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Savory Deceits

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by Heart, Skye

  ~Savory Deceits~

  Skye Heart

  True Love cannot be found where it does not exist, nor can it be denied where it does

  -Torquato Tasso


  You can’t help whom you fall in love with, right? At least that is what they say. Have you ever wanted someone so bad, that you would risk just about everything, to be with that person? On the other hand, have you ever settled for someone that you thought you needed, because you were too afraid to go after the one you really wanted? Love can be a beautiful thing; yet can also become a great misfortune. It can take you to new heights, as well as bring you to your darkest hour. Essentially one of the most dangerous sentiments of all, Love has no limits. It is everlasting. Unconditional at best, but catastrophic when you least expect it.

  ~Savory Deceits~


  “We can't do this. This is wrong.” I said, as he continued to undo the buttons on my blouse. I felt as if I was lost in my own subconscious, or maybe I was lost in the way his hands were fondling my breasts, but I fought to stay in control. I knew I wanted him, and that I wanted this, but my mind screamed at my body, that this was not right. Then, in one swift motion, he gripped the sides of my sheer lace panties and slid them down. Soon thereafter, he picked me up, and placed me on the bathroom sink. My thighs, seemingly against my will, slowly parted for him, and he paused to look me in the eyes.

  “I know you want me,” he said, “and believe me, I want you too. Can't you tell?” He then placed my hand on his throbbing penis. A gasp nearly escaped my throat, when I saw that my hands could barely encircle the size of his erection. Then he searched my eyes once more, before he kissed me long and hard. When a moan escaped my throat, I guided him inside me. Immediately, I felt a jab of pain, and I heard him groan, as my inner lairs curved around his shaft. Then, his movements came in waves, first high and then low, as he propelled my juices forward. The once-tensed feeling of penetration, now felt like soft waves crashing towards the seashore, as I saturated him with my fluids of ecstasy. His feverish lips were all over my body now, and with every stroke of his rod, I wanted more. When he went deeper, I held my breath.

  “You okay?” He asked, stopping. I looked in his eyes, and nodded. Then, he brushed a wisp of hair from my face, and kissed me again. Holding onto my hips, he pushed on slow and deliberate, and I gasped once more at the sheer sensation of it all. At that instant, his hands suddenly moved from my hips to my breasts, gripping my mounds with such determination. Then I closed my eyes, and threw my head back, opening my legs wider. Thereon, he groaned again, and buried his face in the side of my neck. I was certain he knew I was right, this was wrong, but we were both ways past the point of no return…



  “What the hell is it?” I was now frustrated. No, I was annoyed.

  “Can you, for once, stop looking at that goddamn phone and talk to me!” Tony screamed at me.

  “Don’t curse at me,” I replied bluntly.

  “Don’t give me a reason to,” he retorted. Tony shook his head at me, and leaned against our bedroom closet doors. I rolled my eyes, and stood up from the bed, securing my robe.

  “What’s your problem?” he asked, obviously frustrated. I sighed, and walked past him into the bathroom, partially shutting the door behind me.

  “What do you mean?” I asked from inside. He was still in my line of sight, and I smiled, as I reached for the nude-colored lipstick in my makeup bag. When I carefully began applying the shade of color to my lips, Tony suddenly pushed through the door, startling me. Then, he looked me up and down, before he spoke.

  “Where’re you going?” He asked me.

  “Out.” I responded, turning back to the mirror. Tony glanced at the clock on the far end of the bedroom wall. It was a quarter past ten, and then he eyed me suspiciously. I ignored him, and started to apply my mascara. I wanted him to flip out, so he could provide me with the excuse, I needed to leave tonight. Then, he took a deep breath and exhaled, relaxing his shoulders.

  “Baby, look,” he said gently. Damn, I thought. There goes that plan. Next, he put his hands on my shoulders, and turned me to face him.

  “Baby, I don’t want to fight with you my last few days here. Let’s not waste our time together arguing over stupid stuff.” What the hell? How was I going to stay mad at him now? Just great! The hard look I had been giving him all evening softened, and I knew he would continue to milk this, we’re-running-out-of-time, thing.

  “I don’t want to leave with us like this. I do not want us to be apart, for so long, angry at one another. Anything can happen to me out there, and I might not come back…” his words trailed off. That is when I pushed his hands off my shoulders, and moved away from him.

  “Don’t talk like that. Of course you’re coming back,” I said, blinking back tears. I did not want to think of the inevitability of his impending departure, let alone these darker possibilities. I walked back into our master suite, and sat on the bed bench. Tony came to join me, and waited. Truthfully, I had in fact been a total bitch to him, over the past few weeks. Now, that his deployment was on the horizon, my emotions were all over the place. Sometimes, I felt like I loved him, and other times, I could not stand the sight of him. I was irritable, moody, and not very affectionate most nights. With his departure date looming, my attitude towards him had gotten even worse.

  “Talk to me, babe. What’s wrong?” He asked, in his most sincere voice ever, making it impossible for me to stay mad at him. I sighed, and looked towards our bedroom window, and up at the full moon.

  “I don’t know,” I began, and sighed again. “It’s this damn deployment, and my being alone, and you being out there and…” I stopped. I really did not feel like talking at all, let alone explaining my moodiness right now. It seemed the more I spoke, the sillier my feelings became, and I was not ready to give in and admit the ridiculousness of said feelings, just yet. When I showed no sign of continuing, he took another deep breath. Go ahead and get mad, I thought.

  “Why do you women always act like y’all expect us to read your minds? Do you know how irritating that is?” He enounced.

  “We don’t expect you to read our minds, but we expect you to get our needs, and our fears; and even when we explain our thoughts and emotions to you, you never get it anyway.” I rebutted.

  “Okay, enough with the cryptic crap! What is your problem?” He asked again. I exhaled yet again, and then looked him in the eyes. Men can be so clueless.

  “Ashleigh,” I finally said, “that’s my problem.” Tony narrowed his eyes, and then stood up.

  “So that’s what this is about?” I looked away. I hated the fact that his affair with Ashleigh still bothered me.

  “Look babe,” he began, kneeling down in front of me. Here we go, I thought.

  “That was a long time ago, and I was stupid. I would never hurt you like that again. I swear! You mean everything to me, and I would rather die, before I let myself get caught up like that again. Please tell me you believe me,” he professed, with pleading eyes. How could he ever think that I would be able to get over his little indiscretion three years ago? What woman could? Oh, how I wish I could somehow erase that day from my memory, but I could not. Then, I stared in his eyes for a moment, and could tell he was sorry. I wanted to stay mad at him, but somehow in this moment, I saw what I needed to see, and my defenses came down.

  “I do, babe. I do. I’m so sorry for acting this way.” I shook my head at how freaked out I have been, and threw my arms around him. He held me tight, and exhaled, seemingly relieved.

  “So, are we good now?” he asked when he finally released me. I nodded, and smiled.

  “Good,” he said, standing up. “Now, where the he
ll were you planning on going, ten o’ clock at night?” he asked, with a half-smile. Whom was he kidding? His balls were probably still in knots, over the prospect of my going out, with another man. I smiled, amused.

  “Nowhere,” I replied, and his brows drew in obvious confusion.

  “What?” he asked me.

  “Nowhere,” I repeated, “I was never really going anywhere. I just wanted it to look like I was.” I explained.

  “What?” he said again, seemingly even more confused. “Then why would you,” he began, and then stopped, shaking his head. I started laughing, and shook my head at him.

  “Don’t worry about it babe. It’s a woman thing.” I said, and removed my robe, trying to stifle another laugh. The impression of distrust, that he gave me earlier, was now gone. Right away, I felt his lustful stare, as I moved about the room braless, in my red see-thru tank, and matching lace panties. I hung my robe behind our bedroom door, and started to walk past him back towards the bathroom again. This time, Tony reached out and stopped me.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, with his hand on my arm, pulling me to him. Before I could answer, he wrapped me in his arms, and kissed me deeply.

  “You’re the only woman for me,” he whispered against my lips. “I love you,” he said again, which sounded like music to my ears. All at once, he lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I gripped his coarse hair with my hands, while his tongue invaded my mouth. Then, he carried me to the bed, and gently set me down. I tore at his clothes with such urgency, eager to feel his warm body against mine. I needed my husband to make love to me like never before. I wanted to feel him; I needed to feel loved, wanted, and appreciated. When the heat from his lips found my breasts, I closed my eyes, letting all of my doubts, and insecurities, melt away. At this moment, we were the only thing in the world that mattered to me. The deployment did not matter, and neither did his affair, just us. I loved this man with everything in me.

  “I love you,” he said, as if he could hear my thoughts. When his lips reunited with mine, every sense in me came alive, as his hands explored my anticipative body. As if we were the only two people in the world, I coveted this moment, because I knew for in a few days’ time, this would all become a memory. We made love for hours throughout the night, stopping and starting again, and with each time, Tony reminded me that he loved me.

  Soon, it was dawn, and I rolled over on the bed to shield my face from the unwelcomed light, that shone through my bedroom drapes. Now, facing the clock on my bedside table, I opened my eyes to see the time, and that is when I noticed the folded piece of paper. I quickly sat up, grabbed the note, and eagerly opened it.

  Good morning, baby. I already miss you and cannot wait for round three, four, or five – I lost count. Damn woman, words cannot explain how much I LOVE YOU. Thinking of you always,


  With a smile, I kissed the note, and placed it back on the table. Then, I got out of bed, and headed for the bathroom, when the phone rang. I quickly crossed the room, to the opposite side of the bed, and picked up the handset.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Hey Nena!” I smiled again. Of course, it was she.

  “Hey sis!” I said, with just as much excitement.

  “What’s up girl?” Naima’s voice beamed through the phone.

  “A lot,” I replied. “Tony's leaving next week for six months, and I am a mess.” I divulged, plopping down on the bed.

  “Oh wow, already? I’m sorry to hear that,” she said. I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Yeah, well, we knew it was coming.” I said.

  “How does Tony feel about it?” Naima asked me.

  “Okay, I guess. I’m the one who’s been obsessing.” I admitted.

  “Just try not to think about it, and stay busy, so the time can go by faster. Look at it this way; at least you get to be a virgin again.” Naima laughed.

  “Very funny,” I scolded, but secretly smiled at the thought. “At least I can live without it, unlike some people I know.” I teased.

  “Okay, okay, let's not go there.” She warned.

  “All right, let us not.” I agreed.

  Turning serious, Naima said, “So, how's Chris?”

  And there it was. “Have you spoken to him lately?” She asked again. I hesitated before answering, because I did not like talking about him with her. He was still a very good friend of Tony’s, and mine, and we did not want to get in the middle of their past-relationship drama. They have been broken up for a few years now, and frankly, I felt that Naima should just leave well enough alone.

  “He's fine,” I said, and then waited. Naima did not say anything. Whenever she brought the subject of Chris up, it either was to bad-mouth him for not fighting hard enough for her, or to tell me how much she regretted letting him go. I loved my sister to death, but the way she treated Chris, after their breakup, was unwarranted. If hell did in fact freeze over, as Chris so politely put it, and Naima could somehow convince him to speak to her again, a part of me secretly dreaded the idea of them reuniting. Although Naima was my big sister, I felt as though Chris deserved better.

  “Ever since he left, Nena, I feel like a part of me went with him.” She now explained. My heart went out to my sister, and despite what she did; I still believed that she truly loved Chris. Therefore, I went against my feelings on the matter.

  “You need to let go of your pride, and tell him how you feel. I'm sure he still has feelings for you too, Nai.”

  “You think so?” She asked, sounding hopeful. She obviously missed him.

  “Of course he does, Nai. Love is not something you could just turn on, and off, like a light switch. It’s everlasting.” I replied, quoting a line from one of my favorite romance novels.

  “Yeah maybe for you, but not everyone can have a happy ending, like you and Tony, Nena.”

  “Trust me, our marriage is far from perfect.” I stated, looking at the framed snapshot on the bedside table, taken last year of Tony and me at the fair.

  “That may be so, but you two are happy. I envy you, Nena. Despite all that has happened, you two managed to stay together.” Regardless of her profound, love-conquers-all speech, I knew Naima still had her reservations, where Tony was concerned, because of his cheating. One thing I knew for sure, about my sister, is that she had zero tolerance when it came to infidelity.

  “Well, it took a while for us to get to this point. Believe it or not, Nai, I still think about what he did to me, and even with time, it doesn’t hurt any less.” Suddenly, thoughts of my darling husband, and the bitch he cheated on me with, resurfaced in my head.

  “Honestly, I still don't know how you do it Nena. When Tony goes away like that for so long, don't you ever wonder what he could be doing out there? Don't you ever wonder if he'll do it again?” I opened my mouth to answer, but nothing came out. My sister’s words, hit a little too close to home, and reawakened all the insecurities I felt the night before.

  “Yes, I do worry, Nai. More than you know,” I admitted.

  “Then how do you deal with it?” She asked me.

  “I try to remind myself that Tony loves me, but it

  doesn’t always help, because a part of me still hasn’t gotten over what he did. I mean, I love him, but every time I think about it, or reminded of it somehow, I get angry all over again. It’s so easy for men to expect us to just get over something like that, failing to realize that we’re the ones left, with the emotional scars that they’ve inflicted.” I shook my head, and glanced at the picture again.

  “That is so true, and that is why I left Chris, Nena. I was afraid to invest any more feelings, than I already had, into him. I just knew that if he hurt me like that, or in anyway,” Naima started to say.

  “Stop thinking like that.” I interrupted.

  “I’m a realist girl. I have no choice, but to think that way.” She said. I sighed at how stubborn my sister could be sometimes.

  “I get it, Nai. Tru
st me, I do.” I digressed. Then, I wedged the phone between my ear and shoulder, and picked at my cuticles. Naima could be very tenacious, especially when it comes to forgiveness.

  “Thanks, you always do. Look Nena, I have to go. I have a meeting with a client, so I’ll call you later, okay?”

  “All right hon. Love you.” I said.

  “Love you too.” Naima said, and then ended the call. I glanced at the clock, and could not believe I had been on the phone for over an hour! I still had enough time to get ready for class, but not as much as I would like, overall. There was still the factor, of that dreadful forty-three minute commute, to the campus. I placed the phone back on the receiver, and went into the master bathroom. After turning on the shower, I turned to the large mirror above the double vanity sink, and did a quick once-over, of my naked body. To my personal distaste, my breasts’ cup-size was a solid D; I would much prefer a C. However, my flat stomach made up for what I perceived to be a flaw. It seemed like every woman in the world, wanted bigger breasts, but I would much rather not be top-heavy. For one, it made me appear to weigh about ten pounds heavier, than I actually were, and wearing anything sans bra, was not an option. I envied those small-chested women who could wear just about anything they wanted, without worrying about bra-straps, or saggy breasts. When I noticed the steam hovering overhead, and quickly filling up the bathroom, I stepped away from the mirror, and into the walk-in shower.

  The hot water felt good, on my head and face, trickling down my long dark tresses. As the water pressure from the showerhead massaged my back, I could not get Naima's words out of my head. I did often wonder if my marriage could survive such a separation, because six months apart, was a very long time. I knew that Tony loved me dearly, but since when did love become enough, where lust was concerned? Then, I closed my eyes, and tilted my head back, letting the water run over my face again, as I reminisced about that awful day.


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