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Tears in the Darkness

Page 53

by Michael Norman

  B-17 bombers, 16, 21, 26–27, 31, 43, 125

  B-29 bombers, 327–28, 329

  Bagac, 67, 91, 188, 202

  Baguio, 401n

  Balanga, 168, 177, 187–88, 193, 199, 202, 203, 362, 371, 411n; chaos in, 188; feeding station at, 412n; field hospital in, 412n; holding pens in, 188–90, 230

  Baldassarre, James, 186, 362–64

  bananas, banana plants, 182, 194, 285

  Bank, Burt, 191

  Banzai, 78, 385, 404n

  Basiad River, 249, 250, 254, 256–57, 260, 264, 415n

  Bataan Death March, 4–5, 167–202, 224, 269, 270, 282, 291, 337; ad hoc operations in, 188; buzzard squads (“cleanup” crews) in, 180, 186, 199; comradeship in, 172; conformity efforts in, 183–84; dying during sleep in, 190–91; falling by the wayside in, 171, 174–75, 180; food and, 174, 182–83, 184, 187–88, 190, 196, 197, 412n; Homma’s ignorance about, 344, 346, 349, 370; Homma trial and, 361–64, 366, 369–72, 375–76, 380; kith and kin along the road of, 195–97; as misnomer, 168; officers forty or fifty years old in, 186–87; in POW plan, 411n; press coverage of, 344, 345–46; refugees along the road of, 193–95; rumors and expressions of hope in, 169, 187; shootings in, 179, 180, 181, 187, 193, 376; stage one of, 168–73, 411n; Steele’s drawings of, 295; struggle against despair in, 172–73; water and, 174, 176–80, 190, 193, 195–98, 295, 395, 412n; wounded Filipino soldiers in, 171–72, 180

  Bataan peninsula, 3–5, 58–67, 71–77, 83–96, 98–107, 111–29, 298, 310, 313; Allied failed counterattack in, 144; Allied food problem in, 114–23; Allied morale problems in, 115, 121, 122, 128, 144; Allied surrender in, 4, 146, 147, 149–56, 161–63, 166, 167, 172, 194, 195, 206, 213; Allied withdrawal to, 3, 42, 49, 58–63, 115; blockade plan for, 72; bombing of, 63, 128, 134, 139, 140, 142–43, 147–48, 151, 171, 194; as brutal battlefield, 71–72; defense lines in, 67, 90, 127–29, 141–47, 149; defense plans for, 60; disease in, 89, 113, 118, 119–20, 142, 161, 189, 190–92, 194, 202, 205; East-West Road in, 90, 91, 138, 139, 188; field hospitals in, 146, 149, 171, 180, 258, 412n; Filipino flight in, 143; front in, 66–67; guard duty on, 63, 67; Japanese attack in, 72–74, 76–77, 83–96, 98–105, 111–13; Japanese casualties in, 85, 86–87, 99–100, 112–14; Japanese infiltrators in, 87–88; Japanese wounded in, 100; jungle in, 94–95, 99, 102, 138, 143; MacArthur’s visit to, 122; Old National Road in, see Old National Road; POW evacuation plan for, 162–63; Quinauan Point battle in, 98–105, 113; second battle for, 134–50, 154, 372, 408n; as staging area for Corregidor invasion, 162–63; surrender party in, 150–54; tactical problem in, 83; Trail 8 in, 202–203; U.S.-Filipino troop estimates in, 72, 76, 83–84; U.S. rumor mill in, 114, 116; Wainwright’s visit to, 143–44; west coast of, 91–96; West Road in, 91, 92, 95

  “Bataan stew,” 117

  baths, communal, 319, 323–24

  Bauang, 38, 45–46, 55

  Baxter General Hospital, 334–37

  bayonets, 175–76, 208, 210, 213, 365, 376

  beatings, 365; in Bicol peninsula, 254, 256, 257; at Bilibid Prison, 285, 288; of escapees, 286, 287; of food thieves, 324–25; of Japanese conscripts, 78–79, 97–98; of Japanese guards, 177; of local people, 197; of POWs, 158, 164, 166–67, 170–71, 175, 177, 182, 185, 193, 197, 376

  Beecher, Curtis T., 294, 310–16, 417n

  beheadings, 166, 179, 287, 289, 362

  Bell, Don, 19

  Bent, Lois, 395

  beriberi, 228, 229, 263, 335; at Bilibid Prison, 265, 269, 272, 276, 294; types of, 272

  Berlin, bombing of, 291

  Bicol peninsula, 249–65; jungle of, 249, 250, 251; road building in, see Old Tayabas Road

  Bigelow, Frank, 19

  Big Hole, 132–33, 263

  Bilibid Prison, 169, 266–97, 312, 387, 389; beatings at, 285, 288; burials at, 272; description of, 266–67; engineers in, 278; food at, 265, 268–72, 274–77, 281, 284; POW hospital in, 258, 265, 267–85, 290, 292, 294–96, 308, 337; roll call at, 270; rumors at, 279–80; special prisoners at, 285–90; Steele’s drawing at, 276–79, 295–96; Steele’s return to, 296–97; Steele’s views on, 284; store of, 285; U.S. liberation of, 327

  Billings, Mont., 8, 130–31, 218, 243–45, 277, 291, 333, 338, 390, 392–98; Deaconess Hospital in, 396–98; Eastern Montana College in, 392–93; Elmo Club in, 386; Steele’s postwar return to, 340–41, 386, 387; Steele’s wedding in, 387

  Billings Gazette, 9, 132, 415n

  Billings Municipal Airport, 9

  Bilyeu, Dick, 327

  Birrer, Ivan J., 383–85

  black market, 127, 283, 320

  “Bligh, Captain,” 295

  blockades, 115, 320

  blood poisoning, 262, 269

  Bluemel, Clifford “Blinky,” 141, 169

  bombing: by Army Air Corps, 43; of Bataan peninsula, 63, 128, 134, 139, 140, 142–43, 147–48, 151, 171, 194; of Corregidor, 233; by Germans, 9; of Germany, 280, 291; of Japan, 327–30; of Manila Bay, 117; of Pearl Harbor, 3, 19–21, 25, 26; personality effects of, 45, 61–62, 76, 142; pre-invasion, 3, 25–32, 44, 45, 66, 401n–402n; of transport ships, 306, 311, 313, 315–16, 336; before U.S. Leyte invasion, 306; U.S. planning of, 21

  bootlegging, 131–32

  Botayama, Mount, 322

  Bougainville, 291

  bowing, 224

  boxcars, 219, 221, 223, 411n

  Brackman, Arnold, 418n

  Brain, Philip, 231

  Brazil Maru, 314–17

  Brereton, Lewis H., 20–21, 401n

  Bridget, Frank, 310, 311, 316

  Broadview, Mont., 334, 336–38, 341–42, 387

  Browe, John H., 230

  Brown, Sergeant, 148

  Brown, Bernard A., 360

  Brown, Charles, 259, 260

  Bulacan Province, 205

  Bull Mountains, 109, 276

  Burgos, Freddy, 183

  burials, 194, 272, 371; alive, 191–92; in Basid peninsula, 254–55; at Camp O’Donnell, 237–38, 240–41, 295

  bushi, 93

  Bushido (way of the warrior), 35, 55, 79, 81–82, 101, 222, 366, 405n

  buzzard squads (“cleanup” crews), 180, 186, 199

  Cabanatuan, 65; central POW camp in, 294, 296, 312, 380

  Cabcaben, 146, 168, 169, 170, 175, 411n; columns arranged at, 173–74, 175; holding pen in, 173–74

  Caibobo Point, 92, 93

  Caidin, Martin, 400–401n

  Calaguiman River, 85

  Calauag, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 259, 261

  California, 8, 10, 218, 333–34

  Calvit, Ken, 255, 268

  Camp Cabanatuan, 294, 296, 312, 380

  Camp O’Donnell, 163, 222–42, 246, 270, 274, 294, 344, 380, 411n; burials at, 237–38, 240–41, 295; disease at, 226–33, 235–36. 240, 241; division of, 224–25; empathy and altruism at, 231–33; food at, 228–29, 241; hospital at, 228, 234–35; inadequacies of, 225–26; King in, 223–24, 413n; number of prisoners in, 225, 413–14n; Tsuneyoshi’s addressing of arrivals at, 222–23; water in, 225–28, 242; work details at, 241–42, 250; Zero Ward at, 235–37, 240, 241, 269, 340

  Canada, 280, 416n

  Canadian Inventor, 297–99, 301–305, 416n, 417n

  cannon, 90, 103, 121, 140, 141, 156

  Canopus, USS, 19

  Capas, 163, 221, 246, 411n

  carabao, 116–17, 126, 147, 155, 173, 228

  Casablanca conference (1943), 291

  Casey’s Golden Pheasant, 215

  Cassiani, Helen “Cassie,” 30

  Catmon valley, 143

  Cavite, 298

  Cavite City, 19, 162

  Cavite Naval Base, 19, 44, 267

  Chaki, Jinzaburo, 163

  Chicago Tribune, 345

  Chief of Staff (M. S. Watson), 402n

  China, 307, 331; Japanese in, 16, 24, 36, 37, 41, 49, 56, 57, 137, 138, 206; work camps in, 293

  Christianity, Christians, 167, 181; see also Roman Catholics

  Christmas, 63, 187, 243, 283, 294

  Churchill, Winst
on, 281, 352, 353

  cigarettes, 283, 284, 331, 332

  Civil War, U.S., 141, 146, 151

  Clark, Bennett Champ, 345

  Clark, George S., 61

  Clark, Jug, 132, 215, 217–18, 386, 387

  Clark Field, 14, 19, 20, 21–22, 246, 380; bombers parked at, 22, 26, 400n; destruction at, 31, 66, 401n; Japanese bombing of, 25–32, 66, 401–402n; U.S. reoccupation of, 327; withdrawal plans and, 49–51

  Clausewitz, Carl von, 41, 64

  Cleveland Institute of Art, 387–91

  coal mining, 318–19, 322–23, 325–27, 332

  Coder, Frank, 358, 367, 377–78, 379

  Coleman, John, 181, 187

  Collier, James V., 151, 226

  Cologne, 280

  command responsibility, 353–54, 373, 376–77

  communications, 122, 292, 401n; in Bataan attack, 86, 92; in second battle for Bataan, 143, 150

  comradeship, 125–26, 172, 199–200, 252; compassion and, 282

  Congress, U.S., 39, 42, 217, 345

  Conlan, Thomas, 405n

  Considine, Bob, 123

  Consolation, USS, 332, 333

  constancy, law of, 125–26

  Constitution, U.S., 354, 373

  “Convoy College,” 306

  cooks, 276, 306–307

  Cooper, Wibb E., 118

  Coral Sea, battle of the, 280

  Corregidor, 49, 60, 63, 114, 143, 149, 153; Bataan as staging area for invasion of, 162–63, 412n; consideration of surrender of, 147; Funk’s delivery of message to, 147; guns and pit mortars of, 148, 154; hospital on, 267; MacArthur in, 115, 121–26, 140, 406n; surrender of, 233–34, 244, 268, 280

  courts-martial, 67, 125, 223, 287, 352

  cowboys, 5, 79, 215, 217, 276–77

  Crago, John, 303, 330

  Cruz, Rosalina Almario, 194–95

  Cullen, Gilbert T., 365

  Cummings, Father William T., 236, 269, 317, 417n

  Davao, 107, 344

  Davidson, Brown, 162, 181, 183

  Deaconess Hospital, 396–98

  death: in Bataan Death March, 179, 180, 181, 187, 190–91, 193, 370, 371, 375, 376, 414n; from beatings, 167; in boxcars, 221; at Cabanatuan, 294; expectation of, 135, 136–37, 156; in food drops, 331; Homma’s thoughts of, 351, 360, 383; Nishimura’s thinking of, 34, 37; at Old Tayabas Road, 252, 254–55, 261, 263–65; preparations for, 136; of special prisoners, 290; Steele’s expectation of, 263, 269–70, 276, 337; in transport ships, 305, 307–308, 310, 311, 313–16, 417n; see also burials

  “defense in depth” strategy, 42

  dehydration, 174, 176, 177, 190–91, 264, 301, 311

  de Leon, Bernabe, 260

  dengue fever, 229, 260

  desertions, 143, 147

  Des Pres, Terrence, 279, 414n–15n

  de Venecia, Lieutenant, 205

  Devore, Quentin Pershing, 13, 28–32, 62, 66, 402n; at Bilibid Prison, 296–97; at Camp O’Donnell, 224, 227–28, 242; on guard duty, 63; as POW, 154–55, 224, 227–28; in second battle for Bataan, 145, 148–49; Steele lost by, 154; surrender of, 154–55; withdrawal plans and, 50–51; wounding of, 28–29

  diarrhea, 259, 260, 261, 303

  Dieppe, 280

  Dillon, Porky, 386

  diphtheria, 229, 230

  disease: in Bataan peninsula, 89, 113, 118, 119–20, 142, 161, 189, 190–92, 194, 202, 205; of Bicol work detail, 253–57, 259–65; at Camp O’Donnell, 226–33, 235–36, 240, 241; see also beriberi; dysentery; malaria

  Dobyns, Paul A., 327

  Donovan, Leo, 358, 361, 365, 366, 380–81

  Dooley, Thomas, 60–61, 121, 143–44

  Drake, Aaron, 185

  Duffy, Father John E., 275, 295, 336, 387–88

  du Picq, Ardant, 39

  Dutch East Indies, 16, 25, 56, 73, 111, 320

  duty: good commanders’ sense of, 146, 154; Japanese sense of, 82, 96, 98, 101, 105, 137

  Dyess, Marajen, 345

  Dyess, William E. (Ed), 104, 171, 177, 182, 190, 410n, 419n; despair of, 172–73; escape of, 344; testimony of, 344–45

  dynamite, 60, 104, 151

  dysentery, 89, 120, 194, 303, 316, 335; in Bataan Death March, 177, 189, 190–91; at Bilibid Prison, 265, 269, 271, 272, 276, 281, 295; at Camp O’Donnell, 228, 230, 235, 241; of work detail, 253, 259, 260, 264

  East China Sea, 306

  Eastern Montana College, 392–93

  East-West Road, 90, 91, 138, 139, 188

  Eaton, Elliott, 395

  edema, 263, 269, 271

  Edmonds, Walter D., 401n

  11th Air Fleet, Japanese, 25–29

  Elmo Club, 386

  embargoes, 24

  Embick, Stanley D., 42

  Emerick, John, 164

  Emerson, Shirley Anne, see Steele, Shirley Anne Emerson

  engineers, Steele’s drawing helped by, 278

  Enola Gay, 329

  Enoura Maru, 314–16

  envelopment strategy, 92–96, 123

  escapes, 184, 255, 265, 285–87, 289

  “Europe First” plan, 43

  eye problems, 230, 332

  Far East Air Force, U.S., destruction of, 26–27, 29, 31, 44, 401n

  Farrell, Gunner, 315

  fear: bombing and, 45, 61–62, 128; at end of war, 328–29; of Steele, 33

  feeding stations, 412n

  Felix, Pedro L., 202–205, 364–65

  fishing, 117

  FitzPatrick, Bernard, 165, 180, 190, 191, 197

  Fonvielle, John, 383

  food, 37, 90–91, 133, 221, 287, 291, 324, 334, 367; in Army Air Corp, 12; Bataan Death March and, 174, 182–83, 184, 187–88, 190, 196, 197, 412n; on Bataan peninsula, 63, 85, 89, 99, 100, 114–23, 126–27, 128, 147, 155, 161; in Bicol peninsula, 253, 254, 256, 257; at Bilibid Prison, 265, 268–72, 274–77, 281, 284; at Cabanatuan, 294; at Camp O’Donnell, 228–29, 241; captured U.S., 182–83; drops of, 330–31; foraging for, 99, 117, 126, 229; on hospital ships, 332, 333; Japanese shortage of, 85, 89, 99, 367; in Montana, 337, 341; at Ominemachi, 319–20, 327; in San Fernando, 200; spoiled, 147; stealing of, 324–25; Steele’s dreams and memories of, 63, 127–28; in transport ships, 302, 305, 306–307, 315, 316; U.S. shortage of, 114–23, 126–27, 128, 147, 155, 161; of work detail, 253; see also malnutrition; rice; soup; starvation

  food clubs, 275

  food dumps, 182–83

  food packages, 282–84, 290, 324, 345

  footwear, 59–60, 174, 186, 236

  Ford Tri-Motor, 9

  Formosa, 20, 21, 25–27, 73, 293, 303, 314–15, 339

  Fort Benning, Ga., 74

  Fort George Wright, 339, 387

  Fort Stotsenberg, 19, 28–31

  4th Division, Japanese, 140, 408n

  4th Marine Regiment, U.S., 124, 268

  14th Imperial Army, Japanese, 49, 55–58, 72–77, 111–14, 344, 348; chain of command in, 361, 374–75; Fifth Company, 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment of, 34–38; 48th Division removed from, 73–74; Headquarters of, 163; maps of, 83, 86, 89–90; POW plan and, 411n; in second battle for Bataan, 134–50; in taking of Manila, 64–66; total strength of, 402n; walking of, 57–58, 74–75; see also 65th Brigade, Japanese (Summer Brigade)

  48th Division, Japanese, 66, 73–74

  France, 23, 78, 280

  Freud, Sigmund, 335

  Friday, Karl, 405n

  Fullerton, A. L., 238

  Funk, Arnold J., 147

  Furness, George, 358, 367, 381

  Gaertner, Carl, 389

  gangrene, 269, 271

  Gautier, James, 169–70, 179–80, 182

  gekokujo (the rule of the higher by the lower), 375

  General Willard A. Holbrook, 10, 12–14

  Geneva Convention, 244, 293, 352, 377

  Gentry, Bill, 47

  Germany, 9, 43, 78, 123, 280, 372; Nuremberg trials in, 353; surrender of, 328; war criminals in, 349

  Giantonio, Dominick, 172

  Gibbs, David R., 21

, Grover, 33

  Gilbert Islands, 291

  God’s Own Medicine, 264–65

  Goldblith, Samuel, 169

  Gonzales, Jerry, 261

  Gordon, Richard, 166–67, 169, 172, 177, 181, 187–88, 191, 197–99; aging colonel incident and, 198–99; army loved by, 197–98; burials and, 238; on loss of respect for authority, 198; malaria of, 232–33

  Graef, Calvin R., 306–307

  Grashio, Sam, 182

  Great Britain, 23, 24–25, 34, 55, 56, 112, 280, 281, 330, 335; German war with, 9, 43, 280, 291; at Potsdam conference, 328; POWS from, 163, 293, 320–21, 322, 325

  Great Depression, 131, 252

  Greater East Asian War (Great Pacific War), opening of, 23

  Greenman, Gerald, 320

  grenades, 90, 117, 139

  Grinker, Roy R., 335–36

  Gripsholm, 290, 345

  Grosz, George, 389

  Guadalcanal, 280, 291

  Guagua, 59, 200

  Guam, 111, 308, 333

  guerrillas, 40–41, 162, 255, 415n

  Gumphrey, Edward P., 331

  gyokusai (honorable death), 104

  gyokusai suru (to die but never surrender), 104–105

  Hagakure, 81, 405n

  Hague, The, Convention at (1907), 352

  Halco, Blacky, 216–17

  Halsey, William, 291

  Hanson, 285–87, 289

  Hardin, Mont., 217

  Hart, Thomas C., 19, 44, 298

  hatred, 164, 167, 184–85, 292, 392–93; Pantingan River massacre and, 206–207

  Hatten (soldier), 261–62

  Hattori, Kozo, 213–14

  Hattori, Takushiro, 408n

  Hawaii, 23, 116, 333; Hickam Field folly in, 21; see also Pearl Harbor

  Hawk Creek, 5, 33, 52–54, 69–70, 131, 160, 277, 278, 341; loss of, 108–109

  Hayes, Thomas H., 265, 267–68, 270, 282, 308, 312, 314; Bilibid as viewed by, 284; on food, 272, 274, 275–76; notebooks of, 270, 272, 274, 275, 279–81, 283, 292, 316; on rumors, 279–80

  Hearn, Lafcadio, 100

  heat exhaustion, 174

  heiti (soldier), 399n

  hemoposia, 312–13

  Hermosa, 71, 168

  Hewlett, Frank, 18–19, 112, 117, 408n

  Hickam Field, 21

  Hirohito, Emperor, 72–73, 211, 212, 234, 345, 418n; MacArthur called on by, 352; rumors about, 279–80; surrender of, 343

  Hiroshima, bombing of, 329–30

  Hitler, Adolf, 352

  Hōdōbu, Watari Shudan, 406n

  hohei (infantry), 6, 57, 86, 152, 280; comradeship of, 98; in Corregidor, 233–34; in Manila, 350; Pantingan River massacre and, 205–14; POWs and, 158, 163–66, 169–70, 175, 184–85, 197, 205–14, 260–61; in second battle for Bataan, 134–40, 145; in troop ships, 299; use of term, 399n; in war with Russia, 82


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