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Kissing Mr. Right

Page 4

by Michelle Major

  Kendall’s fingers clenched around the glass of juice. Here it was, she thought, he was going to ask her out.

  And, God help her, she wanted him to.

  Even though she knew he was wrong for her and she was completely wrong for him. Kendall had goals and ambitions that didn’t involve a guy like Ty, even if a few minutes in his company made her feel alive in a way she hadn’t in years. She wanted love when the timing was right. When the guy she was with could fit into her world. She hated what that said about her, but her own insecurities wouldn’t let her function any other way.

  “Why does someone like you need to be a part of a dating show? I’d think the men of Denver would be lined up at your doorstep.”

  The question surprised her before she realized Ty would have no knowledge of her non-existent love life. At least the frustration she’d felt the previous night had eased enough so she could see the humor in the situation.

  “The path to my door is clear at the moment,” she answered honestly. “And the dates are for a good cause.”

  He raised a brow. “Is that so?”

  She laughed softly and shook her head. “I didn’t mean it like that. Viewers submit the names, profiles and photographs of the potential dates. If the man they’ve submitted is chosen, the station will make a donation to the charity of their choice.” The irony of repeating the words that had annoyed her so much when Liz spoke them last night wasn’t lost on Kendall.

  “What do you get out of all this?”

  “Would you believe me if I told you the chance to make a connection with a great guy?”


  “You’ve only known me about thirty minutes. How can you be sure?”

  He tapped one finger on the neat pile of trash on the edge of the table. “You’ve collected all of our combined garbage, folded the empty muffin wrappers and used napkins. Anyone who is so . . . what’s the word I’m looking for?”

  She grimaced. “Anal?”

  “Particular,” he provided. “Anyone who is so particular about stacking trash isn’t going to let someone else choose her man.” He leaned back and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “I bet you have a two-page, typed list of qualities for the perfect guy.”

  “I do not. The list is only one page, and it’s not typed.”

  “What’s the real reason? Think it’s your philanthropic duty to date for charity?”

  “Career ambition,” she mumbled.

  He leaned forward. “What was that?”

  “There’s an opening at the news desk on the Wake Up Weekend! show in New York. If I do It’s Raining Men, my boss will get me an audition.”

  Ty whistled softly. “A national morning show. That’s big time.”

  “It’s an exciting opportunity.” She tried not to sound as hopeful as she was. “Plus, they’ve given me my first real news story since I agreed to the promotion. I intend to make the most of it. It’s an in-depth report on the regeneration of the burn area from the wildfires a few summers back. There are plans to redevelop the community that was hardest hit.”

  A look flashed across his face that Kendall didn’t understand. He smiled, but it seemed strained compared to a few minutes ago. “The fact that you’re doing this, though, means you’re not seeing anyone seriously.”

  “Not at the moment.”

  His smile turned devilish. “So there’s still time to get a jump on the competition. Have dinner with me on Friday?”

  Her girlie parts did some elaborate dance moves until Kendall’s brain shut them down. “I don’t think . . .”

  “C’mon,” he coaxed. “We’ll have a nice meal. I’ll dust off my cheesiest lines. You can, with grace and charm, politely rebuff my advances. Think of it as practice for the dating show.”

  She laughed, tempted to accept his invitation. She could easily imagine a romantic dinner with Ty. If her racing pulse and the tingles shooting up and down her spine were any indication, it would take a lot more than charm to resist his advances.

  Even entertaining the thought of a date with the gorgeous landscaper was ridiculous. Not when she’d already reacted so strongly to him. Kendall’s life was built on staying calm and keeping her game face through any situation. She was so close to the next step in the career she’d worked so hard for. There was no room in her well-ordered life for a relationship with anyone.

  “I appreciate the offer, but it wouldn’t be a good idea.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Why?”

  So much for an easy brushoff.

  “What about the redhead? I thought she was your girlfriend.”

  Ty laughed. “Jenny? No. She works for me, and we’ve been friends since we were kids. She’s like my sister.”

  “Ok, well,” Kendall stammered. “I have a lot going on right now. Between my regular job and this dating show deal, things are going to be kind of crazy for the next several weeks.” She smiled apologetically. “It’s just not a good time. I’m sorry.”

  He continued to pierce her with his deep blue gaze. That gaze seemed to see her. Not just her image—not who she’d been and who she was determined to become. It was like he shined a light on the dark corners of her soul to see the woman she’d hidden away under makeup and a fancy wardrobe she could barely afford. The woman she barely recognized anymore. That fact alone was enough to shore up her resolve. Ty Bishop might be easygoing, but he was dangerous in all the ways that counted the most.

  “You don’t plan to eat in the next month?” he asked gently.

  Kendall drummed tense fingers against the table. Her palms had started to sweat. She needed to end this conversation before her body’s desire for him short-circuited her brain. “Listen, Ty, the truth is, you’re not really my type.”

  His smiled never wavered, but something sparked in his blue eyes, as if this exchange was the beginning of a chess game he would take great enjoyment in winning. “What if I wore an expensive suit, drove a fancy car, and worked in a hot-shot office building? Would I be your type then?”

  “I can’t believe you said that. What you wear or the car you drive has nothing to do with it.”

  He leaned forward and in a husky whisper said, “I don’t believe that for a second. What’s the matter, Princess? Afraid to get your hands dirty messin’ with the common folk?”

  Kendall sucked in a sharp breath. The accusation that she was a snob would be almost laughable if the insinuation wasn’t so offensive. She’d navigated through the worst kind of snobbery in her life, and that wasn’t who she wanted to be. There was nothing wrong with being clear about her priorities.

  Her physical reaction to Ty convinced her that spending time with him would shake up her life in a way she wasn’t prepared to deal with at the moment. She let her irritation and fear coalesce, drowning out her unwanted lust for him. She was a reporter, and it was time to dig a little deeper into this story.

  She brought her face near enough to Ty’s that she could feel his breath against her skin. “I’m sure your rippling muscles and baby blue eyes have gotten you far with women. Why me? Why does it matter that I agree to a date? Is it possible your ego can’t handle someone saying no?”

  She’d wanted to make him mad. Instead, one end of his mouth quirked slightly. “I’ve been asking myself all morning why it matters.” He shook his head, almost rueful. “All I can tell you is that I feel a connection to you I can’t explain.”

  Blood pounded in Kendall’s head and her mouth went dry. Of all the answers she’d expected, the idea that his persistence was about her and not just the conquest hadn’t crossed her mind. She’d never felt so off-balance or desirable. It was a precarious combination. She licked her lips and whispered, “There’s no connection.”

  Their heads were so close she didn’t notice him raise his hand until she felt the gentle pressure of his fingertip against her bottom lip.

p; Her eyes widened but she made no move, her breath catching in her chest. His eyes were focused on her mouth, which had gone completely dry. Little lightning bolts of sensation sparked along her skin as he traced a path from her lips, across her chin and down the column of her neck to where the collar of her silk sweater began.

  He hooked his finger into the soft fabric, his knuckle lightly brushing the sensitive skin at the base of her throat. An involuntary shiver skittered across the back of her neck.

  Slowly, Ty sat back and folded his arms across his chest. Desire darkened his eyes as his gaze slammed into hers. “No connection at all?” he repeated.

  Kendall could barely hear him over her pounding head. She dropped her eyes to the front of his shirt, unwilling to meet the intensity of his stare. The sleeves of his shirt were folded just below the elbows. His forearms were tanned and muscled, with a smattering of golden hair flecked across them. His right hand rested in the crook of his left arm. The lean finger that had, moments earlier, wreaked havoc on her insides tapped benignly against the flannel.

  She was losing her cool and it scared her. The way Ty Bishop made her feel was too much of a distraction from her dream, and she was smart enough to know it. Smart enough to take a deep, if shaky, breath to calm down before meeting his eyes. Smart enough to sit back against the hard wood of the chair, clasp her hands tightly in front of her and dig her thumbnail deep into the soft flesh of her palm. The sharp pain burst the sweet bubble of lust that enveloped her.

  When she felt like she’d be able to speak without squeaking, she plastered on a fake smile and said, “Sorry to disappoint, but you just don’t do it for me.”

  He focused his stare on her mouth, as if he had every intention of licking the lie from her lips. “Right.”

  Unable to stand his scrutiny for one more moment, Kendall stood. “We’d better get back.”

  She reached for the neat pile of trash, grateful for the distraction. Before she could pick it up, one of Ty’s hands covered hers. “Let me get that.”

  She snatched back her hand as if she’d been scalded. Which, to Kendall’s chagrin, made him laugh out loud.

  Reluctantly, she followed him toward the coffee shop’s entrance. A few steps from the door he turned and lifted a casual arm. “See ya later, Amy,” he called.

  The blond behind the counter leaned so far over the display case Kendall thought she might land on her head. Either that or those perky breasts were going to fall right out of the top of her shirt. “Bye, Ty.” Her voice dripped with honey. “Come back soon.”

  He gave another noncommittal wave and pushed open the door, holding it until Kendall was through. “I guess not every woman is immune to my charms.”

  Kendall rolled her eyes and fished around in her purse for her sunglasses case. “No doubt the poor girl’s senses are impaired by caffeine overload.”

  He shook his head. “You’re a piece of work, Princess.”

  “Don’t call me Princess.” She unfolded her tortoiseshell frames, pushing them onto her face.

  Ty fell in step beside her. They walked back to the body shop in a silence that felt almost companionable. Surprising, given the awkwardness of their recent exchange.

  Kendall felt Ty watching her. The hair on her neck stood at attention under his scrutiny. She kept her gaze straight ahead. He didn’t seem angry with her. In fact, she was unable to get a read on what he was thinking.

  Maybe it was better this way. His touch had made her body yell a big, fat yes, and it had taken every amount of willpower she possessed not to give in to his advances. The sooner she was away from him the better.

  As they walked around the chain-link fence that marked the body shop’s perimeter, there was no sign of the Jeep. It wasn’t parked in the lot or in one of the open work bays.

  “I’ll find Ray,” Ty suggested. He placed his hand on the small of her back to steer her toward the body shop’s office. Even that casual touch made her stomach flip. From the look he sent her, Ty damn well knew it.

  She picked up her pace, and he dropped his hand. She ignored the soft chuckling behind her and made a beeline toward the office.

  A blast of stale air assaulted her as she swung open the office door. Ray sat behind the counter in front of a computer monitor and the redhead, Jenny, stood behind him, studying the screen over his shoulder. Both looked up as she stepped into the lobby area. Ray’s eyes remained on her, but Jenny’s assessing gaze traveled between Kendall and Ty, who’d followed her into the building.

  “Good news,” Ray told her. “Only the bumper needs to be replaced. The dent in the side is shallow enough that I can take care of it with a buff and touch-up paint.” He shuffled through a stack of papers on the counter then handed her one from near the top. “Here’s the breakdown of parts and labor.”

  Kendall studied the estimate. The total amount was less than her deductible. At least something positive had come from this morning. “When can you get started?”

  Ray glanced back at the computer screen. “I should be able to have it back to you Monday morning.”

  “You want me to leave it with you now?”

  Ray looked surprised. “Wasn’t that the plan?”

  Kendall nodded. “I guess. I’m sorry, my mind’s a little scattered.” She dug in her purse for her cell phone. “I just need to call someone to pick me up.” She wasn’t used to feeling so emotionally unsteady.

  She noticed both Ray and Jenny staring over her shoulder at the place where Ty stood. They expected him to offer to drive her somewhere, while he most likely regretted the time he’d already wasted with her. She punched in a number, but before she could hit the “Send” button, Jenny spoke.

  “I can drop you off wherever you need to go.”

  “Thanks,” Kendall replied, “but I don’t want to inconvenience you. I’m meeting a couple of friends for lunch. One of them can come and get me.”

  “It’s not a problem. I’m on the clock.” Jenny gave her a conspiratorial wink. “My boss can be a real prick when he sets his mind to it. I wouldn’t mind a personal errand on company time.”

  Kendall looked over her shoulder and almost laughed at Ty’s expression. She gave him an innocent shrug and turned back to Jenny. “That would be great. I just need to grab a few things out of my car.”

  “It’s around back,” Ray told her. “I’ll show you.” He motioned toward the door that led to the work bays.

  She followed him without looking back, wishing she could ignore her body’s reaction to Ty as easily as she could ignore his presence.


  As the door shut behind Kendall, Ty stepped closer to Jenny. “My boss can be a real prick? What the hell was that about? Yesterday you called her shallow and suddenly you’re offering her a ride?”

  Jenny shrugged. “She looked so jumbled standing there. I felt bad.” Her eyes narrowed and she shook a finger at him. “What did you do to her?”

  Ty’s mouth dropped open. “What did I do to her? How about what she did to me? You were right about her being trouble.” The anger he’d felt at Kendall’s rejection came rushing back.

  He began to pace the small lobby. “I don’t do it for her, my ass,” he mumbled to himself, forgetting that Jenny stood a few feet away. “She practically jumped out of her skin when I touched her.”

  He stopped in his tracks when Jenny cackled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  Her gray eyes widened in amusement. “You’re pissed.”

  “Of course I’m pissed.”

  She shook her head. “I take back what I said about Kendall not being worth the trouble. It’s entertaining to see you all hot and bothered. What is it about her that has you so fired up?”

  Ty blew out a sigh and raked one hand through his hair. “I don’t know. She’s snooty, compulsive, probably a control freak.”

  “All att
ractive qualities in a woman,” Jenny interrupted, popping her gum.

  “Yeah, right. There’s something about her that gets to me and I can’t seem to let it go.” He massaged his forehead with his thumb and forefinger. “But she turned me down flat. What do I do now?”

  Jenny tapped one finger to her chin, as if she was contemplating an answer. “You could track down a boom box and stand outside the TV station blasting old Peter Gabriel songs. That would get her attention.”

  He smiled. “I’m thinking of something that won’t get me slapped with a restraining order.”

  “But taking no for an answer doesn’t seem like a viable option?”

  “No.” Although it probably should. He didn’t know Kendall well enough to subject himself to more rejection, despite his attraction to her. But other than building his business, Ty hadn’t taken a risk on anything in a long time. Now that he’d made Rocky Mountain Landscapes a success, he’d begun to feel restless, like he wanted more than the simple life he’d created for himself. He’d been burned once before when he’d fought for something he believed in, but maybe it was time to try putting himself out there again. He wanted Kendall, and he suspected she felt more for him than she was letting on.

  Jenny continued to watch him, elbows against the laminate countertop, her chin resting in her hands. “What?” she asked. “Are you going to aerate her lawn?”

  “Funny. Can you check on the Donnelly house after you drop her off? I’ve got something I need to do.”

  “Aren’t you going to fill me in on the big plan?” Jenny asked, straightening from the counter.

  Ty already had one hand on the front door. “Let’s just say if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” he called over his shoulder.

  “What does that mean?”

  Kendall heard Jenny’s yell as she came in from the garage. The door to the front of the office swung closed. She watched Ty stalk across the parking lot toward his truck. She tamped down the wave of disappointment that spilled over her as she watched his retreating form. That was the last she’d see of Ty Bishop.


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