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The Charming Billionaire Stepbrother Romance Collection

Page 5

by Marian Middleton

  Her mother frowned. “You do realize that he’s family right? I know he’s not related by blood, but seriously you two!” she said.

  “It’s not like you guys have the relationship of the year! I know that you guys have been trying to save your marriage and such, but right now, I don’t see either of you as the loving and accepting parents that you’re supposed to be. Like come on mom, I found love. Haven’t you been in love before?” she asked. Ariana was trying to appeal to her mom, and that could go one of two ways.

  It went the latter. “Well I know that you think this is love, but in my mind, this is wrong. It’s not accepted by society. How are you going to explain to others that you’re basically fucking your stepbrother? How are you going to explain that to your family when you go out to seethe? Honestly, I’m disappointed in you. You’re both pretty, and I’m sure you could find someone better than each other. Honestly, I regret putting you two in the same room, and you’ve just proven to me that it’s going to happen this way. I’m sorry, but we’re going to be separating you two from now on,” she insisted.

  “But﹘“Chris started.

  “Son, do you realize that you fucked my wife’s daughter? Do you have some sort of mother complex or something? Is it because I’m not good enough of a parent for you?” he asked. He was trying to understand why the hell his son would choose a family member over another girl.

  “Because I have feelings for her dad. I feel love, and I know that it might be strange to you now, but I’ve felt this way before, and I’m expressing my feelings now. We’re both stepsiblings, and if you two got a divorce, we could be together and this wouldn’t be an issue. Might be awkward as hell, but it wouldn’t be as big of a hoopla as you guys are making it out to be,” Chris said.

  His father frowned, and both of them seemed angry about it.

  “So you wouldn’t do this to her if she were related by blood, but because she isn’t, it’s okay?” he asked.

  “That’s not it!”

  “Well that’s what it seems like it is Chris. I’m very disappointed. In both of you. Honestly, you’re going to get over this little crush if it’s the last thing I do. I can’t have a son that is in love with his stepsister. I can’t have that,” he said.

  Chris and Ariana looked at one another. Both of their parents were blowing it out of proposition. Her mother just looked at her though, and Ariana could tell that she felt a tiny bit of remorse for what she was doing.

  “Mom, you have to believe me. I do have feelings for him. Just because he’s not the type of guy you want me to have, doesn’t mean that he’s a terrible person. Have some fucking compassion!” she screamed.

  Her mother shook her head. “You know what you did was wrong sweetie. I can’t have that in my life,” she admitted.

  Ariana felt drained, sad, and she wondered just what the hell was going on here. Ariana hated the fact that she was having to deal with this, but then again, Ariana knew deep down that it was something that she would just have to deal with. Their parents grabbed them each by the arm, and they went over to the car.

  “This trip is over. You’re grounded, and you’re going to be staying in separate rooms,” her mother admonished.

  Ariana couldn’t believe that her mother had the nerve to ground them. She was about to speak up, but Chris stopped her. He sent her a text telling her not to worry about this sort of thing. He told her that they could continue this later, and he had a plan.

  The two of them were brought back to the hotel, and they were placed in separate rooms. Ariana grabbed her bags, her mother watching her with a wary eye. She waved goodbye to Chris as she grabbed the rest of her stuff, feeling terrible for this. It wasn’t fair, for she was in love with the right guy, but he was in the wrong situation. She just wanted him, and it was apparently too much to ask these days.

  Ariana went to her room and cried. She knew that this was going to be a hellish few days. Her mother said that Ariana could only go out when it was she and Ariana together, and she couldn’t see Chris. She did text him though, because she knew that she still could if she wiped out the messages. He felt the same way about this, that it was bullshit and unfair that they were being punished for being in love. But Ariana knew that deep down, it was something that was bound to happen, but she didn’t think it would be this soon. She would get to work to see her stepbrother once again, if it was the last thing that she did.

  The rest of the trip sucked, and that was putting it lightly. Ariana did get to have some quality time with her mom, and neither of them mentioned the incident that happened, but Ariana knew that Chris was still getting chewed out by his father for not being a man about this whole ordeal. Ariana could tell that it was getting to him, and she felt bad that it had to end this way. The only thing that she could do now, was to wait and see and wondered what was going to happen next.

  After a little bit, it was finally the end of the vacation. The four of them went home, with Ariana being put a far away from Chris as possible. The two of them didn’t even bother to look at one another, for if they did, they would be branded again by both of their parents. Honestly, it wasn’t fair, and Ariana knew that her parents were being completely irrational about this shit. It bothered her to no end, and she wondered just what in the world was going to happen next. She just needed to figure out what to do, and once they got home, Ariana went over to the room that she was staying in, huddled there. She continued to cry, feeling like she lost the one person in her life that she knew and loved. She would have to wait for the opportunity to come again, and she would have to figure this out soon, but she knew that her heart was crying, and she felt like sobbing for the rest of her time here.

  Chapter Three

  Ariana would be here for another day or so before she would leave, and when she did, she would probably not see her stepbrother for a long time. Her parents still didn’t forgive her for what she did, but she was allowed out of her room. However, on the last night, their parents were out of town, attempting to kindle their relationship once again. They installed a video camera in front of Chris’ room, so they could see if anyone came or went, but what Ariana learned, was that the remote was left out.

  “Classic mom,” she said.

  Ariana turned it off, heading to her brother’s room. She knocked on the door, and he immediately opened it.

  “Ariana. What are you doing here?” he asked.

  “The camera is off. And honestly, I don’t give a shit anymore,” she admitted. She really didn’t, and she would tell her man the truth.

  “But why? Why are you doing this to yourself?” he asked. He didn’t want her to get into father trouble. She was still in school, and they were paying for her.

  “I don’t care Chris. I know that they don’t accept it now, but I think as time goes on, they will. I was heartbroken during that trip. I hate that people don’t accept you for who you are. You’re a better man than most guys, and I don’t see why you’re treated like dirt to them just because you love me. I’m putting my foot down though, and I don’t care what they say to me next. I’ll try to break it to them again later on, but right now, I just need you,” she said. She was adamant about that, and Chris could see it. But he was still nervous about the concept of doing stuff with her, especially since all the crap that went down earlier was painful still.

  “Are you sure that you want to do this?” he asked.

  “Sure as sunshine babe. I know what I want, and that’s you. I love you and I want you Chris, and we’ll work it out. It might be a bitch right now, but I swear, it will be better as time goes on. Because I love you,” she replied.

  He smiled. “Thank you babe. I appreciate it,” he said.

  She smiled. “You’re very welcome,” she replied.

  The two of them realized that the love they had for one another was real, and although their parents weren’t accepting of it now, Ariana would prove to them that it was okay. They knew they would have to keep it very secret for now, but since she would
be in school and he would be working, they could have secret meetings together on the weekends. Plus he offered to help her get off their phone plan and onto his. Ariana knew that her stepbrother was the right person for her. She hadn’t felt this sure in a long time.

  She kissed his lips once again, at first a very chaste one, although one that they both needed. It made them want more, and Ariana could tell that he was hungry for her. The kiss was soft, and it made her crave his lips once gain. But then, the kisses got deeper, and she could feel that she was drunk off the touch of them, loving the way that they tasted as they continued to let their lips touch and caress one another.

  He pushed his tongue out, and it met hers. Ariana knew that her mom and his dad weren’t going to be back for a while. They would be at a bed and breakfast, and they were determined to attempt to fix their marriage once again. Ariana knew that they really didn’t care about what they did, their mom was just confused. Ariana was going to take this chance, for it might be the last one that she has in a long time, and soon she continued to make out with him in an even more passionate manner.

  Ariana was laid down on the bed, her dress billowing over her body and making her look almost angelic in a way. He started to kiss down her body, getting to the hem of her dress before he pulled it off. She looked at him, and she could see that he was happy to have her like this once again. She moved her lips over to his own, kissing him once again while she undid his pants. She wanted to suck him for a bit, because it was something that she’s wanted to do for a while, but wasn’t able to.

  After she got his pants down, she moved over to his dick. It was hard, and soon she was kissing the head of it, loving the way that he shuddered from her touch. She then started to flick her tongue over the tip of it, licking up the droplets of precum that exuded from him. She then started to work her way downward, moving her tongue over the bottom of his shaft. He let out a groan as she continued this, loving the way that he looked at her with those sultry bedroom eyes.

  She continued to do this, loving how he groaned as she got deeper and deeper. Finally, she got to the base of his cock, moving her head up and down. He gripped her hair, moving his hands into there and moving her head up and down. She felt it graze against her throat, but it didn’t hurt, and instead she was turned on by the sheer feeling of this as he continued to move her head as it bobbed up and down.

  He continued this for a little while, loving the wanton look that she had on her face. It was just too perfect, and Ariana could tell that he was just as happy as she was. After a moment though, she pulled away, the sound of a pop coming out of her mouth as she moved away from his cock.

  He slipped her dress and bra off, lightly grazing his hands over her perfect breasts. He then slipped her panties off, brushing his fingers against her pussy, letting his fingers explore her once again. Ariana let out a couple set soft moans, but then, he pulled away.

  “Get on your hands and knees. I want to try something new,” she said.

  She complied, and soon he was behind her. She shuddered at the closeness of their bodies, and soon he started to move his cock up against the entrance of her pussy. He started to push it into her, relishing how deep it got into her. She loved the way that it felt, and after a moment, he started to move in and out of her.

  It didn’t take long for them at all, but he was going into her hard. He wanted to relish and savor this one last time, for he knew that this would probably be the last time that they would get to see one another. It was a shame, but they both knew that it was for the best. They hated it, but Ariana could tell that he needed to do this. He knew that it was something that they would get to enjoy before they left and parted ways for a little bit.

  After a couple more thrusts, he let out a gasp as he came inside of her, pushing into her deep. Her pussy tightened up, and her orgasm flooded over her as she let out a small gasp of pleurae. After a moment or so, she came, her body loving how it felt.

  The two of them finished up, and he pulled out, smiling warmly.

  “That was amazing,” he said.

  “Sure was,” she replied.

  “Indeed. I love you Ariana. And you’re going to be mine forever,” he said.

  “Same here Chris. You are mine,” she replied.

  They kissed, spending the rest of the night together in each other’s arms. The next day, Ariana and Chris left, both of them sad to see the other go, but they knew that it was for the best. After all, things were tense right now, and they needed to wait until the dust settled. They agreed to have a relationship with one another that would be kept secret for the time being, but both of them could tell that it was going to be very hard on them, for they knew that this time apart would be something hard on them and it would make their hearts grow fonder.

  But as time went on, it got easier. Their parents didn’t care. In fact, they got a divorce. It didn’t work out, but Ariana and Chris then made it official that they were together. It felt right, and years later, they got married. It did seem right, although their parents weren’t totally in support of it. They couldn’t do anything about it though. At the end of the day, it was their lives.

  After they got married, Ariana and Chris hadn’t heard anything from their parents. They were still angry about the whole ordeal, especially since it meant that they would still have to be together despite the tension, but Ariana didn’t really care. She tried to be happy for them, but at this point, it was their lives, and if they were miserable with each other, she wasn’t going to stop them. It’s their life, and she was happy doing her own thing and being happy with the man she utterly loved.

  Ariana was happy that she finally got to experience the feelings that she had for her stepbrother, and she realized that it was for the best. It was the start of a new journey, a new life, and she was ready to take it with the man that she loved.

  ~The End~

  The series of The Charming Billionaire Stepbrother Romance,

  Book One: Ariana and Her Arousing Stepbrother

  Book Two: Lusting for the Stepbrother

  Book Three: Ariana’s Choice

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  From the author

  Thank you for purchasing this book.

  I really enjoyed writing it, and I’ve already had some great feedback from readers who enjoyed the book. I hope you too enjoyed it.

  I appreciate that you chose to buy and read my book over some of the others out there. Thank you for putting your confidence in me to help you. If you enjoyed the book and you have a couple of spare minutes now, it would really help me out if you would like to leave me a review (even if it’s short) on Amazon. All these reviews really help me spread the world about my books and encourage me to write more books!

  Sincerely Yours,

  Marian Middleton




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