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Demon Lust

Page 23

by Raisa Greywood

  His touch was gentle at first, just a teasing brush of lips against the folds of her pussy. When she stiffened and tried to pull away, he gripped her thighs, his claws pricking, though he didn’t break the skin.

  Lucy let out a slow breath through her teeth. All she had to do was allow him to perform oral sex on her, and then he’d let her go. She refused to consider the very likely fact that he’d lied, or that she might indeed come from his attentions. The threat of hyperventilation when there truly wasn’t anything to breathe was a risk she wasn’t willing to take.

  He was a monster. Kidnapping and unwilling oral sex seemed a minor crime compared to that. He wasn’t human. He wasn’t…

  He wasn’t stopping whatever he was doing with his tongue. Spreading her labia apart, he licked her, slow and languorous as he caressed her pussy. When he curled that mobile muscle around her clit and squeezed, she cried out, her thin whine echoing.

  When he chuckled in response, the low vibration against her flesh overwhelmed her and she held in the last of her air, desperate to keep the sensation at bay. He pulled away and stroked her aching cunt with a clawed finger, the tip abrading her clit until she let the scant air she held out on a whoosh of breath.

  Without speaking, he forced his tongue deep inside her, then licked the rough flesh of her g-spot. Lucy surrendered to hypoxia and the overwhelming pleasure of his tongue stroking every single spot she had.

  Fuck that! She was not going to come for a monster. He scared her, he’d taken her without her permission, and she was not going to suck his cock just to breathe. She missed her little apartment and her job. Her friends and coworkers would worry. But as her vision went dark, and he breached her ass with that infernal tongue, she knew she would fail.

  He fucked her ass with terrible, unceasing efficiency as he massaged her clit, and she came and came and came, and without cease, the orgasms flooded her. As her lucidity faded along with consciousness, he eased her gently, bathing her quivering pussy with gentle kisses. When he rose above her, his precum dripping into her open mouth, she closed her lips and turned away.

  “Ah, ah, my queen,” he said, turning her to face his hard cock. “A deal is a deal, wouldn’t you say?”

  Chapter 4

  How many days had she been with him? He called her his queen and dressed her in a flowing sheath the color of the sun, yet she wore a diamond collar instead of a crown, and a platinum leash instead of a scepter.

  He showed her spectacular wonders. Deep places where man and his trash hadn’t intruded, where marine life blossomed in generous profusion and the water was clean. There were shipwrecks, filled with the lost bounty of empires; a fortune for the trouble of picking it up.

  Australia’s barrier reef was astonishing in its magnificent splendor. The whales migrating between the islands of the Hawaiian archipelago gazed at her, sadness in their liquid eyes, as they herded their young away. Orcas gave them a wide berth in the Arctic ocean, seals vanishing like they’d never been.

  She touched none of it. It was dross. All of it. The true treasure was that single molecule, made up of two common elements present in vast abundance, and out of her reach.

  Lucy would say one thing for the monster. He never once forced her. He never threw their stygian bargain in her face and demanded payment. Instead of force, he used her body’s weakness against her, waiting her out until the second before unconsciousness claimed her to jack himself into her mouth, holding her lips closed lest she spit his seed back in his face.

  She took great delight in the fact that he got no true pleasure from their exchange. It was the one thing she could hold on to, claiming her power over his pleasure as her own. But it got her no closer to freedom.

  He cared for her, she supposed, like one would care for a pet. Instead of the raw seafood she refused, he’d found kelp that tasted like popcorn, and tiny fungi that reminded her of mushrooms sautéed in garlic. Hot currents rising from volcanic vents served for bathing, along with some sort of seaweed that foamed into creamy lather and left her skin soft and silky. When they slept, he cradled her in a bower of thick bubbles, luxurious, yet supportive of their entwined bodies.

  And he touched her. Without permission, without ceasing, always his hands sought her skin, lighting upon her like ants. Even in sleep, he clutched at her, the platinum leash attached to her collar wrapped around his fist to keep her close. Not that it mattered. She was too weak from lack of oxygen to go anywhere.

  Instead, she laid quiescent in his arms, dreaming of land and well-done hamburgers with bacon and cheese. She promised herself she’d move someplace landlocked – like Oklahoma or somewhere in the Midwest. Any place would do, so long as there was no water.

  His behavior perplexed her. Although he never allowed Lucy freedom from that hateful platinum chain, he coddled her, feeding her vegetarian delicacies with his hands. He spoke respectfully, telling her stories about the seas they traveled as he showed her things that might have made her happy if she wasn’t his prisoner.

  He kept her wary and off balance. When he woke her from sleep and took her close to the surface, cruelly taunting her with the sight of air just a few feet out of reach, she never knew if she’d find daylight or a night sky. It further confused her already shaky understanding of the passage of time. The only way she had to judge was the length of her formerly short haircut. Instead of a chin length bob, her brown tresses brushed her shoulders. Unless hair grew at different rates underwater, she’d been held captive for months.

  Her brain was thick and slow; the persistent oxygen deficit taking its toll on her mental processes. Part of her asked why she fought so hard. Didn’t she know she would lose? Even if she managed to escape the leash and collar, she would die before she reached the surface. That dark, insidious voice urged her to accept her fate and beg for his cock. Sometimes, she wondered if he was planting the thoughts in her muddled brain.

  Lucy almost never spoke unless he asked her a direct question. She was afraid those inner thoughts would spill from her lips before she could stop them. It was too tempting to give in, to beg for the gift of air he withheld so cruelly.

  She lay in her blanket of bubbles one morning, tethered to a stalagmite while he attended to something else, as she considered what she would go home to if he released her today. The Coast Guard might have found the wreckage of her surfboard and presumed her lost. Had they already declared her dead?

  “Why do you cry, little one?”

  She considered refusing to answer, but decided it wasn’t worth the fight. “Humans cry when they’re sad.”

  Crossing the cavern, he approached her and sat down. Giving her a quick pat on the head, he unlocked the platinum chain from the ring holding her in place. “I have a treat to cheer you, Lucy! I believe it’s time for you to be introduced to my subjects. Everyone is excited to meet their new queen.”

  Not waiting for an answer, he helped her to her feet. Locking an arm around her waist, he swam through the tunnel leading out of the cavern. They swam outside for a few minutes and entered a cave he’d never taken her through before. It opened almost immediately into the bottom of an open caldera. Weak sunlight illuminated the depths, supplemented by bioluminescent coral. The space was huge, roughly circular and crowded with beings like him.

  Chairs and benches made of quartz in dozens of hues rested near the walls, most occupied. Everyone stood and bowed as they passed by, though no one touched them. All the males were naked, and several had women sitting or kneeling between their knees, dressed in a rainbow of colors.

  As they swam through the chamber, they came to a pair of stone columns. In front of each knelt a naked human woman, tethered in chains. They looked up at her, lips blue with hypoxia as they held manacled wrists up in supplication. Both bore ugly brands in the shape of a trident on their right upper arms. When they passed by, Lucy looked back at them, using up a tiny bit of precious air to gasp in horror.

  Their backs and thighs were covered with whip scars, both old and
new, some still oozing pink into the water. Bile rose in her throat as she recognized one of the women as a well-known sailboarder from Australia who had gone missing years before. Lucy swallowed hard, deathly afraid of what would happen if she got sick on the monster hauling her along in his wake.

  Scowling down at the women, he snapped, “Someone feed these animals, please. The sight will distress my queen.”

  A few of the creatures stepped forward and offered their cocks. The women fell hungrily on the gifts of air, and the sight made her belly heave again.

  When they reached a golden throne, resplendent with gemstones, he sat and pushed her to the floor between his knees. She rested her head on his thigh, her mouth bare inches from his flaccid cock. She’d long since learned if she sat like that, it pleased him and he would paint her lips with precum just enough to ease her breathing.

  Except this time, he pressed the head of his dick between her lips, demanding entry. His hand tightened in her hair, and he said, “Be a good girl now. Suck me like an infant latches to a teat. Show my subjects how obedient their new queen is. Surely, she is a stronger, greater creature than a slave punished for disobedience?”

  When he spoke those horrifying words, she knew what this little show was. He had no intention of introducing her to erstwhile subjects. This was an object lesson. Comply, the lesson said, or this is what you might become.

  He pushed down on her head, forcing her to take him in her mouth. She nearly gagged and considered biting. The thought drifted away when precum dribbled from his soft cock. The sweet fluid made her drool and she swallowed before taking a deep, unobstructed breath through her nose.

  Oh, the heaven of it! Sweet air filled her lungs, clearing her mind enough that she could think. He talked to other creatures over her head, ignoring her as he shared pleasantries with them. It was like being at a fucking cocktail party. The thought made her furious and her teeth bore down on the soft flesh in her mouth, only to loosen when he dug his claws into the back of her neck.

  “Your queen is very well-mannered, your Majesty,” said a voice behind her. “We wondered if you’d ever manage to make her learn her proper place.”

  “Good things come to those who wait, Chancellor. It is much like training a shark. You can abuse them and break them, but they always remember being broken. I thought to try something different this time.”

  The thing behind her coughed politely, then said, “Of course, your Majesty. That does bring up another issue, however. We have a new mate who is not quite as sensible as yours, and her collector has run out of patience.”

  “Ah,” the monster said. “Such a pity. But I suppose we ought to get started.” Shifting in his throne, he positioned her so that she could see in front of them, then snapped his fingers.

  A creature with reddish brown hair swam forth, dragging a woman behind him by the hair. She was blonde, and would have been beautiful, if not for the bruises marring her face. She wore the same dress as Lucy, but in a vibrant red instead of orange. The woman kicked weakly, desperation on her face as she tried to get free. Lucy didn’t know if it was good or bad that she didn’t recognize this woman. Their eyes met in a split second of shared sorrow before the red-haired creature threw her down to the floor and put a bare foot on her neck.

  Holding Lucy’s head still, the king forced her to watch, his soft cock still leaking precum into her mouth. He tapped his free hand on the arm of his throne and said, “How long have you had this one, Ren?”

  “Almost all summer, your Majesty. She refuses to take me unless I force her and constantly tries to escape. I want to see if some time in your court will adjust her attitude, but I would like to keep her.” He pressed his foot down on the woman’s neck, making her whine. “She shows some promise.”

  “Very well.” The king clapped his hands together, summoning two creatures with black masks covering their faces. “Fifteen lashes, and…” He glanced at the red-haired creature and asked, “You said all summer, correct?”

  “Yes, your Majesty.”

  “Right, then. Fifteen lashes, and all winter on the column. Do you want her branded, Ren?”

  “If it pleases your Majesty, no. I’m still hopeful for a favorable outcome from her…” He glanced down at the woman on the floor and stepped back as the masked creatures approached. “I think she’ll suit me once she learns her manners.” Shrugging, he added, “I can always change my mind later.”

  The masked creatures pulled the woman to her feet and affixed black shackles around her wrists and ankles. Using chains, they secured her to one of the stone columns and stripped her dress away, baring her unmarred flesh. One of them pulled a coiled whip from the belt around his waist and shook it out.

  “It’s made from shark hide,” the king whispered. “We’ve found it quite effective, but you will never know its cut, will you, darling Lucy?”

  The whip flew at the woman’s back, snapping as it connected. A long wound appeared filling the water with red. She screamed weakly, unable to get enough air to give volume to the thin sound.

  Lucy watched in horror as the red-haired male transferred fluid from his dripping cock to the woman’s lips. She took a deep breath and howled as the lash fell again to her unprotected back.

  “And look, her mate is helping her. Isn’t that generous of him?” the king asked.

  Twice more, the whip fell, and Lucy couldn’t look anymore. She wanted to be strong, wanted to meet the woman’s eyes and share her pain, but she couldn’t. By the tenth, the skin of her back hung in ribbons. The woman could no longer scream, despite her mate’s attention, and she dangled lax in her bonds.

  “Ah, ah, my queen. Open your eyes.” The king tugged her hair, forcing her to look. She didn’t dare disobey.

  Her gag reflex pulsed around the cock in her mouth, but the instant before she got sick, the king pulled her away and stood, drawing her to her feet alongside him. “Hold for a moment, my friends. My queen would like to deliver the last few lashes to demonstrate her obedience.”

  “No,” Lucy whispered. “Please, no.” She tried to pull away, but the king held her tight.

  His insidious murmur filled her ears. “I would hate to see you misbehave now, darling. It would be a shame for you to share her punishment.”

  Shaking her head dully, Lucy allowed him to lead her to the column where the woman hung. As she passed, she heard the woman whisper, “I just want to go home. Please let me go.”

  You and me both, honey. Lucy closed her fingers around the whip handle. She had a choice, sort of. She could refuse and share the punishment. That was the moral decision, but would save neither of them. Or she could obey and live to fight another day.

  She lifted the whip, and the king gazed at her, pride in his eyes. Before she let it fall, she whispered, “I will never, ever, forgive you for this. You may be a king, but you rule over empty obedience and filth.”

  The woman screamed as the whip fell and Lucy’s soul died.

  Chapter 5

  One day, as they watched the northern lights flash over the Arctic Ocean, he asked, “Why have you never asked my name?”

  Why, indeed. She huffed out a shallow laugh. It would soon be time for her feeding, and already she was feeling the effects of her near constant hypoxia. The water’s surface was scant inches from her nose, yet he kept her still, preventing her from stretching that small distance. His arm clutched her waist possessively as he pressed against her, his arousal hard against her spine.

  When Lucy was ten, she fell out of a tree and broke her leg. She remembered the pain, and remembered watching the clock while she waited for her next dose of meds. She could measure time now by how short her breath became. He’d turned her into a junkie, jonesing for air instead of heroin.

  And he’d been right. She’d learned to beg.

  “Does it matter?” she asked. “Will a name give you humanity or a soul? Do you think I will suddenly decide to accept you if you have a name?”


  “I don’t ask because I don’t care,” she interrupted. His eyes darkened in fury and he bared his teeth, but she didn’t stop. It might cost her time on those awful columns, but she couldn’t stay silent. “Your name is irrelevant because you will always be a monster.”

  Without a word, he yanked on her leash, pulling her after him as he darted into the depths of the frigid sea. She tried to keep up at first, but soon gave up and let him drag her dead weight behind him. Unable to fight, she let her eyes close and dozed, uncaring where he took her.

  Maybe he would miscalculate the time. Maybe, just this once, he’d forget. And maybe, just maybe, she could be free another way.

  But he didn’t. And he wasn’t gentle.

  When they reached the cavern she thought of as his home, he tossed her into the mound of bubbles that served as their bed. She sank into them, allowing the soft foam to cover her face before buoyancy took over and sent her back up.

  He bared sharpened teeth, his cheeks ruddy with anger. “My name is Joral, and you will scream it before I finish with you.”

  She looked at him through half-open eyes. “You can make me scream, but it’s more likely I’ll just call you asshole.” She lied a little bit, though. She doubted he’d leave her enough air to scream anything. Her throat was already tight from the lack of oxygen and her increasing fear didn’t help.

  Joral straddled her face, his thick cock in one hand as he pressed it against her lips. When she refused to open her mouth, he grabbed her hair and pulled. The sudden pain made her gasp out a short cry of distress and he took advantage, thrusting into her mouth almost savagely.

  “Why do you refuse what I offer?” he asked, stilling his movement. “I treat you like a goddess. You are coddled and indulged, yet you deny me at every turn. You refuse air for your stubbornness.”


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