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Demon Lust

Page 8

by Raisa Greywood

  The one in red made a hmmph'ing sound. "It's about time. I thought the King was going to have to behead his own son if he didn't start to reign in his excesses!"

  Both of the ladies looked up to the center dais where the royal family was seated. All three sons of the king were handsome men, properly attired, and dancing attendance on the women seated next to them. If Lyana hadn't had her own mystical connection to the raiders, she would have never known which of the Princes was the one who had led the attack on her village; they all looked so noble and innocent of any kind of wrong doing.

  "Well sending him to hunt down a spy put his instincts and talents to good use," the woman in blue said. She took a sip of her wine, nodding her white head sagely. "My maid spoke with one of his soldiers, apparently they managed to hunt the traitor down and assassinate him, with none the wiser."

  "Good," said the lady in red. "We don't need another diplomatic incident."

  Their talk turned to other things and Lyana drifted away, stifling the shock she felt. The Prince must have somehow convinced his troops to lie, to all say that they had done nothing more than rid the world of a spy and traitor. He was also the main topic of conversation tonight, and while few were quite as outspokenly honest as the two old ladies, who probably had very little to fear considering their status and age, she was soon able to overhear enough conversations to know that everyone thought the same thing. The Prince was a reckless young man with a dark reputation who had undertaken the mission to prove himself; he was known for brutality and was the black sheep of the family. The King had been on the verge of having to take action when the Prince had convinced his father to allow him to try and redeem himself on the mission.

  Lyana had originally assumed that no one here would care what had happened to Werth, since it was not part of their Kingdom, but from the conversations she overheard she quickly realized that they certainly would have cared. The kind of actions that the Prince had taken could lead to war, it was one of the reasons he'd been given such a large troop to go with him to hunt down a traitor; not just for their skills and experience or for protection, but also to provide plenty of witnesses. But somehow, he'd suborned them, and they'd lied for him. Or maybe they'd been frightened of being punished for their own actions once they'd gone as far as they had under his leadership.

  And tomorrow afternoon they were all supposed to be reporting on their glorious mission before the court. Their success which was supposed to redeem the Prince in the eyes of his father, his older brothers and the people. That all too familiar rage filled Lyana but she forced herself to leave the hall where the nobles and royals were feasting, practically running. As much as she wanted to kill the Prince immediately and revenge her people, she felt like that wouldn't be enough. He would die a hero, everyone was already impressed with his apparent turn around, his new character, and his successfully completed mission.

  Just death wasn't enough. These people needed to know who he really was.

  Engulfed with her anger, Lyana instinctively followed her magical line down to the closest soldiers that she was hunting for. Two of them together, just outside the entrance to the palace. They were sitting on some crates in an alley, laughing drunkenly with each other. As soon as she saw them her vision went red. She recognized them. Both of them. They'd been two of the group that had raped and beaten her sister to death. One of them had half strangled Bryanne when he took his turn, while Lyana had stood and watched, helpless.

  Thrusting out both of her hands, Lyana let the fires of her rage become a reality. Both men choked on screams as the intense heat filled their lungs, scorching their insides so that they couldn't even draw breath to cry out as they were burned from the inside out. The anger rushed out of her, filling them, wracking them with pain as their innards melted and their skin flickered with the contained conflagration. They collapsed, eyes filled with confusion, panic and extreme agony. Lyana held the flames on them until their outsides caught fire as well, burning them down to nothing more than two tiny piles of ash.

  It was only then that sense returned to her, almost as if her anger had burned out along with the flames she'd used on them. Turning quickly, she looked around, but it had taken such a short time and had been handled so quietly that no one was peering into the alley. Relief made her shoulders sag as she quickly hurried away from the scene, feeling very much like a criminal. She told herself that her vengeance was the important thing, but she couldn't help but feel a little sick as she remembered the look on their faces, the pain, the anguish. Things that she thought she would glory in, but instead they just made her feel dirty.

  Nauseated, she decided to go back to her room at the inn. She needed time and quiet to think.

  Lying in bed, Lyana tried to assimilate all the events of the day. Time since the attack on her village seemed to have passed all too quickly. Part of that was her shortened traveling time. She didn't have as much time in between major events in her life, between the killings. She hadn't taken any time to just slow down and think.

  Yes, she wanted her vengeance, but she didn't want the Prince to die without people knowing what he truly was. Who he truly was. What he had done. She realized that vengeance wasn't quite enough for her, she also wanted some justice. If people remembered him in a positive light, if they didn't know his crimes, then she wouldn't be satisfied. And she had found out the hard way that killing didn't quite agree with her. It made her sick to her stomach, even if she thought the men deserved it. The torment that she put them through seemed only fair... and yet afterwards she felt like the soiled one. At least she wasn't killing innocents, not like them, but at the same time she couldn't feel good about what she was doing.

  This morning she had felt good. She had felt like an avenging angel of fury. The punishment that she'd devised for the retired soldier had been fitting. Satisfying in a way that the other soldier's deaths hadn't.

  And then, of course, there was the conundrum of Leonard.

  But she didn't have time to ponder him, because the second she thought his name reality jerked, squeezing her tightly as her arms wrenched, and she screamed with the pain in her shoulders as she was bowed backwards. The suddenness of the attack, the shock, all contributed to the fear and the pain that was suddenly being visited upon her. Lyana blinked through tears as she tried to tug on her arms, to pull them back into a position that didn't strain her shoulders so badly.

  Leonard was standing in front of her, not in his guise as a handsome almost-human, but in his full demonic glory. The flicking reddish yellow light in the room had no power against the dark gloss of his skin, his hard body drank in the light as he towered over her, a black pit of despair with flaming red eyes. He was the only thing that she could see clearly, despite the flickering candlelight around them, it was as if he was the only thing that was real in this space. Looking around she could see nothing but candlelight and darkness and Leonard. Despite the fact that the strangeness of their surroundings made everything seem less real, it was not comforting.

  "You still have not learned," he growled through sharp teeth, his tongue flicking out menacingly. Fire sparked in his eyes, an angry red glow that made him appear even more threatening than she'd ever seen him before—no easy feat. Lyana stared up at him, voice caught in her throat by the knowledge that he seemed truly enraged and something more... disappointed in her?

  "I know I must be punished," she replied, forcing herself to talk, unsure of what would placate him. Was it not enough that she went willingly to be punished? That she understood that what she was doing was wrong? She had made her choice and she accepted the consequences for that. "I understand why."

  "You understand nothing," he snarled, his hand raising and slapping her breast so hard that for a moment she thought he must have torn it from her chest. Burning pain lanced through her. "Think about why you must be punished, stupid girl, and why you continue to court it." Then he put his hand to her mouth, a look of disgust on his face as he shoved something between her lips,
effectively gagging her. Lyana squirmed and tried to spit it out but found herself unable to do so. It was an uncomfortable gag, long like a cock, just long enough to prod at the back of her throat and make her feeling like gagging. Leonard gave her a hard look. "I find I do not care to hear your pleas tonight, stupid girl."

  Frustrated, Lyana glared at him, trying to ignore the steady ache in her shoulders. He had her hands secured above her head but in such a way that her body was arched backwards, putting quite a bit of her weight onto her wrists, and it already hurt. If he hadn't gagged her she would have demanded more answers from him. Especially as to why he was calling her a stupid girl. She wasn't! She understood what was going on!

  With quick strokes of his claws, Leonard ripped her clothing from her body, careless enough with the swipes of his hands that he left long, stinging scratch marks across her delicate skin. Her small yelps were completely muffled by whatever was in her mouth, her teeth clenching down on it as she tried not to make too much noise.

  Leonard didn't seem to have the same control that he had in the past, his dark looks and glares making her feel distinctly fearful. The punishments he'd doled out before had been truly awful, but during them he'd been methodical, contained... now it was like being presented on a silver platter to a particularly hungry lion. A hungry, angry lion.

  Stretched out and helpless, she could only wait for whatever he wanted to do next. His dark hands enveloped her breasts, claws digging into the soft flesh as he squeezed and Lyana screamed and twisted, trying to get away from his brutal touch. Not only did his claws pierce her skin, causing rivulets of blood to begin to trickle over her creamy stomach, but his hands were so ice cold that they nearly burned. Her nipples ached with it as the hard buds were rubbed against his frigid palms, his piercing claws like shards of glass or icicles as they slid into her skin. Kneading her breasts between his hands, his head lowered so that he could lick the blood from her stomach with wet slurping sounds, further horrifying Lyana as his hot tongue slithered across her body, contrasting with the icy grip he had on her breasts.

  When he finally released the mauled mounds they were covered with goose flesh, outlined with the indentations of his claw marks, which continued to weakly trickle with blood. The red liquid was smeared across her stomach. Staring directly into her eyes, Leonard licked his lips, allowing her to see the dark glistening of her essence on his tongue. Lyana moaned deep in her throat. This punishment was going to be worse than all the others, she could already tell.

  A long piece of cloth appeared in his hands, several yards long and dark red. He began to wrap it around her breasts at the base, almost as if he was binding her wounds, except that he was pulling the cloth far too tight for just a simple binding. Lyana panted to breathe, her chest beginning to ache as he tightly bound her breasts together, occasionally wrapping the strip of cloth around her back or neck. Although it had only looked several yards long when he started it didn't run out until he was satisfied with the way her breasts were restrained. They stood out straight in front of her, their color starting to darken as the blood flow was restricted by the bindings. Lyana stared down at them, horrified. They looked like big water jugs, her nipples standing full and distended at their ends.

  When she looked back up at Leonard, his eyes were still focused on her breasts and he was lifting each of his hands, silver glinting at his fingertips. She tried to move away, almost frantic as he came closer to her nipples, but she was frozen by his will, unable to twist or even squirm. The jaws of the clamps bit down onto her tender nipples, still not completely healed from their punishment the night before. These clamps had teeth and Lyana screamed as they closed down on her sensitive nubs, it felt like they were about to be torn from her chest. Now that they were firmly secured onto her body her frozen state ceased and she shook and writhed as she tried to shake them off, to overcome the pain.

  Tears were running down her cheeks by the time her body slumped, giving in to the pain as her instincts realized that struggling was useless. Leonard stood in front of her, still watching, a heavy whip in his hands. It had multiple strands of leather hanging down, each strand a foot and a half long. As she stared at him pleadingly, she felt whatever was behind her, supporting her, disappear at the same time her legs began to be pulled apart and upwards. Now she was hanging by her wrists, her shoulders less strained as the extreme position forced upon her was no longer in effect and her breasts were now not quite as thrust out, but it hurt her arms just the same. The bands encasing her ankles raised, keeping her legs slightly in front of her but spreading them wide open.

  Fear shuddered through her at her exposed position, but instead of starting at the obvious point, Leonard circled around behind her. Heightening the anticipation because Lyana was sure that her front was not going to go unattended.

  The whip slammed into her back, the ends whipping around her body to smack into her bloated breasts, pain ricocheting through her from every direction as she screamed and began to struggle again. The whip pulled back and then came down around again, the same way but around to the other side of her body, punishing that bound breast. With every strike the ends of the whip wrapped around her body, hitting her stomach, her breasts. The worst hits had the ends snapping against her clamped nipples.

  It felt like her breasts were going to explode they hurt so much, they felt so swollen, as he beat her, turning her back a dark red. Then he began on her ass, hitting her from underneath so that the ends of the whip snapped into her thighs and pussy. Her sensitive folds screamed with pain every time the merciless whip snapped against them, sending her writhing and struggling despite the tiredness of her muscles. It hurt too much to do anything else. Each snap of the whip left her breathless, screaming until she felt like her lungs might give out. Her body tingled all over, her nerves alive and on fire, flaring when whipped.

  When Leonard walked back in front of her, her tears were dripping down onto her breasts, coating them with liquid. His long tongue flicked out and supped at her despair, pain flaring as it lashed her bound breasts which had turned dark red, streaked with darker welts of purple where the whip had hit her. Smiling cruelly, he made a gesture and the bindings on her breasts disappeared. The sudden rush of blood back into her chest propelled another scream from Lyana's raw throat. The nerves in her skin came alive once more, blossoming with agony, even more so as her nipples tried to swell further between the biting clamps, the teeth digging in harder.

  As she struggled through the pain, she dimly realized that she was now lying down on her back. Her arms were still secured above her head, her legs still spread wide open and tilted upwards, but she was no longer hanging. The strain on her shoulders and wrists had eased, although she didn't take that as indicating any hope of leniency. In fact, it just made her feel more anxious; like Leonard wanted her to truly be able to focus on this next round of torment without being distracted by small pains.

  Tracing a claw around the middle of her right thigh, just hard enough to pierce the skin a little, Leonard smiled at her as a cuff appeared around that ivory column before he repeated the gesture on the other side. There were little ringlets on the thigh cuffs and Lyana didn't even try to imagine what those might be for. She didn't want to.

  Not that she would have had long to wait for an answer.

  With a sadistic gleam in his eye, Leonard showed her the new clamps he held in his hand. They were much bigger—longer—than the ones currently attached to her nipples, with the same little row of biting teeth. Considering that he was standing between her legs, it only took Lyana a moment to figure out where he meant to put them on her helpless body, although her mind tried to reject the supposition as too horrible to be correct. Unfortunately, it was all too accurate. The second the clamps bit down on her pussy lips her entire body tightened with the pain. She couldn't writhe, she couldn't scream, she could move it hurt so much; as if the pain had overtaken her control over her muscles and frozen it.

  A slight tugging sensation had h
er screaming herself hoarse only seconds later. In self-preservation she didn't move too much, her lower body was too encompassed by searing agony. He had attached the clamps to the bindings on her thighs with delicate little chains, tugging at her pussy lips and holding them open. Her sensitive pink flesh was now totally exposed and completely unprotected; her delicate outer shell brutally clamped and yanked apart. The bindings holding her ankles tipped them further into the air, tilting her hips so that her forcibly opened pussy was easily accessed.

  Leonard reached out a hand and a flickering candle appeared in it, fat and made of blood red wax. Watching her face, he held the candle over her and tipped it. Wax pooled and spilled, falling through the air onto her stomach, searing the sensitive skin. Lyana moaned wretchedly, too far gone to scream. Her nipples were throbbing with excruciating pain, her pussy was on fire, the wax burned but added to the other sensations it was no longer a screaming matter. Leonard had already taken her beyond that point.

  A line of fire dripped upwards towards her breast, circling around one tortured nipple and Lyana sobbed with no expectation of relief. Leaning over, Leonard opened the clamp and removed it. Her body thrashed in distress as blood returned to the tiny bud, pin pricks of the liquid appearing where the sharp teeth had broken her tender skin. The demon leaned over her body and sucked her swollen nipple into his mouth, his tongue unerringly finding the bloody notches in her skin, as he dripped more fiery wax onto her other breast. As his mouth suckled at her bloody nipple, she felt a strange rising of desire.


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