. “Brad. Those photos. Who did you share them with?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe after you IGNORED me and gave me the COLD SHOULDER, I felt like getting you back!”

  “Brad. You sent them to THE PRINCIPAL?!? WHAT THE FUCK?”

  “Yeah, that’s right! Wait... he showed you? Is he expelling you? Is this...”

  Victoria watched the gears turning. Brad was a smart guy. It didn’t take long. He starting sniggering.

  “FUCK, this is CLASSIC. You are pretending to be an exhibitionist to avoid expulsion? Haha, this must be killing you! Are you trying to act normal? You’re doing OK so far, but this just makes it even hotter! I’m drinking in the view, bitch, nothing you can do. Fuck, my dick is throbbing!”

  Victoria snarled at him and crouched down, covering her pussy and tits from his view. He knows, no point keeping up the pretence with us two. “I’m going to kill you, Brad.”

  “Sure you will, V. Sure you will. Don’t worry, the “act” is our little secret. But I’ll have some fun with you. Don’t you worry about that.” With a final glance down at her body, he chuckled and sauntered off down the hall.

  Victoria stayed crouched down for a moment, letting her anger subside. That was a mistake. She shouldn’t have given the game away so quickly. Brad would find a way to leverage this against her. She scrunched up her fists in frustration and carried on down the hall.


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