Demon Lust

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Demon Lust Page 3

by Raisa Greywood

  Kirra's room melted away, the sounds and smells of the inn dissipated, as Lyana slumbered... she would not be waking up in Kirra's bed.

  Lyana awoke to find herself surrounded by red satin and velvet... the sheets, the blankets, the drapery on the bed... and she was completely naked. At the foot of the bed stood Leonard, his darkness seeming to drink in even the vivid red of their surroundings... Kirra's room was nowhere to be seen.

  "What did you do to her?" Lyana demanded, "Did you hurt her?"

  Leonard laughed, "Even if I had there's nothing you could do about it. The whore is fine, plying her trade... but you, my dear, are here with me."

  His eyes seemed to glow with an eager inner light and Lyana swallowed hard, resisting the urge to pull the sheets up over her breasts. She was acutely aware of the silk material resting against her bare legs and hips. But modesty was redundant, Leonard already knew her body much more intimately than even she herself had known it. Still, that didn't stop her from reddening as his eyes lingered over the swell of her breasts. Somehow Leonard made it seem erotic, humiliatingly intimate, and threatening all at the same time... perhaps it was way the marks in her flesh throbbed as his eye passed over them.

  "So you killed a man today, Lyana," he said, moving forward onto the bed and looming over her, "Very bad..."

  "But," she stared up at him, eyes wide and automatically clutching the sheets up to cover herself as he came closer. "You knew what I was going to do."

  Leonard smiled wickedly, putting his hand under her chin and holding her face in place to look straight into his eyes, "It doesn't matter. You are mortal and you have done evil... since you have forfeited your soul to me, it is up to me to punish you, however I deem fit."

  Swallowing hard, Lyana asked, "So every time I take my revenge, for every man I kill, you're going to punish me."

  "Exactly," Leonard smiled, and his hand on Lyana's chin gripped hard. She would've shrieked as he started to lift her up by her chin except that his large fingers digging into her jaw kept her from making any noise whatsoever.

  Legs kicked in the air as he tore the sheet from her grasp, leaving her naked and flailing in front of him, hands uselessly pulling at his wrist, trying to stop the pain. He dropped her and she landed with a gasp on the bed, legs buckling underneath him. Manacles appeared on her wrists and ankles, red silk threading through them and pulling her arms above her head, attaching them to the headboard while her legs were pulled wide apart and attached to the headboard as well. She felt like she was almost folded in half, her pussy painfully spread open and completely vulnerable.

  Sobbing, Lyana couldn't help but struggle against the bonds, her entire body shaking as she attempted to pull herself out of the painful and open position. Leonard stood on the bed above her, a multi-stranded whip held in his hand.

  "Don't worry, darling," he smiled, "Since this was only your first man, I won't hurt you too badly."

  Lyana shrieked as the whip whistled through the air and came down hard on her right thigh, the pain burned through her leg... red marks were clear on her pale skin where the whip had hit.

  "Please no!" she cried as the whip descended again, and then shrieked, body arching as much as possible in her bound position, as the whip marked the inside of her left thigh. The air filled with her cries and pleas as Leonard raised the whip over and over, turning her thighs and ass red with the marks. Lyana struggled against her binds and position, even though it didn't help, and she knew she'd never be able to get out, she had to move. In some ways the movement even seemed to help with the pain.

  She was absolutely horrified when Leonard leaned down and slid his finger down the center of her pussy and her womanhood tingled at his touch... everything up until that point had just been painful. Now Leonard wanted to humiliate her by arousing her, despite the heated ache in her thighs and buttocks. His finger stroked her, creating the most unsettling sensations between her tortured thighs, she could smell her arousal as he teased her folds, using his magic to make her even more aroused

  "Do you think you've been punished enough, or should I whip you here as well?" He asked, rubbing his finger along her clit and making her hips jump.

  Lyana gasped in horror, "Please! I've been punished enough, please don't whip my pussy!"

  The demon seemed to consider her request, his fingers still busily stroking her pussy... Lyana strained and squirmed as he played with her. She desperately feared being whipped like that, it had hurt enough on her thighs and ass.

  "Just one," declared Leonard, "Since it's your first time."

  He stood and raised his arm high above his head, swinging the whip down squarely on her pussy with brutal force. Lyana screamed, agony exploding in the center of her being, making her thrash as she was wracked with pain, unable to shield herself or stop the pain. Leonard was obviously aroused by her torture.

  The manacles on her ankles disappeared and her legs flopped down. Immediately Lyana pressed her thighs together, her sore flesh pressing against itself as she tried to stop the pain in her core. Leonard gave her no such chance, his hands roughly spread her legs, and she shrieked as he lined up his monster cock and started to push it into her body. He was rough and brutal, his hard body rubbing against her thighs. She wanted to spread them to spare the tender whipped flesh of her inner thighs, but spreading meant opening her pussy to his brutal thrusts, and her tender folds were just as shocked and agonized as her thighs.

  It was a terrible dilemma as he thrust in and out of her, with enough force to drive the breath from her lungs, his cock seeming to reach inside her very womb. Crying and writhing, Lyana hated the magic that spread from his cock, making her aroused even as she convulsed with the agony of her torture. Her body moved against his, pussy grasping and spasming, she couldn't tell when her cries migrated from pained to pleasured, a strange mixture that made her body shake.

  Leonard's arms wrapped around her and he kissed her deeply, frightening her with the feel of his sharp teeth against her lips and tongue, his tongue actually sliding down her throat as though it was another cock. She was afraid he would take her ass again, but that area remained untouched as he thrust hard into her and began to shake.

  Breathless in the moment, as he held himself inside of her, large cock pulsing, Lyana realized that he was actually achieving his own, demonic, culmination. He seemed to be even bigger and harder inside of her, and as the dark magic spewed out of his demon's cock and into her body, she found herself spiraling into a whirlpool of ecstasy, arms stretched out above her head her body arched and bucked beneath him.

  The demon collapsed on top of her, but without the severe weight that she would've expected. In fact, he seemed almost insubstantial. Everything seemed as though it was becoming insubstantial. Lyana tried to move her arms and her wrists moved through the manacles as though they were illusion... the bedroom faded to her vision, being replaced by the slightly more familiar furniture of Kirra's room.

  To her left, the attractive whore was asleep as if nothing had happened... out the window Lyana could see the first rays of dawn's light. The only proof that anything out of the ordinary had happened was the throbbing ache in her pussy, thighs and ass, although a quick peek beneath the covers confirmed that the actual welts from the whip were gone. Although she yearned to go back to sleep, maybe wake up in a few hours and find some comfort with Kirra's very human and very soft touch, Lyana forced herself up and out of the bed.

  So she would have to pay for her sins... so would everyone else in the end. She wouldn't let that stop her from her mission. Firmly fixing the vision of her sister being raped by brutal men in her mind, Lyana picked up her clothes from the chair and began to get dressed.

  Chapter 3

  It didn't take long for Lyana to return to the crossroads from the day before. She could tell that the raiders had moved in the night. Some more of them had broken off from the main group, but they were still all in the same general direction. Determinedly, she started folding the road again wi
th her dark magic, secure in the knowledge that she would be able to catch up with more of them today.

  Part of her quailed at the thought of catching up to them... her punishment the night before at the hands of her Demon Master, Leonard, still made her shiver in fear. And she didn't even know if he would punish her with a whipping every time, he'd said he could punish her in whatever way he wanted. Somehow, part of her sensed that in a way he had been lenient the night before, a kind of fairness because she hadn't known the rules. Now she was knowingly murdering, and whether or not she was killing men who had done evil, doing evil herself was going to cause her own kind of retribution.

  She supposed that might make some people stop, consider their actions, and perhaps change their minds about their course. But those people probably hadn't had an adored older sister die in their arms, too crazed by her experiences to even recognize her only living family member. They hadn't seen the blood of their father spilt in his own home, the mutilation of her mother's corpse for daring to kill one of them before he could rape her. The devastation and wreckage of the entire village that she'd grown up in.

  As Lyana walked she became more and more angry at her memories, feeling more and more justified... more vindicated. She would rid the world of these men, and if she had to pay for it... so be it. At least that way some people would be safer. Besides which, her body and soul were already forfeit to Leonard... no demon would take a bargain back. No matter what she did, she was his for eternity.

  It gave her a kind of fatality that was also freedom... she might now possess black magic, evil magic, and she may do evil deeds, but she vowed to herself never to harm the innocent. Only those who did evil would need fear being touched by hers.

  Blood was everywhere. She'd disguised herself as a whore, tempting three of the men who'd been to her village... leaning over to show off the pale flesh of her bosom. It had been the only way to get them alone, even though it had churned her stomach to have them pawing at her as they'd led her to their room at the inn, hands sliding over her body. The situation seemed strange, she'd thought they'd try to take her off to an alley to rape her, but instead they seemed completely content to pay her.

  Perhaps it was because they were in one of their own territories. She'd seen other men in the same uniforms as them, but she knew these were the ones who had been to her village. Part of her ached to kill all of them, all that could hurt other people, but how did she know that all these soldiers were evil like that? Some of them looked very friendly, talking and laughing in the streets with friends and shop owners. Flirting with the girls selling flowers. It had made her a little uneasy to see them as real people, perhaps the same kind of people that she'd grown up with.

  In some ways it made more sense to her that she was being punished for taking their lives now. She was quite sure that even the friendliest looking soldiers in the village had done their share of raping, torturing and pillaging, whether or not she knew about it. But it made more sense to her, why she would be punished for killing evil men. Just because they did evil deeds didn't mean they were necessarily all evil...

  Still, she could never see these men... well, what used to be men, as anything but brutes, nothing but the evil deeds that she'd witnessed. It made it easier for her to do her task.

  They'd gotten her to their room, intent on sampling her wares... but once inside Lyana had let the dark magic uncoil throughout her body. She sealed off the room so that they couldn't escape and sealed off any sound, so that no one would hear anything.

  The three men had found themselves slammed against the walls of the room, clothes shredding away from their bodies, leaving them naked a vulnerable. They had struggled and yelled, and she'd allowed them to, wanting them to know what it was like to be helpless, to struggle and feel like maybe they had a chance of getting away but being unable to. Frightened, they stopped struggling, one by one, and just stared at the beautiful woman standing in the center of the room.

  "Witch." One of them hurled the epithet at her, fear and anger in his eyes.

  Looking at them Lyana froze their vocal cords, so that they could hear her... and she talked very quietly, "Three days ago you invaded my village. You tortured my friends and neighbors and family, raped them, killed them. I am here to see justice done."

  And with that, she used her magic ripping skin from their bodies and breaking their arms and legs, but not their ribs so that their lungs weren't punctured... she didn't want them to die too quickly. Their screams echoed through the air, screaming "Witch!" and obscenities as the pain tore through them. Lyana forced herself to be deaf to their cries, to the pain she heard in their voices, hearing again the pain in the screams from her village. She pulled their balls and penises from them until they were ripped off and dropped to the ground in front of them.

  They screamed, and writhed, blood dripping from their groins to fall on their separated parts. She had thought she'd feel righteous, happy, vindicated... but instead she just felt sick. The day before, killing that man who'd been about to rape Kirra, that had been almost easy. This... the torture, the pain, the blood... it made her sick. She'd meant to draw it out more, to make them suffer even more...

  Instead she suddenly just stopped their hearts, her own heart feeling tight and constricted. Their bodies fell to the ground, blood pooling and spreading from their ruined groins. Stumbling over to the chamber pot, Lyana vomited, her stomach heaving over and over again. The coppery smell of blood kept her shaking and dry vomiting long after she'd emptied the contents of her stomach.

  She fled from the room, still feeling sick. The door locked behind her, pushed by a slender tendril of magic... no one would find them till the next morning, when the maid would come to tend to the room. In a daze, Lyana moved through the main room and out the door and down the street...

  Maybe she wasn't as cut out for this as she thought she was. Squeezing her eyes shut, she stumbled onward. But she would keep doing it. Perhaps though... perhaps it would be better just to kill them quickly. She couldn't justify torturing more of them... she felt dirty. Sick. Somehow, she doubted that they felt that way after raping and torturing, but on the other hand did she want to be anything like them? No. No of course she didn't.

  Her entire being felt soiled.

  Reaching out with the magic, she could feel a spring not far down the road, and she rushed towards it, folding the road beneath her feet as quickly as she could.

  Almost as soon as she reached it, she shed her clothes, rushing straight into the clear water. It felt good to be in something clean. Cool water flicked against her skin, seeming to rub against her flesh in a comforting way. Lyana sighed, luxuriating in the freshness, feeling a little better.

  A small splash off to her left alerted her and Lyana quickly stood in the water, sinking away as she looked wild eyed. There was a man, naked and only ankle deep in the water, smiling calmly as he looked at her... there was something strange about him although Lyana couldn't quite put her finger on it.

  "Who are you?" she demanded, sinking lower into the water so that it was up to her shoulders, hugging her arms around herself in reaction. Even though she knew she had magic at her command, it was still unsettling to be caught completely naked by a strange man, she felt incredibly vulnerable.

  The man's smiled broadened and he stepped forward, deeper in the water. Lyana's breath caught as he moved, the way his muscles rippled underneath his skin, the grace in his movement as he brushed dark hair out of his face, "Lyana, really, after everything we've done together it seems very silly to try and hide that gorgeous body."

  It was Leonard's voice, coming from this extremely attractive man's mouth. Lyana stared.

  The demon laughed, "What, you think I can't appear in any form that I choose?"

  "Was that your real form I saw before?" Lyana asked, keeping still as the demon moved forward, towards her. The attractiveness of the man in front of her was unsettling. His strongly muscled body, the wavy dark hair that kept falling into his eye
s, but his eyes were also unsettling. Darker black than any normal human could possibly possess, with gleams of red. It was his eyes which made her decide that this was really Leonard in front of her.

  She forced herself to stand still in the water as he came closer and closer to her, until he was standing directly in front of her and she was forced to look up at him. The man in front of her was tall, imposing, and yet the expression on his face said that he found her just as attractive, but looking into his eyes still unsettled her. Lyana looked away from his direct gaze, to his muscular shoulder...

  Strangely, she could feel her nether regions tingling, and for the first time with Leonard she didn't think it had anything to do with magic. After all the death, all the blood that she'd witnessed... feeling clean again, she longed for an affirmation of life. Of good things, of pleasure... and this attractive man in front of her was both familiar and unfamiliar and the situation was doing the strangest things to her body. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the demon was grinning, and she hugged herself tighter, frightened more by the uncertainty of this experience than she would have been had he appeared in his demonic form with whip in hand.

  Fingers pressed under her chin, firm but gentle, and lifted her gaze back up to his... Lyana's lips parted as her breasts heaved, taking a deep breath. Leonard smiled, and leaned forward to kiss her. It wasn't the rough kiss that he'd bestowed up on her when he'd been a demon, although his teeth still felt almost unnaturally sharp, and it wasn't as gentle as Kirra's had been. There was something distinctly masculine about it. The kiss went on and on and on... Lyana found herself leaning into it.

  Then his bare body was pressing against hers, arms sliding around her waist in the water, and her hands were on his chest. The muscles were firm under her fingers, and she found it incredibly easy to believe that she was kissing a normal human male, his hardness pressing against her belly under the water. Leonard's hands ran down her back and under her buttocks, lifting her up easily. Water ran off her body as she wrapped her legs around his waist.


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