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What Bae Won't Do Saga

Page 9

by Genesis Woods

  “I’m gonna push all this stuff to the front desk, then come back to get you, OK?” she announced as she was walking out of the room.

  I looked at the time on the nightstand again. It was now ten minutes after 12:00, and Jerome’s ass still wasn’t here. I tried to reach for my ringing cell phone but didn’t get to it in time before the caller hung up. I scrolled through the missed call log and saw that same unknown number that had been calling me for the last week was calling again.

  I had just pressed the highlighted number to return the call when Tangie walked back into the room.

  “Hey, girl! You all ready to go?”

  I nodded my head yes and was chauffeured down to the waiting area in the lobby.

  “Where the hell are you, Jerome? I told your ass to be here at 11:30 . . . It’s now 2:35, and you’re still not here!” I snapped as I left a third message on his voice mail. I was so pissed off that I didn’t give a fuck that people were starting to stare at me all crazy.

  “Hey, you’ve reached Mya. Leave a message if you want . . . Beep!”

  “Uggh” I yelled out in frustration. This bitch’s phone has been off for the last day or two. When she came up to the hospital a couple of days ago, it seemed as if she had an attitude. Especially when she saw all of the flowers, gifts, and cards Jerome had delivered to my room.

  “Ms. Livingston, you’re still here?” I heard come from behind me. When Tangie finally made her way in front of me, I lowered my head. Still sitting in the same spot she dropped me off at two hours ago was embarrassing.

  She looked around the area as if she was searching for someone. When her eyes landed back on me, there was a look of empathy in them. “If you need a ride, I can give you a lift home. I don’t mind at all. We just have to make a quick stop before we head your way.”

  With my head still down, I shook it no. “Thank you, Tangie, but I’m good. I finally talked to Jerome, and he should be here any minute.”

  I could feel her standing there staring at me before she squatted down before me.

  “Are you sure he’s coming, Ms. Liv—”

  “JaNair,” I said cutting her off and finally looking up. “You can call me JaNair.”

  She smiled. “In that case . . . JaNair, I wouldn’t mind taking you home.”

  After declining her offer again and assuring her that Jerome was on his way, she finally decided to head out, but not before we exchanged numbers and agreed to hang out sometime.

  Being in the hospital for the last couple of weeks gave me the opportunity to get to know Tangie a little more. Out of all of the nurses that frequented my room to check on me, she was by far one of my favorites. She was around the same age as me, a single mother of one, and currently going to school in the day while working at the hospital overnight to pay the bills that financial aid or her baby’s father didn’t cover.

  The cabdriver coming to a complete stop jolted my mind back into the present. When I looked out the window and noticed we were in front of my home, a smile stretched wide across my face. I’ve never seen a sight so beautiful. And the fact that Mya’s car was nowhere in sight had my insides jumping for joy. I would finally get a few minutes of some peace and quiet.

  “OK, ma’am. Your total is eighty-seven dollars and sixty-five cents. You can pay with cash or credit,” the Hispanic driver said through the bulletproof partition.

  “I have my debit card, but if you help me with my things, you can just slide my card for an even $100.” Not even giving me the chance to ask a second time, he exited out of the driver’s side and started to unload my things from the trunk.

  It took me a minute to get out of the backseat and to my door to open it up for him. The crutches I had to use were new and uncomfortable to me. But it was either deal with these or roll around in the wheelchair for the next few weeks.

  “Thank you so much!” I said to the driver as he brought my debit card and receipt back to me.

  When I was finally settled in, I took a look around the house. I was surprised that everything was in its rightful place and still clean. It was as if no one had been here since I was gone.

  Mya must’ve found her a real good sucka this time, I thought to myself as I slowly moved through the house. Being gone for two weeks and Mya living here by herself, the house should’ve been looking like a tornado ran through it.

  I got to the dining-room table and started to sort through all of the papers and unopened letters that were thrown across it. There was junk mail, Pennysavers, sale ads, and a few bills. At first, I wasn’t too worried about anything out of the ordinary, but when I came across a forty-eight-hour notice from Southern California Edison, I became a bit concerned.

  I turned the flyer over in search of a date or something to see when this notice was sent out. Once I found it, my eyes damn near popped out of my head.

  “A week ago,” I said out loud as I made my way over to the light switch in the dining room. After flipping it back and forth a few times, still with no electricity to show, my blood started to boil.

  No wonder the house was still up to par and looking neat. The bitch hadn’t been here to mess anything up. It was just like her trifling ass to go and stay somewhere else until she came up with the money to pay the bill.

  “Fucking dumb bitch!” I said to myself as I plopped down on the couch. The pain pills I’d taken earlier had started to kick in, and my eyes were starting to get low.

  I sent out a few text messages, then started to doze off. I’d take care of this shit once I woke up. As for now, I needed to rest, and since it was already dark, I didn’t have to worry about getting up and turning off any lights.


  “All right, my nigga, J. I’m about to raise up out of here,” Nip said as he gave me a pound-and-half hug. “When I get back next week, we can work out the kinks and everything so we can get this shit on the radio, all right?”

  After another round of pounds, Nipsey Hustle and his crew started to file out of the studio.

  “Yo, J! If this song blows up, homie, you’re gonna be hard to get in touch with. I’ma have to schedule an appointment just to kick it with my fam,” Li’l Ray said as he came from inside of the booth.

  “Nigga, you tripping. You know if I’m on, you on. Aunt Shelia is not about to kick my ass for turning Hollywood on family.”

  We shared a few more jokes and laughs before I received the text message that I had been waiting on all day.

  “Ah, man, JaNair just hit me to let me know she was at home. I’m about to be out. Did you need to ride with me, or was you gonna stay and chill for a minute.” I looked at my watch. “The studio is paid up for another hour, so if you wanna fuck around with some shit, go right ahead and lay a few.”

  “Naw, I’m good. LaLa hit me earlier talking about we need to talk, so she’s on her way to come scoop me. Tell Jay I said what’s up, though, and let Moms know I might not be home tonight.”

  “I got you!” is what I threw over my shoulder as I walked out of the studio.

  Traffic was fairly light tonight, so it didn’t take me any time to make it back home. I parked my car in the driveway, went in the house, and chopped it up with my aunt and baby girl for a minute, then went next door to check on Jay.

  Knock . . . Knock . . . Knock!

  I stood there for a minute. When I didn’t get an answer, I knocked again, but this time a little harder.

  “It’s open!” I heard someone yell from the other side of the door. At first, I was kind of skeptical about going in, but I said fuck it. It was pitch black and not a light on in sight. My eyes were still low from all the smoking I had done earlier, so I really couldn’t see too much. I’d been inside JaNair’s house enough to know the layout of the living room, so I’d be cool for a minute. Anywhere after that would be like an obstacle course.

  “Jay, you in here?” I called out as I tried to adjust my eyes.

  I heard a soft moan, then a loud thud.

  “Ahhhhhhhh, shit!” she screamed

  “What’s wrong, Jay? You OK? Where you at?” I frantically asked as I tried to focus my eyes. The high I had a few seconds ago was rapidly coming down.

  “I’m over here by the couch on the floor. I forgot I was on this motherfucka and rolled over thinking I was in my bed. Fuck! My shit is starting to hurt bad.”

  “OK, hold on! Let me help you up first. Then I’ll go get some water so you can take your pain meds, OK?”

  I still couldn’t see her in this darkness, but I assumed she was nodding her head because she never gave a verbal response.

  Putting my fist against the wall, I patted my hand around the smooth surface until I could feel a light switch. After flicking it on and off for the third time, JaNair finally told me that the lights were off and have been for the past week.

  Removing my phone from out of my pocket, I went straight to the flashlight app I’d installed some months ago. I was so glad that I didn’t erase it earlier when I was cleaning out my storage.

  I made my way over to JaNair and helped her off of the floor. Once she was comfortably settled back on the couch, I made my way to the kitchen and got her a glass of tap water. I stopped at the fridge first to see if there was some bottled waters in there, but after almost choking on the smell of week-old food, I immediately closed the door. I made a mental note to stop by tomorrow to clean that stanking motherfucka out and throw away the old food.

  Making my way back to the couch, I gave her the glass of water as well as the pills she needed to take to help with the pain.

  “You haven’t seen Mya, have you?” she asked as she swallowed another gulp of water.

  I thought for a moment. “Naw, I haven’t. The last time I saw her was a week ago when she was coming out of the house with an overnight bag and . . .” I trailed off. I didn’t know if she knew about Mya messing around with the dude she used to fuck with.

  “And what?”

  “And a rollaway suitcase,” I came up with. “Seemed like she was going to be gone for a minute.”

  “Humph. Just like her ass. She knew the light bill needed to be paid. And instead of paying that bitch, she leaves to go stay with one of her little sponsors until she can come up with the money.”

  I simply nodded my head as she went on and on about how she hated having roommates and how she was going to kick Mya out sooner than later. She then went on to tell me how Jerome’s bitch ass had left her stranded at the hospital after promising he would be there to pick her up and bring her home.

  Now, I’m not gonna lie and say that I wasn’t feeling some type of way when she told me that. I wanted to ask her so bad why she keeps staying with the nigga if all he does is disappoint her. But, hey, that wasn’t my seed to bring up. She’d have to find out on her own what type of nigga she was with. All I could do was sit back, be a listening ear, and be me. Hopefully, one day, she’d recognize a real nigga when she seen one.

  In the middle of us talking, she dozed off and started to snore lightly. I looked at my watch for the time. It was kind of late, but with the installation of the electric meters, I shouldn’t run into any problems.

  With the flashlight app on, I walked over to the pile of bills on her dining-room table. After finding the SCE bill, I walked back through the living room and out of the house. The streetlights gave off a little more light, so I was able to see the information that I needed much better.

  I called the 800 number on the back of the envelope and listened to the automated system. After fifteen minutes of punching in account numbers, phone numbers, payment amounts, and credit card information, I finally received a confirmation number.

  It wasn’t even five minutes later before the lights popped back on.

  “What? . . . How? . . .” I heard JaNair mumble as she shielded her eyes from the bright light. “Semaj, you didn’t have to—”

  “Shhh,” I said cutting her off. “I didn’t, but I did.” I opened my hand out to her. “Now, come on so we can get you up off this hard-ass couch, into the shower, and then into your comfortable bed.”

  “Thank you so much, Semaj.”

  “No thanks needed, J1,” I said, calling her by the name I’d given her.

  When we got to the bathroom, I sat her on the sink and helped her get undressed. When it came time to remove her bra and panties, I figured that she’d ask me to turn around or leave for a minute. But to my surprise, she did neither.

  I unhooked her bra from the back and slowly slid the straps down her arms. Her juicy cantaloupe-sized titties jiggled a little when I pulled the rest of the undergarment from beneath her breasts. After that, she lifted her ass up from the sink and slowly thrust her hips forward. In doing so, I was given full access to her panties and the perfect view to the imprint of her fat pussy. I licked my lips, then ran my hands down the sides of her soft body. When both hands were positioned above her panty line, I clamped my thumbs on both sides of the silky fabric and started to pull it down. The sweet scent of peaches wafted into my nose as I angled down to the ground and withdrew each leg one at a time.

  Finally standing up, my eyes couldn’t help but to roam every inch of her body. When my gaze landed on her face, the look of pure lust was evident in her eyes.

  She opened her mouth and said something, but I had no idea of what she said. Her voice was so low I didn’t catch it. I stepped into her space and in between her legs. I put my ear against her lips and asked her to repeat what she said.

  “Semaj, please . . .” I lifted my head back to look into her face. Was she actually asking me to . . . ? That same look of lust she had a minute earlier was still in her eyes. When she bit down into her bottom lip, I had my answer and knew what time it was.

  Without another word, I dropped down to my knees and went face-first into her pussy.

  A moan escaped my lips as her juices coated my tongue. She tasted so good and sweet that my mind started to go into a frenzy. As if it couldn’t get any better, I was damn near in love after her first climax hit. The stream of squirt she shot into my mouth was welcomed and very satisfying as I gulped it down.

  “Fuck, Semaj!” she screamed as she grabbed a handful of my locks and pulled. Why she did that, I don’t know. The last time she pulled my dreads like that, I attacked her lips something vicious.

  I dug my face deeper into her goodness and latched on to her clit. As her whole body started to shake, I released the hold I had on her pearl and stuck my tongue into her opening. When her pussy muscle clamped on to my tongue and started to pulsate around it as she came, I was gone.


  “Fuck, Mya! Suck that shit, girl.” I moaned out as her pretty lips moved up and down my shaft. I knew I was wrong for what I was doing, but I couldn’t help it. Whoever taught her how to deep throat some dick needed to get their ass whipped. The way she had my toes curling and butt cheeks tightening, I felt like a straight bitch.

  I looked over at the picture I had on my desk of me and JaNair at the county fair and quickly picked it up and turned it over. I was on the verge of nutting, and seeing her face while her cousin was sucking on my dick would’ve halted any chance of that.

  Focusing back on the task at hand, I grabbed a handful of Mya’s hair, pushed her head down, and just held it there at the base. She didn’t gag, she didn’t cough, she didn’t even try to push up for air. All I could feel was her throat constricting on my tip, and her mouth getting wetter and wetter.

  “Sssssss!” I hissed when she did that rolling thing she does with her tongue and dug her nails into my thighs. My eyes rolled into the back of my head, and a chill ran down my spine, causing goose bumps to cover my arms.

  “I’m about to come, Mya” was all that I was able to get out before I exploded a full load down her throat.

  “Mmmm. You taste so good, Jerome,” she said as she got up from under my desk. “I can drink you down every day.”

  I just nodded my head and smiled as I took a wet napkin and cleaned some of the spit she’d left in my lap. Clearing my th
roat, I stood up and looked her directly in the eyes.

  “Mya . . . We can’t do this anymore. The first time was a mistake, and this time . . . well, this time should’ve never happened.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “Why is that, baby?”

  “First off, I’m not your baby. Second, you know I’m in a relationship with your cousin, yet you keep trying to throw the pussy at me every minute.”

  I knew that my holier-than-thou act was two seconds too late, but I was actually starting to feel bad about fucking JaNair’s family behind her back. After the first time it happened, I tried my hardest to avoid Mya, but it was as if she had LoJack on a nigga or something. Everywhere I went, she seemed to pop up. Even at the hospital while I was visiting JaNair, the girl had no chill. She’d flash me while JaNair wasn’t looking or she’d follow me into the bathroom trying to get a quickie while JaNair was asleep.

  The only reason why I let her suck my dick right now was because I was horny as fuck. Her popping up at my office just to say hi is what started it all. I was doing good on dodging her advances, but when she took off her clothes and stood in the middle of my office butt naked, my dick almost busted through my pants. Hell, JaNair couldn’t have sex right now, my baby mama was tripping because I wouldn’t give her the amount of money she wanted, and the little side piece I was humping on, I cut her off a minute ago. A nigga was backed up for real.

  “Jerome, stop playing. You and I both know we’ll be fucking each other again, so you can miss me with all that stop this shit. You ain’t no different from any of JaNair’s other niggas that I’ve had. Once they get a taste of this,” she patted her pussy, “it’s a done deal.”

  With what she just said, I knew I really fucked up by messing with this girl. She was as delusional as fuck. I knew I was partially to blame too for aiding in her delusion. That’s why this was all going to end after today. I was just about to tell her about everything I had going through my mind when there was a knock on the door.


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