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The Winter Affair

Page 10

by Alicia LaFontaine

  “Nope! Don’t—don’t, uh, don’t need to hear about that, Mom.”

  Her mother waved her off with a smirk. “Anyways, what I’m trying to get at is, your father and I…well, we’re a bit worried about you, honey.”

  Trish choked a little on her wine. “I’m sorry. You’re worried about me? Why?” Her tone wasn’t harsh, just genuinely surprised.

  “Well, have you truly thought this through? You were so head over heels for Garrett in high school and then look what happened. Now, don’t get me wrong,” her mother put a reassuring hand on Trish’s arm, “we love Garrett, we really do. He was always respectful, had you home on time. We never had to worry about you when you were with him.”

  “But, you’re worried about me now?”

  “Honey, I don’t begin to understand what happened between you two the last time and you don’t have to tell me. But, are you prepared for if it happens again?”

  “You mean, if we break up again? Well, we’ve already kind of done that again already.” She said that and then cringed as her mother gave her a knowing look. It wasn’t as if Trish had taken it altogether well.

  “And, that was just after one weekend together,” her mother pointed out.

  “Mom, I get what you’re saying.” Trish sighed and took a large gulp of her drink. “I know it doesn’t sound reasonable, but this just feels right this time. And, I know, I know, the past couple weeks don’t really reflect that, I get it. But, being with Garrett…that’s something I’m willing to take a chance on…even if it means getting hurt in the end.”

  Her mother eyed her for a few seconds and then threw an arm around her shoulders. “Well, that certainly sounded like a grown-up answer which is all I guess I could want to hear.”

  “And, Mom,” Trish cut in, “I don’t want you guys to hold what Garrett did over his head. Please? I want this to be a fresh start for all of us.”

  Her mother nodded. “Deal. But, maybe we should take these glasses and the wine into the dining room and check on the boys. Your father’s more protective than I am, and they’ve been alone together for a while now.”

  Trish laughed as she picked up two more wine glasses. “If we go in there and he’s threatening Garrett like some old-time Southern father waiting in a rocking chair on the front porch with his shotgun in his lap…”

  This made them both bust out laughing as they went to join the men.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Garrett stayed the entire weekend. They spent their days wandering the town with Trish playing tour guide. She showed him the ins and outs of her shop, to the repeated chiding reminders from Jo that she had told Trish to get out of the shop for the weekend. Several boxes of Chinese takeout from their favorite place quieted Jo down for a time until she finally, once again, shooed them out the door and insisted they find some other way to spend their romantic weekend. Jo enhanced this innuendo with plentiful winks and waggling her eyebrows.

  When they weren’t touring the town, they found new and ever more interesting ways to pass the time holed up in Trish’s apartment. Her favorite had been their romp on the kitchen table after her parents had left Friday evening, though each moment of intimacy with Garrett held its own thrill.

  When he finally did reluctantly gather his things and walk to his truck late that Sunday evening, their parting was a million ways different than it had been a few weeks prior. Now, the only anguish Trish felt was in the long week which would pass before they would see each other again. But, that promise that they would definitely be together again made their parting sweet and tender.

  Of course, making out with Garrett as he leaned against his truck and she leaned her body into his was just as heated as it was tender. So, when he finally did pry himself away and drove off, Trish was left with a lingering desire which couldn’t be satisfied until she saw him again the next weekend.

  She already had plans for how she would accomplish that, though.

  So it was that on the following Friday, Trish was the one to surprise Garrett by showing up at his workplace unannounced.

  He looked up from his desk as Trish entered his office and closed the door behind her, wearing a long trench coat.

  “Trish! I thought you weren’t getting here until later this evening,” he exclaimed and went to stand up.

  She threw out a stopping hand and began to slowly stalk towards him. “I thought it would be fun to surprise you by bringing you lunch.”

  He smiled but gave her a curious look. “Well, that’s awfully sweet of you, but I don’t see any food.”

  She gave him a coy smile in return and opened her trench coat, revealing an unseasonably light sundress underneath. She reached his desk and walked around it to where he sat. He readily backed up his chair to make room for her. She read the excited question in his eyes as she sat herself on the edge of the desk in front of him.

  “Well, like I said,” she nearly purred, slowly spreading her legs apart to reveal how little she was wearing underneath her dress, “I brought you lunch.”


  Trish threw her head back as another wave of pleasure rolled through her when Garrett hummed his approval against her skin. With one hand, she braced herself on his desk while her other hand clung to his head, holding it in place though he made no effort to move away.

  “Best lunch ever,” he murmured and continued his ministrations.

  In her wildest dreams, Trish hadn’t imagined she’d actually have the guts to go through with her fantasy. She was so glad, now, that she had. Even in the novelty of their lovemaking, Garrett had already deftly picked up on each cue she’d given him and was able to bring her to a height of unbelievable satisfaction in a dizzily short span. He also knew well enough how to read her responses so as to keep her poised just a breath away from completion, only to torture her with ever-mounting sensations.

  When she thought she could no longer take it, he seemed to read her body again and gave her the fulfillment his attentions had alluded to for well-on a half-hour.

  “My god, Cara Mia. You’re amazing!” he gushed, slightly out of breath as they both came down from the high of what they’d just done.

  “Me? I think you have that backwards. But, I’m willing to prove my worth.” She flashed him a devilish smirk and slid off the desk, lithely slipping between his legs until she knelt on the floor in front of him.

  “What are you—” he asked when she grabbed at the belt on his dress pants.

  “Don’t you know that dessert comes next?” she replied, faking obliviousness to his reaction, as if this was a perfectly normal lunch hour occurrence.

  Despite her many and varied exploits with the opposite sex, Trish had never done anything quite like this before. It made her feel daring. She completely trusted Garrett which was perhaps what gave her the courage to go so far outside her normal limits. She’d never experienced that before with any other man.

  She wasn’t about to explain any of this to Garrett, just then, though. It would’ve spoiled the fun of watching his face as he came to realize what she was up to, unlatching his belt and unzippering his fly.

  “Trish…” he began but trailed off as her mouth closed around him. He seemed to have a hard time forming words after that but made plenty of noises which just spurred Trish on.

  Then, the phone on his desk rang.

  “Go ahead,” Trish dared him, looking up at him past her long lashes. “Pick it up.”

  There was a flash of excitement in his eyes. He leaned over and picked up the call and then relaxed back into his chair. “Hello?”

  Trish took a mischievous pleasure in feeling his body tense again as she resumed her work. His breath hitched as he did his best to carry on a conversation like normal.

  “Oh, hey, man…Nah, I’m alright. Trish came to the office and brought me some lunch…Dessert, too…Yeah, she is the best.” He chanced a glance down at her and she winked back up at him without stopping. She smiled to see his adams apple bob with a giant gulp. His one free han
d rubbed over his face and he leaned his head against the back of his chair.

  “Nah, man, it’s quiet here. Why don’t you take the rest of the day off and spend it with Josie…Nah, nah, don’t worry about it. I’ll probably close up early, anyways…Yeah, of course to spend more time with Trish…Razz me all you want, man. When you know, you just know…Yeah, alright, talk to you later. Bye.”

  When you know you just know. Trish pocketed that little snippet away to ask about later.

  Garrett hung up the phone and let out a loud moan. “Damn! You’re going to make me—” His words stopped short as he reached his climax.

  Trish thought she had a moment to compose herself while he recovered. But, when she stood up, he stood up with her and leaned over her so she had to brace herself back against his desk. His hands flew to the top hem of her dress and pulled it down, exposing the mounds of her bare breasts. The sound he let out at the sight was nearly a growl. Then, his lips were on her.

  His tongue and hands worked in tandem to leave no inch of her skin unattended. The suddenness of this tantalizing assault instantly had her blood rushing down below her waist. Her body was soon aching for his, so she thrust her hips up to grind against him.

  His mouth still covering one breast and one hand still covering the other, he used his free hand to reach between them and push aside what fabric separated them. Then, he was inside her.

  He rocked against her as she continued to brace her arms back against his desk. His movements quickly had her desperate for more and she bucked up against his waist before wrapping and locking her legs around him. She let her head hang back and squeezed her eyes shut as they both found their release. Inside her mind’s eye, she saw shooting stars of every color rush by as if he’d literally sent her flying off into the galaxy.

  “So,” Trish began through panting breaths as they recovered, “you’re going to close up shop early, huh? Shall we continue this at your place?”

  “Oh, I’m closing this place early, for sure. In fact, I think I’d better go lock the front door right now. But, you’re going to sit that pretty, little ass of yours right there because I’ll be right back.” He kissed her slowly and with deliberate intention, letting his fingertips trace featherlight circles around her still-exposed nipples. “I’m not nearly done making love to you in my office.”


  Every weekend for the next five months played out this way. One or the other would make the hour trip so the pair could cozy up for a couple days. Sometimes, even, they would plan date nights for the middle of the week. One of the benefits of both owning their own business was they could make their own hours and bend their schedules for the relationship.

  However, more and more, Trish began to feel the strain of living in separate towns.

  “I mean,” she was explaining to Jo one evening as the women ate takeout in Trish’s living room, “it hurts to even think too much on, but I have to, right?”

  Jo shrugged and popped open a box of lo mein.

  “I don’t want it to, but it seems to all come down to the question of where is this going? How long can it really last this way?” Trish’s shoulders slumped. Jo scooted closer to her on the couch and put an arm around her.

  “Aw, come on. Don’t think about it so negatively. Why can’t that be a good question?”

  Trish raised a curious eyebrow. “What do you mean? How can it be?”

  “Well,” Jo started, quickly swallowing down a mouthful of noodles, “what’s the main problem in your relationship as it is right now? The distance, right? So, get rid of the distance.”

  Trish nodded for a few moments and stared at her friend. When Jo didn’t seem to notice but kept right on eating as if the problem was solved, Trish clucked her tongue to get her friend’s attention. “You seem to be forgetting one big barrier to me being able to just pack up and move in with him.”

  “What? Are you worried he won’t go for the idea? Cause, honestly, I’ve seen you two together. Trust me, he’ll go nuts over it.”

  Trish sucked in an audible breath and sighed heavily to show her frustration. “No, you dope. There’s a little something called my floral shop. I can’t just attach it to the back of a Uhaul and set up shop next to Garrett’s house.”

  Jo rocked her head back and forth as if she were weighing the options. “Well, why can’t you?”


  “Why can’t you?” Jo repeated slower, enunciating each word.

  Trish grabbed a throw pillow from behind her and playfully smacked her friend in the side with it. “I heard you the first time. What makes you think I can just move the shop?”

  “You’re the owner, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “Then, you can do whatever you want with your business.”

  “But, all our customers here—”

  “I’m sure you can find customers there.”

  “But, what about you?”

  This finally made Jo stop in her tracks. She poked at her food with her chopsticks for a while and wouldn’t look up at Trish. “I don’t want you to stay here just for my sake. I can find a job—”

  “Hey,” Trish put her hand on Jo’s forearm and leaned her face down to get eye-to-eye with her friend, “I’m not going to put you out of a job just so I can move in with my boyfriend. But…”

  Trish suddenly had a glimmer of a thought. Jo looked up from her food. It took her a few moments but her eyes went wide as she suddenly realized what Trish was thinking.

  “Oh my gosh, Trish! Are you finally going to open another shop? How long have I been telling you to do that?” Jo smiled with obvious excitement.

  Trish cocked her head to the side and gave Jo a wary look. “Okay, hold on. It’s only a thought…for now.” Trish considered the idea some more as she pushed around her own food in her takeout box. “But, another shop would probably do well there. And, I know you’re more than capable of becoming the full-time manager here.”

  She peeked a glance at Jo out of the corner of her eye and quirked a smile when Jo sat up rod straight and gave her a salute.

  “Alright, alright,” Trish laughed. “For now, let’s just table this discussion. There are a lot of elements I’d have to look at before making such a big decision, not least of all would be—”

  Jo cut her off again, “I’m telling you, he’s going to love it.”

  Trish rolled her eyes. “Let’s see what’s on TV, huh?”

  Jo laughed and nudged Trish with her shoulder. Trish nudged back and they both broke out into hysterics.

  Jo definitely was ready to run the shop on her own and would do a wonderful job. Of that Trish had no doubt. And, she had to admit to herself, she had the means to open another location and she could see one doing just as well in Garrett’s town as in her own. And, of course, Jo was right about Garrett. He’d been hinting at their moving in together for weeks but, each time, Trish would quickly change the subject.

  Now, though, having finally confronted the idea in the open, even for a few short minutes, Trish was feeling…excited.

  The only question she really had anymore was, what would she do without her best friend and their weekly takeout nights?


  As spring made its way into summer, Garrett began talking about his nephew’s upcoming junior baseball season. Secretly, Trish had been feeling guilty about so fully taking up Garrett’s free time and suggested she finally meet Jace by going to the season opener with Garrett.

  They drove up to the park and got out of Garrett’s truck. Garrett took her hand and led her to the stadium-style bleachers next to the field. Trish had high hopes once she met Jace, it would make easing into a conversation about she and Garrett living together a little easier. He’d be able to envision more her fully in his everyday life if he could finally see two people he cared so much about interacting.

  And, Trish silently mused to herself, it might be fun to see how Garrett reacted to watching her interact with a child. She’d th
ought about it a lot in recent weeks. Having a child of their own wasn’t such a crazy idea, was it?

  The sun was bright overhead but there was a soft breeze blowing across the field. Trish could smell the freshly cut grass and sucked in a deep breath as they took their seats.

  “So, which one is Jace?” She turned to Garrett with a smile.

  He looked out to scan the teams of ten and eleven year olds as they participated in various warm-up drills all over the field.

  “Um, oh, he’s over there. Way out in left.” Garrett pointed but Trish wasn’t sure which one he was motioning towards until there was a sharp squeal from the umpire’s whistle and the boys all ran in towards their coaches.

  “Number fifteen,” Garrett clarified, pointing towards one of the shorter kids of the bunch wearing red uniforms.

  “Aww,” Trish automatically sighed. Something about youngsters first starting out in sports, wearing the uniforms and learning the ins and outs of the game, was so endearing. “You said this is his first year playing?”

  “Yeah,” Garrett answered her but his eyes continued to follow Jace. He rubbed his hands together. She took them in hers.

  “Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll do great. Weren’t you saying that you’ve been practicing with him for the past couple years?”

  Garrett gave her a small smile. “Yeah. I just didn’t realize how much smaller he was than the rest of the kids. He’s one of the younger ones, too.”

  “Well, that should be a good thing, right?” Trish tried to keep the conversation positive to abate Garrett’s worries. “I think it would be easier for him to assimilate into a team if he gets started when he’s younger.”

  The umpire blew his whistle again. Both teams had been huddled around their coaches, no doubt getting some last-minute instruction. At the whistle, both teams did a cheer, screaming their team names, and then bodies started running everywhere to take their places.


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