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Savory Deceits

Page 20

by Heart, Skye

  “Hey, what’s with the long face? Aren’t you happy to see me?” He said, pushing his way in, and then closing the door behind him. He was big, and intimidating.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked, crossing my arms. He eyed me up and down, and a slight chill went up my spine. His body language screamed sociopath.

  “Expecting someone?” He asked, raising his brows.

  “Get out.” I said, reaching past him for the door. He ignored me, and moved past me, strolling into my living room. His unpredictability disturbed me.

  “Ugh!” I mumbled, glancing at the clock on my stove, praying that Tony did not show up. I then followed Chris into my living room; determine to make his visit short. “I don’t have time for this, Chris. What do you want?” I asked, with both hands on my hips. His eyes trailed from my face to my breasts, and then my thighs. A hair-raising smile spread across his lips, before he met my eyes once more. Sick bastard, I thought. I quickly grabbed my short bathrobe off the chaise, and promptly covered myself up. Then he shook his head at me.

  “Damn. Tony passed that up?” He said chuckling.

  “Get to the point!” I demanded.

  “What was that little stunt you pulled earlier, huh?” He asked, getting serious.

  “Why, did I ruin your romantic rendezvous?” I sneered.

  “Don’t play games with me!” He spewed.

  “Speaking of playing games, where the hell is my money?” I demanded. He chuckled again, and I narrowed my eyes at him. “I’m serious, Chris! Don’t fuck with me!” I threatened.

  “You would like that wouldn’t you?” He said, coming towards me. Though he made me very uncomfortable, I refused to back down. I was determined to stand my ground.

  “Don’t flatter yourself.” I replied, trying to mask my fear, when he reached me. He then tugged at the belt on my robe, and another chill went through me.

  “Don’t act like I couldn’t hit that if I wanted to.” He said, standing so close that I could smell his aftershave. I slapped his hand away, and moved around him.

  “I thought Nena already filled that position.” I said, and then he turned around, to meet my stare.

  “Jealous are we?” He questioned smiling.

  “Hardly,” I said, the least bit interested.

  “Well, I can see how that could be. Rumor has it that you, and Tony, were getting a little up close and personal, while you all were underway. Care to tell me about it?” He said. Now, it was my turn to laugh.

  “Now who’s jealous?” I criticized. Then he came, and stood directly in front of me, blocking any escape route I could take. My heart quickened. Unexpectedly, he reached into his jacket pocket, and pulled out a stack of bills folded into a money clip. Then, with brazen arrogance, he held it up for me to marvel at like some stripper.

  “From what I hear, you two seemed to be joined at the hip now-a-days,” he said, lowering his head, as if to kiss me. I turned my face. “Consider your mission, fulfilled.” He whispered in my ear. Then, he took a step back, tossing the money on the table, then turned around, and left. I breathed a sigh of relief, when I heard the door close. Quickly removing my robe, I tossed it back on the chair, and looked at the time. I wonder what could be taking Tony so long. Whatever it was, I am glad it kept him from showing up when Chris was here. I do not even want to think about what would have happened then. Chris could ruin any chance I had of ever having a relationship with Tony. I had to be careful with that, and make sure that Chris stayed in his lane, and far away from me. I then grabbed the money off the table, and removed the clip. I counted fifty, one hundred dollar bills, and smiled. I was that much closer, to accumulating all the money I needed, to pay for my mother’s surgery. Then I went into my bedroom, and to the closet. Reaching up, I took the mini safe off the top shelf, and unlocked it. I placed the bills atop another wad of cash, already in the box, and then I quickly closed the safe, when I heard another knock at my door. I made my way to the front door, this time checking to see who it was through the peephole. A smile across my lips formed, when I pulled the door open.

  “Hey.” I said, and stepped aside to let Tony in.

  “Thanks,” he said stepping into my domain. “Nice place.” He said again, surveying my abode.

  “Thanks.” I said, closing the door, and then locking it. “Make yourself at home. Want something to drink?” I offered. He took a seat on one of the bar stools overlooking the kitchen.

  “Sure. Thanks.” He said. In the kitchen, with my back to him, I reached up for a glass on the top shelf, on my tippy toes. I purposely let my fingers linger on the glass, before taking it down, so he could get a glimpse of my lacey panties underneath. When I turned around, I caught him smiling, and I blushed.

  “Need some help?” He asked, as if he knew what I was doing.

  “No, I got it. Thanks.” I said. I then opened the fridge, and bent over, in mock search of a beer bottle that sat directly in front of me. I could feel him staring at my ass, and after a few seconds, I finally grabbed the bottle, and handed it to him.

  “Thanks.” He said, twisting the cap open. He ignored the glass, and put the bottle to his lips. I watched as he took a big gulp of beer, before placing the bottle back down. Then, I walked out of the kitchen, and into the living room. I picked up my remote, and clicked on the TV. Next, Tony got off the bar stool, and joined me in the living room, plopping down on my sofa. When I turned, to hand him the remote, he paused to look at me. Then, instead of taking the remote, he reached past my hand, and grabbed my arm, pulling me down next to him. Before I could say anything, he kissed me. I parted my lips, as he pushed his tongue into my mouth. As we kissed, he moved forward, easing me back down onto the sofa. I bent my right leg, and his hands swiftly traveled up my thighs, then up under my shirt, and to my naked breasts. Then, he stopped kissing me, and started nibbling on my neck, while palming my breast impetuously. He did that with such urgency that my body was on fire. I moaned, and tugged at his shirt. At that instant, he pushed my shirt up, exposing my breasts, and then lowered his mouth to them. I moaned again, when I felt his tongue on my nipples. At that instant, I pulled my shirt off, and he stopped long enough to get his off. Then, with acute desperation of wanting to ravish one another, I lifted my hips, and he pulled my panties off. Next, he quickly stood, and removed his pants and boxers, and then he reached down to pull a condom out of his jean pockets. He tore the package open with his mouth, and hastily glided the condom onto his penis. Within seconds, he was back on top of me, kissing me tumultuously. Holding his erection in position, he rubbed his sheathed shaft against my opening, before slipping it inside me. He went slowly at first, and then started pumping ferociously. I held onto the couch cushion beneath me, as he took me into the eye of his carnality storm. Then, without warning, he flipped me over, and entered me from behind. With his hand on my waist, he continued his assault, grabbing hold of my hair, and pulling my head back. I cried out, and closed my eyes, feeling his masculinity, as he tossed me around like a rag doll. He was rough, but I was elated. Engulfed by his raging eroticism, I felt as if I lost consciousness in the throes of his passion. He rode me hard and fast, and with every thrust, I could feel my walls pulsating around his manhood. Then, suddenly, my arms gave way beneath me, at the impact of his force, and he fell over me with a growl.

  “Whew!” I exclaimed when it was all over. Breathing heavily, he eased himself off me, and slowly pulled off the saturated condom.

  “Damn, if I knew what you were working with all this time, I would have never given up on you that easily.” I said squeezing my thighs together, trying to stop the titillating friction he left behind. Tony smiled.

  “You’re not too bad yourself. For a small girl, you held your own.” He commented, and we both laughed.



  I stared up at the bright lights above my head, and exhaled, feeling disappointed in me. As I lay on my back, partially naked with feet in stirrups, I anxiously waited for
the doctor to come in, and tell me what I wanted to hear. Starr sat in the chair near the window flipping through a magazine.

  “Ugh! I wish he would hurry it up already. What’s taking him so long?” I questioned impatiently. Starr closed the magazine, and placed it back on the counter.

  “It hasn’t been that long.” She said, looking at her watch.

  “Yeah, that’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one lying here au naturel, with legs spread far apart, for the world to see.” I said rolling my eyes.

  “It was that position that got you here in the first place.” Starr said, laughing at her own joke. I cut my eyes at her.

  “Not funny.” I scolded. Then, I shifted my weight, trying to cover my exposed breasts, under the thin-papered hospital gown.

  “Okay, I’m sorry. That was insensitive.” She apologized.

  “Thank you.” I said, and sighed. After taking three pregnancy tests, all coming out positive, Starr had forced me to set an appointment with my doctor to confirm it. I was still in denial about it, and insisted that the tests were wrong, but deep down inside, I knew. My breasts were extremely tender, and my nausea had not subsided. Finally, my doctor came in, brandishing a clipboard, with a nurse in tow. He squeezed some hand sanitizer onto his hands before making his way to me.

  “Hello, Miss Anderson.” He said to me with a smile. He then turned to Starr, who gave him a flirtatious grin.

  “Hi. I’m Doctor Albeit.” He said to her, extending his hand. He was tall and white, just the way Starr liked it.

  “Starr.” She replied with a wink. Doctor Albeit nodded, and then turned back to me.

  “Well, Miss Anderson, you are in fact pregnant.” I sighed and lay my head back, clearly disappointed. “Right now, I’m going to check the fetus’ heartbeat, and then do an ultrasound to see how far along you are.” He explained to me. I shook my head in anguish, blinking back tears. Starr stood next to me, and rubbed my shoulder.

  “It’s going to be all right, chica.” She said, trying to comfort me. The doctor touched a small device to my semi-flat belly, and immediately, a rapid thumping sound filled the room. “Is that the baby’s heartbeat?” Starr asked in astonishment.

  “Yes it is.” The doctor replied with a smile, glancing in my direction. I was sure he noticed my lack of excitement. “All right, the heartbeat sounds nice and strong. Now, let’s do an ultrasound. Do you need a minute?” He asked, looking at me. Both Starr, and the nurse, gave me a sympathetic look.

  “No. Let’s just get this over with.” I replied, staring at the ceiling. He nodded, and then squeezed a cool gel onto my belly. The nurse went to the door, and dimmed the lights. Everyone in the room, with the exception of me, turned to look at the little monitor next to the bed.

  “Okay. There’s the head, and the spine,” the doctor said to no one in particular, pointing at the screen.

  “Aw.” Starr said staring at the monitor. My curiosity took over, and I reluctantly turned to look. The image on the screen captivated me, and a feeling like no other, washed over me. I was in awe of the peach-colored image on the monitor, and could not believe that was my baby. The image was strikingly clear.

  “Everything seems to be developing well,” my doctor said, and then clicked off the machine. Then, he turned back to me with an encouraging smile. “Now, I’m going to do a pelvic exam.” He explained again. I felt him insert his fingers inside me, and used his other hand to push down on the space, just below my naval. “Everything seems to be okay.” He said, removing his hand, and then his gloves. He then went over to the sink, to wash and dry his hands. The nurse handed him a printout of the ultrasound, and he handed it to me. “From the looks of it, I’d say you seem to be just past your first trimester; about fourteen weeks along to be exact. Your due date is June 7th.” He told me. Suddenly, the thought of having a baby, in just a few short months, scared me back into reality, forcing me to recognize the seriousness of my situation.

  “Am I too far along to consider other options like abortion?” I asked.

  “Nai!” Starr cried, shocked by my question.

  “I’m sorry Miss Anderson, but abortions are against the law in this state.” My doctor replied.

  “What? Are you serious?” I questioned, propping myself up on my elbows.

  “Yes, very much so,” he said, and I shook my head.

  “I don’t believe this!” I said, getting upset all over again. This day was just getting better and better.

  “If you don’t want to keep the baby, you do have another option such as adoption. I have some pamphlets here that you can take a look at, with information about the adoption process.” He said, handing me a small booklet, with a happy interracial couple on the cover, holding a baby. “If you have no further questions, I’ll leave you to get dressed. Remember to stop at the front desk, on your way out, to schedule your next appointment. See you soon.” Doctor Albeit said, patting me on the knee.

  “Thanks.” I said, and then glanced at Starr. I knew she was biting her tongue. As soon as the doctor and nurse left the room, she opened her mouth.

  “Abortion?” She questioned, crossing her arms.

  “Starr, not now,” I said, hopping off the table to get dressed.

  “Please tell me you weren’t serious.” She pressed.

  “Of course I was! I can’t have a baby!” I exclaimed, putting on my bra and panties. Starr shook her head at me.

  “I can’t believe you’re saying this.” She said disappointed. Her judgmental tone was starting to piss me off. I pulled on my black slacks, and then reached for my green blouse.

  “Please Starr, not now. I need to figure this out.” I said, stepping into my strappy sandals. Starr stood with her hands on her hips, ready to argue with me. I gave her my ‘back off’ look, and she dropped her arms. Then, she took a breath, to calm herself down, no doubt.

  “Okay. Okay. I’m sorry. You know I’ll always be here for you no matter what.” She told me. Then, I picked up my purse, and nodded.

  “Thanks, Starr.” I replied, giving her a hug.

  Back at Starr’s apartment, I curled up on her sofa, racking my brain at my dilemma. How I could have allowed myself to get pregnant was beyond stupid. What am I going to do? Doctor Albeit’s words about abortions being illegal in Wisconsin, played over and over in my head, which further infuriated me. The person who came up with that law was obviously not a woman.

  “Hey,” Starr said, entering the room. “You okay?” She asked me. I gave her a blank stare.

  “I don’t know.” I answered truthfully.

  “Want to talk about it?” She asked me.

  “I can’t have a baby, Starr.” I said, blinking back tears. I started to feel like a prisoner of my own body.

  “Why not?” She asked me.

  “Why not?” I said, looking at her as if she were crazy. “What do you mean ‘why not’? Starr, I have my career, my life, not to mention my dignity!” I exclaimed, hoping she would understand my point of view.

  “All of which pales in comparison to that baby growing inside you.” She countered. I shook my head, because I had no wins with her. She would never see things my way.

  “Nai,” she began, sitting down next to me. I rolled my eyes, and prepared myself for another one of her lectures. “I know this was not how you envisioned things, but that’s not this baby’s fault. He or she did not ask to be a product of your irresponsibility, so do not punish ‘em for it.” She imposed. Then, I stood up, annoyed by her sanctimonious disquisition.

  “Starr, I cannot go through with this pregnancy! I cannot even stand the sight of Chris, let alone have his child! I mean, are you kidding me? He slept with my sister behind my back! What the hell would I look like having that bastard’s kid?” I was hoping she would listen to reason.

  “Oh, so this is about how you’d look?” She questioned.

  “No! This is about my life! If circumstances were different, then yeah, I’d have a different perspective on this, but they
’re not!” I shouted. I cannot believe Starr is being serious right now.

  “It sounds to me like you think getting rid of this baby, would be like punishing Chris somehow, for what he did.” She said in a monotone voice that pissed me off even more. Then, I glared at her.

  “He deserves to be punished for what he did to me!” I said, through clenched teeth.

  “Nai, you’re letting your hatred for him cloud your judgment. I know my opinion on this matter may seem a bit biased, because I do not believe in abortions, and you know that. I just think you should sit down, and really think this through. This is not about Chris, nor is it about you. It is about that baby growing inside you. Please don’t make that baby pay for Chris’ mistake.” She begged. I blinked back angry tears, because deep down, I knew she was right. I was taking my anger, over what Chris did to me, out on the life growing inside me. I shook my head, and crossed my arms, feeling powerless over my predicament.

  “He’s hurt me so much.” I finally admitted, letting the tears flow. Starr stood, and came to me, taking my hands in hers.

  “I know he did sweetie, and I’m so sorry for that. Don’t think about him. It’s not about him anymore. It’s about this baby, so fuck him!” She said, with her strong Puerto Rican accent. I chuckled.

  “That’s what got me into this position, remember?” I joked, and Starr laughed.


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