Homma, Fujiko, 65, 348, 349, 351; husband’s correspondence with, 56–57, 369, 382–83; husband’s trial and, 366–69, 377–78, 380, 381
Homma, Hisako, 348, 349, 367, 369, 382–83
Homma, Kankichi, 347
Homma, Masaharu, 49, 55–57, 66, 72–74, 346–85, 406n; Bataan attack and, 72–73, 76, 83–84, 89–90, 111–14, 134; Corregidor and, 233; deadline of, 56, 111, 112, 348; death sentence and execution of, 381–85; diaries of, 57, 65, 73, 86, 111–12, 346, 347, 349, 349–52, 355, 360–61, 364, 365, 419n; doubts of, 56–57; education of, 347; family background of, 347; first marriage and divorce of, 347–48; King’s request to meet with, 150; plea for resupply and reinforcements sent by, 113; POW plan and, 411n; prisoner evacuation ordered by, 162; as royalist, 346–47; San Fernando headquarters of, 111–13; second marriage of, 348; suicide rumor about, 114; surrender of, 344, 347, 349; as war criminal, 344, 346, 348–85; Western cast of, 55, 346
Homma, Masahiko, 347–48, 349
Homma, Matsu, 347, 348, 349, 382
Homma, Michio, 347–48
Homma, Seisako, 348, 349, 367, 369, 382–83
Homma, Toshiko, 347–48
Homma trial, 352–81, 384; arraignment in, 358–59; Baldassarre’s testimony at, 362–64; closing arguments in, 379–80; command responsibility and, 353–54, 373, 376–77; death sentence in, 381; defense strategy in, 370; defense witnesses in, 366–68, 370–78; prosecution strategy in, 354–55, 361–62, 366
Hong Kong, 111, 343
“Horror of Jap Prison Ship Told” (Weller), 417n
horses, 74, 108–10, 217; as food, 126; pack, 58, 85; in Philippines, 47, 170, 173, 205; sketching of, 160, 277, 278; Steele’s falling off of, 33; Steele’s love of, 5, 11, 13, 108–109, 252, 299, 341–42; in troop ships, 299; work, 53–54, 109–10
Hoskins, John, 92
hospitals: in Bilibid Prison, 258, 265, 267–85, 290, 292, 294–96, 308, 337; in Billings, 396–98; at Camp O’Donnell, 228, 234–35; field, 146, 149, 171, 180, 258, 412n; for POW returnees, 333–37
hospital ships, 332–33
Hubbard, Preston John, 179–80, 254, 268
Huff, Sidney, 124, 126
Hull, Cordell, 352
Hunt, Frazier, 408n
Hunt, Ray, 181, 182, 190
hunting and slaughtering, 116–17, 126–27
Ikegami, Eiko, 405n
Imai, Takeo, 74–75, 84, 85, 372
Imamura, Hitoshi, 55–56
Imperial Army War College, 74, 76
Imperial General Staff, Japanese, 55–56, 346, 371–72; Bataan attack and, 64–65, 72, 112, 113; emperor and, 73; politics and, 65
inchworm tactic, 138
Ind, Allison, 117
Indochina, 16
insanity, 261–62
intelligence, Japanese, 72, 83, 86, 163, 411n
intelligence, U.S., 17, 18, 20, 41, 400n
international law, 161, 207, 244, 293, 352, 377
International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 418n–19n
International Red Cross, 282–84, 290, 293, 294, 297, 324, 345
issen gorin (penny men), 83, 96
Italy, 280, 291, 372
Jacinto, Luciano, 204
Jackson, Calvin, 117
Jacobsen, Gene, 231, 304
James, Charlie, 182
James, Mrs. Will, 160
James, Will, 159, 160, 277, 278
Japan, Japanese, 3–6, 9, 16–32, 34–39, 41–50, 55–58, 61–66, 72–107, 318–32; Americans as viewed by, 25, 75–76; bowing in, 224; as brutal occupier, 161; defeating U.S. doubted by, 25, 56–57; labor draft for, 293, 294, 296, 298, 305; loyalty in, 79, 81–82, 100–101; MacArthur in, 331, 338, 343, 349, 352–55, 359–60; militarists and ultranationalists in, 75, 79; modernization of, 23–24; myths of, 22, 79, 81, 112, 400n; opening of, 23; Pacific defeats of, 280, 291–92, 301; patriotism of, 82–83; in Pearl Harbor attack, 3, 19–21, 25, 26, 115, 122, 400n, 401n; Philippines bombed by, 3, 25–32, 44, 45; as police state, 41; poverty of, 83; pre-invasion reports of, 39; Russia’s war with, 24, 25, 82, 134; surprise attacks of, 12, 25; surrender of, 328, 330–31, 334, 348, 418n; uniqueness of, 22, 82; U.S. blockade of, 320; U.S. bombing of, 327–28; U.S. invasion of, 293, 329, 350; see also specific topics
Japanese Americans, 392–93
Japanese Imperial Army, 12, 16, 20, 23–25, 72–79, 161; barracks life in, 78–79, 97, 167; brutal discipline of, 78–79, 97–98, 167; casualties of, 4, 41, 85, 86–87, 99–100, 112–14, 206; in China, 16, 24, 36, 37, 41, 49, 56, 57, 137, 138, 206; emperor and, 73; Kill-All orders and, 418n; Manila taken by, 64; object of all maneuver in, 137–38; in Philippines invasion, 3, 32, 34–39, 44–51, 55–58; POW fears about, 328–29; POW plan of, 411–12n; Propaganda Corps of, 86; realists in, 82–83; successes of, 111; surrender and retreat as impermissible to, 101, 104–105; troop transport of, 299; warrior code of, 35, 55, 79, 81–82, 101
Japanese Imperial Navy, 22–27, 34, 73, 115
Japan Times and Advertiser, 76
jaundice, 260, 269, 271, 276, 332, 335
Java, 73
Jimmu Tenno, Emperor, 22, 135
Johnson, Julia, 396
Jones, Albert M., 141
kami (soldier gods), 101
Kawaguchi, Minobu, 91–92
Kawane, Yoshikata, 411n, 412n
Kay, Robert E., 326
Keelung, 304
Keenan, Ralph, 324
Kelly, Jack, 62, 63
KEMC radio, 394–96
Kempei Tai (Japanese secret military police), 286
Kent State University, 391
Kill-All orders, 418n
Killer, the, 256, 257–58
Kimura, General, 91, 92, 98–99, 112, 406n
Kimura Detachment, 91–96, 98–105; envelopment strategy of, 92–96
King, Alexander, 141
King, Gadsden, 141
King, Ned, 141–47, 339, 410n; background of, 141; at Camp O’Donnell, 223–24, 413n; effectiveness of outfits assessed by, 144–45; headquarters of, 141, 143–45, 150–51; made commander of the Luzon Force, 141; morale boosting of, 142; retreats of, 145–46; surrender considered by, 146, 147; surrender decision of, 149–54, 162, 223, 412n
Kinoshita, Kiyoshi, 93–94, 96–107, 406n; background of, 96; death threat of, 107; escape of, 106; as POW, 105–106, 107; shipyard work of, 107; training of, 96–98; wounding of, 102–104
kirikomi-tai (infiltrators), 87–88
Kirtland Field, 11
Kishimoto, Ichiro, 360
Kolger, Louis, 247, 257, 268, 417n
Korea, 24, 25, 293
Koyama, Harry, 392–93
Kraft, Alicia, 396
Kramerich, Steve, 262, 273–74, 281–82
Kunoda (communications officer), 138–39
Laguna de Bay, 247
Lamao, 149, 153, 362, 409n
Lamao River bridge, 152
Lambert, Gordon K., 273, 284–85, 316
Lamon Bay, 49, 402n
Layac Junction, 59, 168, 199
Lee, Clark, 408n
Lee, Merrill, 276–77, 278, 285
Lee, Robert E., 151
Legaspi, 249, 250
lethal injections, 264–65, 415n
Letterman General Hospital, 333–34
Levering, Robert, 170, 177, 179–80, 191, 192
Leyte, 305–306, 308
Limay, 362
line slapping, 327
Lingayen Gulf, 21, 46, 48, 73, 74, 314, 403n; Japanese invasion force in, 36–38, 44, 45, 49, 55, 57, 113, 256, 268, 402n; Pelz in, 355–57; U.S. invasion at, 327
Linn, Brian McAllister, 402n
Locke, Bud, 189
Longoskawayan Point, 93
Los Baños, 382–85
loyalty, in Japan, 79, 81–82, 100–101
Lubao, 59, 168, 197, 362, 412n
lugao, 271, 274, 275
Luzon, 17, 21–22, 36, 38–39, 42, 44–51; as target, 44; see also Bataan Death March; Bataan peninsula; Clark Field; Manila
Luzon Force, 141, 153; see also specific troops
M3 “light” tanks, 48
MacArthur, Arthur, 122, 125, 126
MacArthur, Douglas, 19, 21, 26, 31, 41–46, 113–16, 343–46, 401n; in Australia, 125, 234, 344; in Corregidor, 115, 121–26, 140, 406n; Corregidor surrender and, 234; evacuation of, 123–26, 408n; food abandoned by, 114–15; headquarters of, 18, 21, 45, 46, 65; Homma suicide rumor of, 114; Homma trial and, 353, 359–60, 381, 384; on intelligence reports, 18, 400n; in Japan, 331, 338, 343, 349, 352–55, 359–60; King as chief artilleryman of, 141; Leyte invasion and, 305–306, 308; logistics lesson forgotten by, 115; Manila declared open city by, 49, 65; as military adviser to Philippine Commonwealth, 17, 39; named commander of U.S. Army Forces in Far East, 17; outnumbered claims of, 49, 403n; popularity of, 123–24; refusal of, to lead from field, 121, 122, 125; reinforcement lie of, 115–16, 122; rumors and lies about, 279, 281; troops’ blaming of, 121; War Crimes Branch of, 354; war plans of, 42–45, 49; Washington cables of, 113–14
MacArthur, Jean, 122, 125, 126
Mace, Peggy, 241, 340
Mace, Walter, 241, 340
machine guns, 45–46, 48, 127, 152, 204, 213, 214, 314
Maeda, Masami, 64–65, 66
mail, 282, 283, 290–91
Makin, 291
malaria, 120; Bataan Death March and, 190–92, 194, 202; at Bilibid Prison, 265, 269, 271, 276, 294; in Camp O’Donnell, 226–33, 335–36; cerebral, 255, 262, 273; falciparum, 269; of Nagai, 205, 207–209; at Old Tayabas Road, 254–57, 260, 261, 262, 264; of Steele, 226–28, 252, 254, 262, 269, 271, 276, 294, 335
Malaya, 23, 55, 163
Malay Barrier, 44
Malinta Hill, 121
Malinta Tunnel, 121–22, 233, 234
Mallonée, Richard C., 45, 46, 173
malnutrition, 117–20, 142, 156, 175, 332, 335
Mamala River, 146
Manchuria, 16, 57, 293, 331, 339, 348
Mangunsen, Colonel, 186, 187
Manila, 3, 17, 18–19, 21, 49, 162, 194, 205, 280; Army War Crimes Investigation Detachment in, 354; Bilibid Prison in, see Bilibid Prison; dispensaries in, 267; Felix in, 202, 205; hohei fight to the death in, 350; Japanese headquarters in, 282; Japanese taking of, 56, 64–66, 73, 89; Legaspi Landing in, 282; news of Pearl Harbor in, 401n; as open city, 49, 65; Pasay schoolhouse in, 246–47, 248; as “Pearl of the Orient,” 14–15, 65; rumor of Homma’s suicide in, 114; smugglers from, 127; transport ships in, 297–99, 301, 305, 308, 417n; U.S. liberation of, 327; war crimes trials in, 350, 352, 354–85; see also Homma trial; war ruin in, 354
Manila Bay, 3, 19, 42, 44, 62, 63, 67, 71, 139, 144, 170, 246; Canadian Inventor in, 297–99, 301–302; Corregidor’s protection of, 121; Japanese attack and, 83; Japanese bombing of, 117; Japanese launches in, 127; Oryoku Maru in, 308–309, 310
Manila Harbor, 162
Manila Times, 359
maps, 83, 415n; Japanese problems with, 86, 89–90, 93
March Field, 10
Marigold, USS, 332–33
Marines, U.S., 280, 291
Mariveles, 71, 92, 122, 141, 146, 163, 361; evacuation center in, 193, 194; POWs in, 167, 168, 169, 173, 188, 411n
Mariveles, Mount, 155
Marshall, George C., 114, 122, 124
Mathis, Donnie, see Russell, Donnie Mathis
Maxali, Rosalina, 195–96
McAllister, Don, 183
McBride, General, 121
McCleary, Elizabeth Gertrude, see Steele, Elizabeth Gertrude McCleary
McCleary, Sue, 245
McConnell, Colonel, 186–87
McCoy, Melvyn, 344–45
McFarland, Ernest, 345
Meek, Frank, 361, 365, 376–77, 380
Meiji Restoration, 24, 101
Mellis, Roberta, see Steele, Roberta Mellis
Mellnick, S. M., 344–45
Men Under Stress (Grinker and Spiegel), 335–36
merchant ships, Japanese, 299, 301, 305, 306, 416n
mess decks, 299
mestizos, 183
Miami, Fla., 387
Michno, Gregory, 416–17n
Midway, battle of, 280
military police, Japanese, 106–107
Miller, Ernest B., 18, 189, 192
Millikan, Scott, 396–98
Mindanao, 125, 281, 296, 344
Mindoro, 308
Mine, 318
mirrors, 287, 297
“missing in action,” 244
Missoula, Mont., 9
“Mister-Big-Number-Three,” 288
Mitsubishi Zeros, 22–23, 26, 29, 63, 259, 400n
Moji, 301, 305, 316, 317
mongo beans, 274, 275, 277, 278
monsoons, 251, 263
Montana, 5, 8–9, 11, 52–54, 159–60, 215–18, 243–45, 263, 276–78, 334–35; sayings in, 276; Steele’s postwar return to, 340–42, 386, 387
morality, malnutrition and, 119
Morin, Ben, 47–49; surrender of, 48–49, 403n
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 417n
Morong, 91, 92
morphine, 260, 264
Morris, Ivan, 405n
Morton, Louis, 409n
mosquitoes, 120, 251, 253, 259, 260
Motherway, Michelle, 396
Mugikawa, 318–31
Murakami, Isamu, 209–12
Murata, Hirohisa, 137–39
Murphy, Frank, 373–74, 381
Murray, Phil, 162, 171, 172
Musashi, Miyamoto, 25
Musselman, Merle, 235
Musselshell, Mont., 341
Mussolini, Benito, 352
myths, Japanese, 22, 79, 81, 112, 400n
Nagai, Yoshiaki, 58, 205–209
Nagano Detachment, 145
Nagaru Maru, 293
Nakamura, Sergeant, 84, 85, 87, 89, 406n
Nakayama, Motoo, 76–77, 153–54
Nanking, 343
Nara, Akira, 73–74, 76–77, 84–89, 112; at Homma’s headquarters, 74; Nakamura’s visit to, 76–77; Pantingan River massacre and, 203; in second battle for Bataan, 135–36, 140
Nataupsky, Leonard, 358
Natib, Mount, 84, 89, 90
Navy, Japanese, see Japanese Imperial Navy
Navy, U.S., 20, 42, 280; Cavite Base of, 19, 44, 267; doctors of, 246, 247, 248, 258, 265, 267, 270, 273–76, 284–85, 308; Leyte invasion and, 306; see also Asiatic Fleet; Pacific Fleet
Negritos, 286
nerve fatigue, 142
Netherlands, Dutch, 23, 24–25, 34, 112, 280; in East Indies, 16, 25, 56, 73, 111; as POWs, 293
New Guinea, 280, 291
New London, Ohio, 387–88, 389, 391
New Mexico, 11, 252, 328
New York Times, The, 65–66, 370
Nielson Field, 21, 401n
nikudan (human bullets; flesh bullets), 82, 101, 134, 366
19th Bombardment Group, U.S., 10–14, 20, 21; 7th Matériel Squadron of, 11, 62, 67, 126, 145, 147, 252; shipped overseas, 11–14
91st Philippine Division, 124; massacre of, 202–14, 364–65
Ninigi no Mikoto, 22
Nippon Times, 350, 351, 353
Nishimura, Ryotaro, 34–38, 152–53
North Africa, 280, 335
North Coast Limited, 340–41
Nueva Ecija, 294
Nuremberg trials, 353
O’Donald, Kenny, 281–82
Office of Censorship, U.S., 345
Office of War Information, U.S., 345
oil, 12, 24
Okinawa, 328, 333
Old National Road, 4, 59–60, 71, 76, 145, 146, 148, 150, 166; corpses on, 179–81, 193, 199, 223, 370, 371, 375, 376; description of, 168; kith and kin along, 195–97; POWs on, 163, 164, 168–202, 361, 369, 370, 375, 411n; refugees on, 193–95; surrender party on, 151–54; switchbacks on (the zigzag), 170
O’Leary, Humphrey, 162, 171, 172, 235–36
Oliphant, James L., 265
Olongapo Bay, 336
Olongapo Point, 312–13
Olson, John, 17
9, 413n
Omine-machi, 318–31, 335; atomic bomb and, 329–30; barracks at, 318, 319; British POWs at, 320, 321, 322; clothes at, 320; coal mining at, 318–19, 322–23, 325–27, 332; communal bath at, 319, 323–24; food at, 319–20; marching song at, 321; prisoners assembled at, 330; railroad station in, 331–32; trench dug at, 328–29; uprising plans at, 329
Omori Prison, 351–52
Omura, Toshio, 412n
122nd Infantry, Japanese, 134–37, 205–12; Fifth Light Machine Gun Company of, 209–12; Ist Battalion of, 212–14
141st Infantry, Japanese, 74–75, 84–85, 87, 372
142nd Infantry, Japanese, 90
192nd Tank Battalion, U.S., Second Platoon, B Company of, 47–49, 403n
On War (Clausewitz), 64
Orani, 187–88, 192, 194, 412n; burials in, 191; holding pens in, 189
Orion, 67, 230
Oryoku Maru, 308–14, 336, 387, 417n
Ott, George, 357–58, 379
Overton, Cletis, 223
oxygen, 309–10
Pabustan, Armando, 195–96
Pabustan, Damian, 196
Pacific Fleet, U.S., 3, 42, 280, 331; crippling of, 20, 25, 115, 122; submarines in, 291
pakikisama (just go along with it), 40
Palawan Island, 285–87
Pampanga Province, 71, 74, 76, 195, 197, 313, 411n
Panaca, Nev., 276
Panay, 365
Pantingan River, 139, 145; massacre at, 202–14, 364–65, 413n
Pantingan Valley, 143
parachute troops, Japanese, 50
Parks, Elmer, 166
Pasig River, 266, 275
patriotism, 82–83, 123
Pavia, Fred, 232–33
Pearl Harbor, 3, 19–21, 25, 26, 115, 122, 400n, 401n
pellagra, 230, 265
Pellegrino, Dominick, 117
Pelz, Robert L., 355–59, 361, 362, 365, 366, 367, 372–73, 376–80
Perry, Matthew C., 23
personal property, 165
Philippine Commonwealth Army, 17, 38, 43–44, 58–61, 403n; in Bataan Death March, 171–72, 362; in Bataan defense, 85, 140, 143, 144; development of, 39–40; inadequacies of, 40, 41, 46, 60–61; Japanese invasion and, 45–46, 48, 49; kith and kin of, 195–97; morale of, 41, 46; as POWs, 163, 188, 195–97, 411n; in retreat to Bataan, 58–61; U.S. advisers to, 403n
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