Descend: Book Three (The Bloodline Trilogy 3)
Page 24
“In hindsight, it makes sense now. He never had to cook for himself, and Mom used to do all the cooking for me,” Jake says.
“Do you think they’re together right now?” I ask, the idea suddenly popping into my head.
“Mom and Dad?” Paul asks.
“Yes,” Jake says with a nod. “I think they’re together.”
“He’s probably so happy.” I wipe away the tears that have fallen under my eyes.
“Yes, but he probably wanted more time with us.” Paul frowns. “I wanted more time with him.”
“Me too,” Jake agrees.
The three of us spend the rest of the night sharing different Dad stories and memories. We laugh until our stomachs hurt, and we cry every so often, but something about being together makes me feel so much better. We aren’t alone. We have each other.
The next morning, I wake up and find Jake and Paul sprawled out on my bed. I feel the ache in my chest from the events of last night, but having my brothers here makes it easier. I get up without disturbing them and head down to the laundry room. I’m feeling a little weak today, probably because I lost blood yesterday, trying to save my dad.
As I enter the laundry room, I find Elliot restocking it.
“Hi,” Elliot says as he shuts the refrigerator door.
“Hey.” I lean against the wall and cross my arms over my chest. “I heard about the funeral today.”
“If you even want to call it that. It’s just a small burial service to say goodbye.”
“Thank you for what you did last night,” I say, and Elliot gives me a nod.
“Of course.” He pauses as he looks to the floor and then back at me. “If it’s okay with you and your brothers, I would like to stay with you. I want to look out for you and for Tyler.”
I grin at him, grateful that he stumbled into our lives. “Really?”
“Yes. You kids are more than capable of living on your own, but I can be here in case you need some advice from an old guy,” he says with a laugh.
“I would love that, and I’m sure my brothers would too.”
“Great.” Elliot clears his throat. “The service will be in two hours. Everyone is going except for Mason, who’s staying to guard Will.” He sighs. “You should go wake up your brothers and let them know what’s going on.”
“Yes, good idea.” I turn to go. “Thanks again, Elliot. For everything,” I say over my shoulder.
“You’re welcome.”
After grabbing a blood bag, I begin to make my way back up the steps when someone calls my name. I turn and find Tyler standing at the bottom of the stairs.
“I…I don’t even know what to say,” he admits as he walks over to me. “I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you,” I say with a nod.
Silence hangs in the air as Tyler stares at his feet.
“I know it’s weird between us right now, but before anything happened between us, I was your best friend. I will always be your best friend, and I will always be here for you, no matter what.” He steps closer to me, his eyes full of tears. “I can’t imagine what you must be going through right now. Your dad was like a father to me when I didn’t have one. He meant so much to me, and I know he meant the world to you.”
My eyes well up with tears as he speaks, and I nod.
“I’m just sorry that he’s gone, and I’m sorry for your pain. I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you before this shit happened.” He shakes his head. “Just please know that I’m here for you, and if you need anything, let me know. Okay?”
“Okay,” I say as I blink my tears away. “Thank you, Tyler.”
“Always.” He opens his arms, and I walk into them.
I hold him tight as I feel his back shake. We stay that way for a while before I finally pull away.
“I should be getting ready for the burial service,” I say with a sniffle.
“Yeah, me too,” Tyler says as he takes a step away from me. “See you later.”
“See you later.”
Jake pulls up to the beach coast address that Elliot gave us. I glance down at my black dress and pull my black sweater tighter around myself. The second Paul opens the car door, the cool sea breeze surrounds me. I step out slowly, careful not to trip in my black booties, and I follow Jake and Paul over to Elliot’s car.
A plain wooden coffin sits in the bed of Elliot’s truck with my dad inside it. I stare at the coffin, trying to imagine what my dad looks like right now.
Jake, Paul, and Elliot start to lift the coffin out of the truck, and Tyler rushes to help them.
“Hey,” Sean says as he walks up next to me. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me into him.
I rest my head against his shoulder, and his arm tightens around me. We watch together as the boys, all in black suits, carry the coffin out of the truck.
“The plot of land is this way.” Elliot motions towards the water with his head.
Sean and I follow them, Sean keeping his arm around me, as they stop in front of a hole that has been dug in the ground. They drop the coffin a few feet next to the hole, and then they each straighten up.
Elliot wipes sweat off of his forehead before he speaks. “Before we bury him, I would like to say a few words.”
Everyone nods for Elliot to continue.
Elliot lets out a deep breath as he looks around to each of us. Finally, his gaze rests back on the coffin. “Aaron,” he begins, his voice cracking. “You and I were like brothers. We did everything together. We trained together, protected each other, and grew up together. I will never forget the many memories that we made.” He stops for a moment, and the only sound I can hear are the waves lapping up onto the shore. “What you have done for my son and me, I can never thank you enough. It means the world to me that you would take him in and treat him as your own without even knowing that he was mine. Aaron, I will never forget you, and I promise to keep your children safe until the day I die.”
Tyler walks over to his father after he finishes speaking and claps him on the back. Elliot turns and hugs his son.
I look away, not wanting to intrude on their moment and spot Jake kneeling down and saying something to the coffin.
“Your dad was a good man,” Sean says, suddenly.
“I know.”
“He was so kind to us, to my brothers and me. We’re trying to think of anything we can do to repay him. If you have any ideas, let us know,” Sean says to me.
“He wouldn’t want repayment.”
“I agree, but I want to do it anyway.” Sean gives me a sad smile. I smile back as he gives me an extra squeeze before he lets me go. “I think Jake wants you.”
I turn to Jake and see him motioning me over. Tears are making his eyes shine, and he quickly wipes them away.
“If you want to say goodbye, now would be the time to do it.” Jake gives me a quick hug before he leaves, giving me privacy.
I step up to the wooden box on the ground and crouch down. I press my hand on the coffin, and I feel tears streaming down my face, slowly.
“Dad,” I whisper. “I love you so much. I hope that you’re okay wherever you are.” I clear my throat, trying to make the permanent lump ache a little less. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for us. We will miss you so much.”
I lean down and kiss the cold, hard wood of the coffin before I pull myself up. I look around and notice everyone standing by Elliot’s truck. After a few steps towards them, I freeze when I see a headstone a few feet away. This isn’t a real cemetery, so the fact that someone else is buried here confuses me.
I begin to make my way over to the headstone and I’m close enough now where I can read the name. My breath gets caught in my throat. Surely, I’m seeing things. I rub my eyes before I look again. Chiseled into the stone is the name, “Lilly Blair.”
I take a few steps closer and touch the headstone. I glance at my dad’s coffin, only a few feet away, and smile to myself.
> “At least you guys are together now,” I say out loud. I look back at my mom’s tombstone. “Take care of him,” I whisper before I head back to the rest of the group.
We all travel back to my house where Elliot cooks a meal for Paul, and the rest of us sit around in the kitchen, talking about my dad.
“He was so freaking cool,” Jake says from the table as he shakes his head. “I wanted to be just like him when I was a kid.” He sighs as a frown spreads onto his face. “I still do.”
“You’re just like dad,” Paul says from the chair next to his. “You inherited your dad jokes from him.”
I laugh from my seat on the island and glance at Tyler next to me, who’s suppressing a smile.
“You do remind me of him,” Elliot says from the stove as he stirs a pot of spaghetti.
“Really?” Jake asks, his eyes wide.
“Yes.” Elliot goes to strain the pasta as I turn my attention back to the boys.
“I’m going to miss him screaming for a family meeting,” I say, and everyone laughs.
“He loved those things.” Tyler laughs as he shrugs off his jacket.
“Paul, dinner is served,” Elliot says with a fake Italian accent. He sets a plate of spaghetti down in front of Paul, who licks his lips.
“Thanks for this, Elliot.” Paul takes a fork and starts digging in.
“Of course.” Elliot goes back to the counter and starts to clean.
“I can help you,” I say as I stand and start to do the dishes.
“You don’t have to.”
“I know, but what kind of friend would I be if I made you do all the work?” I ask with a grin.
“Thank you, Nina.” Elliot smiles at me before he goes back to cleaning the counter.
“You wash, I’ll dry,” Tyler says as he grabs a dishtowel and takes the place by my side.
“And I’ll watch Paul eat and make sure he doesn’t choke,” Jake says with a smirk.
“Great,” I tease as I turn on the water.
After I finish the dishes and chat with the boys a little longer, I decide to go to bed. We skipped school today, and Elliot said we can miss another day if we need to. I think I might take one more day off. I’m already having trouble concentrating. Trying to focus on math and science after witnessing the murder of my dad will probably not work. Maybe I can talk Elliot into homeschooling.
I change into pajama pants and a t-shirt before I start pulling my comforter back. As I’m about to climb into my bed, my bedroom door slams open. I whip around to see who it is when arms encircle me.
“I’m so sorry.”
I breathe in the scent of the ocean and woods and bury my face in his chest. Luke.
“I am so, so sorry,” he repeats as he holds me against him. He rocks us back and forth for a while as I keep my hold on him. He slowly brings his arms down and pulls away from me as he takes my face in his hands. “You’re not hurt, are you?” he asks as he scans me up and down.
I study his deep blue eyes that are full of sadness and pain. His blonde hair is disheveled, and the worry lines on his forehead are more prominent than I’ve ever seen.
I shake my head, unable to speak. I feel like I’m in shock. I can’t believe he’s back.
He sighs in relief as he pulls me back into him. He holds me in his arms for a while, I’m not exactly sure how long. I press my cheek into his leather jacket and shut my eyes. After what feels like hours, he pulls back again and looks down at me. “Were you about to sleep?”
I nod slowly, still stunned that he’s here.
“Here,” he takes my hands and pulls me to the bed. He pulls my blankets back, and I climb under them. I watch as he makes his way to the other side and lays down on top of the covers. “Is it okay if I stay with you?”
“Yes,” I say softly.
He nods once and opens his arm for me.
I curl up next to him and listen to the sound of his heart as it ushers me to sleep.
I wake up to the feeling of someone running their fingers through my hair. My eyes flutter open, and Luke gives me a sad smile. He leans down slowly and kisses my forehead. I take his hand and hold it against my cheek. Luke moves hair off of my forehead and then continues running his fingers through my hair.
“Why’d you come back?” I ask him.
He jumps as if he wasn’t expecting me to speak. “I heard about your dad.” He cringes. “I’m so sorry, Nina. I’m sorry it happened, I’m sorry I left, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.” He shakes his head as he leans down and kisses my forehead again.
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay,” he says with a frown. “I’m an arrogant asshole. I wasn’t thinking about you, which is so fucking stupid considering you’re the only thing in this world that I care about.”
“I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you.”
“It’s okay. I can understand that you were freaking out about Marcy.”
Luke shakes his head again as he lets go of my hand and pushes himself up to his elbows. “There is nothing I have done to deserve you.”
“Stop, you’re already forgiven,” I tell him as I swat his arm.
“I’m being serious.” He stares down at me. “Whatever you need, you tell me, and I will get it for you or do it for you.”
“I appreciate that.” I push myself up and lean back on my hands. “Right now, I just need to be around you guys, my friends, and family.”
“I can do that,” he says with a small smile. “Do you want to talk about it? Any of it?”
“Not right now,” I say as I shake my head. “I talked it to death with my brothers. I just want to process it and move past it.”
Luke nods his head as he lays back down.
“How are you feeling?”
“Me?” he asks.
“Yeah, now that we know Ethan has been alive this whole time.”
Luke rolls his eyes. “He’s a fucking asshole.”
“Agreed.” I lay back down next to Luke as he studies me. “What are you going to do about Marcy?”
“I have a plan,” he tells me.
“What is it?”
“I’ll volunteer to help find my dad and finish this once and for all in return for her to allow me to stay here.”
“Good. I don’t want you to leave,” I admit.
He gives me a sad smile as he takes my face in his hand. “I promise I will never leave you again.”
“Okay,” I say in a low voice. “What time is it?”
“Just about ten in the morning.”
“Did anyone go to school?”
“I’m not sure, I’ve been in here with you,” he says with a smirk.
“I’m going to go check it out,” I say as I throw the blankets off of myself.
“Do you want me to come with you?” he asks as he sits up.
“No, that’s okay. You’re probably exhausted from whatever traveling you did yesterday. You should rest and take a shower before Marcy gets here. As we saw the other day, she’s not easily convinced.” I stand up before I turn back to face him. “How are you back? I figured you’d be in Hawaii by now.”
“I couldn’t leave without you. I was at a hotel a few hours away, thinking about how stupid I was for running away like a coward,” he says with a frown. “I know you want to stay with family now, but one of these days, I’m going to take you far away from this disastrous place where no one can ever hurt you again.”
“Maybe one day,” I tell him with a smile as I leave the room.
I head downstairs to see if anyone is home, and I find Elliot in the living room on his laptop. His sitting position and facial expression remind me of my dad so much, it’s scary.
“Hey, Nina. How did you sleep?” he asks as he glances up at me.
“Pretty well. How about you?” I ask.
“I tossed and turned all night,” he says with a sad laugh.
“I’m sorry to hear tha
t,” I say as I sit on the adjacent couch. “Luke is back.”
“I thought I heard that rumor,” he tells me with a friendly smile.
All of a sudden, someone rumbles down the stairs.
“Yes, I think that will do,” Jake’s voice carries through the house.
I turn and find him on the phone. I squint my eyes at his appearance. He’s wearing black slacks, a black button-up, his hair is even slicked back.
“He’s taken over your father’s position at Chrome. Effective immediately,” Elliot tells me.
“What?” I ask, and I feel my eyes bug out of my head. “But he’s just a…a…”
“Teenager? I know. Marcy seems to see a lot of potential in him.” Elliot shrugs before he goes back to typing.
I don’t know how to feel about Jake’s new job. I’m happy for him if it’s something he really wants to do. Part of me is nervous, though. I don’t want him to have the same fate as my dad.
“Good morning, Nina,” Mason says as he walks into the room. “I was just about to interrogate Will. Do you want to come?”
“Mason, I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Elliot says as he looks up from his computer again.
“I want to watch, actually. I want to see what he has to say,” I insist as I stand.
“Okay, I’m coming with you.” Elliot shuts the laptop and stands.
“Okay, let’s go,” Mason says as he gestures for us to follow him to the basement.
The three of us make our way down the steps. It’s the one part of the house that my family and I never really use, so there’s really nothing down there. I slowly make my way down the steps, behind Mason and Elliot. The brightly lit basement hurts my eyes as the light reflects off the white walls. The basement is empty except for Will, who’s chained to a pole in the center of the room.
Will’s eyes meet mine and he grins. “Ah, you brought my favorite girl.”
“Enough, Will. Don’t be a creep.” Mason frowns as he squats down in front of Will and holds his arm out, silently telling Elliot and me to stop walking.
“You know, I really liked you better when you were never around,” Will snaps at Mason.
“And I liked you better when you didn’t turn your back on your family.” Mason stands up straight and places his hands on his hips. “Why did you join Malum?”