Demon Lust

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Demon Lust Page 4

by Raisa Greywood

  Although she found her arousal unsettling, there was no denying that she was sexually excited by the attractive man in front of her, and she found her insides aching for him. Despite the fact that Leonard had used magic to arouse her before, she'd found her own pleasure in Kirra, and now she recognized her own body's responses here. It disturbed her, but as his mouth ran over her collarbone, licking down her breasts and nipples, she did nothing but arch against him with passion, pressing her nipple between his lips.

  Leonard rolled it and bit down gently, his sharp teeth making her nipples throb with ecstatic torment. Lifting her further up onto his body, he let her slide back down until the head of his cock was nestled against her pussy. She moaned, feeling he was as well-endowed in this form as he had been as a demon. She sank her own teeth into his shoulder as he began to push into her, biting back the throaty moans of passion. He felt good, filling her up, going deeper into her body.

  He was warm against her in the cool water, filling her insides with his thick meatiness, and Lyana began to forget that he was a demon. The feel of him against her and inside of her was almost blissful, and she cried out with joy as he filled her completely. Lyana moved against him as he began to thrust back and forth, ramming into her pussy and making her bounce as she ground against him, eyes half closed in pleasure. Arms wrapped around his shoulders, she used it as leverage to push back against him, enjoying the slick feeling of him burying himself inside her.

  They moved together, her using her leg muscles to push herself and then relaxing to fall back on his cock... it was large and going deeper inside of her with every thrust. Lyana moaned, surprised to find that sex with a man could be every bit as passionate and good as it had been with Kirra. Leonard kissed and nipped at her throat and shoulders, biting down on her breasts, but without his sharp fangs it didn't hurt as much, and the slight pain actually excited her more than everything. She was shocked at her own responses to him, but she ached to feel him moving inside of her.

  The water at her back was moving with them, almost as if it was caressing her bottom... and then she realized that it felt very much as though the water was actually caressing her bottom, and moving up her back and shoulders, despite the fact that she and Leonard were still standing upright.

  "What—?" she started to ask, and Leonard grinned.

  "Lyana, meet Nicor, the Water Demon," Lyana gasped as cool water seemed to wrap around her waist, caressing her breasts as though it had hands. It felt strange, but erotic, "Nicor's going to be joining us as payment for you bathing in his pool."

  Lyana gasped as water began to push its way into her ass, it felt so strange. Her ass tightened down, but the water flowing into it was too firm, as though it had substance under the flow of it. The water pushed in, stretching her, and she cried out. The flexibility of the water cock in her ass meant it didn't hurt as much as it might have, but the cock would flow and bulge, pressing against her insides, and with Leonard's huge cock in her pussy, she felt impossibly full.

  A firm body, made from the water and splashing over both her and Leonard, pressed into her from behind, cupping her breasts and presenting them to Leonard's lips as the two demons began to move inside her. The cock in her ass flowed and moved, feeling strangely cool, erotically tight, and even though it hurt and cramped, she could also feel a pleasant ache building there.

  Anyone walking by would've been shocked to see a gorgeous naked woman, moaning in the embrace of her attractive male lover, while simultaneously being embraced from behind by what looked like a humanoid form made completely out of water.

  The three moved together, Lyana leaning back against Nicor, water-hands cupping and kneading her breasts as Leonard leaned forward to nip at her nipples, his strong hands massaging her buttocks as he held her up, fingers pulling her cheeks apart to allow Nicor better access. Lyana had one hand pulling at Leonard's shoulder, and the other up behind her head, holding where Nicor's neck would be, water running over her hand. Leaning her head back, she enjoyed the feel of cool water running between her breasts and over the connection between her and Leonard, caressing her clit on its way back to the spring.

  Her rapturous cries echoed throughout the clearing as she began to cum, her entire body shaking with the ecstasy of it and Lyana knew this was all her doing, her own body's response to the sexual assault by the two demons, their magic hadn't been used at all. They began to thrust harder, in alternating rhythm, as she convulsed between them, wracked in the throes of intense orgasm.

  First Leonard began to bellow and holding himself inside her, her pussy tightened over him and she could actually feel his cock as it pulsed inside her, emptying darkness into her slick hole. Then a geyser went off in her ass, filling and spurting inside of her, and Lyana shrieked as another wave of orgasm rocked through her body, sending her into euphoric rapture as she writhed between them.

  Their movements slowly lessened, rocking back and forth with the afterglow of pleasure, finishing out their culmination. Lyana shuddered and sighed as water seemed to sluice off her shoulders, Nicor taking his leave, water caressing her most private areas as he withdrew from the embrace, her ass slowly emptying of his cock in a pleasurable relief from pressure.

  Lyana clung to Leonard as her legs slipped down and he grew soft and slipped out of her, she moaned a little as she leaned against him, her breasts pressed against his hard body, head resting on his shoulder. He very gently stroked her hair and Lyana was surprised to feel almost intimate with him.

  "You still have time to catch up with another group of them," he murmured above her, and then pulled away a little to look her in the face. "And then tonight you must be punished."

  This face was all too human, almost regretful in its expression... Lyana nodded, strangely feeling almost guilty that he would have to punish her. It seemed like he didn't want to. Leonard leaned down to kiss her again. Their lips pressed firmly for a moment, and then he seemed to dissolve against her, dissipating into the air.

  Feeling rather shaky, not to mention shaken by Leonard's strange behavior, Lyana pulled herself from the spring and put her clothes back on.

  Heading back to the road she pulled herself together. What, had she expected her life to be normal after pledging herself to a demon? She had a mission to perform. Calling on the darkness inside her, Lyana ignored the pleasant ache between her legs and started folding the road again, traveling faster than any normal human could. She left the trees as soon as she could, eager to get out from under their shade.

  Her existence was turning into one unsettling experience after another, and at the moment she just wanted to walk and absorb everything without actually having to think.

  Chapter 4

  Lyana found the next three soldiers easily enough, the problem was she didn't know what to do once she found them.

  They were in a face-off between a farmer and his three sons, and even though the farmers outnumbered the soldiers, there was no way they were a match for them. They were only one more than the soldiers, armed with farm tools—no matter how sharp—and while they were clearly accustomed to using those tools, they weren't primarily fighters. And the soldiers were. Lyana stayed off to the side, holding her breath, wondering if there was a way to keep the farmers from seeing what was happening... they were standing in front of two women, one older and one younger, the older woman was hugging the younger woman to her, she was crying.

  "Stay back!" shouted the oldest of the farmers, shaking what looked to be a sword as old as him, "You keep away from my daughter, you bastards!" Tears ran down his face... although the young woman was barely visible behind the meager protection of her family, Lyana could see bruises on her face and the rips and tears in her clothing.

  "But she's not finished with us yet," one of the soldiers said jeeringly, "There's two of us yet to take a turn!" The other two soldiers laughed, easily swinging their swords in front of them, "Stand back old man or you'll just get yourself and your sons killed, and we'll still taste your pretty da
ughter's charms. Maybe your wife's too!" All three soldiers laughed as the farmer men tightened their stance in front of the women, obviously prepared to die rather than letting the soldiers do as they wished.

  "You'd have to be crazy to think that we'd just let you do that," said the youngest looking of the boys, he looked pale and frightened but determined. Lyana's heart ached for this family, wondering if her own family hadn't done something similar in the attacks. She could easily imagine her father trying to protect her mother and Bryanne.

  She was trying to think of a way to take out the three soldiers, without making it look like she was using magic, when the leader of the soldiers rushed forward at the men. Without thinking she reached out her hand towards him, and unleashed magic to make him trip. At first, no one seemed to realize what had happened as he sprawled in front of the farmer men...

  Holding her breath, Lyana worried that the soldier would recover from his shock before the farmers, but then the father laid his old sword against the soldier's throat and looked up at the other two.

  "Back off now, or I'll cut his throat!" He pressed the sword a little deeper, drawing a thin line of blood against the soldier's throat to show his deadly intent. Lyana found herself holding her breath, completely unsure of what to do now.

  The two soldiers started to back away, but by this time the one on the ground had recovered his equilibrium, and the farmer had stepped too close. Lashing out with his hand, the soldier caught the ankle of the older man and pulled him down, as he fell the two soldiers jumped forward at the sons, ready to slaughter.


  Lyana didn't even realize that she'd shouted, she was so afraid that she was about to relive the experience of watching her village be slaughtered and raped on small scale... the three soldiers exploded with magic, flesh and blood flying everywhere. For a moment, time seemed frozen as the entire family looked over at her, their attention caught by her cry, and then pieces of human splattered to the ground in front of them where the soldiers had just been. They looked from small pieces of body, back to Lyana.

  She stood frozen, she didn't know what to do if they tried to attack her. After saving them, she definitely didn't want to hurt them, but at the same time they were looking at her fearfully... this wasn't quite like the last time, when she had used magic in front of others. This time she had killed with it.

  The farmer’s sons drew back as their father stood up, they all stared at her, the wife pulling her daughter in even closer than she had when the soldiers had been threatening them. Lyana could see the tight grip that the farmer had on his sword. Cautiously he began walking slowly towards her. He seemed more frightened of her then anything, and not likely to attack. She stood and waited, wondering what he wanted. Why he was approaching.

  "Dad, don't—" one of the sons started to say, and their father waved his hand back at them. He still held the sword at his side, tightly, but it wasn't up as though he was going to attack with it. Lyana just stared at him as he came closer.

  About twenty feet away, she supposed he felt safer at a distance even though he was pretty sure that she'd just blown apart three men from three times that distance, he stopped moving.

  "You killed them?" he asked roughly, almost disbelieving.

  Almost afraid of his reaction, Lyana nodded.

  "You saved us..." he said, and Lyana nodded again.

  Looking at her he asked, almost timidly, almost as if he didn't want to hear the answer but had to ask, "Are you going to hurt us?"

  "No!" said Lyana, his question shocking her into speech.

  The farmer stared at her and slowly nodded his head, as if thinking something over and coming to a decision, "I can't offer you a place to stay. Inviting a witch into your house, even one that's saved you..." at least he sounded almost apologetic, she thought bitterly, "But there's some food in a shed about a mile down that way," he pointed down the road that she was heading. “It's ours and you're welcome to take some of it if you're hungry."

  "Thank you," said Lyana, sincerely. At least he'd had the decency not to run screaming, she thought, although she was sad that she couldn't connect with this family. Something about it reminded her of her own. On the other hand, she couldn't blame the man for keeping his distance, or his family for their fear of her. If someone like her had come along to her village, she might've had the same reaction...

  Let them remain, innocent and happy. She wouldn't wish her experiences on anyone else, no matter what kind of understanding it might bring them.

  Realizing he probably was too afraid to turn his back on her, Lyana turned her back on him and began to walk down the road he'd indicated. Not wanting to alarm them further, she didn't begin folding the road till she was already out of sight.

  She did stop at the shed for food and found there was an abundance there. This was obviously their winter stores, with jars of preserves, salted meat hanging, etc. It was barely thirty yards away from what must have been their home. Lyana decided to be quick about getting her food and leaving, not wanting to make them any more uncomfortable than they already had been.

  When she exited the shed, carrying a small loaf of bread, some cheese and meat, she was surprised to find the girl standing outside, not more than ten feet away. Very pretty, youngish, Lyana guessed her to be around the same age as herself, with long blonde hair that was pulled back by a scarf. There was still dirt on her skirts, and Lyana could see bruised fingerprints on her neck, her right eye was swollen and dark, and she was hugging herself. Somehow, though, Lyana knew the girl's fear was not of Lyana, but still of them memory of the men who had abused and threatened her.

  The girl stared at Lyana, almost as though she was drinking in the sight of her.

  "How did you do it?" she asked, her voice sounded dead... empty.

  Lyana looked back at her. "You don't want to know."

  The girl looked down and away and then back up. "I don't want anyone to be able to do this to me again."

  There was a plea in her eyes that made Lyana hesitate.

  What kind of witch am I, if I can't help this girl, she asked herself. Thinking quickly, she walked over to the girl, who stiffened at her approach, but didn't back away. Lyana tapped her finger on the necklace the girl wore around her neck, it was nothing more than a piece of carved wood hanging from a string, but it would do... she filled it with the magic.

  "Whenever you feel in danger just hold onto this and if there is any real danger it will make you invisible," she told the girl. "Use it to get to a place of safety. As soon as you are out of danger you will become visible again."

  "If I touch someone else will they become invisible too?" the girl asked. Lyana smiled at how bright she was, it was a good idea—she tapped the carving again.

  "Yes." She smiled, feeling good about being able to help this girl.

  "Thank you," the girl said, her eyes filled with gratitude. "I don't care if you're a witch, you're not a bad one. I can tell. Thank you." And she turned and walked away, leaving Lyana feeling much lighter in spirit.

  There would still be the matter of her punishment tonight, to pay for her sins, but at the moment Lyana was happy. Turning, she set out on the road again, feeling out ahead of her for the rest of the band of raiders. Six were still together, two a little closer than that, and one very close.

  She would probably not catch up with him by nightfall, but she could get very close... besides, paying for the lives of the six men she'd killed today would garner her more than enough punishment. Lyana wasn't sure she wanted to add onto it.

  Not long before dark she found the town where the lone soldier was... there would have been plenty of time to hunt him down before dark, but she decided to take a night of rest. She was tired from the days’ activities, and there had been so much going on that she just wanted to sit and rest and take some time to think it all over. The family and the girl... the young woman really, who had been so grateful. Even her father had overcome his fear of the witch to thank her in his own way
. Lyana just wasn't used to thinking of herself as dangerous or something to avoid, she knew that she would've never hurt anyone but those soldiers or someone who threatened her, but how were other people to know that? Somehow it hadn't occurred to her, when she'd first started drawing the symbols to call Leonard, that her actions would make her into a Witch. Someone to be feared more than respected... someone who would be hunted down if word got around what she was.

  She had to be careful... she didn't want to hurt anyone, and she certainly didn't want to be forced into hurting someone who was trying to do good by hurting her. Witches were not to be tolerated, and she'd heard about the treatment of women who were accused... and she doubted many of them were truly witches or they would have found a way to get away. Unless they were like her and didn't want to hurt anyone.

  Still, she'd heard the stories of women being caught and condemned to burn at the stake, the church was always involved. She supposed it made sense, that if a witch—filled with demonic power—were to be caught that it would be by the church.

  Conjuring a tent, Lyana made a circle around her area with little stones. No one would be able to see the circle or what was in it, much less cross it. Each of her experiences was making her more cautious, more wary. When it came down to it she really didn't know that much about the power that Leonard had endowed her with, and she didn't know about its weaknesses.

  As she lay down to go to sleep, she had the amusing thought that she was really too young to have to be considering things like being burned at the stake... how her life had changed in just a week.

  Lyana awoke to the slight pain of a claw tracing along the side of her body, from her hip up to her breast. She moaned as it dug into the underside of her breast. She was hanging from her wrists and struggled to get her feet underneath her... the best she could manage, and her heels still weren't touching the ground, it was almost like being on her toes. The position thrust her breasts and ass out, as though she was asking for abuse.


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