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Frisky Business

Page 6

by Michele Bardsley


  “I know exactly what you need,” he said. “What we both need.”

  He crawled onto the table with her and rolled her onto her back. He covered her, his hard cock sliding between her slick folds, and then he sucked a turgid peak into his warm mouth.

  “Oh!” She arched against him, wrapping her legs around his waist and digging her fingernails into his shoulders. “Please!”

  He suckled her other nipple. Tiny lightning strikes erupted from her breasts to her belly to her weeping cunt. Her hands scraped down his back to his buttocks.

  “I love you, Claire,” said Lucius. His gaze was on hers as he slid his cock inside her.

  “I love you, too.”

  He thrust deeply, his eyes never leaving hers. His hands wrapped around her shoulders as he plunged his cock into her over and over.

  “Lucius!” she screamed as her body plunged into heat and light and delicious bliss. Her orgasm surged over her, stealing her breath and her sight. She held on to him tightly, her nails digging into his ass as she rode the incredible wave.

  “Yes, Claire! I’m coming!” He thrust hard and deep, his cock nearly impaling her womb as his seed spilled.

  They held on to each other, trying to catch their breath and regain control of their wild heartbeats.

  After what seemed like an eternity, Lucius rolled to his side and gathered her close.

  Lucius kissed her. His lips were warm and pliant. He slipped his tongue inside to mate with hers and her body revved up for another round. When he let her up for air, she pressed her fingers against her swollen lips.

  “Will it always be like this?” she asked.

  “No.” Lucius grinned broadly. “It will only get better.”

  A Special Note to the Reader

  Dear Reader,

  I’m your author. And you’re my reader. We are partners, you and I, creating fictional worlds together.

  I need your help.

  Please leave a book review and/or rating at the retail website where you purchased this story. You have the power to influence the buying decisions of other readers and to add intrinsic value to all of my stories.

  Words mean so much to a writer—just as they do to you, the reader—and having yours to describe (and hopefully recommend) this story will add incredible meaning to the work. For that, I can never thank you enough.


  Michele Bardsley

  About Michele Bardsley

  Michele Bardsley is a national bestselling author of paranormal, romance, and mystery fiction. She lives in Texas with her husband (The Viking), four dogs and two cats. She loves watching “Supernatural,” consuming chocolate, crocheting hats, reading books, and spending time with her husband.

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