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Alexa O'Brien 03 - Only Vampires Cry Blood

Page 6

by Trina M. Lee

  “No.” I shook my head. I could feel Kale's tension; no doubt, Harley could, too. I wasn't allowing for distraction techniques. “I'm here to ask you for something, a proposition if you will. No games. No bloodshed.”

  “Well, now you really have my attention. You took a real gamble walking in here. I can refrain from giving in to temptation for one night.” Harley licked his lips, drawing my eye. I knew what it felt like to have those lips pressed to mine. He'd tasted me, taken my energy into him. As much as I'd hated it, I'd been unable to fight the fact that it felt so good.

  “Can you?” I didn't mean to say it. It just slipped out.

  I held my breath, fearing I'd gone too far on that one. Shit. His eyes never wavered as they bore into me. With just the slightest shock of silver in his dark hair and fine lines around his eyes, he was the epitome of the sexy older man. I couldn't help but be painfully attracted to him, even though I knew that it was due to his power.

  He took a step closer, as if he couldn't help himself. His voice was low and smooth like silk when he said, “Maybe the real question, Alexa, is can you control yourself?

  Anything you throw out, I'm going to accept. Keep that in mind.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Kale shot me a look that clearly conveyed his take on the situation. I chose to ignore it. I was here now, and I was going to say what I came to say. To him I said, “Stay right here. Give me fifteen minutes. Then, come and get me if I'm not already back.”

  He nodded tightly, but his eyes were on Harley's midnight snack. I shouldn't have brought him here. This place was his weakness. A vampire like Kale should be killing.

  That didn't have to mean innocents. Killing would free him from the leash he'd put on himself, which was long overdue.

  I gestured to Harley, indicating for him to lead the way. I assumed he would head for the same room that he'd attacked me in. I was right.

  After a brief word to his “date,” he waited for me to step in line beside him. “Forgive me if I don't quite trust you at my back. I'm sure the feeling is mutual.”


  When we came to the room at the farthest end of the hall, I felt like the breath had been crushed from me. For the first time since I stepped foot into the building, I was scared. Fear was an aphrodisiac to the man at my side, and I struggled to gain control.

  I waited for him to cross the threshold first, fearing imprisonment. It was hard to shake those suspicions after the last time I'd been in Harley's company. Of course, he'd taken me by force and attempted to bond me to him by blood. Naturally, I was on guard.

  “Have a seat.” With a sweeping gesture, Harley indicated the nearby table and the couch on the far side of the room.

  I did not intend to stray far from the door. “I think I'll stand. Thank you though.”

  I drank in the sight of the room where I'd fought for my freedom. Being bound to Harley would have been my greatest nightmare come to life. It was because of him that I'd instead bound myself to Arys. It seemed like a necessary choice at the time as it guaranteed no other vampire could ever bind me.

  With a shrug, he crossed the room and took a seat on the sofa. He sat back in a manner that was just too casual. The black leather pants that he wore paired with a black shirt, open partially to show the smooth expanse of his chest, drew my attention. It was the first time I'd seen him in person clad in something other than a fine suit. Was it wrong that I thought this was so much better?

  “Anytime you're ready, my darling.” He indicated that I should begin, and I took up pacing a line back and forth in front of the door.

  The blood coursed through my veins as if I were running a race. Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to spit the words out before I ran like a coward. Harley watched me with a mischievous smile playing about his lips. He was enjoying this.

  “You know things … about the power that I have. You share much of what I can do.

  I need to know more.” I cringed inwardly, hating that I needed something from him. It could only empower him, even if only his ego.

  I continued to slowly pace, finding some kind of comfort in the constant motion. His eyes followed my every move. I wanted him to say something before I went on, to give me an indication of whether or not he cared to hear anything further.

  “Arys doesn't have a clue that you're here. Does he?”

  I jumped at his words. Fighting back the panic that threatened to envelope me, I knew I had no choice but to answer honestly. I prayed that this wouldn't blow up on me.

  “No. He doesn't. In fact, he was adamant that I stay the hell away from you. But, this isn't about him. It's about me.”

  A low chuckle came from Harley. It stroked me in places that only a lover knows, and I shuddered in both pleasure and revulsion.

  “You're bound to him. Do you think that he won't find out? Don't be a fool. You can't keep him out of your head forever,” he said, leaning forward in his seat. “And trust me; you don't want to see Arys in a jealous rage.”

  I knew that already, but hearing him say it reinforced my fears. “I can handle Arys.

  Just tell me if you're willing to help me or not.”

  Placing his chin in his hands, Harley studied me until I felt like I was on display. It didn't take long for me to grow short tempered. I wanted to ask him what the hell he was looking at, but then I felt it, the slightest touch of his power. Similar to what Veryl had done in his office, Harley was metaphysically feeling me out. It was invasive, rude and strangely, I liked it. God! The man was so frustrating.

  “You'll have to be a little more specific, Alexa. From where I'm sitting, you have more than enough power to blow this city wide open. What exactly is it that you seek from me?”

  Again with the talk about how much power I had. If only that was the problem. I ran a hand through my long hair, shoving it away from my face in frustration. “That's just the thing. I'm so fucking sick of hearing everyone go on about how much power I've got when I have no idea what the hell to do with most of it. I feel like I'm running on all cylinders and going nowhere.”

  I paused in my pacing, fearing that I had revealed too much but knowing it may be the only way. Harley knew things, and I needed to know them, too. I didn't have the patience to figure it out over the course of my lifetime. I wanted to know now.

  He seemed to consider this, or maybe he was just trying to unnerve me. “You know what your problem is? You still have that pesky heartbeat. It's what holds you back.

  Much of your power comes from your link to a vampire. That kind of power comes from the dead, something that you are not. Yet.”

  “Please don't tell me that death is my only option.” I groaned, overcome with the urge to hit something. “That's not what I came to hear.”

  “Death is rarely the only option. However, if you think you've got power now, just wait until then.” He shifted, crossing one leg over the other. There was a spark of excitement in his ebony orbs. “I can help you. I can show you what you are capable of.”

  “And control?” I asked, needing to pinpoint my main concern. “Can you show me how to control it?”

  He smiled at me like I was a needy child. “Of course.”

  I got the feeling that he was enjoying this far more than I'd hoped he would. “That's not going to come without a price, is it?” If his terms were completely outrageous, I would have no choice but to walk away.

  “You're a clever lady, Alexa. I'm sure we can strike some kind of bargain.” Harley rose to his feet, crossing the space between us slowly, as if trying not to frighten a spooked animal.

  I watched him come towards me, and the butterflies in my stomach set to flight. The power coiled inside my core reacted to my fear, growing to fill me with a warm glow that quickly grew hot. I struggled against the urge to tap it.

  “Just tell me what you want, Harley. I don't have a lot of room to negotiate. Make it reasonable.”

  Just as I was about to take a step back, toward the door,
he came to a stop. “Why are you so skittish? You're a predator for crying out loud.”

  I was surprised by his scolding tone. I'd have thought that Harley would prefer me to act like prey, unless it was testing his control. He was right though. I detested being treated like prey. I had no reason to be afraid of him. I think more than anything, I feared what he would want from me. There had been a time when he'd begged Arys for me, claiming that I was something that Arys owed him. My spine crawled with what felt like the slither of a snake. I could still hear his desperate plea ringing in my ears.

  “Maybe I should just go.” Ignoring the ready energy inside me, I followed the instinct of my wolf and spun on my heel.

  “Wait!” His hand shot out before I'd taken a full step, grasping my forearm. The urge to lash out at him with a fiery blast was almost too much. Whirling to face him, I was shocked to see the satisfied smirk that he wore. “Now that's more like it. Never forget about the wolf, my dear. It is what gives you the edge no vampire will ever have.”

  “What the hell do you want?” I jerked my arm from his grip, and he let go. I was seething, which was exactly what he wanted. “Tell me what you want, or just forget that I ever came.”

  His smile vanished immediately. With a deadly serious expression, he said, “You know what I want. Let's not play coy. I want you. In whatever way I can have you.”

  Harley's eyes fell to my lips and curling his fingers ever so slightly, he pulled the angry energy I was giving off into him. “I knew you'd be back.”

  The psychic touch felt physical, as if he was running his fingertips along my skin.

  We were nowhere near touching, yet I could feel him all over me when I focused, all around, inviting me to play. Everything but my common sense wanted to respond in full.

  Yeah, this was exactly why I needed control, but was it possible to find it with someone like him?

  His cryptic words set me on edge. I didn't like that he was so certain I would come back. What was he really expecting from me? When I didn't respond or walk away, he boldly stepped closer. The power emanating from him felt divine.

  Memories that belonged to Arys ran through my mind, a blurry jumble of images I'd obtained the first time our power joined. Because of them, I already knew what it would feel like to touch Harley the way I suddenly wanted to. I also knew that this was a test of my own strength, one I had to pass.

  “Whatever way you can have me … what is that really supposed to mean?” I curled my hands into fists so that my lengthening claws dug into my flesh. The sheer force it took to hold back the power seeking to control my actions was tearing me apart. My four fangs filled my mouth, and I growled. This was too much.

  Harley's eyes widened, a gleam in their depths. “Don't you just want to give in sometimes? To see what it's like to stop fighting it?”

  “No,” I snarled the one word, backing away until my back hit the doorframe.

  “Alright.” He cocked his head to the side, watching me with hawk-like intensity.

  “Here's the bottom line. Body, blood or power. That's what I want from you. It's your choice which you feel most comfortable bargaining with.” I shook my head, unable to believe what I was hearing. He wasn't finished though. “I want to explore you in every physical and metaphysical way possible. Anything you offer, I'm going to accept. So think about it. Carefully.”

  I gaped at him, utterly tongue-tied. I most definitely was not sleeping with Harley so he could forget about that whole “body” thing. The unfortunate part was that the sharing of either blood or power had physical effects too, some that were almost impossible to deny. If the entire point of this was to gain control over such things… There wasn't a single option available that wasn't intense and deeply intimate.

  “You know that all three of those elements pretty much go hand in hand on some level.” I crossed my arms over my chest, leaning against the doorframe.

  “They don't have to. Isn't that what you want from me? The ability to be the one in charge of that.”

  “You're taking advantage of me.”

  “Look who you're talking to, honey. Of course I am.”

  He had me there. We stared into one another as my mind reeled. What was it going to be? Let Harley get something he wanted from me or walk away and still be stuck right where I was now.

  I growled at him, baring my fangs for good measure. He merely raised a brow and smiled with phony innocence.

  “Fine. Blood then. But, you don't get to sink fangs into me until I have learned something concrete from you.”

  “By all means.” Harley nodded and despite the fact that he stood there casually, I could feel the hunger rolling off him.

  I couldn't help the strangely unwelcome anticipation that settled within me. Part of me was looking forward to working with Harley. I told myself it was because of what I would gain from it, but I knew that wasn't the whole truth. Harley's power felt good, dangerously good.

  I felt Kale's approach and relief swept through me. “I have to go. I'll be back.”

  Turning toward the exit, I was glad that he couldn't see my face when he replied,

  “And I'll be waiting.”

  Chapter Five

  Anxiety attacks really aren't my thing. Since I'd left The Wicked Kiss the previous night, I had been a jittery ball of nerves. The deal I'd made with Harley haunted my every waking thought and my every dream. Arys' memories had flashed bloody images behind my eyes until I couldn't take anymore. I'd been drinking coffee since, waiting for Shaz.

  He'd had two days to think about the information Veryl had given me. He'd agreed right from the start that we had to look into it. In fact, he'd been more willing than I'd liked. It was unsettling. Even though I truly believed Shaz to be more than capable of taking care of himself, being the one to lead him into potential danger didn't appeal to me. Though I seriously doubted that I'd be able to talk him out of this, I had every intention of trying. I knew him well enough to know better. Yet, I was just as stubborn as he was.

  He was taking the night off from work, and the two of us were going to follow up on the address that Veryl had given me. I was hoping it would be a total bust. I didn't care what those wolves wanted. They weren't welcome here. I just hoped we'd be back in time to catch Arys if he stopped by. It wasn't like him to stay away for long.

  Arys … I felt guilty at the thought of him after my visit to the Kiss. I also still felt pissed. The two should have canceled each other out but they didn't. The thought of seeing Harley the following night had my stomach in a twist. I wasn't backing out. Arys would just have to understand why I needed to do this. I knew he never would though.

  I slipped into a pair of tight black leggings and a Mopar t-shirt. It was a little chilly considering the weather, but I needed to be able to move easily. I was prepared to fight but hoping it wouldn't come to that. Maybe this was some kind of misunderstanding. No big deal. Yeah, right.

  The sound of the front door was accompanied by the warm werewolf energy that I knew and loved. After running a brush through my hair, I tossed it over my shoulder and went to greet Shaz. I couldn't help but cross my fingers in the hope that he would announce his decision to stay home after all. Who was I kidding?

  “Ready?” He asked when I ascended the stairs from my basement bedroom to the main floor. “I've been thinking about this all day.”

  Shaz' jade colored eyes sparkled with an intensity that dashed my pitiful hope. He was revved up and ready to go alright. It should have made me proud, honored that he was both my mate and my Alpha. It just made me afraid.

  “I am ready to go beat some werewolf ass,” I replied, gathering my things from the kitchen counter where I'd tossed them. “If it comes to that. Anyone asking around about Raoul can't be up to any good.”

  “You never know. It may not be a bad thing. There are a million reasons why someone may be looking for him.” Shaz slipped his arms around me from behind. “Don't always jump to the worst conclusion.”

  His acti
on made me realize how tense I was. I tried to relax against him, but it was impossible. Even when he nipped lightly at the back of my neck, I was a twitching bundle of nerves.

  “You don't want me to come with you,” he said, his lips brushing my sensitive skin as he spoke. “You think I can't tell? I know you, Lex. If anything, it should be me trying to keep you from harm not the other way around. Stop trying to control everything. You know that you can't, so why let it plague you?”

  He was right. For years now I had felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders when it fact, that wasn't so. I was a natural-born control freak. That would likely never change.

  “Of all of the possible reasons for someone to look for Raoul, someone who doesn't know he's dead, none of them can be good.” I closed my eyes and savored the sensations of his touch. “I can feel it, Shaz. This is bad news.”

  “Well, he's dead. How bad can it be?”

  “Those are famous last words if I ever heard any,” I laughed. Gently disentangling myself from his embrace, I turned to face him. “Let's get out of here before I change my mind. I've cleaned up enough of Raoul's messes for one lifetime. I shouldn't be surprised that he's still causing trouble from beyond the grave.”

  * * * *

  Though it had been tempting to ask Kale or Jez to come along, I knew that could be dangerous. Whatever these wolves wanted with Raoul, keeping it in the pack was likely to make everything go much smoother. Maybe they just wanted to kill him. I could relate to that. Hell, maybe in another time and place I would have been on their side. Once they found out he was long dead, they had no reason to stick around. Perhaps this wasn't really all that big a deal after all, although any newcomers to town did pose considerable risks. In the world of the supernatural, everybody is up to something.

  We pulled up to the address that Veryl had obtained for us. It was a small, rundown motel on the outskirts of the city. Whoever these werewolves were, they were obviously trying to keep a low profile.


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