Demon Lust

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Demon Lust Page 5

by Raisa Greywood

  She winced as a claw began tracing up the other side of her body... Leonard was behind her, obviously in his demonic form, and she shuddered as the hand that had reached her breast toyed with the nipple, roughly pinching it to hardness. The room was dimly lit with candles, a dark grey stone with no doors or windows that she could see... it was filled with implements of torture, and she was sure that some of the darks stains on the floor were blood. Her own wrists were in manacles hanging from a chain attached to the ceiling, barely giving her any moving room.

  "Welcome to punishment," he murmured, his teeth biting into the back of her neck, just deep enough to draw blood. Lyana groaned as she felt his tongue licking at the fluid before it could run down her back.

  Walking around to the front of her, it was almost starting to see his darkness, his strange almost-human qualities. Clawed hands cradled her breasts, rubbing against her nipples until they were fully erect. Lyana moaned, slightly aroused despite the burning pain where he'd bitten her neck and the scratches up her body and across her breasts. Smiling evilly, Leonard displayed three glowing loops in his hand to her, they were very small and looked almost golden.

  Picking up one up delicately with his claws, he put it around her nipple, and the little loop began to tighten. Lyana gasped as it pinched down around her nipple, it was almost burning against her skin, so hot that she was sure her flesh was only a degree away from cooking. It pinched the little nipple tighter and tighter and she groaned as he put another loop over her other nipple, and it began the same process. Tears came to her eyes as her back arched with the agony of it, her nipples feeling as they though were pulsing as blood tried to push through the tight confines.

  "Oh no..." she moaned as Leonard brought the last loop down to her pussy, she writhed as he put the hot loop over her clit, and it began to tighten just as the ones on her nipples were. Just their tight burning embrace was a kind of torture, feeling both good and awful, she danced a little in her bindings, wanting to relieve herself a little... but the loops just stayed tight and too hot, making her sob a little. Besides which she couldn't really move much, even if there had been any relief in movement.

  Leonard waited till she'd stopped dancing around, and she was just breathing hard, trying to ignore the discomfort in her breasts and clit. Then he went to the wall and picked up a whip... this one had three heavy braids and it looked like it was made of leather. Lyana let out a little moan of fear... she knew that it was just, she'd killed six men, but she couldn't help but fear the pain that she knew was coming.

  The whip slammed into the right side of her completely vulnerable breast and she shrieked... he brought it back around but this time only flicking her confined left nipple. Both made her thrash with agony, she actually wasn't sure which had hurt more. Leonard began beating her breasts, focusing totally on her outthrust vulnerable mounds; she shrieked and danced, tears running down her face as she tried to get away. Her breasts felt raw as they bounced, and she was sure her nipples were going to pop off, while between her legs her clit throbbed in its own confinement.

  Dimly, under her own screams, she could hear Leonard calmly counting every time he gave her breasts ten lashes.






  There was a lull, and Lyana hung from her wrists, sobbing as her poor breasts throbbed, nipples feeling almost numb with the pain. Forcing her eyes open she could see that her pale flesh was streaked with welts, some of them looking like they might be about to bleed, her nipples were dark purple and pained looking, and she moaned and closed her eyes again, not wanting to see the torture done to her breasts. She could feel Leonard walking closer.

  A claw under her tear-stained face forced her to look up, and she opened her eyes to his demonic visage, dark sheen of skin over an almost human face, absolutely merciless.

  "You have a choice now," he told her, "I will finish the last ten on your breasts, or I will finish the last ten on your pussy."

  Lyana sobbed at being forced to make such a choice, she was terrified of having her pussy whipped, but she was also sure that she couldn't take any more torment to her breasts. Her skin felt tight and swollen, she was sure that they'd bleed horribly if he hit them even one more time.

  Gathering her courage, she hoarsely whispered, "My pussy."

  She looked away as Leonard grinned... he moved around her and she obediently spread her legs as he moved them apart, fixing them into place with more manacles. Even more her weight was only on her toes and wrists, making her arms ache even more as she was positioned. Once open and vulnerable, she felt her clit throb with fear as he came back in front of her, picking up the whip.


  A scream, she jerked in the manacles as he began counting off the lashes to her pussy... "Two." It burned through the core of her being, the lashes spreading over her vulnerable, tender lips. "Three." More jerking, her wrists and shoulders aching as she thrashed. "Four." Pleading for him to stop, Lyana knew he wouldn't, her breasts throbbed in agony at even the thought that he might switch, even while she screamed with the pain in her pussy. "Five." Her clit felt huge, trying to burst out of the confines of the loop, swollen with a kind of strange arousal and also with the pain as the whip lashed against it.

  "Six, seven, eight, nine, ten."

  Leonard gave her the last five lashes quick and hard, barely allowing her to catch her breath to scream some more before it was over. Lyana hung in the chains, sobbing. Her entire body felt battered, as though he'd whipped her everywhere instead of just focusing on her breasts and pussy. She barely noticed as he moved behind her, but moaned a protest when she felt his huge cock pressing against her asshole.

  Hands rested on her hips, pulling her back as he pushed his way forward, coating leaking out of his dick to make it a little easier. Lyana sobbed some more as her ass was invaded, stretching out to accommodate his girth. It was much more firm and wide than the ever changing water demon's cock had been. With her body throbbing like it was, it felt even more painful.

  Then she felt Leonard's magic spreading through her body, arousing her despite the brutalized state of her body, and she wanted to scream with the frustration of being forced to be aroused when she was so battered. As her nipples and clit swelled against the hot gold rings she screamed again with pain, her ass tightening as Leonard shoved deeper. Seeming to sense her discomfort, she thought he took pity on her as the rings loosened and fell to the floor in front of her stretched out body... then blood began rushing back into the tender nubs and she thrashed on his cock as he invaded her from behind, voice too raw to scream with the torment as her blood flow returned to normal.

  Running his hands up to her agonized breasts, Leonard began rubbing her nipples, increasing the blood flow, as he started thrusting in and out of her from behind, raw burning discomfort in her ass as it was stretched over and over. His tail raised up between her legs to rub against her clit, and Lyana thrashed with the torturous pleasure of it, his magic increasing her arousal to blissful heights even while the degraded state of her body kept her from crossing over the edge.

  His tail plunged into her tortured pussy, spearing deep into her body, and she was grateful that he'd aroused her so it wasn't dry... still it felt all too pleasant in some ways. The chains above her shook as he thrust into her, and the fact that her toes had already barely been touching the floor meant that she was almost completely held up by his cock and tail, pushing into her holes. Gravity forcing her down on them as they pushed deep into her body.

  Sharp teeth nuzzled along her neck and collarbone, her breasts filling his clawed hands as he fucked her from behind, an erotic scene of agony and lust in the dungeon. Lyana thrashed as her rapture grew, wrapping around the pain in a kind of spiral that left her unsure as to where the pain ended, and the pleasure began. Inside her head, she felt a kind of horror as she realized that not all of the arousal was being stirred by Leonard's magic, her body
, her mind was actually starting to respond to the brutal treatment of the demon, some of the pleasure was her own.

  She pulled on her wrists as she slammed down onto his tail and cock, feeling the insides of her pussy being stirred by the thick, blunt end of his tail. Tightening down on the invaders, Lyana could feel herself start to shake. Her nipples were twin points of sharp pain, manipulated and caressed by Leonard... despite the surprising gentleness of his touch her nipples radiated sharp jabs of pain because of their tender state. As she moved back against him, Leonard could sense her true arousal coupled with the manufactured, and he responded by thrusting harder and deeper into her brutalized body.

  Lyana's voice rose into a keening shriek as she began to cum, pain mixing with ecstasy mixing with magic, an earth-shattering combination that wreaked havoc on all of her senses... and throughout it all was the steady pump of cock into her ass and thick tail gyrating in her pussy. Her body convulsed and thrashed until she reached the limit of what she could physically endure, and she fainted into the onslaught.

  Everything was dream-like, someone was carrying her, as gently as they could... strong, masculine arms wrapped around her protectively. Lyana cried out as something bumped against her tender body, every nerve ending felt on fire... a deep familiar voice murmured soothingly in her ear and she relaxed with a whimper, leaning into the protective embrace.

  She was laid onto something soft and cradling, silky and smooth against her hurt body. Finger tips traced the most injured parts of her... over her breasts which were black and blue from the abuse, her wrists and ankles, her pussy and ass. Everywhere the touch went, relief followed. Not full relief, but she could feel her muscles relaxing, the deep bruises faded to nothing. Welts shrank till they were almost invisible, and everywhere the pain receded.

  Warm fuzziness seemed to take over Lyana's brain, arms gently cradled and wrapped around her, making her feel safe and comfortable. She nuzzled into this safe haven, feeling strangely content, happy to have the pain relieved. There were tingles in her body that told her she had enjoyed pleasure too, and the healing fingers had taken away nothing of that afterglow.

  Snuggling against the strong shoulder, Lyana rubbed her face against soft human skin, feeling the firm muscle underneath. Sleepily she kissed the flesh with her lips and then snuggled in tight to her savior, falling asleep almost immediately.

  Had anyone been able to observe into the windowless, doorless room, they would have seen an extremely attractive naked women sleeping on a red silk bed in the arms of an exceedingly attractive naked man... his very stance protective and comforting.

  In the darkness Leonard curled around Lyana, hugging her tighter as she sighed in her sleep and nuzzled against him, stroking her hair with his fingers, and wondering how he was going to get himself out of the mess he was in.

  There are certain rules that even a demon must follow, whether he wills it or not. Lyana had called upon Leonard and therefore she was Leonard's responsibility. Unlike some of his brethren, Leonard was not actually a particularly violent or blood thirsty demon. For all that he was the Master of Black Magic and Sorcery, a surprising (to some) amount of his power came from sex. Of course, there was quite a bit of sex wrapped up in black magic after all; blood, the seed of life, passion, and strong emotions were necessary to many spells.

  Lyana was slightly different because she had given her soul over to Leonard after her death; she would stay with him for eternity. The only question was what kind of stay she would have with him. He knew what he preferred, but truly it all depended on her actions and so far, she was heading for quite a hellish afterlife indeed.

  Chapter 5

  Birdsong woke Lyana, along with the coming of the dawn. She moaned as she rolled onto her side, every part of her body feeling sore. Peeking into her blouse she could see that her nipples were red and sore looking, there were angry streaks across her breasts from the whipping that Leonard had given her. This time her attempt at healing worked even less than it had before. Her nipples remained chafed and raw although the throbbing went down and the wheals on her breast barely faded. The same happened when she tried to heal her abused pussy and ass.

  The marks of her personal punishments were become more intense and permanent the more she continued her quest.

  Was that some kind of sign? Already she had started to feel less and less motivated on her quest, but why else had she sold her soul? What else could she do? Her village, her family should be avenged. The men who invaded and horribly abused her friends and family, good people that she'd known all of her life, before brutally murdering them could not be allowed to go unpunished. They were now in their own territory, out of the lands governed by Lyana's ruler, but that only made her quest more important because no one there would care about what atrocities these men may have visited upon a distant people. Unless Lyana intervened, these men would never be stopped.

  Still, she could feel the darkness in her soul. Perhaps it had come initially because she had invited it in and gone through the rites with Leonard, but then it had seemed a separate part of her. Now it felt like the darkness was digging its teeth into her very being, as if it was blending into her essence.

  "Get up, get moving," she muttered to herself. If she took too much time to stop and think about what she was doing, then she would never be able to finish it. Thinking was dangerous.

  As she canceled out the ward she'd made using a circle of stones around her chosen campsite and dismissed the tent that she'd conjured, Lyana put out 'feelers' with her senses, looking for the rest of the troop that had visited her village. One of them was nearby, in a town. The rest of them, their numbers dwindled down to no more than fifteen. The idea of more death, of more punishment at Leonard's hands, made Lyana feel sick. Especially because she felt like there were times when Leonard was more than just a demon of darkness and torment. When he appeared to her as a man, she felt...

  She felt things she had no right to be feeling. Not while her family was dead, and she was on a hunt to avenge them.

  Frowning, Lyana began to walk towards the nearby town, pulling at the road beneath her in the way that she'd now mastered, so that each step covered more distance than it felt like she was traveling, as if she was crimping the road between steps. It was a very useful way to travel, shortening her walk and allowing her to move much faster than the soldiers, which was the only reason she was able to catch up to them. The man nearby was tugging at her, as if they were two magnets and she was being irresistibly pulled to his location.

  Nothing had prepared her for what she saw when she caught up with him.

  The town was prosperous, that much was clear, with plenty of people milling about, a full marketplace with an assortment of goods, and the houses all looked to be in good repair. It was the kind of town that Lyana's family had lived in before the soldiers had come, only it was at least three times the size of her town. The presence of the soldier was a siren song, making it difficult for her to pay attention to the attractions of the town, but it was impossible not to notice the hustle and bustle, the cheerful noises of people bartering and the children scampering underfoot.

  Following the tug of her magic, she turned down a lane filled with houses, stalking unerringly closer. He was in the back of a rather nice-looking house, whitewashed and well cared for, with cheerful flowerbeds in the front of it. Voices came from behind the house and she felt that the soldier was back there as well. The back of the house had a courtyard, filled with people obviously having some kind of party. Children were gathered around a grizzled looking man with salt and pepper hair and the straight back of a soldier.

  Lyana stared, unable to accommodate her view of the rampaging, ravaging soldiers with the doting grandfather before her, but the pulse of her magic was unmistakable. He had been one of those to visit destruction and horror upon her friends and family, her neighbors, her town. Right now, he had a little girl seated on his knee, two more little girls and three little boys sitting in front of them
and he was obviously telling them a story. One of the adults came up behind him, a daughter by the looks of her, and kissed the top of her father's head, her hand resting gently on his shoulder.

  Tears sparked in Lyana's eyes as she was filled with inexpressible anger. This man had his family, he'd had a good life and he was going to continue to do so while everyone she knew, everyone she loved and cared about was dead. What kind of justice was it that he was surrounded by so many people who cared about him, while she was left alone in the world?

  "Come to me," she whispered, her will shaping the magic that Leonard had gifted her with. "Say what you must and come to me."

  There was nothing in his demeanor to indicate that anything was wrong, he smiled up at the woman standing behind him, gently lifting the girl from his lap as he made his excuses. The woman sat down in his place as he made his way towards the front of the house where Lyana was, nodding and speaking for a moment with some of the others gathered there. They let him go, never suspecting that he might be headed for his demise.

  Drifting backwards into the shadows, Lyana positioned herself so that neither of them would be visible to those behind the house and only he would be visible to anyone passing by the front, she would be hidden behind a large bush.

  The soldier came to a stop in front of her and he blinked before frowning, as if she had just suddenly come into focus. Lyana froze him in place with her glare.

  With a panicked expression on his face he opened his mouth to yell, obviously confused and frightened by his sudden immobility. With a quick, cutting hand gesture, Lyana made it so that he couldn't talk above a whisper. When that slight noise came out of his mouth his head jerked and he stared at her.


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