Demon Lust

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Demon Lust Page 2

by Raisa Greywood

  It seemed to move to meet the thrusting rod in her ass, she squirmed, feeling as though it could easily turn her inside out, her ass grinding against the groin of the demon behind her. His thrusts into her pussy and ass were brutal, and she convulsed in torment, her insides twisting and shuddering.

  Her tears fell on the floor in front of her as he filled her ass, over and over. The last hole that he could've possibly taken, her dignity was gone... perhaps even further gone than Bryanne's had been, for she was being taken willingly, on her elbows and knees, having completely debased herself. Lyana's body surrendered, her soul finally gave in, and Leonard took possession of her completely...

  He bellowed his triumph as he poured darkness into her ass, and she cried out as it undulated and united with the darkness from her mouth and her pussy, an unholy triad that seemed to expand until it filled her skin.

  The monster cock in her ass seemed to soften and shrink as the darkness completely engulfed her soul and tingled just under her skin. Lyana moaned, shuddering as Leonard pulled it from her.

  Turning her back over, Leonard kissed her full open lips.

  "You're mine now," he said, smiling. It had been a long time since he'd had a new human.

  "What do I..." Lydia panted, trying to catch her breath and gather her thoughts, "What can I do? How do I use this?" She could feel the dark magic in the center of her being, tendrils reaching out to caress her insides.

  He smiled, "Any way you want. It is your will that will make it so, feel free to use any hand motions or incantations that you want, although they aren't needed." Leonard's eyes glowed, his clawed hand reaching down to caress and stir her abused pussy, making Lyana wince, "Do as you wish now, whatever you wish, but don't forget who your Master is."

  Quite suddenly, Leonard was gone... with no sound, no smoke... just gone. Lyana let out a sigh of relief, moaning a little as she picked herself up off the floor. Wincing, she looked down at her bruised and abused body, the wounds in her breasts from his claws and teeth, the blood that was coating her thighs...

  "I need to be clean." She muttered. Frowning, she thought about what Leonard had said... the magic could be used for anything as long as she willed it. For some reason it bothered her not to have to use her hands or do anything special, so she waved her hand at the empty space where the symbols had been. A large bathtub appeared, full of hot water. Lyana smiled.

  Holding out her hand she closed her fingers and then opened them, a bar of soap appearing.

  Looking down at her bruises and wounds, Lyana frowned. Running her finger over a particularly painful bruise, she was gratified to see the color fade and the ache subside, however, not all of her wounds were so easily healed. Although she managed to lessen the ache in her pussy and ass, neither completely went away, and while the claw marks faded, they left nasty scars, and his teeth marks didn't go away at all. Shrugging, Lyana decided that a little bit of healing was better than nothing, and if she could heal some of the demon's abuse, surely she would be able to heal anything done by a human.

  If a human intent on harming her could even get anywhere near her now.

  Lyana smiled as she stepped into the hot tub, and darkness quivered inside her in jubilant response.

  Chapter 2

  Lyana walked down the road, already a day's journey from the home she'd grown up in although she'd only been walking a mere hour. It had pleased her, before leaving the village, to use the magic acquired from the demon Leonard, to bury the bodies of her family and neighbors, and leave a fitting stone memorial in the center of town. Now she tracked the men who had left her its only survivor.

  Only nineteen years old... very young to have already sold her soul to a demon, but she considered it a fitting bargain for the magic that now resided inside her, a constant darkness that filled her. It had been lucky for her that she had been out in the woods when the raiders had come, she was young and quite beautiful, and would probably have suffered the same fate as her sister Bryanne, who had been gang-raped to death. Instead Lyana had suffered a completely different sexual torture at the hands of Leonard, going through the rites that were needed for him to embed her with magic.

  Now she walked along the road, following the tracks of the raiders, who were far ahead of her and spread out. Although Lyana wasn't totally sure how she knew that, she did know it. It was the magic, working through her will. Lyana wanted to know where the raiders were, and so she did. Leonard had implied that her magic could do just about anything she wanted, as long as she willed it so, but her attempts to just disappear and appear with the raiders had failed. So had her attempts at shortening the distance a horse had to ride... she wasn't sure what she was doing with the road, somehow folding it perhaps, making it so that the distance she was traveling was much more than the distance she was walking.

  For some reason that hadn't worked with the horse and she'd had to choose between walking and making the distance shorter or riding a horse and not being able to fold the road. In the end she decided walking would be faster, and she was right. As she passed a farm, Lyana heard feminine screams, immediately she stopped and turned, walking onto the farmland to see what was going on. The screams drew her, much as the screams from her village had drawn her... only then she hadn't been able to do anything. Now, she could.

  A fairly homely young woman was struggling between two men, unattractive brutes themselves, one of them was behind her, holding her arms, while the other ripped open the front of her blouse, her breasts spilling out of the cloth. Although her face wasn't particularly attractive, she was in possession of a very nice body. For a moment Lyana could only stand and stare as the man in front of the young woman laughed and squeezed her breasts, it was almost like watching her village again.

  Then the darkness stirred inside of her, jolting her out of the dreamlike state she'd entered. Filled with rage, Lyana started forward, her hand thrusting and pulling.

  The man in front flew away from the young woman, she and the man holding her arms looked up in surprise at the attractive brunette whose face was twisted with anger, stalking towards them in a flowing black dress. With a flick of her hand Lyana made the second man release the young woman... holding her palm upwards she made him float into the air, screaming in panicked fear... and then she dropped him to the earth with a solid thunk.

  "Witch..." the hoarse voice of the man behind her, the first one that she'd sent flying away from the young woman. Lyana turned, in case he was trying to sneak up on her, but he was staring with abject terror before he repeated, "Witch!"

  And he ran.

  Laughing with triumph Lyana turned back to the young woman she'd just saved. The homely girl was staring at Lyana with utmost horror. As soon as she realized that Lyana's attention was on her, the young woman shrieked.

  "Witch!" she cried, and she ran from Lyana, disappearing into the woods, leaving Lyana standing alone except for the unconscious body of the second man.

  For a moment Lyana's heart hurt... and then she realized why Leonard had given her a gift of magic that needed no words or movements... anything that showed she was using magic, and people would condemn her for being a witch. Apparently whether she helped them or not. Well that was just fine, she told herself, she could understand that. Obviously, she just needed to stop using her hands, whether or not she felt like it was more mystical if she did.

  Feeling slightly downtrodden at the young woman's rejection, however, Lyana turned back to the road and started traveling again towards her objective.

  The farther she traveled, the more obvious it became the raiders had split up... there was a large clump of them still somewhat together, but others had veered off from the main group. Eventually she came to a turn off in the road... the main clump was straight ahead, but there was one man off to the right of the fork. Lyana paused, trying to decide whether to continue on to the main contingent, or to pick off this straggler...

  She decided to go after the loner. After a full day of possessing the dark sor
cery inside of her, she wanted to get some experience using her new powers before trying to take out a whole bunch of them. One man, who was closer than the main group was anyway, would be good for practice.

  It was dark when she reached the town, and it was a town, much bigger than her small village, with stone streets instead of dirt, and plenty of ale and whorehouses. In fact, that was where she sensed him. She snorted, of course he was in the dirtiest, most disrespectful part of town.

  Her dark skirts swept along the streets as she hunted her prey. Her excitement growing as she came closer and closer, an almost sexual thrill as the dark magic pulsed inside of her.

  When she found him, however, she hesitated. He was grappling with a whore in a dark alley. From what she could see in the moonlight the whore was young, attractive, and not exactly willing. She fought back admirably, but he finally wrestled her to the ground, pulling at both her skirts and his breeches.

  The young woman screeched, trying to kick him between the legs, but he just laughed and lunged on top of her, holding her down with the weight of his body.

  "You're a whore, so take it like one!" he chortled, drunkenly appreciative of his own joke.

  "I don't have to be a whore for you!" she tried to punch him in the face. He caught her fist easily and back handed, making her head whip around.

  Lyana couldn't stand it... at first, she'd thought to maybe wait, after the incident earlier in the day, but she couldn't just stand by and watch another woman be raped. Besides, the whole point of this was to get some practice. Maybe practicing killing them while keeping it from looking like she was using magic was exactly what she should be doing. That or she'd have to kill both him and the whore or allow him to rape her before killing him. Neither of those options were acceptable to her.

  By her own need, the magic tingled, and she found that she had a belt with an extremely sharp knife in a sheath at her waist. Grabbing the knife, she ran down the alley to where the man was just getting his breeches undone, her view of the whore blocked by his wide back.

  "Kill..." she whispered to the knife as she thrust it downwards. It almost seemed to guide itself straight to his heart, killing him almost instantly. A muffled shriek below him from the whore, and Lyana pulled at his heavy, sodden body as the whore pushed.

  Both panting, the two young women looked at each other.

  "Thank you," said the whore, breathless, looking slightly confused.

  "You're welcome," replied Lyana. The whole conversation seemed extremely absurd considering that she was standing over a man's corpse. It made her uncomfortable, even though she well knew that he deserved it. She held out her hand to help the young woman up.

  The whore stared at her hand, "Why?"

  "Why what?" Lyana frowned.

  "Why... this?" the whore gestured to the dead man, "Why help me?"

  Lyana paused, her hand still outstretched, and then she said, "He raped my sister."

  It was true enough.

  "Oh." The whore seemed to consider this, and then she reached out and took Lyana's hand, allowing her to help her up, "My name is Kirra."


  Kirra looked at her with grateful eyes, "Really, thank you... I might be a whore, but I had no wish to do what he wanted me to, and he would have forced me to it if you hadn't come along."

  Lyana smiled, a small smile, nodded her head and turned to go.

  She was almost out of the alley when Kirra caught up with her.

  "Wait!" Lyana turned as Kirra stepped beside her, "Don't you want anything?"

  "Anything?" asked Lyana.

  "For helping me," explained Kirra, "I could... take care of you."

  "Take care of me?" Lyana was slightly confused but interested because of that. Kirra read the interest in her voice and her eyes brightened.

  "Yeah, come on, I'll take care of you," she smiled, brilliantly, and Lyana had the thought that the other woman must be very good at her work, she was so attractive and compelling. Compelling enough that Lyana followed her around the corner and into the inn.

  Why not, she thought, apparently Kirra wanted to put her up for the night, and Lyana certainly didn't have any complaints with that. Looking around to make sure no one was looking she put her hand over a space on her new belt and created a pouch full of silver—not gold—for her use. Although Kirra apparently seemed intent on taking care of her, leading her up the stairs to the bedrooms, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have money. She didn't know why she hadn't thought of it before...

  Perhaps before this afternoon she'd been overconfident in the ability to use magic, but she hadn't liked the way that other girl had looked at her, with fear of the witch. She much preferred the gratitude in Kirra's eyes.

  Lyana entered Kirra's bedroom, which wasn't much but had what looked like a very comfortable bed. Sighing, tired, Lyana went over to sit on it.

  "Here, let me help you," Kirra eagerly came over, helping Lyana take off her boots and undo the buttons on the back of her dress. She even brought over a bowl with water for Lyana to wash her face with.

  Sighing with contentment, as Kirra put the bowl back on the table, Lyana scooted back on the bed... feeling very much like falling asleep. Kirra smiled at her and walked over, sitting beside her but facing her, her gaze was very intent.

  "Are you hungry?"

  Lyana smiled awkwardly, feeling a little uncomfortable at the strange look in Kirra's dark eyes, "Thank you, no."

  "That's ok, I am," Kirra said, and she leaned forward and kissed Lyana full on the mouth. At first Lyana was too shocked to do anything, then Kirra's lips parted and she found that she was kissing the other woman back. It was just so tender... so gentle... so different from her experience just the night before with the demon Leonard.

  Then Kirra's hands began roaming, pulling off more of Lyana's clothes.

  "What are you doing?" Lyana gasped.

  "Taking care of you," Kirra smiled, and lowered her gaze to Lyana's full breasts. Then she gasped as she saw the slowly healing wounds from Leonard's teeth, and the scars that Lyana hadn't been able to fully heal from his claws, "Who did this to you?!"

  "No one," Lyana said quickly, and then realizing that didn't make sense, "I mean, it doesn't matter."

  Kirra looked up sympathetically, apparently drawing her own conclusions about Lyana's unknown past, and then she leaned forward to gently cup and kiss Lyana's breasts. Lyana moaned, unable to stop the sound from escaping her lips. Her pussy tingled of its own accord, and she was able to recognize the difference between the magic that Leonard had used to arouse her last night, and her own body's true arousal.

  Kissing around the scars and the wounds, Kirra gently licked at Lyana's nipples, causing the woman to moan again, shuddering a little. Her hands came to Kirra's head, resting gently and stroking the whore's hair. Being very gentle, Kirra stroked and caressed Lyana's breasts, nuzzling and kissing them in such a way to start a slow burning fire deep in Lyana's loins.

  Then she began to move down Lyana's ribcage and stomach, sending little tingles of sensation throughout her entire being. Lyana gasped, her legs spreading of their own accord as Kirra began kissing around her womanhood. She was wet, moist, and could smell her own arousal like a heady perfume. A small tongue, much less rough than Leonard's, parted her pussy lips, and Lyana gasped...

  It felt incredible, she felt like she was floating on a wave of aching pleasure, her body feeling only good things, without the mix of pain. Kirra's hands on her thighs gently spread her even more, and Lyana gasped and quivered as the other woman started to lick and suck on her pussy lips. A small, gentle finger stroked her folds, and then began to press into her wet hole... it felt so small, but so nice too.

  Questing inside her body, it found a small spot that made Lyana's entire body jump with rapture... the finger caressed the spot as Kirra's tongue teased the outside of Lyana's pussy. Moaning, Lyana began humping her hips up and down, one hand on the back of Kirra's head and the other clutching at the pillow behin
d her.

  "Oh goodness, Kirra..." she moaned, "Oh... that feels... oh God that feels amazing..."

  The efforts between her legs redoubled and Lyana could feel a tingling sensation starting, building, a titillating sense of pleasure that was coming at her in a wave. Moving her hips up and down, Lyana gasped as Kirra's finger began stroking that spot with little circular motions, her clever tongue finding another spot at the very top of Lyana's pussy, and the simultaneous stimulation brought Lyana over the edge. Crying out with delight, Lyana rode Kirra's finger and tongue to sheer ecstasy, writhing in abandonment and gratification.

  "Oh... Oh..." she moaned as the feeling swelled and then began to recede, the movement of her hips slowing.

  Smiling, Kirra rose up between her legs. She kissed Lyana's stomach and then her lips again, allowing Lyana to taste her own orgasmic juices.

  "I have to go to work," Kirra said, "But this is my private bedroom. Stay here, sleep. I'll be in late, but you certainly don't have to wait up for me."

  Lyana asked, worried, "Are you going to be ok?"

  "Oh yes," Kirra laughed, "If Chad hadn't been on break that bastard would've never caught me, even outside in the alley. I should've known better than to go outside when Chad was eating, but I've gotten cocky lately... trust me, no one's going to mistreat me here. I'm too valuable to the ownership." She smiled again, secure in her safety.

  "I have to leave early tomorrow," Lyana said, anxious not to hurt the other woman's feelings... she wasn't sure what the protocol was for after doing something like what they had just done.

  Kirra looked a little disappointed, but nodded, "Don't worry about waking me up, I sleep like a log. Have a safe journey. And thank you, again."

  Lyana just nodded and watched as Kirra picked up some things from around the room, gave a smile of goodbye, and left.

  Lying all the way down, Lyana had to smile. That had been an entirely different experience from the night before. She fell asleep smiling and the darkness spilled out of her, coiling around her sleeping naked body.


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