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The Winter Affair

Page 8

by Alicia LaFontaine

  Trish couldn’t hide the disgust from showing clear on her face. “There is no us. You’re a lying, married scumbag and I think you should just leave.”

  “Come on, baby. I know what happened on Friday with Beth was a little crazy, but we can work through—”

  “Hey!” Garrett cut in, physically stepping between them and blocking Trish from view. “Listen to her. It’s over and you need to leave. Now!”

  “What, are you going to make me?” Devin taunted.

  “Devin, just stop it. You need to leave,” Trish repeated from behind Garrett’s broad back.

  “Just cool it, little girl,” Devin replied. “The boys are talking.”

  Trish could feel the anger radiate off Garrett when he shot back, “Don’t you dare talk to her like that.”

  “Like I asked before, you going to make me?”

  With that, Devin shoved Garrett hard in the shoulder, catching him and Trish off guard. Garrett’s left foot came back to keep his balance and his arm swung out behind him and wrapped around Trish’s side. This kept Trish from losing her balance, too. But, before she let herself marvel at how sweet Garrett’s protectiveness of her was, he was launching himself at Devin.

  Garrett landed a hard right hook to Devin’s jaw which knocked him backwards and splayed him out on the floor. He was only down for a moment and then began getting quickly to his feet. Garrett was on him in the next second, though, and the two men began tumbling over each other on the floor.

  “Shit!” Trish cried out and was surprised to hear another voice ring out in time with hers. She looked to her right and realized with horror they were still inside the hotel lobby. The shocked front desk clerk watched the grappling men on the floor for a few seconds before seeming to regain control of her body. She snatched at the phone.

  Trish looked away, knowing with dread that the clerk was dialing the police. “Stop it!” she yelled at the men.

  But, it was hopeless. She didn’t dare try to step in between them. So, she watched helplessly as they literally fought over her. Garrett was a big man. Against most anyone, the fight would’ve been over already. But, there had been reasons why Trish had been attracted to Devin in the beginning, not least of which was his tall, athletic frame. She had no clue who would win out over the other. And, she certainly didn’t want to see it go that far.

  Thankfully, in such a small town, it seemed the police hadn’t had far to go to get to the hotel. Trish would’ve mused over how few times the officer had likely brandished his gun over his career in such a sleepy place, had it not stopped her heart watching this harrowing scene play out in front of her.

  The men were quick to end their tussle once they saw the officer’s weapon, although neither was too quick to get up from the floor.

  Trish rushed to Garrett’s side, kneeling down next to him. It wasn’t lost on her the malice on Devin’s face.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  It was about a half hour later and the men were being tended to by a pair of volunteer EMT’s. Neither had any severe injuries. But, the hotel manager had insisted when she’d caught wind of what had occurred. To Trish’s amazement, the manager had been the picture of hospitality, seemingly only concerned with the men’s welfare. After witnessing Garrett and Devin both so quick to ire over her dating status, Trish couldn’t fathom how fighting in the front lobby didn’t evoke any rage in the manager.

  In fact, it had been the manager’s quiet, motherly attention to everyone involved which had calmed the officer’s racing heart to the point he let both men off with a warning, though he continued to stay nearby as the men were attended to.

  “I cannot believe this happened!” Trish muttered and shook her head as she watched an EMT check Garrett’s pupils for signs of a concussive head injury.

  He certainly was her knight in shining armor, not only saving her from the snow, but by protecting her honor when that buffoon Devin showed up to claim her.

  And, that was the part Trish really didn’t understand at all. What the hell was Devin doing waltzing in there, claiming she was his girlfriend? He’d done nothing to stop his wife dragging Trish by her hair out of bed Friday morning. He hadn’t tried to chase after her then and profess his love. Why show up now?

  She hadn’t gotten to say much to Garrett since the officer and EMT had arrived which frustrated her. Though, she knew his actions had meant a great deal about how he felt for her. Still, she worried what he was thinking now after cooling down.

  She was opening her mouth to try to begin to explain her history with Devin when an unpleasant, yet not unfamiliar, voice screeched behind her.

  “How dare you!”

  Oh, shit! It was Beth, Devin’s wife.

  Trish turned slowly on her heels, fully expecting to catch Beth’s imposing figure barking over him. What she wasn’t prepared for was Beth only a few yards from her and closing in fast.

  “You slut!” Beth snapped at her as she approached. Trish was on the offensive, instantly, as it appeared Beth wanted to go another round with Trish’s long, wavy tresses right then. Thankfully, Garrett put his formidable body between them before that could happen.

  “I told you to back off and you just couldn’t listen, could you?” Beth spat out.

  This really wasn’t the time for snide remarks, but Trish had had enough of this couple. She fired back, “Well, maybe if you kept him on a tighter leash, he wouldn’t be running all over town looking for some place to bury his bone.”

  It was only for an instant, but she could’ve sworn she saw the slightest smirk form at the corner of Garrett’s mouth. That is, before Trish’s sight was obstructed by flying limbs as Beth launched herself into Garrett to try to get to Trish.

  Trish only backed away, knowing Garrett would have a better time handling Beth without her trying to get a cheap shot in somewhere. Still, it would feel good to get some payback, she thought. But, either way, she didn’t have much of a chance as the police officer, whom had been over talking to Devin came rushing now to peel a snarling Beth off Garrett.

  In the commotion, Trish could see Devin still sitting on the opposite side of the lobby doors on a windowsill. Whether he was shocked or scared, she couldn’t tell, but his face held the same scolded-child visage as it had Friday morning. For a fleeting moment, Trish envisioned this was likely his face during sex with his wife. If only he’d employed it more often, Trish may have realized her folly in getting messed up in that affair long before the hair-pulling incident.

  With the help of the police officer, Garrett was able to extricate himself from Beth’s wrath. He walked wearily the few steps back to where he’d been sitting before and slumped down, his face buried in his hands. Vaguely, Trish heard the officer berating Beth for attacking and warned her that if she and her husband did not leave that minute…

  It was all just static to Trish as Garrett lifted his head and his eyes found hers. Despair, just utter despair was what she saw there and it instantly broke her heart.

  “Garrett,” she tried as her heartrate skyrocketed, “please, just let me explain everything. I’m sorry this all happened. Really, it was over with Devin the second I found out he was married.”

  “He doesn’t seem to think it’s over.”

  “He’s an idiot!” Trish hoped this would spark a small smile, but it didn’t. “I found out Friday morning and I left right away. I wish I would’ve known sooner, so I could’ve ended things sooner.”

  “Why,” Garrett asked, a steeliness casting over his eyes, “so I wouldn’t have been just a rebound for you?”


  “You’ve got to admit, Mortrisha, you moved on pretty fast.” His use of his pet name for her should’ve warmed her, but all she felt was a sharp pang of alarm.

  “No, it’s not like that. You mean so much more to me than that. You’re not a rebound. This wasn’t just a fling!”

  “I don’t know,” he said as he stood. “It seems like this moved too fast for you. I don’t know if you’re ready f
or a relationship right now.”

  She swallowed down the instantaneous retort of how would he know what she was ready for and instead replied with, “Garrett…I love you.”

  His expression was pained. For a second, it looked as if he were about to come to her, but her hopes were dashed when he dropped his head and shrugged his shoulders before looking back up at her, that steely, unfeeling look returned to his handsome face. “I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”

  Trish felt like the rug had literally been pulled out from under her. Her legs swayed and she couldn’t understand how she kept standing as he slowly turned and walked out of the hotel.



  gh, that’s heartbreaking!” Jordan sighed as she swept Trish up in a giant hug. “And, I told you that Devin guy was an asshole from the beginning.”

  Jordan was probably the only person who could pull an I-told-you-so on Trish and get away with it. Although, with how defeated she felt, Trish figured people could literally walk all over her and she wouldn’t do much to stop them. It was as if Garrett had taken all her energy with him when he’d walked out of that hotel. She didn’t even remember the drive home after that. Thank goodness the roads had been clear and the sun shining because she hadn’t been in a frame of mind to navigate difficult roads and weather.

  It was, also, almost as if the storm had taken with it her weekend with Garrett and everything therein. Had any of it been real?

  “God, Jo, I’m so stupid!” Trish berated herself, hiding her face in her hands as she leaned her elbows on the front desk of her shop.

  “Don’t say that. It was Devin who came in and fucked everything up!” Jo reminded her, rubbing her back. “That jerk needs to be put down.”

  “Don’t say that!” Trish mimicked Jo’s words and shot her a half-serious look before they both erupted into a fit of laughter.

  “I don’t think you’d be particularly upset,” Jo said. She picked up a watering can and continued where she had left off when Trish had trudged through the door thirty minutes before. There hadn’t been any customers in the shop, so Trish had unloaded the contents of the entire weekend’s details out for her assistant’s anxious ears.

  Trish nearly snorted with her reply. “You know, I’m not sure his wife would be all that upset with it, either. If he ever winds up dead, you’ll know it was because he couldn’t keep it in his pants and she finally had enough.”

  “Still doesn’t make me feel bad for her with what she did to you. I’m super proud of you for standing up to her this morning, though. I can’t believe you said that to her! Sounds like such a me-thing to say.”

  A small spark of pride bloomed in her chest but it was gone in the next instant when Trish recalled the hopeless look on Garrett’s face. “It’s kind of ironic, I guess. He cheated on me right before college and now—”

  “But, you didn’t cheat on him!” Jordan interjected with a huff. “I still don’t know what got his panties into such a bunch. Couldn’t he see that you didn’t want anything to do with Devin and that it was over? I mean, he pulled you out of a snowbank when you were on your way away from that slimeball. You were willing to risk your life driving through the storm of the century just to get away. How is that not proof enough that you were over him?”

  “I don’t know,” Trish answered. She rubbed at her face and then realized she was likely smudging all her makeup off. In another moment, though, she didn’t care. Who did she have to look good for now, anyways?

  “Hey,” Jo started, setting the watering can on the counter and throwing a comforting arm around Trish, “you know what? I’ve got it here. Mondays are always slow, anyways. Why don’t you just go home and come in fresh tomorrow?”

  “Jeez, you’d think you own this place and not me,” Trish replied with a small laugh. “Or, maybe I’m just that pathetic.”

  “Seriously, stop blaming yourself for this! Here, take your purse and scooch that booty right on out of here and go home. It’ll make you feel better to spend some time somewhere you feel safe and comfy.” She slowly ushered an unresisting Trish towards the door. “I’ll close up later and grab us some takeout and we can Netflix and chill or something. Okay?”

  Trish gave her assistant and friend a warm hug. “Thank you, Jo. That, actually, does sound really good.”

  “I’m super smart. How do you not know this about me yet?”

  Instead of once again calling herself stupid, Trish only laughed in earnest. Honestly, she had no clue what kind of a headspace she’d be in right now without Jo to lean on. Her assistant had been there for her through many-a-breakup and had quickly turned into prized confidante and close friend as they’d bonded over the best ways to get over guys.

  “Let me know if you need anything,” Trish called over her shoulder as she walked out the door, heading for her car.

  “I won’t but I will!” Jo called back.

  Trish chuckled again as she got in her car and drove off.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Her father came to check on her in the afternoon. Although Trish had always felt comfortable talking to him, to a certain extent, about her love life, she couldn’t bring herself to tell him anything more about the weekend than she had on the phone with him Saturday. He seemed to pick up on how hurt she was and didn’t pry, though he did remind her that she was still his little girl and he’d be right there with a shotgun if ever needed.

  Trish reflected after he left how difficult it must be for a parent to watch a child go through such shitty relationships and come out the other side single yet again. Of course, she knew her dad would rather she be single forever than see her settle for someone undeserving. No guy was probably deserving enough in his eyes.

  Still, it broke her heart a little bit to think about how much her father wanted to help make her feel better and to have her close off her emotions to him. The truth was, this wasn’t like all her other breakups. It would take more than a hug from daddy to make it all better.

  But, Trish’s father knew Garrett from their high school days. He would know probably better than Jo how much this breakup could shatter her. She texted him and made plans to meet up with him later in the week for lunch.

  “Ding dong, Avon calling!” Trish heard Jo through the door to her apartment. She announced herself that way every time she came to Trish’s place.

  “I don’t know why you think that’s a welcoming sound,” Trish replied as she turned the knob.

  “And yet,” Jo returned, extending a delicious-smelling bag of Chinese towards Trish as she stepped through the doorway, “you always open the door. Who’s the crazy one here. I mean, really?”

  Normally, this would’ve had Trish laughing, but the smell of the food brought back an instant flood of memories for which Trish had not been prepared.

  “Woah, girl, you with me?” Jo waved a hand in front of Trish’s face. Trish batted it away.

  “Yeah, it’s just…the Chinese food…that’s what we ate right before…”

  “Oh my god!” Jordan groaned and threw her head back. “Don’t tell me Chinese takeout is off limits now! They just added a whole new sushi section to the menu!”

  These melodramatics did the trick to snap Trish back into the present. “Yes, heaven forbid I ruin Chinese food for you!”

  Both women smirked at each other over their sarcastic back-and-forth. This was their relationship. However snide and snotty they probably sounded to outside ears, their ability to take each other’s sarcastic remarks was like a weathervane for them. The less sarcasm one or the other could stand without truly snapping, the more serious the situation actually was.

  “Well, thank goodness I have an iron stomach when it comes to these types of things. No matter how much food you tell me you’ve eaten before your little trysts, I can always bounce back.” Jo winked at her and started off towards the kitchen to retrieve some drinks.

  “You know,” Trish called after her, heading the short distance back into the living room and d
epositing the food on the coffee table, “this wasn’t just some ‘little tryst,’ as you so eloquently called it.”

  “I know, sweetie,” Jo replied, coming into the room with a bottle of white wine and two stemless glasses. “And, that’s why I’m here for you with food—”

  “And my wine—”

  “And your wine. And, we’re going to eat and talk and laugh and watch bad cult movies from the 80s. It’ll help.”

  “Thanks,” Trish said quietly, bumping shoulders with Jo.

  Jo bumped hers right back. “Of course. Someone’s got to keep you sane. We both know it’s not going to be you.”

  “Hey!” Trish replied with mock-hurt and threw a fortune cookie at her friend.

  “Oh, good, here’s yours,” Jo said and handed Trish the other cookie as if nothing had happened.

  That was precisely what Trish needed that evening, to act as if nothing had happened. She’d have plenty of nights to face her feelings over Garrett’s dumping her…again. This first night, though, all she wanted was to eat greasy takeout and argue with her friend over how gorgeous Christian Slater was and still is, Trish would insist again and again. By the time she got Jo to concede, at least, he had quite the set of pearly whites, Trish’s horrendous morning felt like a million miles away.


  When Trish woke up the next morning, she felt…okay. The longer she lied in bed, though, the more flashes of the weekend would come back to her. It was the ones of her and Garrett rolling around in their hotel bed, in particular, which rolled her out of hers that morning.

  She decided a jog might be just what she needed to clear her head. However, never having been an avid runner—or any sort of runner—she made it a half mile from her apartment and then was left with nothing but her thoughts on the much longer walk back. Next time, she decided, she would remember her own limitations and circle back at the quarter mile mark.


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