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Savory Deceits

Page 22

by Heart, Skye

“Well, of course. You’re the only woman I’ve been with, since my wife.” He assured me.

  “Well, all right then,” I said, resting my ass on the edge of his desk. “We’re good.” I said again, with a smile. Then, he drew his eyebrows in confusion.

  “But what about…I mean, I did come inside you.” He said, searching my eyes. Then, I smiled again.

  “If you’re worried about a baby, don’t be. I’m on Mirena.” I told him. He drew his brows in confusion again.

  “Come again?” He asked me. My smile widened even more, because he was so cute.

  “It’s a form of birth control that lasts five years. I’ve been on it for about two years now, so you’re good.” I said, patting him on the chest. Then he exhaled hard, and sat down in his chair. Now, I laughed. “Believe me; we’re on the same page with that one. I do not want any kids, anytime soon. I have a friend who just found out she’s pregnant, and she’s not too happy about it.” I divulged.

  “Oh? Why not?” He asked me.

  “It’s a long story. She’s no longer with the child’s father, and is stressing over what she should do about her pregnancy.” I explained.

  “What about the baby’s father? How does he feel about it?” He asked me. I sucked my teeth.

  “He doesn’t know.” I said. Then he raised his eyebrows at me.

  “Is she going to tell him?” He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

  “I don’t know. I doubt it.” I said. Then he sat back in his chair looking at me.

  “He has a right to know, you know.” He said.

  “Yeah, I agree with you, but it’s her life, and her body. She has to make that decision.” I said to him. I fingered the gold nameplate on his desk that read, ‘Eric Johnson CEO,’ and he shook his head.

  “I don’t know about him, but I’d want to know if I got someone pregnant. I know the decision is ultimately hers, in deciding whether or not to keep the baby, but I think that the poor guy should at least have a say so in it.” Now, I shook my head at him.

  “You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew the whole story.” I said to him. Then he shrugged his shoulders.

  “You’re right. It is her life, and I wish her well.” He said, clearly not wanting to get into a debate with me. I loved how he always gave in, to whatever it was, that we argued about, just to avoid upsetting me. ‘You Latin chicks are crazy,’ he would always say, every time we tethered on debatable subjects. ‘Thank you,’ I would say back to him, smiling.

  “I love those lips.” He now said, stroking his dick again. I took my cue, and kneeled down in front of him.

  “Is that right?” I said, licking my lips. As I lowered my head in his lap, to begin sucking, his phone rang. We both looked up surprised. “Who could be calling you at three in the morning?” I questioned, glancing at the clock on his wall.

  “I don’t know, probably China.” He said, reaching for the phone on his desk. “Eric Johnson,” he answered. “Hi, honey. Is everything all right?” He said into the phone. I then rolled my eyes, and began stroking his penis with my hands. I smiled when it began to stand at attention, as he struggled to talk to his wife. Immediately, I took his shaft into my mouth, and began sucking ferociously. His body jerked, when the tip of his member, touched the back of my throat, and he nearly gasped.

  “Sure honey. I…I’ll be home…soon.” He stammered. I now flicked my tongue at the tip, and began licking up and down his shaft, salivating him like a Popsicle.

  “I…yes…I will…all right. See you…soon.” I heard him say, before he hung up. Soon after, he sat back in his chair, and put his hands behind my head, forcing his member deeper into my mouth. “Shit! Damn baby!” He said, as I bobbed my head swiftly up and down his shaft. I palmed his balls, and sucked harder. His body stiffened, while he pushed my head even further down, and I felt the tip of his head hit the back of my throat once more. Then, I felt his shaft thickened even more, before he shot his load into my mouth. However, I continued to suck, letting every drop of his semen, ooze down my throat. When his body stopped shuddering, I kissed the tip of his penis, one last time, and stood up. Then, I spat into the trashcan, and walked around his desk, searching for my clothes. Eric then stood up, and came to me. “You’re incredible.” He said again, lowering his head down for a kiss. I let him kiss me, and soon after, pushed him away.

  “Go home to your wife, Eric.” I said, moving away from him. Then, I picked up my dress, and slipped into it. He watched as I pulled the straps over my shoulders.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, pulling on his boxer shorts.

  “Yeah, why do you ask?” I said, zipping the side of my dress, and then stepping into my stilettos. He found his shirt, slipped it on, and began fastening the buttons on it. He was staring at me, and I avoided his eyes.

  “I don’t know. You just seem a little different that’s all.” He said, sounding concerned. Then, I stopped, and meandered over to him.

  “I’m fine sweetie,” I said, and kissed his pink lips. Then with a smile, I added, “I had fun.” He smiled back, and pulled me closer.

  “I want to see you again… tonight,” he said, slipping his hands up under my dress, and squeezing my rump. “You’re so fucking hot,” he whispered. Then, he moved his hand from my behind, and around to the heat between my legs. My body tingled at his touch. When I felt him start to grow hard against me, I pushed away from him.

  “Go home, Eric.” I said, grabbing my purse.

  “Aww come on,” he playfully pouted. “At least let me taste it one more time before you go.” He said seductively.

  Then, he pulled me towards him again. His relentlessness made me smile.

  “Later, okay? I have to go. Call me.” I said, giving him a quick peck on the lips. When I turned to leave, he smacked my ass.

  “You can count on it.” He assured me. I felt his eyes on me, as I walked out of his office.



  “Come home with me Nena. You don’t need to be here.” I said, as I followed her into her place.

  “No, I need to be here when he gets back. I have to resolve this once and for all.” She said, determined. I sighed, because she could be very stubborn at times.

  “And what is it exactly that you’re trying to resolve?” I asked, and crossed my arms. I knew that whatever reason she gave, would not sit well with me.

  “I can’t be with him. I cannot stay married to him. I have to tell him that.” She explained. I noticed that she did not seem too happy about it; in fact, she seemed a little sad by it, and that bothered me. Granted, I did not expect her to make her mind up so soon, but I was not about to voice that opinion, because I’m not an idiot. After all, this is what I wanted from the very beginning. Tony’s loss is my gain. Things were definitely looking up for me, but I had to keep my excitement at bay for now. I turned her to face me, and looked her in the eye.

  “Are you sure that’s what you want?” I probed. She nodded. “Then what are you still doing here? You don’t know when he’s coming back here, or even if he’s coming back. Come home with me, Nena. I do not like the idea of you being here alone with him anyway, not after what he did. If you still feel like you have to talk to him tonight, just call his cell later.” I suggested, hoping she at least took my advice on that one. She seemed to think about it for a moment, and then nodded.

  “Yeah, you’re right. Maybe I should not be here. Even though I threw him out, it’s still just as much his place, as it is mine.” Then she briefly scanned the room, and I knew I won her over. Victory smelled so sweet, and tasted even better, where Nena was concerned. I could not wait to get her home, and make love to her again. “Well, I’m going to go grab a few things, and then we can go, okay?” She said, and headed for the master bedroom. I watched as she disappeared behind her bedroom door, and as soon as she was out of sight, I smiled. I finally had her all to myself. Fuck Tony. Nena was mines now, and I did not intend to let her go, ever. My phone vibrated, and I reached in my pocket
. When I pulled it out, I saw Alana’s name displayed on the screen, and I sucked my teeth.

  “The hell do she want?” I said to myself, hitting the ignore button. Her impatient ass, is probably calling about some more money. When I looked down at my phone again, the screen now displayed that I had a message waiting. I shook my head, and turned the phone off. The bitch could wait, I thought. Then I walked over to the couch, and started to sit down, when the front door opened. My jaw tightened, because for the first time, since the hospital, I came face to face, with Tony. When he gave me the death stare, I knew it was on. Immediately, he dropped his keys, and lunged at me.

  “Motherfucker!” He roared, taking a swing at me. I ducked in time to let him catch one in the gut. Then he held onto my waist, and we both went crashing to the floor. We were scrambling around on the ground, throwing deadly blows at each other’s faces, when Nena came running out.

  “Stop it!” She yelled. Tony quickly got to his feet, and started kicking me in the gut.

  “Yeah, motherfucker! Talk that shit now, bitch!” He said, with each blow he gave to my abdomen, causing me to taste my own blood. Then Nena ran to him, and grabbed the hood of his sweatshirt, pulling him away from me.

  “Stop it Tony!” She screamed.

  “Bitch!” He yelled at her. Tony stumbled back, losing his balance. I scurried to my feet at the opportunity, and rushed him, tackling him to the ground.

  “No Chris, please!” Nena screamed in fear. I delivered gut wrenching blows to Tony’s face, making sure I got all my licks in. “No Chris! Stop it!” She screamed again, now trying to pull me off Tony.

  “Police! Freeze!” I looked up in time to see Nena step back with her hands up, while another officer rushed in, and pulled me off Tony. A third officer helped Tony to his feet, and they handcuffed us both. Then, they led us both to the awaiting patrol cars, parked outside, with lights flashing.


  The officer, a woman, that had her gun pointed at me, lowered her weapon once Tony and Chris were gone. Then the officer, that took Tony away returned, and the female began to pat me down.

  “You mind telling us what the hell happened here?” She asked after searching me. She then pulled out a notepad, and asked for my ID. I reached for my wallet on the counter, and gave her my driver’s license. She briefly jotted down the information, and handed it back to me. “So, what happened here?” She asked again, with pen in hand, ready for my statement.

  “I don’t know,” I said, my voice a little shaky. “I was in there packing, and next thing I knew, I came out, and they were fighting.” I explained trembling.

  “Do you know what the fight was about?” The officer asked, looking at me.

  “Me,” I answered embarrassed. “One of them is my husband, and the other is my…friend.” I said, avoiding the officer’s eyes. The two officers exchanged looks with one another, and the woman turned back to me.

  “So, your husband and your friend, were fighting over you? Is that it?” She questioned. I knew what she was implying, so I stopped talking, and looked away. “What happened to your lip?” She asked, noticing my bruise.

  “Oh,” I touched my swollen lips. “My husband, and I, had a fight earlier today, and that’s why I was packing just now.” I explained.

  “Did he hit you?” The female officer asked. I nodded. “Was the fight we just walked in on, a result of what transpired between you and your husband earlier?” She asked me. I nodded again. Then she jotted down some more notes before speaking. “Do you want to press charges?” She asked me. I shook my head no. Then she rose her brows at me, as if in judgement, and wrote some more. “Well, regardless of the fact that you don’t want to press charges, they’re both going to jail tonight, for disturbing the peace.” The officer said, flipping her notepad closed. “I suggest you have a doctor take a look at that lip Mrs. Skye. That’s it for now.” The officer said, before turning to leave. When they were gone, I let out a deep breath, and scanned my messy living room. The couch cushions were overturned, and the lamps on the end tables, opposite the couch, were broken with pieces all over the carpet. Then, I noticed the little droplets of blood on the carpet, and on the sofa cushions. All of a sudden, I felt sick to my stomach. I could never stand the sight of blood, especially after what happened to my mother. Beneath the broken glass, in the middle of the living room, I noticed a set of keys. Then I went over, picked them up, and realized they belonged to Chris. I clutched them in my hands, and looked around the room again. I did not want to sleep here tonight, so I went back into my bedroom, finished packing, and left.


  I paced my apartment, periodically glancing at my watch, wondering what could be taking Tony so long. He told me he had to go pick up a few things from his place, and said he would be back right afterwards. Now, it has been three hours, and I wondered where he could be. Maybe he ran into Nena, and they somehow figured to work things out. I hoped that were not so. The look Tony gave me earlier, at the mere mention of his wife, told me that it was more than over between them. When I picked up my phone to call him, it rang. I quickly answered, hoping that it was Tony.

  “Hello?” I said. There was a lot of static on the other end, but I could make out Tony’s voice.

  “Hey, it’s me.” He said.

  “Tony? I can barely hear you. Where are you?” I asked, straining to hear his answer.

  “Jail.” he replied.

  “Jail! Why? What happened?” I asked in shock. That was the last place I expected him to be.

  “I don’t have time to explain. Can you come down here and bail me out?” He asked.

  “Of course, what’s the address?” I grabbed a pen and paper, and jotted down the information he gave me. Then I grabbed my coat, and slipped into my flats. “Thanks Alana. I really appreciate this.” He said to me. I already had my keys. “Sure, no problem. I’ll be there soon.” I hung up the phone and went to retrieve the cash from my safe. What in the world could he have done, in just three short hours, to end up there? Did he finally kill Chris? One could only dream. After getting my cash, I headed out the door, and continued with my speculation. Chris was no doubt involved somewhere in this. What a bastard! Maybe this explains why he did not answer his phone when I called. I shook my head and got into my car. When I started to pull out the parking lot, my cell went off again. I hit the speaker button and answered.

  “Tony?” I said, without thinking.

  “No,” I heard a woman’s voice say. “Who’s Tony?” She asked. I cursed myself when I recognized my mother’s voice.

  “Mom, I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.” I said. She’s not going to let this go, I thought.

  “Obviously,” She replied, and I rolled my eyes. “Who’s this Tony? Sounds like a man.” My mother said, curiously. I did not feel like explaining my love life to her at this hour. I just wanted to get downtown, and get my man out of there.

  “Mom, it’s not what you think. He’s just a friend.” I lied. It was too early to label Tony and my relationship.

  “Okay, and even if he was more than just a friend, that’d be okay too, you know.” She said. I could hear the smile in her voice.

  “I know mom. Why are you calling so late anyway? Is everything okay?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “Yes, everything’s fine. I just needed to hear your voice honey, that’s all.” Then I glanced at the clock radio, and shook my head.

  “Mom, you needed to hear my voice at three in the morning? Really? C’mon mom, what’s wrong?” I heard her breathe heavily on the other end.

  “It’s just that…I’ve been seeing someone,” she disclosed. “Really,” I said with sarcasm. I knew something was off the last time we spoke. I should have known it was because of a man. “You don’t sound surprised.” My mother said. “That’s because I’m not.” I replied, and then waited.

  “Well, it’s a long story, and I’ll tell you all about him some other time. Right now, I just need someone to talk to hon
ey.” She sounded a bit sad.

  “You can always talk to me mom. I just can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were dating.” I said shaking my head. I tried to sound less irritated by that fact, to spare her feelings.

  “It’s a lot more complicated than that sweetie. I will tell you all about it later. I promise. He is very good to me, so you don’t have to worry honey.” She said. I have heard that one before.

  “Well mom, it sounds like this guy makes you happy. So what’s up?” I said. If she were so happy, she would not have been calling me at three in the morning. “Is he there with you now?” I asked.

  “No, honey he’s working.” She said. Instantly, all types of alarms went off in my head.

  “What kind of job, keeps a man away from his woman, at three in the morning?” I questioned, shaking my head. I knew my mother had a tendency to be a little naïve, when it came to men, but never stupid. I have not even met this man, and I already smelled a rat.

  “He’s a top executive, and work long hours, even late ones. So he doesn’t get to come home as much as he’d like to.” Her explanation sounded more like an excuse for him. That was her M.O., and she was already in too deep. No wonder she had not mentioned him until now. She knew that I would not approve. Then it dawned on me.

  “Wait a minute. What do you mean he doesn’t get to come home? Is he living with you, mom?” I could not believe this. Now, it all started to make sense.

  “I’m living with him.” She replied.

  “So you moved out of your place, and into his?” I asked her. I shook my head again, trying to focus on the street signs ahead of me.

  “Yes. Look sweetie, I haven’t been completely honest with you about him,” she began.

  “Gee, you think?” I rolled my eyes. I was pissed.

  “I told you honey, it’s a long story and…” my mother started to say again.

  “And you’ll tell me later.” I said, finishing her sentence. Searching for the damn jail annoyed the hell out of me, and learning that my mother had been shacking up with some dude, for God knows how long, irritated me even more. “Look mom, can we finish this conversation another time? I’m driving, and I don’t want to be distracted.” I said, making the right turn my navigation screen indicated.


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