Tears in the Darkness
Page 55
Philippine Constabulary, 60, 95
Philippines, Filipinos, 3–6, 14–32, 36–51, 55–67, 266; “active defense” vs. “defense in depth” in, 42; as backwater, 3, 14; in Camp O’Donnell, 224–25, 229, 240–41; defense problem of, 41–42; guerrilla force in, 40–41, 162, 255, 415n; independence of, 39; Japan’s bombing of, 3, 25–32, 44, 45; Japan’s invasion of, 3, 32, 34–39, 44–51, 348, 402n; liberation of, 418n; MacArthur’s views on likelihood of Japanese attack on, 17, 18, 400n; as potential target, 12, 44; as refugees, 193–95, 205, 412n; strategic value of, 3; surrender of, 233, 244; U.S. feeling of assurance in, 17–18; U.S. invasion of, 293, 305–306, 327; War Plan Orange for, 42, 49; Yamashita’s failure in, 350
Philippine Scouts, 17, 41, 43, 60, 104, 179, 199, 403n; in Bataan Death March, 185; in Bataan defense, 85, 98; 57th Infantry of, 61–62; 12th Medical Regiment of, 258–59; in 26th Cavalry, 47
photographs, 169–70, 173, 192, 290–91, 295
Pierce, Henry, 260
Pilar, 205
Pinkston, Dan, 320, 330
“Plains, The,” 83
pneumonia, 229, 260, 271, 335
Port Arthur, 24, 25, 82
Port Darwin, 125
Potsdam conference (1945), 328, 334
Poweleit, Alvin C., 44–45, 190, 202; at Camp O’Donnell, 225, 228, 230–31, 233
prison camps, 200, 268, 331, 332; see also Camp Cabanatuan; Camp O’Donnell; Omine-machi
prisoner exchange, 293
Prisoner of War Information Bureau, Japanese, 293
prisoners of war, 6, 129, 154–58, 161–214, 219–42, 244, 246–331, 389, 393; beating of, 158, 164, 166–67, 170–71, 175, 177, 182, 185, 193, 197, 376; in Bilibid Prison, see Bilibid Prison; British, 163, 293, 320–21, 322, 325; camps for, see Camp Cabanatuan; Camp O’Donnell; Omine-machi; in death march, see Bataan Death March; evacuation plan for, 162–63; Imperial Army plan for, 411n–12n; international law and, 161, 207, 244, 293, 352, 377; Japanese headquarters’ call for, 92; Kinoshita as, 105–106, 107; Morin as, 48, 403n; number of, 162, 325, 411n, 412n; pack carrying of, 156, 158, 164, 169; Pantingan River massacre and, 202–14, 364–65, 413n; searching and looting of, 155, 156, 164–66, 169–70; in transport ships, 297–99, 301–305, 305–17; in work details, 241–42, 246–65, 262–63, 274, 293–94; see also Tayabas Road
Prohibition, 131
Provisional Air Corps Infantry (Flying Infantry), 66–67, 104, 127–29; in Bataan Death March, 171, 172–73, 177, 182; in second battle for Bataan, 139–40, 145, 147–49
Prussians, 23, 64
Pryor Mountains, 217
psychiatrists, 332, 335
Puerto Princesa, 287
Quezon, Manuel, 39
Quinauan Point, 93, 95; battle for, 98–105, 113
quinine, 205, 228, 232, 235, 257, 271, 273, 278–79
Quinn, Michael, 222
racism, race, 18, 292, 372
radios, 19, 57, 116, 394–96, 418n; rumors and, 279; shortwave, 13, 123
Radio Tokyo, 124
railroads, see trains
“Read This Alone and the War Can Be Won” (handbook), 299
Red Cross, see International Red Cross
Red Star, Kevin, 395
Reel, A. Frank, 359
refugees, 163, 193–95, 205, 412n
Reineking, Jim, 395
Remarque, Erich Maria, vii
Reminiscences (MacArthur), 408n
respiratory problems, 260, 332
Reuter, Paul, 257, 274
Rexroad, Charles R., 385
Rhodes, Thomas, 260
rice, 117, 121, 126, 155, 194, 228, 241, 296, 367; in Bataan Death March, 187, 188, 412n; in Bicol peninsula, 253, 254, 256, 257; at Bilibid Prison, 271, 274, 275, 277, 284, 290; on black market, 320; lugao, 271, 274, 275; at Ominemachi, 319; in transport ships, 306, 316
rifles, 66–67, 68, 73, 82, 156, 179, 181, 187, 259; bayonets on, 175, 176; beatings with, 167; in Montana, 216; Pantingan River massacre and, 204, 208, 211
Robinson, Bobby, 282
Rogers, Paul, 18
Roman Catholics, 155, 238, 240, 269, 275, 317, 386, 388
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 16, 24, 43, 280, 352, 401n; Corregidor surrender and, 234; draft law signed by, 8, 399n; Fireside Chats of, 123, 291; MacArthur ordered out by, 124–25; POW abuses and, 345, 346
Roundup, Mont., 159–60
Royal Air Force, British, 280, 291
Russell, Dalton, 252, 254, 255–56, 263, 264, 268; death of, 308
Russell, Donnie Mathis, 252, 256
Russia: Japan’s war with, 24, 25, 82, 134; at Potsdam conference, 328
Rutledge, Wiley B., 373, 381
Sado Island, 347, 348, 349
Saito, Fred, 400n
Saito (hohei), 106, 107
Sakai, Saburo, 22–23, 25–27, 400n, 401n
sake, 212, 213
Samat, Mount, 90, 136, 138, 202–203, 205
samurai, 79, 81, 93, 101, 405n
Sanctuary, USS, 332
Sandy (Steele’s niece), 291
San Fernando, 58–60, 62, 71, 168, 224, 246, 314, 371, 375; feeding station in, 412n; holding pens in, 200, 202, 219; Homma’s headquarters in, 111–13; railhead in, 163, 169, 195, 200, 361, 411n, 412n
San Francisco, Calif., 333–34
Sanitation Unit, Japanese, 412n
San Pablo, 247
Santa Cruz, 107
Santiago, beach at, 38
Santo Tomas, University of, 327
San Vicente River, 139–40, 145
Sanyo Muen Mine, 322
Sartin, Lea B. “Pappy,” 267, 272, 275, 312
Sato, Kojiro, 75–76
Saxe, Maurice de, 78
Sayre, Frances Bowes, 400n
Schloat, Don, 285–90
Schope, Bob, 241
Schwartz, Doris, 332–33
Scott, Irwin, 181, 226, 238, 256–57, 268, 281; at Omine-machi, 321, 328–29, 330
scurvy, 228, 229–30, 328–29
Sekiguchi, Hisashi, 411n
Sekihara, Hideo, 77–78, 87–88, 90–91
self-sacrifice, 79, 81–82, 101, 107
Senjinkun (pamphlet), 101
7th Matériel Squadron, U.S., 11, 62, 67, 126, 145, 147, 252
shame: of Filipinos, 413n; of Japanese, 101, 104–107, 407n; of King, 154; of U.S. POWs, 161, 206
Shearer, Clarence, 265
sheep, 8, 132, 133, 218
sheepherders, 8, 215–17
Shepherd, Mont., 387, 390
Shigeta, Mr., 134–35
Shigeta, Takesada, 134–37, 212–14
Shimonoseki, 305, 318
Shinto myth, 22, 400n
shoes, 174, 186, 261
Simmons, Bill, 187, 188
Singapore, 55, 111, 163, 343
Sixth Company, Japanese, 93–94, 96, 99–104, 106; command post of, 102–103
16th Division, Japanese, 152–53, 402n, 408n
61st Infantry, Japanese, 137–39
61st Line of Communication Dispatch Unit, Japanese, 411n, 412n
65th Brigade, Japanese (Summer Brigade), 73–77, 84–90, 203, 206; after-action reports of, 84, 88–89; 122nd Infantry’s revitalizing of, 134–37; as replacement for 48th, 73–74; in second battle for Bataan, 134–37, 140, 408n; as unfit for combat, 73, 74, 95; walking of, 74–75, 77
Skeen, John, 357, 361, 366–69, 374–80
Skinner, Zoeth, 19–20, 171–72, 179–80, 186; at Camp O’Donnell, 231; grim census of, 199; Robinson’s friendship with, 282
slave labor, 293–94, 298, 305, 328, 418n; transport ships for, see transport ships
Smith, Carey, 417n
Smith, Joe, 176
Smith, Stanley, 270
Smith, Woodrow, 320
Smoky (James), 160
smugglers, 127
Sneddon, Murray, 181, 189–92
Snook, Earl, 159, 160
Snook, Eleanor, 159, 160
Snook Art Company, 159, 215
socks, 57–58, 174, 290
omon Islands, 280, 291, 293
Solsbee, Wince “Tennessee,” 181
soup, 268–69, 274–75, 284, 305, 315, 331
South China Sea, 32, 36, 44, 71, 95, 263, 285; Japanese merchant ships in, 305; tides of, 93; U.S. bombing in, 305
Southern Army Headquarters, Japanese, 73
Spain, 266
Spanish-American War, 40–41, 162, 282
Speakers Corner, 394–96
Spiedel Ranch, 334
Spiegel, John P., 335–36
Spokane, Wash., 334–40, 386–87
Spokane Daily Chronicle, 337–38
starvation, 265, 271, 272, 290, 303, 319–20
Steele, Benjamin Cardwell, 8, 11, 33, 52–54, 68–69, 108–10, 130–32, 217, 218, 277, 333, 338, 340; bootlegging of, 131–32; Broadview ranch managed by, 334, 387; heart attack of, 243–44, 245; imprisonment of, 132; marriage of, 69
Steele, Benjamin Charles “Bud,” 5–14, 30–33, 50–54, 66–70, 126–33, 154–60, 215–19, 330–42, 386–98, 402n; appearance of, 215, 224, 297, 386, 392; as art professor, 6, 392–93, 395; background of, 8, 52–54, 68–70, 108–10, 263; in Bataan Death March, 172, 174, 178, 181–82, 184, 192–93, 199–200, 269, 395; at Bataan front, 66–67, 127–29; in Baxter General Hospital, 334–37; beatings of, 158, 164, 337; beriberi of, 263, 269, 272, 276, 294, 335; at Bilibid Prison, 268–74, 276–79, 283–85, 290–91, 294–97, 337; at Camp Cabanatuan, 296; at Camp O’Donnell, 222, 224, 226–28, 233, 241–42, 269; as camp tender, 8, 132–33, 184, 215–17; on Canadian Inventor, 297–99, 301–305; at Clark Field, 20, 21, 27, 28, 30–32, 50–51; comradeship of, 199–200; court-martial threat against, 67; as cowboy, 5, 184, 252; delirium of, 264, 268; Devore’s separation from, 154; drawing by, 5–6, 336, 387–89; education of, 5, 11, 68–69, 215, 296, 387–91; enlistment of, 5, 8–9, 218; extreme nervousness of, 335; first marriage and divorce of, 386–91; food dreams and memories of, 63, 127–28; food packages of, 283–84, 290, 324; furlough of, 340–42, 386; on guard duty, 63, 67, 127–28; homecoming phone call of, 333–34; in Japan, 305, 318–25, 330–32; KEMC interview of, 394–96; last rites received by, 269, 337; Lee’s friendship with, 276–77, 278, 285; in Letterman General Hospital, 333–34; mail of, 290–91; malaria of, 226–28, 252, 254, 262, 269, 271, 276, 294, 335; religious beliefs of, 181, 263; in retreat to Bataan, 62–63; ruptured aneurysm and recovery of, 395–98; in San Fernando, 202; in second battle for Bataan, 139–40, 145, 147–49; second marriage of, 392; slaughtering and dressing skills of, 126–27; sock search of, 174; surrender of, 155–56, 340, 389; temperature of, 248; in trains, 218, 219, 221, 305, 318, 331–32, 340–41; ward mates’ divvying up of possessions of, 269–70; wartime drawing of, 276–79, 295–96, 336; weight of, 297, 334–35, 337; withdrawal plans and, 50–51; in work details, 241–42, 246–57, 262–63, 290, 308, 337; wounding of, 200
Steele, Elizabeth Gertrude McCleary “Bess,” 53, 54, 68, 108, 109, 110, 243–45, 333; Bud’s advice from, 8, 217, 218, 386, 387; Bud’s correspondence with, 11–14, 17, 243, 290, 291, 336–38; at Bud’s graduation, 391; Bud’s package from, 290, 291; Bud’s reunions with, 338–39, 340; cooking of, 63, 127–28, 132, 256, 337; depression of, 245; money worries of, 132; religious beliefs of, 156
Steele, Gert, 54, 68, 109, 130, 245, 291, 340
Steele, James, 69, 109, 333, 334
Steele, Jean, 131, 218, 337, 340, 341
Steele, Joe, 131, 218, 337, 340
Steele, Julie Margaret, 390, 391, 392, 394, 397
Steele, Pat, 130
Steele, Polly, 333–34
Steele, Roberta Mellis, 386–91
Steele, Rosemarie, 387, 388, 390, 391, 392, 394, 397
Steele, Sean, 394
Steele, Shirley Anne Emerson, 391–94, 396–98
Steele, Warren, 54, 131, 160
Stewart, Sidney, 167, 180, 226, 237, 309
Stone, Harlan F., 373
Subic Bay, 313–14
submarines, U.S., 291, 301, 306, 307
suffocation, 309–10
Sugamo Prison, 418n
sugarcane, 182, 184
Sugiyama, Gen, 55–56, 348
Sugiyama, Nobuyasu, 321–22, 326–27, 418n
suicide, 97, 104, 107; Bataan attack as, 112–13; Homma rumor of, 114
Summer Brigade, see 65th Brigade, Japanese
“Sundowners,” use of term, 43
sun treatment, 173, 178
Supreme Court, U.S., 359, 373–74, 381
surrender, 291; in Bataan peninsula, 4, 146, 147, 149–56, 161–63, 166, 167, 172, 194, 195, 206, 213; of Corregidor, 233–34, 244, 268, 280; of Germany, 328; of Homma, 344, 347, 349; as impermissible to Japanese, 101, 104–105; of Japan, 328, 330–31, 334, 348, 418n; King’s views of, 146, 147, 149–54, 162, 223; of Philippines, 233, 244; of Steele, 155–56, 340, 389; Wainwright’s rejection of, 147
survival of the fittest, 193, 231
Survivor (Grosz), 389
Sutherland, Richard K., 21, 123, 125, 401n
Suzuki, Kantarō, 349
swords, 154, 166, 179, 208, 222, 286, 289
Takada, Naokitsu, 348
Takao, 20, 303, 314–15
Takatsu, Toshimitsu, 375, 411n, 412n
Takeuchi (regimental commander), 86
Takeuchi, Tozo, 164
tanks: Japanese, 46, 48, 155–56, 160, 234; in Quinauan Point battle, 103, 104; U.S., 47–48, 103, 104
tao(local people), 193–97; as kith and kin, 195–97; as refugees, 193–95
Tarawa, 291
Tarlac Province, 163, 221–22; see also Camp O’Donnell; Capas
Tayabas Road, 250–65, 268, 270, 291, 295, 308, 337; Ashton at, 259–65, 415n; beatings at, 254, 256, 257; bets of guards at, 256; burials at, 254–55, 265; comradeship at, 252; disease at, 253–57, 259–65; escape from, 255, 265; food at, 253, 254, 256, 257; God’s Own Medicine at, 264–65; guards’ expressions of pity at, 257–58; rocky encampment at, 250–51, 259, 263
Teikai Maru, 57
telephones, 333–34, 336
Tenney, Laura, 173, 192
Tenney, Lester, 173, 191–92
Teyral, John, 389
Thanksgiving, 334, 340, 341
thiamine (vitamin B1), 272, 275
31st Infantry, U.S., 15, 61, 143, 144, 162, 282
Thomas, Ed, 175, 180
Tiawir River, 90, 135, 138, 140
Time, 364, 367
Times, The (London), 82
Tisdelle, Achille C., 378, 409–10n
Tojo, Hideki, 55, 112, 293, 343, 348, 352, 374
Tokyo, 23, 41, 280, 343, 344, 347–48, 367, 378; bombing of, 328; Imperial General Staff in, 64–65; MacArthur in, 354, 355, 359–60; prisons in, 351–52, 418n; U.S. troops in, 331, 418n; War Ministry in, 292–93; Yasukuni Shrine in, 101, 406n
Tokyo Rose, 116
Tokyo War Crimes Tribunals, 353, 413n, 418n
Toland, John, 407n, 410n
Toolen, Yvonne, 258
torpedoes, 307
Toshino, Junsaburo, 310, 314, 315–16
Trail 8, 202–203
trains, 163, 200, 219, 221, 247, 249, 344; in Japan, 305, 318, 331–32; in United States, 218, 340–41
transport ships, 297–99, 301–17, 336, 417n; as hellships, 305, 306, 337, 416n; number of, 305, 416n
Trivel, Fred, 110
trucks, 150, 166; Japanese, 74, 85, 163, 170–73, 181, 224, 242, 246, 247, 268, 411n–12n
Trudeau, Arthur G., 369, 378
Truman, Harry, 353
Tsuchihashi, Yuichi, 66, 74
Tsuji, Masanobu, 371–72, 420n
Tsunehiro, Nariyoshi, 92–96, 98–101, 103, 104; Kimura’s message from, 98–99; recovery of body of, 406n
Tsuneoka, Noboru, 406n
Tsuneyoshi, Yoshio, 222–23, 224
20th Infantry, Japanese: 2nd Battalion of, 92–96, 98–105, 113, 406n; 3rd Battalion of, 91–92
21st Pursuit Squadron, U.S., 344
26th Cavalry, U.S., 47
II Corps headquarters, 122
Ulio, J. A., 244<
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United Press, 18–19, 112
United States: anticipated invasion of Japan by, 293, 329, 350; bombing by, 305, 327–30; draft in, 8, 217, 399n; embargoes by, 24; food drops of, 330–31; freezing of Japanese assets in, 24; isolationism in, 9–10, 42; Japan compared with, 79, 82; Japanese views of, 25, 75–76; in opening of Japan, 23; Pacific wins of, 280, 291–92; Pearl Harbor attack and, see Pearl Harbor; Philippines invaded by, 293, 305–306, 327; at Potsdam conference, 328, 334; racism of, 18; wealth of, 77
United States Army Field Manual, 149
United States Military Commission, 350, 353, 357
Valdes, Basilio J., 366, 369, 372–73, 378
Velasco, Saturino, 183
vertigo, 230
vitamins, 272, 283, 335
Wachi, Takeji, 370, 372, 375, 411n
Wada, Moriya, 113, 371, 375, 411n, 412n
Wada, Shunusuke, 310, 312–16
Wainwright, Jonathan, 47, 59–60, 61, 120, 121, 126, 149, 408n; appointed commander in the Philippines, 125, 140; Bataan visit of, 143–44; on combat ready troops, 46, 403n; Funk’s delivery of message to, 147; King as replacement for, 141; in Manchuria, 331; in Spokane, 339; surrender and, 147, 153, 233–34, 280
Wakanoura Bay, 332
Wakayama City, 332
Wake Island, 111
Wakeman, Ohio, 392
war criminals, German, 349
war criminals, Japanese, 328, 334, 343–44, 348–85, 418n; command responsibility and, 353–54, 373, 376–77; Homma as, 344, 346, 348–85; Yamashita as, 349–55, 359, 360, 373–74
War Department, U.S., 39, 43, 49, 122, 344–45, 352–53, 401n; Steele family’s letter from, 244–45; War Crimes Office of, 343, 354; war plans boards and committees in, 399n
War Ministry, Japanese, 292–93, 418n
war neurosis, 335–36
War Plan Orange, 42, 49
warrior, code of, see Bushido
“War Tales,” 79
Watanabe, Kozo, 58
water, drinking, 84, 85, 89, 93, 106, 149, 210, 221, 264, 287; Bataan Death March and, 174, 176–80, 190, 193, 195–98, 295, 395, 412n; brain and, 176, 177; at Camp O’Donnell, 225–28, 242; Quinauan Point battle and, 99, 103; in transport ships, 301, 302, 305, 311, 315, 316; see also dehydration
Waterford, Van, 416n–17n
Watson, Mark Skinner, 402n
Watson, Richard L., 401n
Weller, George, 417n
West Road, 91, 92, 95
whiskey, 130–32
White, Bill, 256–57
Williams, Marshall, 367–68, 378