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Page 33

by Catherine Taylor

  He shook his head. “I don’t know. I can’t work it out. If it was one of Makarov’s or Novikov’s men, then why didn’t they come for you? Natasha wouldn’t have left you alone for a single moment, even if she saw something happen to Oleysa. That means that someone came here, someone who knew enough to get past Natasha, and take her, but then why didn’t they take you?”

  “Or kill me?”

  Jahn nodded. “I didn’t want to say it, but yeah.”

  “And how did they get into the building? It was locked when I tried to get in. Maybe someone else in the building saw something.”

  He stared at her as if she had said something profound, and she was lifted and deposited back on her chair. Bringing his frown close to her face, he spoke to her sternly. “I will be gone ten minutes. If you move from that chair, I will tan your arse, until you can’t sit down for a week. Do you understand?”

  Lena tried not to grin, but there was something so normal and comforting in his bossy threat. Her mouth twitched at the corners. “Yes, Sir.”

  His eyes wandered over her face, and his own grin stirred. “It’s good to see your face, but remember how much I enjoy admiring your bottom.”

  As soon as he saw the blush in her cheeks, Jahn left, knowing she would be distracted long enough to find out what he needed to know. He had been in this building enough times to know when something was wrong.

  The old woman, on the lower floor, had a regular input into what went on around her. Jahn suspected that she waited constantly at the door, ready to spring out at unsuspecting visitors. He’d been subjected to her attacks on many occasions, though lately she had given him little more than a suspicious frown, to which he always returned a grin.

  Her door was unlocked, and he felt the first sinking feeling as he rapped softly. When there was no reply, he quietly opened the door. He saw her body straight away, lying on the floor, with a halo of blood about her head.

  Backing out, he closed the door and wiped his prints from the handle. Hurrying to the stairwell, he sank down on the steps and calmed his breathing.

  “Fuck, Natasha, where are you?”

  He tried to think of his next move, but his mind was blank. Physical and emotional exhaustion was overcoming him, and he had no ready safe place to go. He had to keep Lena away from danger, and Natasha’s apartment was about their only option. Lack of sleep would soon have him making wrong decisions. He needed rest and Lena in his arms.

  In twenty four hours he had seen enough violence. Lena was everything that was soft and pink and gentle. He wanted to bury his face between her legs and hold her buttocks in his hands. He wanted to hear her giggle and groan in ecstasy. He wanted to see how she gazed at him when he fucked her. What he needed was to be loved by her, the way she had loved him before, until she had learnt the true meaning of betrayal.

  Jahn sighed deeply. The one person he cared about more than anything was the person he had hurt most. Now all he could do was protect her, and try to mend some of the mess he had made of her life.

  Finding Natasha would be a good start, but as much as it tore at him, there was nothing he could do until he knew more. A few hours’ sleep could make all the difference. Wearily, he got up and returned to the apartment.

  Lena was not on the chair. A second’s panic sent him flying into the bedroom where he stopped in his tracks.

  Lena lay face down on the bed, her head cushioned in her arms and her naked body stretched out on the bed. She looked at him wistfully, but said nothing. His eyes ran along her back and over the round hillocks of her bottom. He couldn’t remember seeing anything more beautiful in his life.

  Staring at her, he reached down and pulled his boots and socks off, and quickly followed them with his jumper, stripping down to jeans and singlet. Approaching her slowly, he sat down on the side of the bed, and let his hand glide over her skin, which prickled with his touch.

  His cock responded rapidly, expanding against his jeans. He was starving for her, and she was offering herself to him, like water to a parched throat.

  Lying down next to her, he rolled her onto her side, and stared at her breasts, his fingertips caressing their fullness and capturing her swollen nipples between them. His mouth came down on one, sucking and licking. He rolled her further and grasped her other breast, giving it his full attention.

  She was moaning softly, and he wanted her mouth. Shifting, he pushed his tongue between her lips, kissing her deeply, his hand still squeezing and plumping her breast. He pulled his mouth away and stared down at the desire in her face.

  He craved her, but sense told him that this was a very bad idea. Less than an hour ago she had been out screaming on the streets, paralysed in fear.

  “Lena.” He stroked her hair. “Let’s just get some sleep.”

  “I don’t want to sleep,” she insisted. “When I close my eyes, my head becomes all mixed up. It frightens me. I want to look at you so I won’t be afraid. I want you to touch me and hurt me, so the other pain will go away, the way it did before.”

  The very thought of hurting her made him feel ill, and he shook his head. “No, Lena. I’m not going to hurt you. That’s not what you need right now.”

  Her face became stony and she pulled away from him.

  “Don’t tell me what I need. You all made decisions for me and you were all wrong. From now on, I make my own decisions. I do know what I need right now. I need you to stop feeling sorry for yourself and for me. I need you to be Master, but if you can’t…”


  Jahn sat up, looking away from her, his confusion overwhelming.

  “I’m sorry,” Lena whispered. “Don’t be angry with me.”

  He shut his eyes, defeated further by her apology. He shook his head and turned back to her.

  “Lena, do you not understand that it is me that should be apologising. All this is my fault, not yours.”

  She smiled at him. “Then fix it. If you can’t handle one disobedient, naked girl who is offering herself to you, how do you expect to be able to deal with more important matters?”

  “Because that disobedient, naked girl is the most important matter.” He scanned his eyes over her. “Look at you. You want to call me Master, but it is you that has had the power over me, every time you smile at me, that night when you came into the shower, and now when you’re lying there, showing me your body, knowing how much I want you, expecting me to take charge.”

  “Should I cover up?” Lena asked nervously.

  “No, you shouldn’t.” Jahn sat up and folded his arms. “You should get around here and stand in front of me and explain why you disobeyed me again.”

  Lena bit down on her lip before a grin escaped. Rolling off the bed, she shuffled around to stand before him. It was tempting to reach out and kiss the stern face in front of her.

  “I’m waiting,” he growled. “I told you to stay on that chair, and what would happen if you didn’t. Why did you disobey me?”

  “Because I wanted to see if you were still true to your word. I had started to have doubts and I can’t remember why. Something my grandfather said, something about Thailand.” Lena frowned. “Your name is Damyen.”

  Jahn nodded. “What else do you remember?”

  Lena shook her head. “I don’t want to remember. To me, you are Jahn Zaleski and you are in love with me. You told me that and that is all I need to remember. Nothing else matters at this moment, unless you want to tell me that you lied to me.”

  “I didn’t lie to you.”

  She smiled and breathed out deeply. “Which means that I am about to be very sorry for my disobedience any minute.”

  “Yes you are,” Jahn grinned. “Right now.”

  He took her arm and pulled her over his left thigh, bringing her upper body to the bed. His leg clamped over hers and his arm went about her waist, securing her firmly.

  There was a brief hesitation as he looked at the pink welts and purple bruising across her cheeks, but his doubts were gone. A span
king began that was to last a full ten minutes, hard, fast and effective. Lena was howling and squirming, tossing her bottom about in an unsuccessful effort to avoid his hand. Her bottom turned pink and slowly deepened into a roasted scarlet. He paid particular to attention the underside of her cheeks and upper thighs to ensure she would feel it every time she sat down.

  When her howls turned to anguished sobbing, her body relaxed against him. Jahn smiled as he continued to apply his hand, knowing that she had found the peace she had sought from him. He only stopped when he was satisfied that she was thoroughly chastised, but there was still more he needed to do. She would have no more doubts.

  He pulled her legs wider apart, and ignoring her crying, he took hold of her cheeks and spread them, leaning down to dribble his saliva onto her anus. Lena leapt up.

  “What are you doing?”

  He pushed her back down. “Lie still. Your punishment is not over yet. Spanking you doesn’t seem to be enough for you to obey me. Perhaps a little humiliation might help you to remember. If you move, you are going to get spanked for another ten minutes. Is that understood?”

  She didn’t resist him. “Yes, Sir.”

  He added more saliva and massaged it into her anus, gradually pushing his finger into her. Lena sobbed and gasped but didn’t move. There was no tension in her body and he sensed her complete submission. His finger slipped in further and he grinned as he felt her clench against him. He moved it in and out gently, the inward push growing deeper each time until his finger was firmly fucking her.

  “How embarrassed do you feel, knowing what I’m doing to you, that I’m watching your tight little arsehole getting punished?”

  Her breathing was shallow. “I feel terribly ashamed.”

  Jahn nearly laughed, knowing that she was lying. Her cum had already soaked through his jeans. He took his time, hearing her gasps announce her approaching climax. When she was close, he withdrew from her and landed a solid slap to her bottom.

  “Get up and go and stand against the wall.”

  Lena got to her feet and gave him a bewildered gaze. “But don’t you…”

  Jahn stood up, grabbed her arm and turned her, delivering a sound smacking to her bottom at the same pace as each syllable of his lecture. “When I tell you to do something, you will obey me. Now get to the wall.”

  “I will, she bawled, “Just stop smacking me.”

  He pulled her back again and delivered six more. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

  Howling, she hurried to the wall, clutching her buttocks. Jahn lay on the bed grinning and propping his head up with his hand as he admired her red cheeks. It was good to feel his dominance of her. She might rule over his heart, but he was damn sure she would never doubt that he was Master of her body.

  He kept her there for twenty minutes, amused by her fidgeting and impatience. Each time she glanced at him, his stern frown was waiting, sending her nose back to the wall. His cock was straining against his zip, and he was ready to take pity on her, and himself.

  “You may now come and kneel on the end of the bed, knees wide apart, head down and bottom up.”

  Lena didn’t question him or hesitate. She was into position quickly and waited silently. He stared down at her as he undid his belt and zip. His hand went to his back pocket and he was relieved to find a condom. For the moment it would stay where it was. He had other plans.

  He pushed his jeans and boxers down enough to release his erection and slid into her with ease. Her vagina was swollen, tight and wet. There was nothing between them and it felt incredible.

  Grasping her hips, he watched his penis push in and out of her slowly. Lena was clawing the bed, gasping, and she tried to push back on him. He slapped her arse hard.

  “Keep still.”

  “Please,” she whimpered. “Please.”

  “You want me to fuck you hard, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Then ask.”

  “Please, Master, please fuck me hard.”

  “No.” He pulled out of her and heard her groan of frustration. “Roll onto your back and shift up the bed.”

  The desperation was evident on her face as he climbed over her. Nestling between her legs, he bent down and kissed her gently.

  “I don’t want to just fuck you,” he whispered to her. “I want to make love to you.”

  Lena gazed up at him and smiled. She put her arms around him, drawing his face back to hers.

  Their mouths came together and he kissed her sensually as their bodies melded together and moved in slow perfect rhythm. It was quiet and gentle and she was soft in his arms. His lips sought out her neck and shoulders, the taste and scent of her. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was relaxed with her pleasure. He watched and listened to her, filling his senses with her.

  It was a strange feeling to give everything over to her, but for now, there was only her that existed to him. The world could wait because she needed him, though not as much as he needed her.


  It was still dark when Lena suddenly sat up, reaching out desperately, feeling for Jahn’s body beside her. He pulled her against him and tried to soothe her.

  “I need to talk to you.” She insisted.

  “Let me put the light on.”

  He was out of bed and the room was lit up. He frowned to see the anxiety in her face.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you.” She told him as he climbed in beside her. “But I remembered things.”

  “I was awake anyway. It will be dawn in an hour.”

  She stared at him. “Damyen.”

  Jahn breathed out. “I haven’t used that name in seventeen years.”

  “But it’s your real name.”

  “Yes. I changed it after Natasha and I escaped from the boy’s home. I saw a grave and took a name, and never used my own again.”

  Lena nodded. “You didn’t tell me that my grandfather was there, in Thailand. That’s why you took me, isn’t it? You had always planned to kill him, because you believe he had killed your family.”

  As much as he wanted to deny it, he nodded and waited for her anger.

  “You were wrong,” she said desperately. “He didn’t do it.”

  “Lena, I was there that day.”

  “But did you actually see him kill them?”

  His voice became firmer. “I didn’t need to. He was standing over them, my parents, my sister, dead at his feet.”

  “And you never knew what became of your brother? With all the things you can do, how haven’t you found him after all these years, or at least learned more about him?”

  “I don’t know.” Jahn sat up. “What the fuck are you getting at, Lena?”

  She slipped from the bed and went to the dresser, picking up the medal. Turning it over, she reaffirmed what she had seen, and nervously returned to the bed. She held it out to him.

  “I’m not sure what this is, but I found it on the bed when I woke up.”

  Frowning, he took it from her. “It’s the Order of Lenin. It’s awarded for distinguished service to top operatives in the KGB. This is for covert, international intelligence, assassins planted in foreign countries during the Cold War.”

  Turning it over, Jahn’s breath caught in his throat. He stared at the name, shaking his head, and suddenly leapt from the bed. His confused face stared out at nothing as he instinctively pulled on his boxers and jeans.

  Lena called to him, quietly. “Jahn, tell me what this means.”

  He glared at her, and his voice was savage. “What did he tell you? What did your grandfather tell you?”

  She shook her head frantically, and backed away. He was on the bed, his face pushed towards her. “Tell me. What did he say to you?”

  “Your brother did it,” she cried out. “Your brother killed your family.”

  “That’s a fucking lie. You have no idea what you are saying.”

  She broke down, sobbing, with Jahn still glaring at her. Shaking his head, he was of
f the bed again, pacing, and punching the wall, smashing the top layer of plaster. He suddenly went still, leaning his head against the damage, and then turned back to her. He grimaced to see how frightened she was.

  “Lena, I’m sorry.”

  She looked away from him, crying quietly. Jahn kept his distance.

  “Forgive me, please, Lena.”

  Still shaking, she glared at him. “Do you think that I don’t want to do what you just did? I hurt too, all the time. I had your gun in my coat, and I wanted to kill Vera and my grandfather for what they had done to me, but I couldn’t, because I’m weak.”

  “No you’re not. You just don’t have the evil in you that is in the rest of us. I love the way you are, and I am so sorry for what we have all done to you.”

  “I know the pain of losing someone you love. I even tried to shoot my own head off, but I didn’t know how your gun worked.”

  Jahn felt sick. “Don’t tell me that, Lena.”

  “I thought I had no one, that I was alone in the world. It was awful. I know how much you were hurting. I have felt everything that you have felt, and I would not have blamed you if you had killed him, but you were after the wrong man.”

  “You don’t know that, Lena.”

  Her head bowed. “I am sorry, Jahn, but I believe my grandfather. The cold, cruel way he delighted in telling me about my Greta, he had no reason to lie about your brother.”

  “What did he say?”

  “That your brother went to Didi, and told them that he had killed your family for Stalin and Lenin, for the Soviet. He said your brother was mad, and he had to sedate him, and then you came back.”

  Jahn picked up the medal and stared at the name, his eyes glistening. He didn’t want to believe her, but what she had said made too much sense, and explained things he had avoided thinking about.

  “I searched for years and found nothing, and that alone should have told me something. Many of the records of these assassins were destroyed thoroughly in the last years of the Soviet, as Moscow grew closer to the West. There couldn’t be any trace of the full extent of what had occurred during the Cold War.


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