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The Winter Affair

Page 6

by Alicia LaFontaine

  His hands were pulling her ever so slightly into him, but she leaned her body back as anger overtook her.

  “How we left things? Excuse me, but I wasn’t the one who ended it. You did! You left for college and you just…disappeared out of my life! Or, do you not remember that?”

  His head cocked to the side and his knees buckled a little as she landed her metaphorical blow. “I know! I know what I did! And, there hasn’t been a day that’s gone by since then when I haven’t kicked myself for being such a coward. I’m sorry!”

  Her head reeled back with an indignant snort. “You’re sorry? Is that supposed to make it better?”

  “No, but it’s the truth. What can I do to show you that I mean it?”

  “First,” she began, roughly extricating her hands from his and folding her arms across her chest, “you can explain a few things to me.”

  He nodded and began to reach out to her but stopped himself. “Okay. Yes, anything.”

  She rolled her tongue around her mouth, pushing at her cheek, willing her tears to stop completely, though she didn’t wipe them away. Let him see what he’s done, she thought.

  “Well, first, you can explain just what exactly happened when you left for college. One day we’re saying goodbye, kissing, promising nothing will ever break us apart and the next, you won’t answer my calls. I don’t mean to be so blunt, but what the fuck?”

  He nodded again. “You’re right. You deserve an explanation.”

  She stood there waiting for him to continue but he didn’t. She knew it was obviously difficult for him to talk about, but she was also done playing his friend. He needed to start talking. Now. “Well, go on.”

  His shoulders fell with a deep sigh and he backed up a few steps until his legs hit the mattress and he sat down. He groaned and let his face fall into his hands. “Fuck,” she heard him mutter.

  Finally, he raised his head and made it a point to look into her eyes. “I never wanted to tell you because I figured you’d think I was the biggest jerk on the planet and never want to speak to me again. I guess now I realize that keeping this from you was the biggest jerk move I could’ve made and I still lost you, either way.” He took one more deep breath. “I cheated on you, Trish.”

  Her head shook slowly back and forth as she came to grips with this confession. “When? The first night you got to college?”

  He looked up to the ceiling and she knew.

  “Fuck. It was before that, wasn’t it?” Her eyes clouded over with tears again and she hated herself for reacting.

  “A couple months before graduation,” he explained, looking back at her. His face was wrecked with guilt. “It was just the one time. And it was stupid, so stupid! I shouldn’t have done it and I regretted it instantly. But, I couldn’t tell you. I was so fucking scared of losing you. God, Trish.” He got up from the bed and closed the distance between them.

  She kept her hands folded over her chest so he held her by the shoulders, leaning his head down to try to get her to look him in the eye.

  “You were everything to me. Everything. And, I knew that if I told you what I’d done, I would be throwing that all away. And, over nothing. It was nothing. It meant absolutely nothing to me. So, why should it have meant losing you? I’m sorry. It was a dick move to keep a secret from you, but I was desperate to keep it from tearing us apart.”

  Through her tears, she could see by the look in his eyes how genuine his words were. She saw fear and sorrow and, again, she had to fight from falling into his arms.

  “So, you decided instead to leave for college and to just never speak to me again? I don’t get it.”

  “No. It wasn’t like that.” He let go of her and began to pace back and forth across the room. “It’s not as though I’d decided ahead of time to cut all ties with you. I just—I got to college and…”

  He stopped pacing and turned away from her, his hands on his hips.

  She needed to see his face, needed to be able to read his emotions as he revealed the truth. She marched over and planted herself in front of him, arms on her hips, too. “What, Garrett? Huh? You went to college and then what? Just tell me.”

  He looked defeated and in that instant, her heart fell. All the anger she’d felt simply vanished and, for once, she felt only the empty hole their break up had left within her. Why was she still holding onto the hurt? Seeing him now as he confessed this all, Trish knew he’d been hurting just as much. She knew he meant what he said. He had regretted his actions. What difference would it make now, over a decade later, to batter the truth out of him?

  She watched the surprise register on his face as her hands found and held his. “Garrett, it’s okay—”

  “I just couldn’t hurt you anymore, Trish. Whether you knew it or not, I just couldn’t do that to you anymore.”

  She wanted to tell him it was alright. She wanted to smile and hug him close. She wanted to promise that none of that mattered to her and she forgave him everything.

  But, there still lingered one more question.

  “Garrett, I want to believe what you said, and I do.” His features lifted and she witnessed hope spring back like a light in his irises. “But…I heard you this morning…on the phone.”

  She dropped his hands and folded her arms back over her chest. She could forgive him his past offenses. But, trying to convince her he would never hurt her again while he was involved with another woman just wasn’t going to fly. She’d have to draw the line in the sand right now. They could remain friends, but this heartfelt moment was not going to lead to a loving reunion.

  “What? On the phone?” Garrett looked extremely confused for several moments until his face lit up as if the metaphorical lightbulb switched on above his head. “Oh, while you were in the shower?”

  “Uh, yeah,” she replied, now confused herself. “I heard you on the phone while I was still in the bathroom. ‘I love you’? Look, I forgive you for high school, but if you think I’m alright being someone’s girl-on-the—”

  “That was my nephew.”

  Trish stopped with her mouth half open. Even as her brain registered the words, it didn’t formulate a response.

  His nephew?!

  A tumult of emotion crashed inside her, most prominent of which was embarrassment. No, mortification was a better word for it.

  He’d been on his phone with his nephew? How was it that possibility had never even entered her mind?

  She continued standing there, arms folded across her chest, mouth agape as she wrestled against the rising heat spreading across her skin. Far be it from feeling flushed with sexual excitement, Trish now felt a suffocating warmth overtake her entire body; for, the implications of her accusation were now obvious.

  The corners of his lips curled up in a devilish grin. It was almost too much for Trish to take. He took a step towards her and she felt rooted to the ground. There was just no backpedaling her way out of this.

  “You thought I was talking to a woman,” he stated rather than asked, confirming that he knew precisely why she’d been so upset with him all day. He continued, inching ever closer, “And, that’s why you ran out when I played that song.”

  Trish gasped as his fingers easily extracted her unresisting hands. He took his time slowly raising each hand up to his mouth where he planted a gentle kiss on each palm. Then, he drew her hands up further and wrapped them around his neck, forcing her body to arch and press up against his.

  A violent wave of gooseflesh flashed across her body as his hands smoothed down from her arms, over her shoulders, down her back, and then firmly took hold of her hips.

  She waited, caught in the middle of a breath, as she watched his eyes scan over her face and linger on her lips. As if on cue, her tongue emerged to wet them. Her body was instinctively preparing itself to welcome his and this knowledge caused her to sway so her hips thrust forward to grind against his.

  A groan emanated from deep in his throat. He threw his head back slightly and closed his eyes. Trish
felt an assault of blood rush to her most private region, recognizing the growing need.

  He lowered his head back towards hers and opened his eyes, their noses nearly touching.

  “Cara Mia,” Garrett whispered. “I love you.”

  Trish’s knees fully buckled. Garrett reacted quickly, though, and caught her body, swinging her into a low dip. Her body pressed securely against his as her hair trailed down and across the floor. His eyes spoke the truth of his words and Trish knew she could trust him with her heart.

  “I love you, Mon Cher.”


  The sex was mind-blowing.

  “Is that really what I’ve been missing all these years?” Trish purred in Garrett’s ear while her finger traced languid circles across the sculpted muscles of his bare chest.

  “Maybe it was so great because we waited so long.”

  “Hmm, does that mean you’ve thought about what it would be like?”

  He chuckled and grabbed her hand to kiss her fingertips. “If you mean, have I fantasized about doing what I just did to you, then you’re damn right, I have!”

  She kissed his shoulder and snuggled in closer to his side. “Did it live up to your expectations?”

  He let out a pleasurable moan akin to the ones he’d made a few minutes before. “Nothing could beat the real thing.”

  She squeezed him tighter. “Yeah, you’re probably right that waiting made it better.”

  “Plus,” he added, “you were a virgin then. You’ve obviously picked up a trick or two since high school.”

  She quirked up a sassy eyebrow. “Oh, yeah? Just what are you implying?”

  “Oh, jeez! I didn’t mean that!”

  She laughed. She knew he didn’t mean to say he thought she’d been with a lot of guys. The truth was, he had no clue just how many guys she’d dated since they’d broken up.

  Nothing had stuck for very long. She would never admit it to anyone, least of all herself, but a part of her knew the pain over their breakup had done a real number on her. She would say she kept herself from getting too close to anyone so she wouldn’t get hurt. But, if she allowed herself to examine each failed relationship closely, it was clear she deliberately chose guys who were emotionally unavailable.

  And, why would she do that? Well, it didn’t take a psychologist to figure out her self-worth had taken a big hit when her first love had gone off to college and, effectively, cut her out of his life.

  “Well,” Trish began, pushing herself up to a halfway-sitting position, “I would explain all the sordid details of my past relationships, but that would require food first.”

  He laughed. “Deal.”

  She pushed herself all the way up and turned to get out of bed. Just as her foot hit the ground, she felt the sheet slink off her naked backside.

  “Well, hello there, beautiful,” Garrett mumbled behind her.

  She peeked a glance back over her shoulder as she placed her other foot on the ground. He caught her eye and wickedly flashed his eyebrows. Then, he lunged at her and playfully bit her on the butt cheek.

  “Hey!” she squealed and whirled around to get her backside away from him, although the bite hadn’t hurt at all.

  “What do you expect me to do when your cute, naked ass is on display a foot in front of my face?” he grinned.

  She cocked a coy eyebrow and shrugged. “Maybe I did that on purpose just to see.”

  He rolled his head side to side. “Okay. So, does that mean you’re waiting to see what I’m going to do with this?” He nodded at her waist, now taking over the prominent spot in his field of vision.

  It struck her how comfortable she was completely naked in front of him. Of course, he was naked, as well, but he currently had a sheet covering him from the waist down.

  She was on full display for the first time for him.

  And, she was loving it!

  Trish planted her hands firmly on her hips and stared down at him. “I’m waiting.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. In the next moment, he had slid himself the remainder of the way across the bed so as to position himself, propped on his elbows.

  Then, his tongue met her skin.

  Trish gasped against the sudden sensation. Her hands flew from her hips to his head.

  “Oh, Garrett,” she moaned. How she’d never allowed him this most pleasurable access to her body before was well beyond her at the moment. Any sort of logical thinking was beyond her just then as she closed her eyes and surrendered herself to his touch.

  What could have been over in minutes lasted far longer as Garrett expertly brought her to the edge and then pulled her back again and again. With gentle prodding, he got her lying back on the bed, for which her shaky legs were instantly grateful.

  His sensual loving of her sex culminated in perhaps the best orgasm she’d ever had in her life, second only to the one she’d experienced barely under an hour before in that same bed.

  “Look,” he whispered as he sat back on his heels to reveal the full extent of his arousal. “Look at what you do to me, Trish.”

  She bit her lip and reached out a hand. His eyes closed in ecstasy with her first touch but then remained open, watching intently as she provided him with the little prodding which was still needed before his release. His eyes closed and his head flew back. His entire body shuddered as his hard muscles flexed in response.

  She stared mesmerized by the beauty of the moment, his allowing her to witness him in this vulnerable state. It was not lost on her how incredible it was for him to surrender himself to her after she had to him.

  Her chest heated and she felt a pressure building. It was almost too much to bear as her emotions began to swell.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Afterwards, they laid back on the bed together for another lazy twenty minutes. Finally, Trish’s rumbling stomach prompted the two to get up.

  Garrett ordered them some Chinese take out while Trish got dressed and fixed her hair in the bathroom mirror. Then, he got dressed and they headed to the hotel lobby.

  The front desk clerk told them about a liquor store on the back side of the block from the hotel. Garrett volunteered to go do the shopping while Trish took their food back up to their room.

  She checked her phone when she got back. She had several texts from Jordan, her assistant, explaining that the shop was just fine and that Trish shouldn’t worry about anything.

  Trish texted back.

  Jo, you’re never going to believe this. Do you remember that guy I told you I dated in high school?

  Several seconds later, Jo responded.

  You mean your first love, Garrett? The guy you were head over heels for when you were teenagers but never sealed the deal on.

  Trish rolled her eyes.

  Yeah, well, get this. He’s the guy who helped me out on the highway yesterday! What are the odds of that? Then, his truck died, too, and now we’re both stuck in this tiny town until Monday morning, sharing a hotel room.

  And…we finally had sex!

  Trish could just imagine the audible scream Jo would’ve emitted as she read the text.

  Oh. My. God! Trish! Holy shit, that’s amazing!

  But, it’s not really all that surprising given your track record.

  Only an emoji worked to express her response.

  Oh, come on, Trish, I know you’re not really mad at me for that. You’re always the one telling me about your crazy affairs.

  Trish couldn’t very well deny that. One thing she loved so much about Jordan was the complete lack of judgement Jordan showed her when it came to her love life.

  Well, this WAS a surprise because…it was the best sex I’ve ever had!

  Yeah! This isn’t just some random update on a one-nighter with some guy from a bar, Jordan. This is huge!

  Huge, huh?

  Trish rolled her eyes.

  Of course, you’d take it there.

  Hey, you’re the one who texted me about it. I just want all the juicy details.
  Trish laughed despite herself. Her situation was straight out of a Hallmark movie. Well, she considered the events of earlier that afternoon, maybe if Hallmark movies ever got an X-rating.

  He’s out getting some drinks and should be back soon. I’ll fill you in when I get back on Monday. I’m excited to see where this goes.

  Oh, boy, here we go. Trish the serial monogamist has found a new love interest.

  What? What’s that supposed to mean?

  You know you’re never single for very long. But, it’s pretty cool that you guys found each other again after so long. Sounds like serendipity.

  Trish heard the keycard being swiped in the lock on the door.

  He’s back. I’ve got to go.

  Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.

  Trish laughed out loud.

  That leaves me with plenty of options. Thanks, Jo!

  “What are you laughing about?” Garrett asked as he stepped into the room. He walked over to the bureau with the TV and started unloading bottles from a brown paper bag.

  “Oh, it’s nothing. My assistant just thinks she’s real funny, is all.”

  He snorted. “Well, apparently, you do, too.”

  Trish nodded and came up behind him, peeking over his shoulder at his haul. “She has a dirty mind. It’s no wonder I love her so much.”

  Garrett laughed and then flicked on the TV. “So, I got things to make Moscow Mules, but they didn’t have any copper mugs. So, I guess these plastic—”

  “Oh my god!” Trish exclaimed.

  “What is it?” he asked, alarmed. “Got something against a good Moscow Mule? I’m sure it won’t be that bad in a plastic cup. Otherwise, I also found this cinnamon liqueur.”

  Trish shook her head and waved off the bottle he was trying to show her. She pointed at the TV where Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack were shown ice skating in the snow.

  “This movie!”

  Garrett quirked up a curious eyebrow. “Isn’t that, oh, what was it? Serendipity or something like that.”

  “Yeah,” Trish nearly whispered. She was struck at the coincidence. Hadn’t Jordan just been telling her that meeting up again with Garrett was serendipity? And, now the TV is turned on and this was the movie playing?


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