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Earth's Survivors Box Set [Books 1-7]

Page 186

by Wendell G. Sweet

  The brakes were borderline, soft and spongy, probably due to the rough terrain they had traversed. Joe had had to constantly ride the brakes as they went down steep inclines to get around the road when it was hopelessly blocked. The other problem was the motor. It had developed a constant rattle deep within the block, every time it climbed even a small grade. He supposed most of it was due to the fact that they had been forced to use whatever gas they could find, and several times that had been low grade unleaded. That and the fact that the fuel injection system had not been set up for high altitude. The truck was running better than twelve hours at a stretch, most days, and almost all of that was labored driving. As a result the truck had also developed several small oil leaks.

  He walked around the truck and looked it over carefully. The tires were chewed badly from the rocks they had crawled over. It looked ten years old, Joe realized, not like he had only recently driven it off the lot. He pulled the map out of the glove compartment, and after studying it, decided the truck would probably make it to Kimball, and they should be able to pick up something to replace it there. He really hated to though, as he had grown to like the truck a great deal, even become attached to it. But he realized, the truck would never make it the rest of the way.

  He tossed the map back into the glove compartment, shut the door and walked back over to the fire. The smell of the cooking venison was maddening.

  While he had meant it when he told Becky she had done wonders with the canned stuff, there was nothing like the real thing. He resolved to also hunt around for a case or two of Quick Cold to keep what was left of the meat fresh when they reached Kimball.

  Although they had seen plenty of wildlife, they had yet to see any people. They both felt, however, that there were people. For whatever reason they just weren't showing themselves. They both understood, to a point, what would make other people distrustful of them. They had seen a lot of evidence themselves, bodies horribly mangled, cities burned, and they had no wish to meet up with the people who had left it. They had found most of the bodies as they passed through some larger cities and towns, and most looked to have met with violent deaths. It was almost as if they were trying to finish the killing that the bombs had not been able to finish. It was sobering to both of them, and Becky had taken to carrying the machine pistol with her whenever they left the truck. Joe had already gotten into the habit of keeping the Remington close at hand, but he too now made sure it was with him, and the safety off, all the time.

  Joe walked back from the truck and sat down next to the fire. He reached over and pulled Becky close, kissing her softly before he released her.

  "The truck's in bad shape, Beck. The one front tire's cut to the threads already." He had also checked the oil and other fluids as well. "She took two quarts of oil, last two we had, and it's still not touching the stick. Not good."

  She screwed up her face and looked at him pensively. "Well, I suppose I could get a second job. Then I guess we could afford a new one," her humor caught him by surprise, as it usually did, and he laughed out loud.

  "You're nuts, you know that?" he said as he kissed her again. They laughed together, and then he told her that they should be able to get another truck in Kimball the next day. After that she fished the meat, which she had wrapped in foil and placed over the coals at one edge of the fire, out, and they ate. They ate it with relish, and laughed at each other about what pigs they were, and then after a swim in a clear mountain stream that flowed nearby they crawled into the tent. They made love, and then fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  They were only three miles outside of Kimball the next morning, when the truck finally gave up the ghost.

  It died with one dreadfully long rattle deep within the block of the engine. Joe coasted over to the side of the road and they simply left it. He had tried to start it, but it would not turn over. Joe took the Remington, and Becky held the machine pistol as they walked along the road. It took better than an hour to walk into Kimball, but when they arrived it was still early morning.

  They had both been bothered by a feeling that they had been followed, or were being watched. It was unsettling, and they were constantly glancing around themselves as they walked, but they saw no one.

  They were standing on the pavement looking over a long line of vehicles, trying to decide which one to take, when the first shot came.

  The windshield on the truck directly in front of them imploded, covering the interior in small jewel like chunks of glass. They both reacted almost instantly, dropping to the ground and rolling towards the rear of the truck.

  When they reached the rear of the truck they both crouched low and sprinted deeper into the lot. Another shot rang out as they ran, and Becky watched as a wide hole was suddenly punched through the fender of a truck just a few inches ahead of her. She dropped to the ground and rolled over on her back, raising the machine pistol instinctively in front of her. It was all that saved her life.

  Joe was still running deeper into the lot, not realizing Becky was no longer beside him. The sound of the machine pistols chatter behind him stopped him cold, and he turned and ran back towards the front of the lot.

  When Becky had fallen, a tall dark haired kid had appeared from in front of the truck, and directly into the steel sight of the machine pistol. He raised what looked to be an automatic rifle, but before he could fire Becky began squeezing the trigger of the pistol, and it jumped and began to bark in her hands. Joe had just come up beside her, and watched as the man toppled over, nearly cut in two. The sound of screeching tires out on the roadway dragged his mind away from the still twitching body of the young man, and as Becky jumped up into a low crouch they both began to run towards the road. Joe stopped only long enough to pick up the automatic rifle from the ground where the man had dropped it.

  When they reached the road a small Jeep was moving rapidly away from them, and a blond haired man, not much more than a kid, Joe realized, was crouched in the back aiming a rifle at them, while a dark haired young woman sat behind the wheel. They both dropped once more to the ground, and opened up on the Jeep as the young man began to fire. The slugs from the young man’s rifle ripped into the pavement, tearing huge chunks out of it close to Joe's face as he fired back at the Jeep.

  The blond haired kid suddenly bolted upright, and seemed to jump from the rear of the Jeep. He landed in the roadway, rolled, and then was still. Both rear tires blew out on the Jeep as Becky's gun continued to speak, and before it had traveled far the young woman lost control, and it flipped several times rolling down the middle of the road. The young woman fell headfirst in a heap on the pavement where she had been thrown, and had then been rolled over by the Jeep as it continued to flip down the road.

  Smoke curled up from the overturned Jeep. Within seconds it attracted a small circle of flames from under the hood that grew and began to curl up and lick at the rubber of the still turning front tires.

  "You okay?" Joe asked, in a panicked voice as he looked at Becky.

  A thin stream of blood crept away from one elbow she had scraped on the pavement. "I think so," she said shakily. "Why did they do that?"

  He answered after they both had risen slowly to their feet, and he had her turn around to make sure she was not cut anywhere else. "That's the opposition," he stated flatly, "if we're the good guys, then I guess you could say they're the bad guys. Honey, we're going to have to be a lot more careful from now on."

  They both walked slowly down the road to where the bodies of the young man and the young woman lay, they were perhaps twenty feet apart. Becky had thought that possibly the young woman might still be alive, but she was not. Her neck was broken, and they had quietly carried both bodies off the road and into a field before returning to the lot. They had debated briefly whether they should bury them, but had decided not to. It was not a decision made out of spite though, but out of necessity. They had no idea whether the three were alone or not, and if they were not, and there were others close by, it might be bes
t to get back to the lot, pick up a truck, and head back out to where the Chevy had broken down as quickly as they could.

  They walked calmly back to the dealership, and went inside. They both felt safer inside despite the wide glass windows that fronted the road.

  A huge four wheel drive Suburban sat on the showroom floor nestled in between other cars and trucks that surrounded it. It was obviously a heavy duty truck. It sat much higher than the pickup had, and the tires were much more aggressive, and the closed in space behind the driver's area would be an asset to them, Joe realized, much better than the open pick-up bed had been with its flimsy vinyl cover. He walked around the truck, noticing that it was also equipped with a winch as the pickup had been, but this one looked to be a lot sturdier to him, strictly heavy duty.

  He walked over to a slightly raised area, where a board filled with keys spanned most of the rear wall behind a small, but long counter top. He gave Becky the keys to a convertible that was between them and the doors, and she moved it while Joe jockeyed the truck around until he managed to get it aimed at the wide glass doors set into the side of the building. He drove it outside, checking the gas gauges as he did.

  The truck had duel tanks, and both of them were full. Not that they'll last any longer than the pickups single tank, he thought. But he was still glad that they were full. They edged carefully around the still burning Jeep, and made their way slowly out of town and back to the pickup, watching the side roads as they went. They were both spooked.

  When they were still more than a hundred yards from the pickup, they could tell that they'd had visitors while they were gone. Joe edged the Suburban up carefully to the truck and they searched the surrounding countryside, but decided whoever had been there was gone.

  The truck was demolished. Someone or some-ones had attacked it with a vengeance. All the windows were smashed, and the black vinyl cover that had spanned the bed of the truck was slashed to ribbons. All the tires had been flattened, and they had dented or punctured nearly everybody panel. The camping gear, along with the rest of the venison, was gone. The map they had been using lay ripped and shredded across the front seat, which had also been slashed.

  They only walked around the truck once, but it was enough. They both turned without speaking and walked back to the Suburban.

  "Doesn't matter," Joe said once they were safely back inside the Suburban, "we can pick up more gear down the road. I saw a small sporting goods store about a mile back, it had a little shopping center right next to it."

  "But why?" Becky asked, "Why?"

  "I don't know, Honey," Joe replied, "I'm just thanking God we're still alive." He shook his head slowly as they drove away.

  When Joe reached the small sporting goods store he pulled as close to the front doors as he could. The parking lot looked deserted, but the dealership had also looked deserted, and he was taking no chances. They looked the huge lot over for better than ten minutes before they left the truck. He wished they didn't have to stop at all. The sooner they were on the road the better, as far as he was concerned. He supposed it probably wouldn't be any better stopping somewhere else though. They entered the store and took turns watching the lot as they picked up what they needed.

  By the time they had re-outfitted themselves it was nearly dark. The setting sun casting the lot in deep shadows, and Joe was glad he had parked the truck close to the doors. They debated staying. They could sleep right inside the small shop Becky argued, but Joe didn't want to, and Becky's argument was halfhearted at best. They both decided they would rather put as many miles as possible between them and the small town. In the end they left despite the descending darkness, and they did not stop that night at all.

  Joe drove while Becky slept, and towards daybreak as they were nearing North Platte, he angled the truck down off the pavement and pulled into a quiet state park. He followed the trees back into the camping area, and killed the hot motor.

  They quickly set up a small camp in the sparse morning light, and then crawled into the tent. They held each other tightly as they drifted off to sleep.

  Watertown, New York


  Willie stood nervously in the outer hallway, waiting for Luther to open the door to the small room and let him in. He half hoped he wouldn't. The angry bellowing behind the door scared him and he didn't want to know the reason for it.

  Well, it would be pretty damn easy just to leave, wouldn't it? He asked himself... Could he?

  No, he decided, he couldn't. When the door opened and Luther allowed him to enter, he would. He wouldn't sneak off down the hallway, or try to hide somewhere in the huge complex like a fuckin' chicken-shit. And even if he did it would do no good. If Luther wanted him, he would find him, and it wouldn't matter where he tried to hide, or how far away he ran. If The Man called, you came, it was that simple.

  After all, he himself had taken care of several people who wouldn't give in to what Luther wanted, hadn't he? He had, and he was... Well, he was Luther's right hand man, he supposed, his Main Man. Luther himself had said so, and not more than ten minutes ago the small pager Luther had given him, had gone off with a frantic beeping. The Main Man had been called, and he had to go.

  Luther had been gone for two days. Willie didn't know where he had been, and really didn't want to know. Luther came and went as he pleased. Solid walls didn't seem to matter in the least to him. Here one minute, gone the next. It was like living on the edge of a nightmare all the time for Willie. He never knew where he might, or might not pop up next, or even what he might look like from one time to the next.

  Despite dreading when he would next return, it was a lot easier for Willie when he was gone. He hated to be in the same room with him, let alone know he was here and that he could summon him at any moment. All things considered, being in the same room with him was the worst though.

  He had gotten used to the stench that emanated from him, but Luther himself was an entirely different matter, and when he was here he expected Willie to be around him almost all the time. He was back now, and as Willie stood in the hallway before the door, he secretly hoped he would leave again... Soon.

  He knocked tentatively on the door once more, and stepped back waiting quietly for the door to open. His mouth twitched as he waited. The nervous tick had developed just recently, and although Willie tried to control it, or stop it, it was not possible. Even from here, as he waited, he could smell the stench that he knew would be much stronger once the door was opened, a smell of death, almost overpowering in its intensity.

  The handle turned and the door swung silently inward, as Luther turned from the computer terminal where he sat.

  "Well? Don't just stand there you stupid mother-fucker; get your slimy ass in here."

  Willie stepped quickly into the room, and turned to close the door behind him. Before he could it slammed shut, rattling the steel frame that it sat in, and the double dead bolts twisted into the locked position.

  Trapped, he thought.

  He turned his attention back to Luther. He had learned early on that looking elsewhere when Luther spoke, was a bad mistake to make. He demanded your full attention, and so, reluctantly, he looked directly at Luther when he turned from the door. It was not a pretty site.

  His clothing hung in tatters, and his face was peeled and oozing green puss in several places. His black liquid eyes locked on Willie's own. The underlying stench, which Willie thought smelled like rotted vegetables, was heavy in the room, but another smell of burned flesh was mixed in with it, and also hung in the air. Nearly gagging in its intensity, he thought. What had happened to him, he wondered, he looked burned, or something like burned anyway.

  "Yes, Willie my sweet," Luther said, as if reading Willie's mind, "the cock-suckers tried to fry me."

  He smiled widely and then continued. "Tried to fucking roast me, Willie old boy. Me! Can you believe that shit, Willie? Huh? Can you ever fucking believe it?" His eyes bulged as he spoke.

  When he finished speakin
g, his smile continued to grow wider and wider, and the glow from the computer screen glinted off the sharp rows of teeth that sat crookedly in his mouth. The fresh pink skin around his mouth split in several places as the smile widened, and more of the greenish puss oozed out of the new cracks and trickled down to his chin. Luther absently wiped it away with the back of one hand, and after briefly examining the sticky greenish film on his fingers, began to lick them clean with his long pointed tongue.

  Willie struggled to maintain his composure as he watched; not daring to allow his eyes to wander away from the scene, as they so desperately seemed to want to. He swallowed hard trying to force back the vomit he felt in his throat. When Luther finished licking his fingers he spoke.

  "So... What to do? Oh me oh my, what to do!" He feigned fear as he spoke, and dug his fingers into both cheeks, opening furrows in them as he dragged them down his face.

  "I'm terrified," he stated calmly, "Fuckin' terrified!"

  He allowed his voice to rise and quaver at the end, as if this were so, and he was really in great fear. Willie did not dare to speak.

  Even though Luther had asked him, or seemed to ask him questions while he spoke, Willie knew better. That was another lesson he had learned the hard way. You never spoke; I mean never, he reminded himself, until Luther commanded you to.

  "Well you stupid fucking ass-hole," Luther asked, "got any ideas? Are you just gonna let them do this to me? Huh, Willie? Huh?"

  His black eyes bored into Willie, but he still didn't speak. This was not a real question, and no real response was expected. It wasn't nasty enough, and it hadn't included any of the derogatory terms Luther called him by, that would let him know that he really was expected to respond.

  "What's the matter, Willie? You seem awful uptight to me. That little piece of snatch you got ain't been putting out has she," he paused momentarily as if considering before he spoke again.


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