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Descend: Book Three (The Bloodline Trilogy 3)

Page 4

by J. P.

  “Nina, I have something to show you,” Ethan says as he leads me into a dark room. I follow him as the lights illuminate the room. On the floor are the bodies of my dad, Jake, Paul, and Tyler. All of them have their throats slit, and their lifeless eyes stare at me. “Looks like there is no one to save you now,” Ethan says with an evil grin.

  “No!” I shout. I scream the word over and over again as I try to reach them, but Ethan is holding me back. “Get off me! No!” I scream even louder.

  “Nina. Nina, wake up,” a voice says in my ear.

  I open my eyes, my heart still racing, and I let out a deep breath. It was just a dream.

  Luke is next to me on the bed as he takes his hands off of my shoulders from shaking me awake.

  “Bad dream?” he asks as he stays next to me. I don’t answer him as I practically jump up.

  I check the time, and it’s only nine o’clock at night.

  Luke opens his mouth to say something when there is a knock on the door. He goes to answer it while I stay out of sight in the bedroom.

  “I hope you weren’t torturing our poor prisoner. Those screams sounded painful,” Ethan’s purrs.

  “A little torture never hurt,” Luke says before he and Ethan burst out laughing.

  “You always were a character.” Ethan claps his hand down on Luke’s shoulder. “Have her downstairs in ten minutes. We are announcing our victory, and I want everyone to have a look.”

  “Okay, we’ll be down in ten,” Luke says before I hear the door close. He reappears in the bedroom a minute later. “Get changed.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” I pull the blankets up to my chin to show that I’m serious.

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” Luke frowns as I hold his stare. “Nothing is going to happen to you. I’m your guard. No one can touch you.” He crosses his arms over his chest.

  “I’m not going,” I repeat.

  “Yes, you are.” He takes my blanket and rips it down. “C’mon, don’t make me throw you over my shoulder and carry you down there.”

  “You wouldn’t.” My eyes widen, horrified.

  “Is that a dare?” he asks with a smirk.

  I weight my options quickly before I slowly climb out of my bed. The thought of entering a room full of Malum vampires dressed in a white nightgown on Luke’s shoulder is too embarrassing. I might as well dress nicely and hold my chin up high.

  “That’s what I thought,” Luke says as I pass him, and I suppress the urge to punch him.

  In the closet, I grab a pair of leggings and a maroon pullover sweatshirt. I slip on some boots and make a quick stop to the bathroom. I run my fingers through my hair, glad that my face looks a little better. That nap must’ve been just what I needed. I reappear in the sitting room and find Luke sitting on the uncomfortable couch.

  “Have you ever heard that first impressions are important?” he asks as he scans my outfit up and down.

  “I’m not trying to impress you and your psychotic cult.” I roll my eyes.

  “We’re not a cult. We’re more of an army.” He stands and nods his head towards the door. “Let’s go.”

  He holds my arm as he leads me down the many hallways. I need to get a better idea of the layout of this place. I would definitely get lost if I tried to run now.

  Finally, Luke stops in front of a set of black doors. I hear commotion happening on the other side, and I hold my breath as he pushes the door open.

  Hundreds of heads turn and gasps are heard around the room. I keep my eyes glued to the ground, too overwhelmed to look these people in the face. Luke takes my arm and starts leading me down the aisle in the center of the room. I glance up and notice Ethan standing at the front of the crowd with everyone facing him.

  “My dear friends and followers,” Ethan begins. “My very own blood, my son, has finally done it. He has found the daughter of one of our greatest enemies. Tonight, we celebrate my son and our victory!”

  “Why is she still alive?”

  “Let’s kill her!”

  Many voices are shouting in the crowd for me to die right here, right now. I try to ignore it as nerves make my hands twitch.

  “After deliberating what to do with our new half-breed pet, we have decided to keep her as leverage. We can get whatever we want! We will bring down Chrome!” Ethan yells, and people shout in celebration.

  As we make it to Ethan, I stumble and fall onto the floor. I keep my head down while the room rumbles with laughter. I feel Luke reach down, and he roughly tries to help me up.

  “Don’t bother, my son, that is where she belongs. With the dirt,” Ethan says as he glares down at me.

  Luke ignores his dad and gets me to my feet again. He leads me to a chair to the left of the room and pulls my arms behind it. He ties them together with some rope as Ethan is addressing his crowd again.

  “My friends…” Ethan says with a sinister smile as he ends his speech. “Let us feast.”


  The door opens again, and people are dragged in, looking half-dead. The vampires in black start cheering as they gather around the half dead people who have now been dropped on the floor.

  I feel sick watching as the Malum vampires start drinking from the people. I squeeze my jaw shut and look away, trying not to throw up from the sight of the Malum vampires ripping the people apart.

  “Hey,” Olivia says as she walks over to us. “Some speech, huh?”

  “Inspiring,” Luke says, blandly. I stare at him for a moment, but he ignores my gaze.

  “What did you think, Nina? He has a way with words, right?” Olivia says. I think she’s being sarcastic, but I can’t be sure. Olivia doesn’t wait for my response as she looks around the room. “Are you joining them?” Olivia asks Luke quietly.

  “No.” He shakes his head once.

  “Me neither. Still doesn’t sit well with me.” She notices that I’m listening in on their conversation. “They’re vampires. Half-breed, like yourself. Dad doesn’t think they count, so we feast on them. Well, Luke and I don’t, but everyone else does.”

  I nod my head to let her know that I heard what she said, but I don’t respond. What am I even going to say to that? This whole celebration is messed up.

  “Did you notice that Dad even brought in the big guns?” Olivia asks as she nudges Luke with her elbow.

  Luke shrugs. “I wasn’t shocked.”

  “I mean, I know he was eager to find her, but calling in his wolf? That’s serious.”


  “What’s the point of having a werewolf if you aren’t going to use it?” Luke asks, which makes Olivia laugh.

  “True. Although he wasn’t very helpful. You were the one to find her, which is why we’re celebrating you tonight, dear brother.”

  “I am pretty great,” he says with an arrogant smile.

  “Olivia!” A girl waves her arm back and forth, trying to get Olivia’s attention.

  “Ugh, duty calls,” Olivia whispers to us before she walks away.

  Luke stands next to me and greets every person that walks by, while I try not to look at anyone the wrong way. I try to keep myself occupied as I listen to different heartbeats when one stands out to me. It’s incredibly fast. I look up and try to figure out who it belongs to. I try to focus in on different people when finally, I find him.

  He’s standing off to the side of the room with his muscular arms crossed and his head hanging down. He’s pretty tall, probably just as tall as Luke, and he’s got a mess of black curls on his head. His heart is beating so fast, he should be dead.

  “Where is my useless wolf?” Ethan shouts from across the room. “Carter!”

  I watch as the guy with the fast heart pushes off the wall and slowly makes his way over to Ethan. So, he’s a werewolf. I didn’t know those were real. I follow him with my eyes when something pulls my attention. Standing a few feet in front of me is someone who looks strikingly familiar.

  His dark eyes size me up and down as he walks towards
me. He pushes his dark hair off his forehead as he gives me a kind smile.

  “Hi,” he says as he stops in front of me.

  “That’s close enough.” Luke holds his arm out, stopping the guy from coming any closer.

  “I don’t mean her any harm,” the guy says. He kneels down so that he’s at my eye level.

  Suddenly it smacks me in the face. He looks just like Sean.

  “Will?” I guess.

  The guy flinches as he furrows his brow. “Have we met before?”

  Luke leans in, curious to hear my answer.

  “No, I know your brothers,” I explain.

  “That’s enough,” Luke says as steps between us. “Go find a different half-breed to chat with. There’s plenty to go around.”

  “My brothers?” Will asks, ignoring Luke as he looks around him.

  “Yes, Sean, Mason, and Ben.”

  “I said that’s enough,” Luke repeats.

  Will gives me a dazzling smile. “How are they doing?” he asks.

  I grin, suddenly relieved. I know that Will is technically on the wrong side of this, but it’s comforting to just look at him. He reminds me so much of Sean.

  “They’re doing well.”

  “Am I speaking a different language?” Luke snaps. “Get lost, Will.”

  “Luke!” The three of us all look to our right, where a girl approaches us. She’s beautiful with sun-kissed skin, green eyes, and silky black hair that falls to her waist. “When did you get back?”

  “Hey, Remi.” Luke gives her a grin. “Only a few hours ago.”

  “Really? How was your mission?” She plays with her hair as she leans closer to hear Luke’s answer.

  “It was great,” he says as he glances at me.

  “I would say. You did what everyone was striving for.” She grins at him. “I heard about you and Sarah breaking up. So sorry about that.” There’s no trace of sadness or sympathy in her voice.

  “I’m not.” A sly smile slides onto Luke’s face as Remi smirks.

  “Come with me,” she says as she takes his hand and starts to pull him away.

  Jealousy shocks my heart as I watch them walk away. I’m angry at myself for being jealous, but I feel like I almost can’t help it.

  “Olivia,” Luke snaps to her from across the room as he follows Remi. “Watch the prisoner.”

  Olivia makes her way over to me and stares at Luke with her brow furrowed. “Where’s he going?” she asks me.

  “Probably to hook up with Remi,” Will says, brushing her off. “So, Nina, how did you meet my brothers?”

  My eyes find Will’s again, and I grin, grateful for the distraction.

  “It’s kind of a funny story actually—”

  “Wait, you two know each other?” Olivia interrupts me.

  “Nina knows my brothers,” Will explains as he keeps his eyes glued to mine. “You were saying.” He gestures for me to continue.

  “I was working at this diner, and Sean just came up to me and asked if I was a vampire.”

  Will tips his head back and laughs. “He never was the most subtle.”

  “Definitely not,” I agree with a nod.

  “So, you met Sean first. How did you find out about Mason? Did you know him from his movies?”

  “I did actually. I was shocked when I went over to your house and saw Mason Adams in the dining room.”

  “Mason Adams is your brother?” Olivia shrieks, but Will ignores her again.

  “Yeah, Mase is super talented.” Will beams.

  “You see, Carter? My son was able to find her,” Ethan says, obnoxiously loud. He walks over to us with the werewolf right behind him.

  “Yes, sir,” the werewolf, Carter, mumbles.

  “Next time I put you on a mission, I expect you to deliver. I thought you were supposed to be the best of the best,” Ethan snaps.

  “He is, Dad. I found him for you, remember?” Olivia crosses her arms over her chest, challenging him to speak against her.

  “I remember,” Ethan says with a nod.

  “And you were technically the one to send him after the cousin,” Olivia tells him. Cousin? My cousin?

  Carter’s jaw tightens as he stands next to Ethan, stoically.

  “Olivia,” Ethan snaps. “That’s enough.” He turns his attention back to Carter. “While Nina is here, you will also stay with us. If there is ever a Chrome rescue mission, you are to find her, no matter what the cost. Is that understood?” Ethan asks Carter.

  “Yes sir.”

  “Good dog.” Ethan gives him a condescending smile. “Dismissed. Get some rest.” Carter heads for the exit as Ethan turns to me. He notices Will sitting on the floor in front of me and gestures between us. “What’s going on here?”

  “Nina knows my family,” Will tells him.

  “Really?” Ethan arches an eyebrow. “That’s quite a coincidence.” Ethan looks around the room. “Where is my son?”

  “He ran off with Remi,” Will tells him as he stands and starts to disappear back into the crowd.

  “Ah, here he comes,” Ethan says as he claps Luke on the back when he reaches us, Luke’s hand intertwined with Remi’s. “My pride and joy.”

  “He’s really something,” Remi says as she knocks her shoulder into Luke’s. Mascara is smeared under her eyes, and her hair is notably messier than it was ten minutes ago.

  Part of me feels like I’m in an alternate universe. This is all madness.

  “I should be getting the prisoner back to her room. This is more time out that she deserves,” Luke says as he tears himself away from Remi and begins to untie my hands.

  “I like the way you think, Luke.” Ethan gives an approving nod. “I’m proud of you, my son.”

  Luke gives his father an arrogant smile. “Thanks, Dad.”

  “You truly are heir to my throne, Prince of Malum.” Ethan’s cold eyes fill with pride.

  “I guess that makes me chopped liver,” Olivia mumbles from my left.

  “When you prove yourself, you can be second in line,” Ethan snaps before he walks off.

  Olivia turns to Luke as he takes my arm and pulls me up. “You want to meet later to discuss…” she glances at me, “things.”

  “Fine,” Luke grunts before he pulls me away from Olivia and back to my room.

  The second we make it to the apartment, I change back into my nightgown from earlier while Luke goes to his own room. I climb into my bed, exhausted even though I took a long nap today. I hug my pillow close to my chest, feeling more alone than I ever have. Usually, I have a plethora of brothers or a boyfriend or friends or even an entire soccer team to keep me company and to talk to me when things go wrong. Now, I have no one in here, especially since the one person that I was starting to trust more than anyone betrayed me.

  I toss and turn as I think back, replaying the last few months over again in my head. What did I miss? How could I not have seen this coming? This all feels like one big prank, and it’s not funny.

  “Prisoner?” Luke shouts as he exits his room.

  I sit up slowly and blink a few times as I look at him.

  “I’m going to shower. Don’t try anything,” he says as he points his finger at me and disappears into the bathroom.

  I think about making an escape attempt now, but that would be stupid. I still need to learn the layout of the building. If I tried anything now, I would get caught in a matter of seconds.

  I continue to stare at the bathroom door as I think about how I can manipulate this situation and escape. Luke exits the room a few minutes later. He smirks at me when he sees me watching him.

  “If you take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he says as he shuts the door behind himself.

  “You’re a dick.” I pull the covers over myself a little tighter.

  “Flattery won’t get you much, babe.” He winks at me and my stomach sinks, I can’t tell if from disgust or something else.

  That’s been the most frustrating part so far, navigating my feeli
ngs for him now that they weren’t based on anything real. I ignore him as I turn over and bury my head under the blankets.

  I want my Luke back. The Luke that would do anything to make me happy. The Luke that told me he loved me. The Luke that can’t breathe when he thinks I’m mad at him. The problem with that, though, is that Luke never existed in the first place.


  I wake up to the sound of a door slamming.

  “Olivia!” I hear Luke whisper.

  “Sorry,” Olivia whispers back as she quietly laughs.

  “You’re going to wake her up.”

  “She looks asleep to me.”

  I try my best to keep my breathing normal as I keep my eyes shut. From the pause in their conversation, I would bet that they are trying to listen to my heart to see if I’m awake.

  “Okay, what happened at the meeting?” Luke asks.

  The couch squeaks. They must’ve just sat down on it.

  “Marcy called. They want to trade Sarah for Nina.”

  Luke starts laughing. “Really? They think Sarah is that valuable to him?”

  “C’mon, Prince of Malum, you can’t be that dense.” There are a few moments of silence. “Really? You haven’t figured it out yet? Obviously, they are starting low, and then they’re going to keep making the offer more enticing. That’s how it works.”

  “I know how it works. But, Sarah? She’s practically useless.”

  “Your ex-boyfriend goggles are on. She’s pretty lethal.”

  “Whatever.” I can almost hear the eye-roll in Luke’s voice. “Anything else?”

  “Nope. Dad was just singing your praises again. How does it feel to know that your father thinks you shit actual gold?” she asks.

  Luke doesn’t answer her question.

  “She’s really being put through it, huh?” I hear Olivia ask.



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