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Siren in Waiting Google

Page 11

by Lexi Blake, Sophie Oak

  He wanted to tell his mentor to go fuck himself. He was an adult. He didn’t need to account for his damn whereabouts. Except that he’d earned this treatment. And he knew that Leo wouldn’t accept anything less than honesty.

  “I started out at The Rusty Spur.”

  Shelley’s hands tightened around Leo. The Dom soothed a palm down her back. It took everything he had not to roll his eyes and tell them to get a room. He had to admit, they made an attractive couple. Leo whispered something in her ear that had Shelley nodding and standing up straighter.

  “It’s all right, Trevor. We can get you back in rehab,” she said as O’Donnell started to snore.

  He longed for a day when rehab wasn’t mentioned at least twice. “I didn’t go into the bar. I sat out in the parking lot and thought about it, but I didn’t go in, and I didn’t drink anything stronger than a French roast. Now, if you two are done with the much-appreciated intervention, why don’t you take Sleepy over there and go. I need to see if Beth has any coffee. Though I doubt the electricity in the kitchen works.”

  Shelley’s head came off Leo’s massive chest. “You didn’t drink?”

  “Nope.” They might not believe him. “I was perfectly sober. Do you need me to pee in a jar?”

  “Well, what did you do all night?” She huffed out the question as though flummoxed by the problem at hand.

  He smiled, remembering exactly how he’d spent the night. Beth had been a luscious distraction. “Beth.”

  Shelley’s mouth dropped open. “You slept with Mouse?”

  He growled his sister’s way. She threw up her hands as though conceding the point.

  “Who is Beth?” Leo asked. “And why is there a deer herd on the floor?”

  His mouth tugged up in the one-sided smile he always used when particularly proud of himself. He’d used that smile when he’d won the championship and when he’d signed his pro contract. He used the smile now because this achievement was just as significant in Trev’s new world. “She’s my submissive.”

  Shelley gasped. “Did you pull Mouse into that kinky sex stuff?”

  “It’s more than sex, love. Now hush. He’s safe and fine.” Leo dropped his arms and strode forward. He stopped in front of Trev. “You took a sub? Formally?”

  He could feel himself flush. To the outside world, what had happened the night before was nothing more than a common hookup. Inside the world that he’d grown to love, it meant something serious. He’d taken a sub. He hadn’t begun her training, but he’d made his declaration. He’d taken her virginity. He wasn’t going to pretend it hadn’t happened. “There’s not a lot of formality here in Deer Run, but I claimed her. She understands what it means. Sort of.”

  He’d claimed her in the sweetest way possible. He’d been her first man. He’d been the first man to be smart enough to see past that wall she built to protect herself. He’d been the first to see how sensual and hot she was. He was utterly amazed that he was the first to understand how beautiful Bethany Hobbes could be.

  “What does ‘sort of’ mean?” Leo asked suspiciously.

  “Did you tie her up? Do I need to let her out?” Shelley asked.

  Leo stared back at her. Shelley rolled her eyes. God, she would be the brattiest sub if she ever walked into a club. “No one asked your opinion, love.”

  “I wasn’t offering an opinion, Leo. I was concerned with Mou…Beth’s circulation. Trev sucked at Boy Scouts. I was always better with knots.”

  Leo looked horrified. “You will never be allowed around a rope. And your brother has gotten better at Shibari. I’ve made sure of it. And yes, Shibari is kinky sex stuff.” Leo turned back to Trev. “Sort of?”

  He wasn’t going to get rid of them until Leo was satisfied. “She only knows about it from books.”

  Leo groaned. “Not Lexi’s books. Where the Dom always surrenders in the end? I’ve begged Aidan to spank her ass until she writes one of us who isn’t a pussy.”

  “I like Lexi’s books,” Shelley admitted.

  “They are not a true representation of D/s,” Leo argued.

  “They’re a representation of love,” his sister shot back.

  “I suppose so.” Leo stared at Shelley for a moment before turning back to Trev. Leo’s face split into a smile. He held his hand out. “I am so glad to hear that you’ve taken a submissive. How did you hide this? No one knew you were seeing anyone.”

  He swallowed before he answered. “Um, I didn’t meet her at The Club.”

  “He met her yesterday.” Shelley still sounded slightly outraged. “And she’s the most innocent woman I’ve ever met.”

  Leo’s brows climbed up his forehead. “Really? That explains a lot.”

  Trev fumbled for words. “I’ve met her before. But she was a kid back then. We went to the same high school. We didn’t run with the same crowd.”

  “Mou…Beth doesn’t have a crowd. She has Bo,” Shelley explained.

  Not any more she didn’t. He wouldn’t tell her she couldn’t see Bo anymore. He wouldn’t come between Beth and her friend. Not exactly. He did intend to keep her so busy that she wouldn’t have time for anyone except him.

  “Bo? As in O’Malley?” Leo put a hand to his forehead as though trying to ward off one of the killer migraines he got from time to time. “Fuck. Please tell me you didn’t screw Aidan’s brother’s girlfriend.”

  Shelley waved him off. “Mouse…Beth, god that’s hard, isn’t Bo’s girlfriend. She’s his friend and it’s perfectly platonic. Don’t get me wrong, she’s one of the nicest people around, but she’s very naïve when it comes to men.”

  Leo calmed a bit. “And she doesn’t belong to Bo? Because the last thing you need is to give Aidan a reason to fire you. He’s looking for one already.”

  That was news to him. He hadn’t started the job yet. How had he already fucked up? “Why? I know what I’m doing. I thought he wanted me.”

  Leo’s jaw tightened the way it did when he delivered bad news. “Aidan wasn’t exactly thrilled when Julian asked him to take you on. He thinks you’re dicey, and he knows you’re only going to be here for a year. He would rather find a permanent foreman. He’s doing this as a favor to Julian.”

  Trev felt his stomach turn. That was all he needed. Now he had to deal with the guilt and shame of being a fucking charity case. “Tell him it’s fine. I’ll go back to The Club. I can spend my last year of probation there. As long as Julian will give me a place to stay, I’ll work for free. When I get my contract money, I’ll buy my spread and no one will have to worry about me.”

  He still had a shred of pride. At least he was trying to have it.

  “You can’t leave. You just got here.” Shelley’s dark eyes practically pleaded with him.

  And then there was Beth. He didn’t want to leave. He’d spent one night with her, and the thought of not seeing her again had him in knots. He’d promised her he wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Slow down. I know this situation isn’t perfect, but you can make it work. You didn’t want to be stuck in The Club. That’s why you decided on this path. You knew it wasn’t going to be easy,” Leo said.

  He also hadn’t known it was going to be so damn hard. A single vision of Beth’s face as she’d rolled into his arms, her skin flushed from orgasm, her mouth smiling and eyes wide with wonder, flashed across his brain. “I’ll stay. I’ll keep my head down and get my work done. And I’ll tell Aidan that he can keep searching for a permanent foreman. If he finds one, I’ll work as a hand.”

  He couldn’t leave her. Not after taking her virginity. He’d failed too many people over the years. He took his promises seriously. If he had to swallow some pride, it would be worth it to know he’d done right by Beth.

  Leo sighed. “Well, we can work it out with Aidan. I didn’t call him, by the way. I hoped to find you in the proverbial ditch somewhere.”

  Trev laughed. “Yeah, that would have been better than having to haul my ass out of a bar or jail.”

“No, it wouldn’t.” Shelley looked from Trev to Leo, a frown on her face.

  “Trev? Are you down there? I took your rules seriously.”

  He turned at the sound of Beth’s soft voice. She reached the top of the staircase. She had taken him seriously. She wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothes. Her gorgeous, curvy body was on full display. The only thing she was lacking was a collar. He would have to fix that.

  “Well, hello.” Leo’s eyes warmed as he took in Beth.

  Shelley slapped at Leo’s arm, earning her a stare from the Dom.

  “Hello, me darlin’.” O’Donnell’s eyes were open wide now as though he had a deeply ingrained instinct that told him when someone was naked and woke him up for the show. “See, that was worth making the trip for.”

  “Oh, my god!” Beth screeched the words, and her hands flew over her breasts and down to her pussy as though she couldn’t decide which to protect. She stumbled as she tried to fly back up the stairs. Her nicely shaped backside came into view.

  He needed some toys to go along with the collar. A whole training set of anal plugs would be required because he was definitely going to get his cock up that perfect ass.

  “Trev?” she called out from what Trev assumed was her bedroom.

  “Yes, darlin’?” He couldn’t keep the amusement out of his voice.

  “Did they see anything?”

  He had to put a hand over his mouth to stop the laugh. “Nothing that wasn’t lovely.”

  “It was a wonderful way to begin the day, Beth. It’s very nice to meet you,” Leo called out.

  “Oh, my god!” The door slammed.

  “Don’t worry about it. She says that a lot.” In the day they’d been together, she’d called out the deity’s name several times.

  Plaster drifted down from the ceiling, and the door slammed open again. Leo barely touched the railing to the stairs, and it came off in his hand.

  Leo looked down. “Uh, this place is a bit of a fixer-upper, huh?”

  Yeah, Trev had that in common with this old house. And he might have found the woman who could renovate him.

  * * * *

  Mouse slammed the door, her heart racing. She grabbed the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around her naked body. Trev had guests, and they had been treated to a vision of her au naturel. It was mortifying. What had she been thinking?

  She hadn’t been thinking. She’d woken up, and Trev hadn’t been in bed with her. She’d decided to go looking for him. She hadn’t even stopped to grab her robe. She’d simply obeyed him. He wanted her naked, and Mouse had waltzed through the house in the altogether.

  Maybe she was the mess everyone said she was.

  There was a light knock on the door before it opened, and Trev walked in. He carried her dress from the previous night and two cell phones with him. He was wearing a pair of jeans and nothing else. The jeans rode low on his hips, showing off the notches on his abs. He was a Greek god. What the hell was he doing here with her?

  “Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are when you blush?” He asked the question with the sweetest smile on his face. He placed the dress and the phones on the bed.

  “Who were those men?”

  Trev crossed the room in two long strides. “That was Leo Meyer. He’s sort of my mentor. The other guy is named Liam O’Donnell. He’s an investigator of sorts, though I think in this case Leo brought him along to be muscle. Drop the sheet.”

  She pulled it closer. “I am not going to drop the sheet. I might never be naked again. I might shower with my clothes on from now on.”

  His eyes narrowed, and a low growl came out of his mouth. “We’re alone.”

  “No, we’re not. There are people in my house.”

  “They’re downstairs. We’re alone, and I want to see you.”

  That tone of voice really did something for her. How did the man manage to get her so hot with just a sentence? “Why are those men here?”

  Trev stood in front of her. He didn’t move a muscle, but she could feel his displeasure. He seemed to come to a decision. “Leo’s here because my sister called him. O’Donnell’s here because Leo uses his company for security purposes. Shelley was afraid I had fallen off the wagon. Leo came to help her look for me. O’Donnell came to drag my ass back to Dallas in case I needed rehab. You’ll have to forgive them. Leo has spent the last two years making damn sure I didn’t slip up, so he was worried about me.”

  Her heart softened a bit. “That’s real nice of him. I still wish they hadn’t seen my bottom.”

  “Oh, they saw more than that, but don’t worry. Leo’s used to being around pretty, naked little subs. He usually knows when to keep his hands off. Usually. And O’Donnell is apparently leaving the country, so we don’t have to worry about him hanging around.”

  She was pretty sure Leo Meyer wasn’t off somewhere thinking about how to get his hands on her. “Well, in the future, I would appreciate it if you would let me know when we have guests.” She winced. She was assuming a lot. “I mean, I, when I have guests.”

  “You had it right the first time, darlin’. Now drop the sheet or we’ll spend the morning on discipline.”

  He seemed to be big on discipline. And on having her naked. She dropped the sheet and was rewarded by the heat that crept into Trev’s eyes. Those gorgeous orbs locked on her breasts.

  “See, that’s better.” He leaned in and kissed her, pulling her body up against his, plastering her breasts to his chest. “Good morning, Beth.”

  Her heart thumped in her chest. It felt right to be close to him. This was how she’d always imagined it would be with Bo. A sliver of guilt knifed through her, but she cast it aside. Bo hadn’t wanted her. Trev did, and she was crazy about him. In the course of a single night, he’d saved her twice, taken her virginity with kindness and patience, and sat up holding her and listening to her. Bo was good at listening to her, but she craved the intimacy Trev offered. It had been amazing to press their bodies together and rest her head on his chest. She’d never felt as close to a person before as she felt to Trev, as though the mere act of making love had bonded her to him.

  And that was the way it was supposed to be. She sighed and wrapped her arms around him, no longer concerned with her state of undress. “Good morning, Sir.”

  He groaned. “Damn, I like that.”

  He did. She could feel the press of his cock against her belly. Trev was utterly turned on by the whole submission thing, and that was fine with her. She’d read about the lifestyle in Lexi’s books and watched how it worked with Lexi’s husbands/Masters, and it seemed like a nice way to live. She’d been responsible for herself and her parents for so long that giving up some responsibility seemed like a good thing.

  Trev’s hand gently tugged on her hair, a silent request for her to bring her head up. She was already catching on to his habits.

  “Yes?” she asked.

  “What are your plans? I have to go out to Aidan O’Malley’s. I’ll probably be tied up for most of the day, but I want to see you tonight.”

  Oh, she wanted to see him, too. There was a part of her that didn’t believe he’d meant what he’d said the night before. She halfway expected him to be gone this morning. “I want that, too. And I have to go out to the ranch. This morning I’m working on some stuff for Lexi, but this afternoon I have to go into town to the bank. I’m getting a home improvement loan.”

  He frowned. “Are you sure about that? It might be better to hire out a bulldozer.”

  She wasn’t going to let his attitude get her down. Nor would she allow it to change her mind. She simply sighed and cuddled again. “Nope. I’m making this house beautiful again.”

  His hand curved around her head, stroking her hair. “Explain it to me. I don’t understand. This place is falling down around you.”

  No one understood, but Trev was the first one to ask her why. “You see a house that’s falling down, but that’s not what I see. Did you know this house was built in 1892?”

p; “I can believe it. And it hasn’t been updated since then.”

  She laughed but continued on with her story. “It was built by a man named Milo Bellows. He brought his family from New York, and he was one of the first people to move into Deer Run. He ran a general store. He built this place with his own two hands. I can see him. I can see that man laboring over this house, praying to get it just right because this house was his wife’s dream. He built it from the ground up, and his children grew up here. I can see them playing in the yard and running through the halls. How many people have walked through this place? How many sat on the porch and watched the sunset? How many sat in that big old dining room on Sunday enjoying supper after church? Those people mattered. They were loved, and they had lives, and this house saw it all. It shouldn’t be torn down because it isn’t perfect anymore. It’s got a history, and if I make it beautiful again, then a whole other family can live their lives here and it will go on. The beautiful things in life should go on even when they have flaws.”

  He pulled her head up so their eyes met again. This time there was a grave look in his. He stared at her for a moment. “I’ll help you, then. You tell me what you need.”

  A rush of pleasure crashed over her. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. But I have a few rules.”

  He always had rules. He seemed to need them. That didn’t mean she had to follow them, but she would listen politely. “Yes?”

  “Don’t do anything dangerous. This house really is falling apart. I don’t want you on the roof. I don’t want you lifting anything too heavy. And don’t go into the downstairs office.”


  He grimaced. “I’m pretty sure the damn thing could be made into a wildlife preserve. We need to call animal control before you clean out that room. There was a reason you got it so cheap.”

  His rules seemed perfectly reasonable to her. She’d been afraid he was going to throw down a dictate that required her to be naked while painting and refinishing. “All right.”


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