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Demon Lust

Page 20

by Raisa Greywood

  But that was nothing compared to Lee. She was on her knees in front of the white demon, choking on its cock, while the yellow one whipped her from behind. Red welts covered her back and tears were streaming down her face, even as it held the same ecstatic expression as Brandi’s. Anne was on her knees too, next to the yellow demon, its tail wrapped around her throat like a collar. Nothing had been done to her yet that Gerry could see, but it was only a matter of time. Her expression was blank, as if she were a doll waiting to be animated. Were they all like Gerry now was? Aware but unable to control their own bodies?

  What had they done? What had she done? Why hadn’t she just followed her instincts? Why hadn't she listened to the little voice in the back of her head?

  If she had, none of this would be happening now.

  Noooooooo... The word was a long moan in her mind as claws began to shred her clothing, the fabric scattering and falling away from her body, leaving her completely naked. The heat of the demon's skin touching hers was just on the edge of too painful to bear, making her pant and gasp as it pressed its body against her back.

  Even though she couldn't move, even though she had no control over her own body, her involuntary reactions were unaffected... and the same was true of her friends. Gerry wanted to scream as Lee's body jerked in reaction to the whip, her eyes bulging as the white demon surged forward, burying its massive cock in her throat and cutting off her air. It threw its head back, roaring, gripping Lee's hair tightly as it came.

  The red demon gripped Gerry's breasts, squeezing them tightly and making her squeak with pain as she watched the yellow demon finally pull away from Lee's mouth. Her friend slumped, gasping for air. A thick, viscous black fluid spilled over her lower lip and dripped down her chin - the creature's cum. The demon pushed her down onto all fours, leaving her welted back and buttocks up in the air as it moved around behind her. The demon that had been whipping her was already turning its attention to Anne, its tail still wrapped around her throat.

  As the demon turned to Annie, she looked up at it with almost worshipful eyes, her expression changing from blankness to one of near adoration. Gerry closed her eyes, not wanting to watch. She didn't know what was worse - what was being done to her friends or the eager and excited expressions on their faces as it happened.

  Claw tips dug into Gerry's soft flesh and she did her best not to squirm, afraid they would puncture her skin if she moved too much... but it hurt. The demon ground his cock against her ass and her body responded as if it wanted his touch. The heat of his body seemed to be transferring itself to her and the blood in her stomach warmed, making her hotter, softer, and more pliable.

  "You want me," he whispered in her ear and the taste of his blood in her mouth seemed to intensify. She moaned in denial even as her nipples hardened to tiny points, aching to be touched, and her pussy creamed, her clit swelling. "Why else would you invite us in?"

  The sly question confused her. That hadn't been what they'd meant. It hadn't been what she'd meant. Dammit Lee... what spell had she had them doing? She wouldn't have put it past Lee to think it funny to do some kind of sex spell.

  The demon turned her around to face him again, but Gerry kept her eyes closed. She didn't want to look at him any more than she wanted to see what was happening to her friends. It was childish, but there was some part of her that thought maybe if she closed her eyes, maybe if she couldn't see, then nothing bad would happen.

  It was the only defense she had against what was happening.

  She jumped as hands lifted her up by her waist like she weighed nothing, leaving her legs dangling in the air. A hot mouth engulfed her nipple, shocking her, and her eyes flew open to look down at the creature suckling at her breast. It was almost gentle and then it looked up at her out of black eyes and caught her gaze as it pulled harder on the little nubbin. Teeth bit into her skin making her arch her back as the jagged pain shot through her, but her pussy got even wetter, hotter, in response.

  The demon's touch burrowed into her senses, confusing her body. A sharp ache cramped her stomach as emptiness yawned inside of her, a growing need to be filled. Gerry moaned, and she could hear the desire in her voice even as she tried to fight against it.

  When the demon lifted its head from her breast, moving its attention to the other, she could see the deep teeth marks in her skin, tiny dots of blood welling like little pinpricks on her skin. The sight should horrify her, should terrify her, but instead she felt another wave of hot, unwanted arousal sweeping through her. The ache in her core pulsed, making her muscles clench around nothing.

  The noises coming from the rest of the room seemed to grow louder the more her body was affected by what the demon was doing to her. Wet sounds, sharp cries that turned into pleasured moans, and deep growls of male satisfaction punctuated by cruel chuckles.

  "Open your legs for me." The order sent a wave of lust through her and Gerry writhed with anticipation when she felt the thick, blunt head of the demon's cock probing her pussy lips. She was losing herself to the sinful sensations, to the demanding need pulsing through her body, and she knew it... but she couldn't fight against it.

  She cried out as the demon thrust forward, its huge cock battering its way into her body with no preparation. Even though she was slick with arousal, her muscles weren't ready for the massive intrusion. But the pain was nothing compared to the ecstasy of being filled the way her body craved.

  His cock was hot, thick, and hard as steel. It impaled her, burrowing so deep she felt it in the back of her throat. The tip slammed painfully against her cervix, making her cry out with every thrust even as her muscles clenched in rhythmic enjoyment. A very small part of her, tucked away in the back of her brain, wailed in horror as the demon began to fuck her, but that part was drowned out by waves of pleasure which swamped every nerve ending.

  Or were they waves of pain?

  She didn't know.

  Sensation spiraled out of control around her, inside of her, and she was flying... she was falling...

  The only thing holding her up were the demon's strong hands and his thrusting cock. She flopped like a rag doll, unable to move her limbs even as her pussy rippled around the thick shaft pumping in and out of her. It was heaven in the midst of hell and her inner horror had completely succumbed to the growing ecstasy consuming her.

  More hands touched her, burning her sides and Gerry gasped as something pressed against her anus. The pressure was unbearable and her body opened, stretching. She screamed as a second cock joined the first inside of her, thrusting in without mercy. Her stomach cramped with the pain even as hot bliss exploded inside of her. She was full to the point of bursting and it felt like her body was shaking apart from the overload of sensations.

  Turning her head, she could see her friends through glazed eyes, crumpled on the floor with the black cum of the demons leaking from every orifice of their bodies, before the other two demons crowded around her. She was covered with clawed hands, groping, pinching, digging into her soft skin. One of them bit her shoulder and she felt the blood trickle down over her breasts, tongues lapping at the red trail.


  The demand was sibilant, hissing and echoing around her as each of the demons joined in, burying her under the sound as her body clenched and shuddered between all of them.


  It was too much. It was not enough. Gerry was lost and she knew it.

  The words fell from her mouth, almost unwillingly, as if her tongue didn't quite want to form them. They were nothing more than a whisper on the wind and yet they felt as heavy as stone.

  "I submit."

  Sheer erotic rapture flared inside of her, the hot fire of pleasure licking along her skin and curling inward to burn her alive. She screamed, her voice becoming muffled as a cock thrust into it, pushing into her throat, and the two inside of her moved faster and harder, driving her pleasure higher and higher. She was drowning in the pain and pleasure, the ecstasy consuming her from the insid
e out.

  "Ugh." Lee let out a long moan as she stirred. Her head was pounding. Not just her head. Her whole body hurt. "How much did I have to drink?"

  "Too much," Anne murmured, letting out a groan very similar to Lee's. "I can't believe we fell asleep on the floor."

  "Why are we all naked?" Brandi asked. Lee made herself turn her head to look at her friend. Brandi was sitting up and staring down at herself wiping some kind of black gunk off of her legs. "What is this stuff? Ew... it's sticky. This house is so gross."

  "I don't remember why we got naked," Lee admitted, grimacing as she pushed herself up. She reached out and picked up the grimoire, wincing as her muscles protested the movement. "I think I blacked out at some point. I drank waaaaaaay too much."

  "I need a shower." Brandi reached out to grab her shirt and gasped when she realized it was all in tatters. "What the hell did I do to my clothes?"

  "Mine too." Anne wrinkled her nose, inspecting her jeans, if they could still be called that. "Did one of you spike the wine with something extra?"


  "No." Lee glanced down at the grimoire. "The spell we were using was trying to summon sex demons. Maybe that's why our clothes are gone?"

  Brandi rolled her eyes, pushing herself to her feet as she tried to find a way to make the remains of her clothes cover her. "Because we summoned sex demons? Yeah, I think I'd remember that."

  "Maybe we took them off to try and entice the demons to come to us," Anne suggested, laughing. "That sounds like something we'd do if we got drunk enough."

  It really did.

  The three young woman gathered up their belongings. When Lee picked up the copper bowl they'd dripped their blood into, a strange wind blew through the house... hot instead of cool, making the floors creak and sounding strangely like a scream. Anne frowned.

  "Are we forgetting something?"

  Doing another once over of the mostly barren room, Brandi shook her head. "No, we've got everything."

  Still frowning, Anne slowly turned around. She couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was something they were forgetting, but she couldn't see anything they hadn't picked up. Weird. She shrugged.

  "Let's get out of here," she said. "This place is starting to give me the creeps."

  The Monster Under the Bed

  Sinistre Ange

  The Monster Under the Bed

  “Happy birthday Danielle!” Nurse Rachel, the hospital’s night nurse, beamed at her, as if she should be happy, talking in the same sing-song voice that she had for the past two years whenever she’d spoken to Danielle. “Eighteen years old today! Did you have a good birthday?”

  The woman meant well, but her presence grated on Danielle.

  “Sure,” Danielle said, giving Nurse Rachel her best fake smile. Not that the nurse ever noticed. She didn’t really care, but she liked to act as though she did. Danielle had overheard her laughing with another nurse about all of the patients and their crazy neurosis. She’d thought Danielle’s delusions were especially funny.

  Once upon a time, Danielle had been the ultimate good girl, the kind of daughter most parents wished for – her friends even joked that their own parents would have happily traded them in for Danielle. There had just been one thing wrong with her, one thing her parents couldn’t figure out.

  From the time she was a child, she had insisted to her parents that there was a monster under her bed. However, unlike most children, Danielle never grew out of her certainty that there was something lurking down there… waiting… just waiting… she never knew for what. But she could sense that something was very, very wrong.

  As she grew older the times she woke up screaming in the night lessened, although they always seemed to be around particularly stressful times in her life – exams, big races while she was on the track team – and her parents eventually attributed her “affliction” to the stress. Anxiety. Perfectly natural, it was just that their perfect daughter had a larger imagination and her sensitive nature was probably more affected than other kids. It was a small price to pay for having an otherwise good natured and sweet-tempered daughter who was always willing to help around the house and who caused so very little trouble.

  Then came the night she’d taken a large knife with her to bed and scared her mother to death when she’d come to check on her. Fifteen-year old Danielle had very seriously explained to her mother that she needed it for her own protection and she’d mistaken her mother for the monster. That night her parents had decided her therapy obviously wasn’t working and they’d had her committed to the mental hospital the very next day.

  In the hospital her dreams, her nightmares, were so much worse. It was as if something was preying on her fears, bringing them alive in the darkness and tormenting her mind with all the hidden terrors that she brushed to the back of her mind during the day. It never occurred to anyone that she had reason to fear.

  Children are far more acute, far more sensitive, than any adult gives them credit for. As they grow up, most of them begin to lose that sensitivity, to block themselves off from the inexplicable with explanations and science and logic. There are only a very few that remain sensitive, that remain susceptible to that which lurks in the dark and that is what makes them vulnerable. Danielle was one such, and so her fears grew and grew, especially since a mental hospital was such a fertile ground of newfound stresses for a terrified teenager.

  Danielle’s unusual sensitivity kept the demons beneath her bed alive and growing more powerful.

  Yet, in some ways the hospital was also a relief – because she always had a roommate. Danielle was a model patient, because she never wanted to be put in solitary. Although she still sensed the monster under her bed, it never came out anymore. Not since she’d had someone in the room with her every night since arriving at the hospital.

  So she didn’t bother to hide the truth from the doctors. She knew they thought she was crazy, but she was also safe. Her roommate, April, who was there to be treated for schizophrenia, had even become a friend. Although April didn’t believe in Danielle’s monsters, she was more sympathetic than anyone else had ever been.

  “We’ll be moving you to a new ward soon,” Nurse Rachel said, still smiling her wide, false smile. “Now that you’re officially an adult.”

  “What?” This was the first Danielle had heard about it. “Why? I want to stay here. With April.” Her voice got a little higher as panic began to wind its way around her chest. “Where is April?”

  It wouldn’t be the first time one of April’s visits from her parents had run late, but Danielle suddenly felt the need for her roommate’s presence, like a security blanket. She didn’t want to leave the ward. What if she got a new roommate who was terrible? Worse, what if she had no roommate at all? Why hadn’t anyone warned her she’d be moving?

  Her parents had visited earlier and they hadn’t said a thing. Although, maybe that wasn’t surprising. They usually concentrated on talking about all the things she was missing out in the world, like it would be motivation for her to get well again.

  “Calm down, Danielle,” Nurse Rachel said, her voice tinged with disapproval as she handed Danielle her usual cup of nightly pills. It never made her forget the monster she knew was there, but Danielle always took it anyway, because it calmed her. Helped her sleep. Something she had trouble doing even now.

  She quickly threw back the pills, waiting for the usual soothing effect they had.

  “Where is April?” she asked, trying to make herself sound calmer. “When is her visit over?”

  “April’s parents received permission to take her out for an overnight because she’s doing so well,” Nurse Rachel said cheerfully as she took the cup back from Danielle. “You have the room all to yourself tonight!”

  It took a moment for Danielle to comprehend what Nurse Rachel was saying, and as soon as she did, she panicked.

  “No! NO!” She jerked forward, reaching out and grabbing Nurse Rachel’s arm, digging her nails into the wom
an’s skin when she tried to jerk away. “I need a roommate! I can’t be alone!”

  “Scott! I need help!” Nurse Rachel yelled as she tried to free herself from Danielle’s grip. The door burst open and the night security guard came charging in, red in the face from his rush. He was an older man, overweight, but still strong enough to pry Nurse Rachel free. The nurse was just as flushed as she quickly pulled out a vial and syringe. Danielle sobbed, trying to pull away as she recognized the sedative that had been used on her before whenever she’d had a particularly bad episode.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she said, trying to pull away now, but Scott held her arm in position so Nurse Rachel could administer the dose. Danielle felt tears welling in her eyes as they did so, her limbs almost immediately growing heavier.

  “It’s okay,” Nurse Rachel said, her tone faker than ever. “It’s okay, Danielle, I know you didn’t mean to hurt me.”

  Had she hurt the nurse? She really hadn’t meant to. But she didn’t want to be alone.

  She whimpered as they lay her back and pulled her sheets up, tucking her in. Her eyelids felt heavy but she couldn’t close them. She didn’t dare. Adrenaline still raced through her, battling the sedative. She wanted to beg the nurse and security guard not to leave her, but she couldn’t make her mouth form the words, couldn’t find her voice.

  The door closed, the sound echoing like a knell of doom.

  Then, all she could do was wait.

  She didn’t know how long she lay there for. Her ears strained for any sort of sound, but all she heard was the normal hum and buzz of the ward, slowly dying down for the evening. But it was coming.

  The feeling of inevitableness hung heavy over her, keeping her awake despite the sedative. Her breath was soon the only sound she heard, dragging in and out of her lungs. Her ears strained, waiting for something more.


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