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What Bae Won't Do Saga

Page 5

by Genesis Woods

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I . . . I . . . I gotta go,” she stuttered. “That should’ve never happened.”

  “Wait, Jay, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”

  “No!” she cut me off. “It’s not you. It’s me.”

  “Well, you know you don’t—” She cut me off again.

  “I gotta go, Semaj. I . . . I’ll talk to you later.”

  And with that, she disappeared out of the side door without glancing back once.

  “Fuck!” I shouted in frustration. I hope I didn’t just mess things up between us.

  Wait! What the hell am I saying? I ain’t mess up nothing. Even if she doesn’t want to admit it right now, I know she enjoyed that moment just as much I did. Her body’s reaction to my kiss and touch told that truth. I don’t regret doing that shit at all.

  I shook my head and smiled to myself as I sat back on the couch. If the opportunity ever presented itself again, I know, without a doubt, I’m going for it.

  Fuck Jerome and whatever they have going.

  Obviously, he ain’t taking care of her like he should be. If he was, what we just did would’ve never happened. It’s only going to be a matter of time before JaNair is mine, and I won’t have anyone else to thank but Jerome.

  Ol’ boy was slipping. JaNair will be back, and I had no doubts about that. Especially when she realizes that what her nigga won’t do, I surely will.


  “Damn it!”

  My phone ringing for the tenth time in a row finally had me all the way up.

  I sat on the side of my queen-sized bed and stretched my arms to the sky. For the last few days, I’ve been feeling kind of off. My lower back was hurting constantly, and I couldn’t keep anything down. Niecey kept saying I was pregnant, but that was far from the truth. I went to Planned Parenthood like clockwork to get my depo shot. So me being with child was not the case.

  With my phone ringing again, I finally picked it up and decided to answer it.

  “What do you want, Ryan?”

  “Bitch, watch your tone when you’re talking to me.”

  I didn’t give his ass a second thought when I hung up in his face. Disrespect was not gonna fly with me, regardless of who you were.

  My phone rang again, but I ignored it. I had to use the bathroom bad and needed to head to the kitchen to try to find something I could eat and possibly hold down.

  When I finished handling my business, I washed my hands, then headed straight to the fridge. JaNair’s leftovers from different eateries were in there, as well as some fruit, sandwich meat, and a few things to make a light omelet. I gathered everything I needed and prayed like hell I would be able to keep these eggs, turkey, and spinach down.

  Placing the skillet on the stove, I went back toward the fridge to grab the butter when the doorbell rang.

  “Ugh, if this motherfucka showed up unannounced, we are gonna have a major problem,” I mumbled to myself as I walked to the door.

  I looked out the blinds and scanned the street for Ryan’s car; then I silently thanked the heavens above when I didn’t see it.

  Whoever was at the door had just rung the bell again when I opened it.

  “Helllllllll . . . Jesus Christ!” was all I managed to say as I stared into the face of one of the finest niggas I’d ever seen.

  The waves in his hair almost had me seasick. His six foot three frame damn near blocked the whole door frame. The mysterious slanted hazel eyes complemented his smooth chocolate skin very well. As my eyes took in this bronze Adonis and all of his sexiness, I couldn’t help but to feel that I knew this nigga from somewhere. I just couldn’t place it.

  When he flashed that million-dollar smile with the cutest pair of dimples, I finally remembered where I recognized him from. The Lotus Bomb.

  This was the same dude I kept elbowing Niecey about all night long. I tried to get his attention whenever he was in my line of sight, but something or someone was always pulling him in another direction. I wasn’t going to leave without one last desperate attempt to at least get sexy boy to call me. I asked the hating-ass waitress who served us for the night to slip him the napkin I’d written my number and address on before we left. She must’ve really been pleased with the three-dollar tip I left, because here he was in the flesh.

  “How you doing today, Mya?” he said as he looked me over from head to toe.

  “I’m doing OK. I’ve been a little under the weather lately, but I’m good now,” I responded as I opened the door a little wider.

  I had on a pair of lace cheeky panties and a matching bra. I wanted him to get a full view of everything I was working with since he didn’t get to see it all that night.

  He smiled as he appraised my body, then extended his hand for me to shake. “It’s funny that we finally meet in person. I’ve heard so much about you that I feel like we already know each other.”

  Heard so much about me? Who could . . . Then it finally dawned on me.

  “Jerome, right?” I said as I shook his hand, a devious smile plastered on my face. “I’ve heard so much about you too. You know, for a minute there, I thought my little cousin was making you up, talking about she had a man. But now that we’ve met, I see she was telling the truth.”

  He smirked, then licked his lips. Seeing his thick pink tongue dart out of his mouth like that had my clit thumping like crazy. I wonder if his head game is on point. Hell, who am I kidding? With the way he’s looking at me right now, I could know the answer to that question in no time.

  “Where are my manners, would you like to come in?” I asked as I gestured for him to enter our home. “I was just about to make me something to eat. I don’t mind making enough for two.”

  He looked at me, then back down to his ringing phone. A slight frown crossed his face as the person who was calling picture-flashed across the screen. I couldn’t get a good glimpse of who it was, but I could make out that the picture was a female. Being that he was at our home looking for JaNair, it definitely couldn’t have been her. Whoever she was though really wanted his attention because she was blowing his shit up.

  “Naw. I’m good. Thanks for the offer, though,” he said as he backed away from the door. “Can you please tell JaNair I stopped by when she gets in.”

  I nodded my head and waved good-bye as he slid into the all-black Jaguar XFR and pulled off. I hurried up and ran to my room to get my phone. I scrolled down my call log until I got to the name of the person I was trying to call.

  “Hello!” Niecey screamed into the phone because of her noisy background.

  “Niecey, go into another room or something. I got something to tell you.”

  “Hold on, Mya, let me go to another room, because I can’t hear you.” I shook my head. Didn’t I just say that?

  “OK, I can hear you now. What’s up?”

  I went on and filled her in on everything I just found out about Mr. Jerome, including the way he couldn’t stop looking at me. The lust he had in his eyes was pretty evident, and I’m pretty sure if that damn phone wasn’t constantly going off, we would’ve been fucking right there on the living-room floor.

  See, I told you before, I don’t go after JaNair’s men. For some reason, they always come to me. And this weekend won’t be any different. If I’m guessing correctly, Jerome was the friend who got us into Lotus Bomb the last time we went. I don’t know how he’s connected to the lounge, but I’m pretty sure he’ll be there . . . and so will I.


  Jerome had finally hopped in his car and drove off. I’ve been standing on the side of my house for about ten or fifteen minutes waiting on him to leave.

  I had just run from out of Semaj’s man cave and was on my way home when I saw his car pull up. I knew part of the reason why Jerome has been igging me for the last week was because of how I called Semaj’s name out while I was sleeping next to him. Let him tell it, though, he’s just been real busy with work. Regardless of who was right or wrong, I wanted to avoid any further
confrontation on the Semaj subject, so I ducked off into the little cubbyhole between our houses. They couldn’t really see me, but I could see them just fine, especially with my living-room window on the side of the house being wide open.

  Whoever was calling Jerome’s phone really needed to get in touch with him, because it kept going off. I hope it didn’t have anything to do with something at the lounge, because if it did, he would probably lose it. Lotus Bomb was his baby.

  While peeping through the window like my name was Tom, I saw the whole little exchange thing he had with Mya. Although I couldn’t hear a word that was being said, I can only imagine what was coming out of her mouth. She had the look in her eyes, though, the one she gave to a man right before she jumped his bones.

  I shook my head and laughed at her and her ho-tactics. This bitch had another think coming if she thought I was going to let this one go just so she could go behind my back and date him. A few words with her ass was definitely going to be spoken as soon as I got into the house. All of that answering the door half-naked in lingerie was not gonna fly living with me. The shit was disrespectful and just downright trifling.

  “Who we hiding from?” the baritone voice whispered into my ear, damn near scaring me half to death.

  “Semaj, what the fuck! You scared the shit out of me.” I didn’t even hear him walk up.

  “You should be more aware of your surroundings if you wanna play private eye,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

  He took the blunt from behind his ear, placed it in his mouth, and lit it up. When he took the first pull and blew the smoke out into my face, my eyes went directly to his lips. A tingly feeling crept down my spine as I remembered the way he attacked my lips earlier. It wasn’t too sloppy or too conservative. It was just right. The way he sucked my tongue and bottom lip had me moaning and lightly pulling on his locks.

  Whew. I just got goose bumps.

  I looked up into his low-hooded eyes, just as he was taking another pull. If he ate pussy as good as he kissed, I’d probably be sprung as hell.

  “If you want it, come get it,” he said as he stared at me intently. He held out his hand and offered me the blunt, but I declined. I kind of had the feeling that what he said was meant as a double entendre, but I wasn’t going to entertain either one.

  “I’m done smoking for the day. I’m just about to head on in the house . . . and give Jerome a call. He just stopped by a few minutes ago, but I missed him.”

  He nodded his head slowly.

  “All right, J2,” I smiled. “I’ll see you around.”

  I had just turned around to walk away when he grabbed my arm and spun me back around. He pulled me so close to him that my breasts were practically touching his chest. The impression of his dick could be felt against the top half of my stomach as it got bigger and bigger. I could feel the coolness of his breath on the top of my head, which had the tiny hairs on the back of my neck standing up. The aroma of Kush and whatever cologne he had on filled the air around me. My eyes closed and rolled to the back of my head as the intoxicating smell took over my senses.

  God, what is this man doing to me? He had my body ready to explode just from being against his.

  The few dreads that were hanging from underneath his fitted cap lightly tickled my shoulder as he leaned over and put his mouth next to my ear.

  “JaNair, I want to taste you so bad right now, you just don’t know. My dick is pressing against my jeans so hard that it hurts. That little kiss we shared a few moments ago isn’t anywhere close to the type of kiss you’d get if you gave me the opportunity to show you.” He rose up and looked me in my eyes before he continued. “The ball is in your court because I know you have certain . . . situations you need to deal with. But if he is who you really wanna be with, then I can’t do anything but respect that. Just know that regardless of how I feel, I’m here for you and only a fence away if you ever need a listening ear.”

  He kissed me on my cheek, squeezed my chin, then turned around and walked off. Before he disappeared into the house, he called my name.

  “Whenever you ready to let a real nigga show you how a queen should be treated, you also know where to find me. Both doors will always be open for you.” And with that, he was finally gone.

  All I could do as I sat there stuck on stupid was say, “Damn!”


  “Are these the numbers for the night so far?” I asked while looking at the little sheet of paper that was just given to me.

  “Yes, sir,” he responded, all hype. “We’re doing almost double of what we made opening night.”

  I nodded my head and smiled at my business partner Toby.

  Tobias Wayne Wright was the smoothest and most down-to-earth cat I knew. We met our first year of business school and hit it off. The fact that he was the weed man was also another reason why we got along so well. Being one of the smartest kids in our class, Toby was well on his way to making a name for himself. However, one semester, he got caught up in some mess with this broad, and his weed operation was exposed. He ended up getting kicked out of the program at Anderson and cut off by his wealthy parents. We kept in touch over the years through social media and shit. I always told him that when I opened up a spot, I’d put him on. Not only was he great with numbers and real business savvy, he had connections with some of the most powerful people in the city. Toby only sold weed to high-end customers, some of which were a big help when we needed certain permits and licenses for the lounge.

  I got up from behind my desk and started for the door, Toby right on my heels. We needed to make some rounds and show our faces to the huge crowd we had in the building.

  “So how’s that sexy little chick you’ve been seeing for a while now?”

  “Ah, man, JaNair is good. She’ll be here tonight with her homegirl,” I answered back as I surveyed some of the people in VIP.

  “Homegirl?” Toby asked as he turned to me. “It wouldn’t be the same homegirl she tried to hook G up with, would it?”

  I laughed because I already knew where this was going. “Yeah, it’s the same one. Her name is LaNiece, but everyone calls her LaLa. She and JaNair are best friends.”

  “LaLa, huh?” He licked his lips and nodded his head. “Little mama hot, and if G ain’t trying to fuck with her, hook your boy up.”

  After agreeing to put a bug in La’s ear, I gave my mans a dap and headed toward the bar. Although we’ve been making crazy numbers at the door, the cash register at the bar has come up short at least twice in the last two weeks.

  When I first noticed what was going on, I immediately had a staff meeting and raised all kinds of hell.

  Niggas had another thang coming if they thought they were going to steal from me. The next day, I had my security guy come out and install small cameras above both registers and another one that gave me the ability to see if any of my bartenders were giving away alcohol for free.

  I was so focused on watching my workers that I didn’t feel my phone vibrate when JaNair called. Instead of calling a second time, she sent a text message saying that she was on her way. As soon as she walks through those doors, we’re going straight to my office. It’s been a minute since I dipped off in her pussy and before she starts to complain or question me about fucking other bitches, I was gonna break her ass off real good. Hopefully then she’d forget how long it’s been, and the drama could be avoided.

  I was still sitting at the bar, polishing off a shot of the drink my waitress just served me, when a familiar voice sounded in my ear.

  “Bartender!” she shouted, waving the new chick Starlah over. “A59 Rémy Martin and apple juice for me, and a . . .”

  “D’ussé,” I said when she pointed to my empty glass. She looked me in the eyes, licked her lips, then turned back to Starlah.

  “And another shot of D’ussé for this fine brother to my left.”

  We both silently stared at each other as our drink orders were being filled.

  Her cinnamon color l
ooked smooth as hell and had a little glow under the lounge’s dim lighting. Her dark brown eyes gave off a little sparkle every time she smiled. When she licked her pouty lips again, that pretty pink tongue made my dick twitch. I stepped back a bit and took in her shapely body. She was thick in all the right places, minus not having as much ass as I liked, but her melon-sized titties made up for that.

  My eyes rolled back up to her face. The sexy little smirk she now wore made my dick jump again.

  “My . . . my . . . my . . . Mr. Jerome. If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume you were checking me out just a few seconds ago.”

  I did not confirm or deny that allegation as I held her gaze. My silence must’ve given her the green light, though, because before I knew it, she stepped back into my personal space, rose up on her toes a little, and brushed her lips over my ear.

  “If you were someone else, I’d probably take you to the bathroom and fuck the shit out of you,” she said as she licked my earlobe, then kissed my neck. “But seeing as you belong to my cousin, I don’t think that that would be such a good idea ... Do you?”


  Decisions . . . decisions . . . decisions.

  My dick wanted to take her up on the offer so bad, but something in the back of my mind kept telling me not to do it.

  Remembering JaNair could be here at any moment, I backed up a bit and put some space between us. All I needed was for her to walk in and see her cousin all over me with my dick hard as hell. Damn! I needed to get away from her fast.

  “Yo, Rome!” I heard over my shoulder. “We got a little situation outside that needs your immediate attention.”

  “My nigga Toby,” I thought as I left Mya standing at the bar and headed toward the front.


  “Girl, what’s wrong? My man ain’t shit. Girl, what’s wrong? My man ain’t shit. Girl, what’s wrong? My man ain’t shit.

  We were rolling down the 405 Freeway on our way to Lawndale bumping that Problem joint, “D2B.” I had just texted Jerome to let him know that we were on our way.


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