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Navy SEAL’s Virgin Lover

Page 9

by Nic Saint

  He finally relented, the heat in his loins trumping his better judgment.

  “If I tell you, can I fuck you in the ass?”

  A wide smile spread across Sophie’s round face, and she let her knees fall to the bed, spreading her pussy before him.

  “Spill, big boy, and that ass is yours.”

  Chapter 22

  Erin felt over the moon. She’d never known what love was, nor had she thought it would be the life-altering experience it was.

  She’d dreamed of finding the love of her life, and had imagined thousands of times the scenario that might play out. Hundreds of romance novels and movies had primed her for an experience that she knew would be the high point of her young life, and still reality easily exceeded fantasy.

  Raminar Bradley was everything she’d hoped for in a man and more. Much more. He was attentive, loving, tender but also strong, valiant and a real-life hero. He truly was a knight of modern times, having fought his dragons and slain demons in foreign lands, conquered worlds she hadn’t even known existed, and then returned to preserve the dream of his parents like a real hero of the legends of old.

  He was simply wonderful.

  And then there was the sex. She’d heard the stories and seen the glow on Sophie’s face each time she’d allowed a boy to go down on her, but now that she’d experienced it for herself, she was glad she’d waited for the right man to come along so she could offer him her unspoiled cherry blossom.

  Fumbling behind the ice skating rink or in the backseat of a boy’s car like Sophie had done dozens of times had never appealed to her, the sordidness and lack of romance repelling her. She’d always deferred judgment on her friend for having a more than active sex life, and Sophie had often accused her of being a prude or jealous or both, but that wasn’t it.

  Sex was a sacred act between two people in love, in her opinion, and shouldn’t’ be reduced to the fulfillment of some primal animalistic urge with just anyone who happened along and possessed the right equipment.

  She was glad she had waited.

  It had been worth it.

  “Ram?” she whispered, tenderly caressing his soft wisps of hair.


  “Where do you live when you’re not in India?”

  Ram cursed inwardly. He’d hoped they’d have more time before she started making plans for their future together. In truth, he’d burned all his bridges behind him before coming out here. He didn’t even have a valid visa anymore, his tourist visa having expired months ago.

  “I… used to have a place on Long Island,” he finally said. It was true in a sense. He still owned the beachfront property, though he’d leased it to a Wall Street broker just before heading out to India.

  Her eyes shone. “Long Island. The Hamptons? You actually live in The Hamptons?”

  He merely nodded, the light in her eyes actually causing him physical pain. He had lived there, with his parents. And then… He balked at the painful memory. He decided to spare her the illusion. “I own the place but haven’t lived there for a while, Erin. This is my home now.”

  She seemed surprised more than disappointed, he thought, which once again endeared her to him. She was exactly the opposite of the many money-grubbing gold diggers he’d met in the past. The moment you come into some money, it’s hard to distinguish the motives of the women flocking to.

  She studied him closely, cupping her chin in her hands. “Don’t you find it… lonely out here on your own?”

  He grimaced. “I actually enjoy the solitude.” Or at least he used to, until Erin had walked into his life. Now he wondered if he could ever go back to being without her again.

  He dismissed the thought. Not now. Once he was alone, he’d give the matter the attention it required. He had made certain arrangements, and now it appeared as if he’d been too hasty.

  She rested her head on his chest. “I think it’s cozy, the both of us here in this little nook, far from the hustle and bustle of the world.”

  It was exactly the reason he loved it here so much himself, and once again he was surprised at how alike they were. How much they had in common in spite of being so different.

  Erin thought she’d never met a more romantic man. He lived out here, in his little cabin on the beach, far from the world, and yet he was probably richer than the sea he stared out at all day was deep. He owned a house on Long Island, and probably other properties scattered across the globe. He was a billionaire recluse honoring the last will and testament of his parents. She loved him so much it simply ached.

  She glanced up at him. “Do you want to make love to me again, Raminar Bradley?” And softer, she added, “My pussy aches for you.” She giggled, the dirty talk making her blush. She loved the effect it had on him, though, which made it worth it. His eyes instantly grew dark with lust, and when she rolled onto her back, he was on top of her within moments.

  She’d lost count how many times they’d made love these past few hours, though judging from the rumble in her stomach it was about time to emerge from their love nest and hunt around for food.

  But first she needed to feel him throbbing inside her again, that unquenchable thirst of her body for his burning a deep ache within her soul.

  Moments later she was screaming his name again, and when she came, it was with the salty taste of his sweat on her lips and his shuddering cock lodged deep inside her belly.

  How she wished they could be like this always, never to be apart ever again.

  But even in her naiveté she knew it probably couldn’t be. For now, she took comfort in the fact that he was as insatiable in his longing for her as she was for him.

  For now, this had to suffice.

  Chapter 23

  Burke felt regret gnawing at his bosom. The moment he’d shot his load into the bitch’s ass, he realized he’d made a terrible mistake.

  “Look,” he panted, as he drew his limp dick from her steaming bowels. “You won’t tell this to a soul, right? I mean, this stuff is highly confidential.”

  She stared over her shoulder and gave him a fine smile that chilled his bones. “Don’t worry, Burke. Your secret is safe with me.”

  He didn’t believe her for a minute, and fear clutched at his heart. How would Bradley react if he knew he’d betrayed his great secret? He wouldn’t be too happy about it, that was for sure.

  “I mean it,” he repeated, firmer this time. “If you breathe one word of this, I’ll—”

  She stiffened. “You’ll what? Slit my throat and dump my body in the sea?” She laughed, but it didn’t sound very pleasant. “I told you already, Burke. I won’t talk. You have my word on that.”

  “For what it’s worth,” he grumbled under his breath. He had the distinct impression she’d blab this shit all over the place the minute he let her walk out of here.

  For a moment he considered using a different approach, one more fraught with both risk and potential embarrassment, but then he decided to leave that avenue unexplored.

  Women like Sophie Racklin didn’t respond well to threats of physical violence, he knew from experience. She’d go racing to the cops the first chance she got, and barring actual termination there was simply no way he could stop her.

  God, he was seriously starting to consider this trip a total waste of time. Not only was he treading on very thin ice with Bradley and his crazy notions about his parents’ heritage, he was now involved with a woman the likes of which he knew spelled trouble with a capital T.

  In spite of the wench’s objections he lit a cigar. And when she stalked off without another word, grabbing her clothes and slamming the door behind her, he sighed with relief. Perhaps he was blowing things out of proportion. Hadn’t she promised not to blab? And she was Erin’s best friend, after all. Why would she risk a friendship over something as silly as a guy?

  No, he thought as he directed a long plume of smoke at the ceiling. He probably had nothing to worry about.

  And at least he’d had one of the best fucks in
his life, one that would last him a good long time…

  As Sophie slammed the door of the cabin behind her, she cursed inwardly. That asshole Burke. If she’d asked him not to light up in her presence once she’d asked him a hundred times. The guy simply had no respect for her. She’d just let him fuck her in the ass, something she didn’t allow just any guy to do, and he’d dismissed her wish not to be a secondhand smoker without a single word.

  That haughty look in his eye, dismissing her out of hand? What was that all about? The guy was just as bad as most of the guys she’d slept with back home. The moment they blew their load, they lost all interest and she could just as well live or die for all they cared.

  When was she finally going to find a decent guy? One who cared? A guy like Raminar Bradley…

  As she quickly slipped into her shorts and shirt, she thought back to the things Burke had told her about Erin’s dream guy. It had left something of a bad taste in her mouth. The guy was simply too good to be true. Guys like Bradley didn’t exist, they just couldn’t.

  She cursed her misfortune for not going after him herself. The guy wasn’t just loaded, whoever got to call herself Mrs Bradley would never have to worry about having to work ever again. Erin’s future was set.

  A stab of jealousy had the corners of her mouth curve down.

  It simply enraged her to know that her goody-two-shoes friend had landed a guy like that. Erin didn’t deserve him. She simply didn’t.

  As she stomped along the beach, trying to clear her mind, dark thoughts gathered, one even scarier than the next. That idiot Burke had simply used her. Used her body for his own gratification. She wondered what saintly Erin would say if a guy ever did the same to her. If a guy fucked her and then cast her aside like a worn-out glove? If holy Bradley turned out to be nothing more than a trickster, using and abusing sweet, dear Erin for his own satisfaction?

  It would toughen the prig up, that was for sure. Teach her that life wasn’t a bed of roses. That sometimes life’s a bitch.

  She’d teach her a lesson. She’d help Erin lose some of that girlish naiveté and enter the world of grown-ups.

  Her eyes cast down, her head filled with rage, she vowed to make her friend pay for being such a wuss. She’d thank her later, she just knew she would. Erin needed to be taught a lesson. In humility and respect for the hard realities of life. And Sophie’s would be the hand that taught her those lessons.

  “Time to wake up, Erin,” she grumbled under her breath. “Time to stop being a baby.”

  The mists of resentment clawed like a fist of ice around her heart and soul, and by the time she returned to the cabins, she was madder than hell.

  Her ass hurt, as did her pride and self-respect, and now she was going to make Erin hurt too. Perhaps then she’d finally feel better about herself.

  Chapter 24

  Burke’s hand shot out. The man ducked, but not fast enough. The big guy’s fist connected with the smaller man’s chin, and his head jerked back with a crack. Before he went down, he gave his opponent a stupid look. He sure as hell hadn’t seen that one coming, Burke thought with satisfaction. He stared down at the unconscious form of the young man and ruefully wondered if perhaps he should have gone easier on him.

  Nah, he thought. This was the way the game was played and sometimes a punch was the only language guys like this understood. Anyway, they’d caught him spying, hadn’t they? And good thing they had, or else they’d be sunk even before leaving the starting gate.

  “Better take him out of here,” whispered Ram.

  “Dump him? Where?”

  “Anywhere,” hissed his friend. “I just don’t want Erin—”

  A toilet flushed, and before Burke had the chance to pick the guy up and cart him outside, the door to the bathroom swung open, and Erin stepped in.

  The moment her eyes fell on the unconscious form on the floor, she flung a hand to her face in consternation. “What happened?”

  “Burglar,” grunted Burke, thinking on his feet. “Tried to rob the place so I took him out.”

  Erin stared from Burke to Ram, a frown of bewilderment marring her smooth brown. “Burglars! Again! But I thought you said this place was safe?”

  Burke remembered the ‘burglary’ back at the hotel, and had a hard time suppressing a grin. Talk your way out of this one, Bradley, he thought.

  Ram shook his head in dismay. “He must have found out where you were staying, honey. Probably part of some local gang targeting tourists.”

  Erin stepped closer to the guy and studied his face. There was something familiar about him, though it took her a while to place him.

  Then her eyes went wide with recognition. She rocked back on her heels. “It’s the guy from the hotel!” she cried, dismayed.

  Both Burke and Ram stood staring at her with blank expressions. “Guy? What guy?” Ram ventured.

  “The guy who tried to sell me drugs. He’s German,” she added as if that made all the difference.

  “This motherfucker? Tried to sell you drugs?” boomed Burke, and balled his hands into fists. For a moment she thought he would slug the guy again, but then Bradley fixed him with a stare, and he backed off.

  “He approached me by the pool. Said he had some good stash and if I wanted in I just had to give the word.” She tried to repeat the conversation word for word, frowning in concentration. “Then his bag caught fire, and that’s when I saw a light flash in Sophie’s room and we discovered that our rooms had been burgled, remember?” She glanced over at Ram, who stood staring down at the German with a stony face.

  “I remember,” he said slowly.

  Ram wondered about the odds of this piece of slime targeting Erin on the day they’d met. A piece of his past encountering his future. The only problem was, how to get rid of the guy now? Greediness had made the young druggie both reckless and clueless, and he was obviously of no further use to them. If he let Burke handle things, they might get into more trouble than the young thug was worth. On the other hand, if he didn’t let Burke handle him, he would run to his employers and warn them about his plans. In both cases they were sunk.

  “We have to call the police,” interrupted Erin his train of thought. “They probably know him. Perhaps they’ve been chasing this guy for years and we finally caught him.”

  Her face revealed an almost childlike innocence, and Ram felt pained at the thought of having to tell her the truth. Not now, he decided. Perhaps not ever.

  “Better take him to the cops yourself,” he quickly suggested to Burke. “We don’t want the police crawling all over us, honey,” he explained to Erin. “You don’t know what they’re like. Corrupt as hell. They won’t leave us in peace until they’ve had their fill.”

  “But… You’re rich, aren’t you, Ram? Perhaps you can give them some money and they’ll lock this man up for the rest of his life?”

  Burke’s lips twitched but Ram wasn’t amused. If there was anything he didn’t need right now, it was the attention of the cops. The moment they discovered he had no visa, they’d make his life a living hell, money or no money.

  “Trust me, honey. It’s better if we take the problem to the police instead of the other way around.”

  She nodded, though not completely convinced.

  Burke took a firm grip on the guy’s collar and raised his eyebrows questioningly. “So… to the cops?”

  Ram considered for a moment. “Local cops, Burke, not the feds, all right?”

  His friend grinned, easily catching his drift. The benefit of a long friendship. A single word sometimes sufficed.

  “Consider it done,” grunted Burke, and unceremoniously lifted the burglar up and slung him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, then carted him out.

  “See you in a bit,” he said before stepping outside with his charge.

  “See you, Burke. Thank you for taking care of this.” The two men exchanged a meaningful glance, and then the big guy was gone.

  Erin stood staring after the burly
soldier with a puzzled expression. She wondered what the odds were that this German would first accost her at the hotel and now again here.

  Suddenly she wheeled around to face Ram, that frown still firmly in place. “Did you know that guy, Ram?”

  He continued innocent. “Who, the drug dealer? Nope. Never seen him before in my life.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. Was he speaking the truth? She didn’t know him well enough yet to tell, though she had the distinct impression he wasn’t.

  For some reason, the idea that both Ram and Burke were well acquainted with the young man had taken root in her mind, and she found it hard to shake.

  But why would they lie to her? And why would they be friendly with a drug dealer?

  It was a mystery, and one she found quite baffling. Then she decided not to dwell on it for the moment. Her stomach told her she was starving. So she spirited a smile on her face and took Ram’s arm. “Let’s go out, honey. I can’t wait to see that restaurant you told me about.”

  Relief was clear on his face, and she knew she was right about him lying to her. She’d find out soon enough, she thought, and as they stepped out into the night, she took a deep breath of fresh sea air, and wondered not for the first time what had happened to her friend Sophie.

  Chapter 25

  A sudden bark had Erin look up. A big old dog came trotting up from the direction of the beach and went straight for her.

  She’d heard stories of strays in India. Mangy, starving creatures that didn’t hurt a soul, so she wasn’t scared even if this one was easily twice as big as some of the others she’d seen.

  As the dog pushed its snout in her crotch, she giggled but didn’t budge.

  “Sam!” cried Ram in dismay.

  “You know him?”

  “Her. She’s a stray that showed up here a couple of days ago. Been a regular visitor since.”


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